irclog2html for #flyspray on 20051219

00:20.06tdakNIGits: Are you using PSI for this chat? Or in other words: Can I use PSI for this chat? (Would need jabber GW?)
00:20.52kNIGitsI'm using X-chat
00:21.18kNIGitsPsi might support IRC through a gateway, but I've never tried it
00:22.42tdaok, using xchat too currently. But while I was away I installed PSI (and like it:
00:27.05kNIGitsPsi is good.  it supports gnupg signed presence, and encrypted chat
00:27.52kNIGitsand it has no damn auto-popups by default
00:28.54tdaI still need to get the concept :-) But that tomorrow. I am sooo tired.. c.u. tomorrow here or in the evening in Australia.
00:30.21kNIGitsg'nite :-)
02:07.38*** join/#flyspray _unski (
02:07.50kNIGitsg'day _unski
02:08.13_unskiflyspray security bug
02:08.17_unskiit's bad
02:08.21kNIGitshit me
02:08.21_unskiwhere should I report it
02:08.32_unskiany user can view any task without any rights
02:08.54_unskiwithout being logged in
02:09.08kNIGitspm me the steps to reproduce
02:09.10_unskijust type random number in "show task #"
02:09.27_unskiI was too fast
02:09.37kNIGitsthat's ok.  keep going
02:10.12_unskiwell, when you have restricted a project so that anyone without being logged in should not see any task
02:11.58kNIGitsI have a restricted project online.  would you show me?
02:12.15_unskiurl, please
02:12.55_unskiit's not so restricted
02:13.02_unskiI'm not even logged in and I see everything
02:13.04kNIGitsproject 3 is private.  try task 445, 446 or 447
02:14.20_unskiit works with that
02:14.25_unskiI mean I don't see them
02:14.41_unskibut in latest devel at least that exsts
02:15.00MrBIOSkNIGits, it's fixed, for the time being
02:15.02kNIGitsok, thanks for telling me that you're using devel
02:15.06MrBIOSmy ISP had some sort of radio backhaul problem
02:15.19MrBIOStheir primary radio backbone failed.
02:15.48kNIGits_unski, let me create a private project on my test server
02:16.29_unskisorry, I thought it affects both
02:18.09kNIGitsok, I see the bug in the devel version.  thank you
02:18.53_unskino problem
02:19.22kNIGitsalthough I don't have any real private projects, I'm glad that I hadn't upgraded the Flyspray BTS yet
02:19.45_unskibtw. there is another bug
02:19.53_unskiit's related to notifications by email
02:20.03kNIGitshit me
02:20.11kNIGitssecurity again?
02:20.11_unskiwe have this mailing list where all the project notifications should be sent
02:20.37_unskithose emails go to sender's address in latest version
02:21.06kNIGitssender's address?  
02:21.21_unskiyes, the one which you can set in properties
02:21.56_unskiadmin toolbox -> pref -> Email notifications -> From Address
02:23.26kNIGitssince we now BCC everyone, we still needed an address to put in the TO field
02:23.46kNIGitshow did you previously send notifications to a ML?
02:24.33_unskimanage project -> preferences -> notifications -> email address
02:24.36_unskiwe use that
02:25.19kNIGitsok, good.  what's the bug? ;-)
02:25.33_unskiwell, I don't even get those notifications
02:26.10_unskiall I see are these copies to "sender" which is totally different address
02:26.10kNIGitsyou?  or the mailing list?
02:26.57_unskiwell, we used addresses in that email address field like this:,, etc.
02:27.03_unskithat is our mailing list
02:27.07_unskiit used to work like that
02:27.14_unskibut I'm not so sure if works anymore
02:27.44_unskiam I using it wrong?
02:27.46kNIGitsok, so you're saying that addresses entered in 'PM Toolbox -> Preferences -> Email address' don't get sent anymore?
02:28.30kNIGitsbut you see multiple copies to "sender"?
02:28.56_unskione copy
02:30.08kNIGitsbut none to the other addresses?  ok, then that's a bug.  I will look at it
02:30.26kNIGitsbtw, thanks for using the devel version, and letting us know the bugs
02:30.37kNIGitsif no-one tells us, it's hard to find all the issues
02:30.44_unskifrom now on, I really will let you know :)
02:31.23kNIGitslooking at your first bug - only the 'show task' form seems affected.  no tasks are shown in the tasklist
02:31.45_unskiyeah, that's why it probably has been unnoticed
02:32.00kNIGitsand also probably because we developers are usually logged in as Admin
02:34.36kNIGitslooking at the $user->can_view_tasks() function now
02:35.12_unskiI think I was too hasty with this notifications bug because now I got a notification
02:35.16_unskibut not always
02:35.30_unskiI cannot really tell if it's bug in my email system or what
02:36.19_unskiabout can_view_tasks: I think that you should check there if project allows anyone to view the task
02:36.48_unskivisible for everyone or how was it called
02:47.27kNIGitsalrighty, I think that I have the 'show task' permission sorted
02:47.58kNIGitsthe permissions backend was totally rewritten in devel.  that's why the bug doesn't exist in 0.9.8 release
02:48.30_unskibtw. there used to be another problem with permissions but I'm not sure if still exists
02:49.00_unskithe case was so that we have a global developer and two projects
02:49.12_unskihe wasn't able to create a task to right project
02:49.28_unskibut he was able to edit the task later and put it in the right project
02:49.48_unskianother project had limited visibility among the users
02:49.53_unskibut he had global rights
02:52.16_unskiand we still have that bug which I already reported to the flyspray list one or two days ago
02:52.38kNIGitslogin failure?
02:53.03kNIGitsdo you hack the Flyspray code at all?
02:53.40_unskiI had to hack so that I can login
02:53.57kNIGitsyes, your email said.  did you hack before that?
02:54.01_unski(yes was for the "login failure" )
02:54.20_unskiI don't hack unless I have to
02:54.23_unskiI can check diff
02:54.53kNIGitsI'm adding some users to my test install for you to try
02:57.43kNIGitsok, I have three test users set up
02:58.04kNIGits(their passwords are the same as usersnames)
02:58.11_unskiwhere do you have it?
02:58.35kNIGitstest1 - global Basic group - Project 3 PM group
02:58.47kNIGitstest2 - global Basic group - Project 3 Users group
02:59.04kNIGitstest3 - global Reporters group - no project memberships
02:59.34kNIGitsdamn, I meant Project 2 for all those
03:00.24_unskican you make test2 global developer?
03:01.58_unskiand can you make those projects not visible for all?
03:02.48_unskitest2 sees 2 times private project
03:02.58_unskiin "switch to..."
03:03.12kNIGitsyou're right
03:05.25_unskisame effect when changing project of a task
03:05.46kNIGitsbut when the Private Project is actually private, it only appears in the list once
03:05.57_unskibut since the layout seems to be different I can't reproduce the original issue
03:06.30_unskibut these findings are most probably related
03:06.44_unskibecause the guy who used it reported that he didn't see the project when needed
03:07.01kNIGitsthe new 'switch project' functionality is still very new
03:07.05_unskinow global dev. sees "too much"
03:07.28_unskithat authentication problem still exists
03:07.37kNIGitshow about now?
03:07.48kNIGitswhich auth problem?
03:08.01_unskilogin problem
03:08.41_unskiok, it seems to work now
03:08.44_unskiat least with test2
03:10.33kNIGitsI haven't been able to reproduce the login problem.  you will have to give exact details about project prefs, user groups and permissions etc
03:10.58_unskiwell, it happens with all users
03:11.31_unskicheckLogin $auth_details['group_open
03:11.52_unski$auth_details['group_open'] = 0 which causes the login failure
03:12.18_unskiwhat does that group_open mean?
03:12.39kNIGitsit means that users can login
03:12.59_unskiso admin group has no login ?
03:13.10_unskiprobably because no admin was able to login
03:13.21kNIGitsadmin group should have every permission set to '1'
03:13.24_unskibut you cannot even change that in preferences
03:13.59kNIGitscheck your database.  perhaps the group_open field was somehow set to '0'
03:15.29_unskiall fields are '0' in admin group
03:15.35_unskiexcept is_admin
03:16.06_unskiI haven't done anything manually to that group
03:16.07kNIGitsmine are all '1' :-)
03:16.39_unskiit's easy to fix
03:16.43kNIGitsahh, I think that I know
03:17.03_unskitell me
03:17.34kNIGitsif you clicked the 'Update details' button when looking at the Admin group... it sets all fields to zero
03:18.13kNIGitsstupid bug
03:18.20_unskiok, I understand the logic
03:18.21kNIGitsI never used to have the button there
03:20.57kNIGitsI remember that someone complained that they couldn't edit the Admin description, so a dev must have put the button back
03:22.03_unskiand here we are :)
03:23.53_unskiI have to say that "switch to..." bar always up there is very confusing
03:24.43_unskifor example, if you are adding a new task and you are in wrong project you have to switch to the right project first
03:24.51_unskiand then click "add new task"
03:25.12_unskiin new task form there is no possibility to change the project
03:26.03_unskithe confusion comes from the fact that user easily tries to change the project for new task from there
03:26.09_unskijust like I did 5 minutes ago
03:26.24_unskiI was wondering then that why on earth was the task in wrong project
03:27.29kNIGitsthat's how it should work.  if you are adding a new task to the wrong project, you should be able to switch to the right one
03:28.49_unskiwell, it's a matter of opinion always
03:29.09_unskibtw. assigned to field in the task list is not showing the assignees
03:29.10kNIGitshmm, something's broken here.  I can't login as super anymore
03:29.19kNIGitsyes, that's known
03:29.20_unskiI guess it's still to be done?
03:29.34_unskidid you nullify admin group rights? ;)
03:29.42kNIGitsyes, but I changed them back
03:29.42_unskiI know a very fast way to do that
03:30.08kNIGitsahh, I see what I did.
03:33.28_unskiI have to get to bed soon
03:33.42_unskiit's 5.30 AM(!) here in Finland
03:34.17kNIGitsyou should get OUT of bed soon
03:34.54_unskiwell, my rhythm is a bit funny nowadays
03:35.08_unskibeing a fulltime student again is taking its toll :)
03:35.41_unskibut good night and I'll be waiting for fixes
03:35.54kNIGitsI look forward to you being here again, g'nite
04:35.46*** join/#flyspray tda (
06:03.22*** join/#flyspray floele (
06:03.22*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
06:24.25kNIGitsmorning floele
06:27.00kNIGitswe found a few issues with your 'switch project' feature :-)
06:40.12floelelet me hear :)
06:40.51kNIGitsif I'm on an Admin Toolbox page, and switch project, I get the same page, but with blank entries
06:41.46floeledoesn't happen in my bts
06:42.48kNIGitstry editing a global group, then switching
06:43.46floeleok, that "works"
06:47.36*** join/#flyspray kNIGits_ (
06:47.36*** mode/#flyspray [+o kNIGits_] by ChanServ
06:48.36floeleI have an idea how to fix this bug...I'll try it
06:48.41kNIGitsthe last thing I got from you was "ok, that works".  did I miss anything?
06:52.01kNIGitsI'm not sure where the user should be taken
06:53.15floeleit happens because id=X is missingn in the URL
06:55.50floelelooks like the fix works
06:56.12kNIGitsbtw, I made my annual svn commit today, so you'd better update :-)
06:56.32floeleI already noticed
06:57.26floeleI am not quite sure about the fix though
06:57.39floeleI guess it needs a little improvement
06:57.43kNIGitsmy fix or yours?
06:58.15floelemy one of course ;)
07:00.20floelewhere else does this error occur?
07:03.33kNIGitshaven't really checked beyond that
07:12.31kNIGitshere's an idea for the tasklist:
07:23.47floelewhat advantage does it have?
09:38.20tdakNIGits, could you please try activewidgets demo in konqueror? My konqueror has javascripe enabled globally but does not display the grid while firefox does.
09:48.01*** join/#flyspray wserg (n=wserg@
10:27.14*** join/#flyspray kNIGits (
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10:41.21wsergHello, is there anybody?
10:45.30*** join/#flyspray kNIGits (
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11:28.35tdakNIGits, could you please try activewidgets demo in konqueror? My konqueror has javascripe enabled globally but does not display the grid while firefox does.
12:00.48*** part/#flyspray wserg (n=wserg@
14:59.13*** join/#flyspray floele (
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15:50.24MadCoderI finally uploaded update1 to debian
15:50.31MadCoder!lart macnewbold
15:50.36MadCoder!lart MadCoder
15:50.39MadCoder~lart MadCoder
16:32.55macnewboldg'day all
16:36.00macnewbold~bonk MadCoder
16:36.02jbotACTION bonks MadCoder over the head
16:36.49MadCoder~lart jbot (my head is touchy)
17:23.20*** join/#flyspray MrBIOS-work (n=aperez@
17:31.57tdahi all - wild west here?
17:32.07MrBIOS-workguten morgen
17:32.29tdaHallo MrBIOS
17:32.53tdaSchöne Fräulein at your work? :-)
17:33.12MrBIOS-workguess you're not using unicode :)
17:33.35tdaOh, I am not. Don't know about xchat...
17:33.58MrBIOS-workall IRC should ues UTF8 IMHO :)
17:34.40MrBIOS-workthere is a way with xchat
17:34.58tdaAlt-F4 - like windows
17:36.52*** join/#flyspray tda (
17:37.21tdaDoes that look like the strange german umlauts?
17:39.02floeleit does for me
17:39.13tdaDanke :-)
17:39.35floelebut it did before too ;)
17:39.38MrBIOS-workI get question marks...perhaps my crappy client is to blame
17:40.09tdaI have no idea if xchat is really using UTF8 or just pretending...
17:40.12MrBIOS-workit says my encoding is set to UTF8
17:40.22MrBIOS-workI suspect it's not, if floele can see them but I cannot
17:40.41tdafloele also has a german charset installed.
17:40.41MrBIOS-workI don't seem to ever have had a problem with non-latin1 text before.
17:40.55tdaso it IS my client.
17:41.14MrBIOS-workyes he does, which lends significant weight to the likelihood that your client isn't spewing out UTF8. No worries, though.
17:41.59MrBIOS-workThat's about the worst way I can imagine to wake up short of starvation and physical harm
17:45.07tdafloele: Benutzt Du Jabber? Ich wollte mal PSI testen.
17:46.21MrBIOS-work"As reported on the Mars-net email list Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society's resident satcom + WLAN guru Paul J. Marsh (M0EYT) has managed to detect and receive NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on X band at a staggering range of 45 million miles from Earth using a home made receiver setup and a RFspace SDR-14 software radio."
17:46.26MrBIOS-workvery cool
17:50.14tdanot bad.
17:51.16MrBIOS-workthe power of Software Defined Radios is amazing
18:30.09macnewbold~wtf tda
18:31.58floele~wake tda
18:31.59jbottda: GOOD MORNING!!!
18:43.20*** join/#flyspray MrBIOS-work (n=aperez@
18:43.29MrBIOS-workThis is hilarious
18:43.45MrBIOS-workan EXCELLENT rap parody
18:43.54MrBIOS-work(music video)
19:01.55*** join/#flyspray gUHU (n=bundi@
19:28.31*** join/#flyspray teranex (
19:41.01MrBIOS-workare you guys working on PDO support for PHP?
19:41.06MrBIOS-workfor Flyspray, rather?
19:43.10tdaPDO is just great!
19:45.11MrBIOS-workyes, but that's not what I asked ;-)
19:45.17floeleI don't think that we will work soon on that though. PHP 5.1 isn't widespread enough ;)
19:45.24*** join/#flyspray teranex (
19:45.35MrBIOS-workfloele: sure but you could support both  PDO and ADODB for an interim period, yes?
19:46.13floelehow would you do that? maintain 2 versions of flyspray?
19:46.13MrBIOS-workand PDO is available for earlier versions of PHP, just not enabled by default
19:47.33floeleI don't think that we should prefer it because we developers make use of it. I don't want anyone to install extensions for PHP only to run flyspray
19:50.17*** join/#flyspray teranex (
19:53.59tdaAs I know how much work such a change is: This should be considered carefully.
19:54.12*** join/#flyspray teranex (
19:54.48tdaPDO is great but as flyspray works very well the way it is, this should be a request targeted to dec.06 earliest.
19:57.04tdaFrom my point of view PDO needs to show that it works before. Even if it was available before that does not prove it works as good as ADO. Nevertheless, I like the concept.
19:57.10floelehabe grade noch was an der roadmap verbessert (sorry, jabber geht bei mir grade nicht)
19:57.28floeleeinmal CSS aktualisieren
19:57.30tdaHab ich gemerkt :-)
19:57.44floelesieht besser aus so, oder?
19:57.55tdaWäre es möglich, "Roadmap für Version" vor die Versionsnummer zu schreiben?
19:58.23floelenaja, obendrüber steht doch auch schon roadmap
19:58.53tdaDie Farben kommen gut.
19:59.02floelehab ich mir auch gedacht :)
20:00.29tdaHmm, überlege gerade... Wenn die Roadmap 50 Punkte hat, muss man jeden einmal anklicken, um die Erläuterung zu sehen. Aber immerhin ist es möglich.
20:01.20floelene, ein "expand-all" knpof ist schon in planung
20:02.01tdaKönntest Du nach jedem Detail noch eine Leerzeile einbauen? Dann kann man den Text mit Copy&Paste in einen Editor einfügen.
20:02.50tdaZur Zeit ist in diesem Fall eine Leerzeile zwischen Zusammenfassung und Detail, danach aber nicht.
20:03.52tdaGefällt mir richtig gut!
20:04.20floelefreut mich :)
20:04.37tdaHabt Ihr Aufgabe #nnn in FS#nnn umbenannt?
20:05.18floeleprobier das mit dem leerzeichen nochmal
20:05.23floelene, das war schon immer so
20:06.26tdaWir hatten im Support immer den Streit, wie die Dinge heißen. Ich wollte Trouble Ticket (TT), aber das waren die Initialen meines engl. Vorgesetzten und der wollte das absolut nicht. Also haben wir in Deutschland TT benutzt und die in England PR für problem report :-) ID wäre für eine Roadmap am neutralsten. FS muss man erklären.
20:07.21floeledas stimmt woh
20:07.31floelealternativ "bug nn"
20:08.02tdaAber ein Feature ist eben doch kein bug. (Auch wenn bei uns alles rot ist :-)
20:08.22floelealso hättest du gerne das kürzel ID#nn in FS?
20:09.01tdaFür die Roadmap wäre das wahrscheinlich besser, da ID nicht erklärt werden muss, wenn man die Roadmap nach außen gibt.
20:10.10floelehm, ich weiß aber nicht ob ich das einfach in FS einbauen kann - vll änderst du bei dir im BTS einfach die entsprechende stelle
20:10.29tdaLiegt das an meiner Darstellung oder steht im Quellcode "do=details&id=2" anstatt "do=details&id=2"
20:10.54floeledas ist so
20:10.57floelebzw. muss so
20:10.58tdaAch so, der String kommt aus der Datenbank? Dann lass es so.
20:11.21floeleincludes/class.tpl.php Zeile 209
20:11.38floelealso bei der dev-version
20:11.45tdaoops, habe den Quellcode nur auf dem Server im Internet...
20:12.04floeleund evtl noch zeile 433
20:12.25floelemusste dir mal angucken bei gelegenheit ;)
20:12.44tdaMach ich doch gleich mal.
20:12.56floelevll sollte es dafür auch eine einstellung in Flyspray geben sodass jedes project/produkt ein eigene kürzel hat
20:13.18tdaIst zwar aufwändiger, aber natürlich auch eleganter.
20:13.21floeleam besten du fragst mal kNIGits, wenn er OK sagt kann ich das einbauen
20:13.25*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:13.39floeleoder ich frage ihn wenn ich ihn vor dir sehe ;)
20:14.50*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:15.38floelewie war das jetzt mit "roadmap for Version#"?
20:16.08tdaOh, bei unserer Version gab es class.tpl.php noch nicht...
20:16.34tdaMom, ich kopiere den Text noch mal kurz in den Editor für roadmap...
20:17.15floelesag ja, das geht nur für 0.9.9
20:17.38floele0.9.7 gucke ich mir besser nicht mehr an ;)
20:17.43tdaHmm, bei uns würde damit dort stehen "Roadmap for Technischer Support M... Technologies"
20:18.18tda:-) Ich bin schuld. Wir haben das Upgrade verschlafen.
20:18.38floelenaja, 0.9.9 ist wie du vielleicht weiß noch nicht fertig
20:18.45floeleund da gibt's verschiedene versionen beim support?
20:19.20tdaEben nicht. Da wir nur ein Produkt haben, launchen wir Version 3.0 des Produktes. Aber das Projekt heisst zur Zeit so.
20:20.21tdaIch fände es schöner, wenn dort stände "Roadmap for 1.0" und in der Überschrift nur das Projekt.
20:20.37floelemal ausprobieren ;)
20:20.53tdaLetztendlich kann ich aber sehr gut mit der jetzigen Lösung leben, da ich den Text eh in einen ASCII Editor paste.
20:21.11tdaUnd die Roadmap erscheint garantiert nicht jeden Tag.
20:21.25tdaAlso kann man das locker manuell ändern.
20:21.55floeleich denke aber auch dass es so besser ist. "1.0" ist immer so wenig text für eine überschrift
20:21.59tdaAber für den Online-Zugriff sieht es wahrscheinlich besser aus, wenn Roadmap bei der Version steht, statt im Projekt.
20:22.41tdaGefällt mir
20:23.29*** join/#flyspray odoc (
20:23.45tdaOder soll dort noch das Wort "version" stehen?
20:24.17tdaDa es in den Eingabefeldern steht, wird sich (hoffentlich) niemand die Mühe machen und das nochmal in das Feld selbst eintragen.
20:24.59*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:25.05tdaBerichtete Version  2.35, Fällig in Version   3.00
20:25.20tdaKeine Ahnung, wie das im Original heisst.
20:25.47floele"due in version"
20:25.55floeleich finde die übersetzung nicht so toll
20:26.01floelenaja, hab es mal geändert
20:26.20*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:26.22tdaIch habe noch was entdeckt.
20:26.39tdaDie Roadmap darf nur Dinge enthalten, die angenommen wurden.
20:27.00tda-> Assigned
20:27.01floeleaber wenn etwas "due in" hat ist es doch angenommen?
20:27.10floelene, das muss nicht
20:27.26floelees gibt auch aufgaben um die sich noch keiner kümmert, die aber noch erledigt werden müssen
20:28.05tdaSolange kein non-admin das due Datum setzen darf, funktioniert das natürlich. Logo.
20:28.30tdaNee, due in version... nicht due date. Oder?
20:28.59*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:29.01floeleaber non.admins können das nicht
20:29.05floeleentwickler vielleicht noch
20:29.24tdadann ist das ja kein Problem. Sonst könnte ja jeder die Roadmap mitbestimmen :-))
20:29.33floelewär ja noch schöner wenn die benutzer neuderings entscheiden können *wann* etwas fertiggestellt wird ;)
20:29.52floeledann müssen sie schon gut bezahlen ;)
20:30.35tdaMit Version gefällt mir erheblich besser.
20:31.39floelegut gut
20:31.53floelewo denkst du könnte ich den link hinsetzen mit dem man alles aufklappt?
20:32.14tdaHinter Roadmap for version?
20:32.29tdaSchau mal: "50% 48% of 4 tasks completed. 3 open tasks:"
20:32.32floelehm, wär vielleicht nicht schlecht
20:32.56tdaDie Grafik sagt im Alt-Text 50%, der Text dahinter 48% :-)
20:33.13floeleso besser?
20:33.41floelevergiss nicht dass man das ding auch ausdrucken kann ;)
20:33.44floelealso richtig
20:33.56tda?? Ich sehe keinen Unterschied.
20:34.24floeleder alt-text ist weg
20:35.58tdaDie Textdarstellung ist besser. Die behindertengerechte Darstellung dafür weg. Schwer zu sagen...
20:37.02tdaBraucht man die Grafik überhaupt?
20:38.06tdaOh, ich sehe gerade, dass die Grafik vergrößert ist. Klein gefällt sie mir auch. (wie wäre es hinter "Roadmap for..."?)
20:38.14floelelangsam ;)
20:38.43tdaok :)
20:38.52floeledie "behindertengerechte Darstellung" ist nicht weg, da der text noch vorhanden ist
20:39.02floelees ist sogar besser so
20:39.24floeleoder willst du 50% 48$ of bla completed hören?
20:39.32floeledie grafik braucht man
20:39.43floeledas macht den status sofort klar
20:39.58floeleob man sie lieber kleiner macht - weiß ich nicht
20:40.31tdaSoweit ich weiß, stellt der IE nicht das title, sondern das alt-tag als bubblehelp dar.
20:40.38tdaHalt MS.
20:40.42floeledas weiß ich
20:40.47floeleaber stört mich nicht ;)
20:40.57floelebeim IE sieht sowieso alles doof aus
20:40.57tda:-) LOL
20:41.35tdaDie haben nicht wirklich die Absicht, die Standards zu unterstützen. kNIGits hat ja auch so ein schönes Beispiel auf seiner Site.
20:41.52tdaAlso: Mir gefällt es so.
20:42.10tdaKleiner würde mir auch gefallen.
20:42.45floeledu kannst es ja nacher im template beliebig ändern
20:43.09tdaOK, hinter der Roadmap wäre "float". Das ist ein wenig ätzend zu schreiben...
20:43.21*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:45.09tdastyle="float:right; margin-left:10px;"
20:45.10kNIGitsg'morning all
20:45.41floelewas ist mit dem float?
20:46.00tdafloele: Im H3 tag: <h3 style="..."></h3><img...>
20:46.04floeleyou like it too?
20:46.31floelewas soll das dann bringen? bild neben überschrift?
20:46.41*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:47.53floelenaja, muss ich mal schaun
20:47.59floelehab erstmal expand-all reingesetzt
20:48.09floelemusst dazu auf roadmap for ... clicken
20:51.08floeleok :)
20:51.10kNIGitsdoes the roadmap really need to have task details on it, or were you just playing around?
20:51.22floeletda wants it ;)
20:51.36kNIGits~lart tda
20:52.01floeledid you have a look at my latest patches?
20:52.14kNIGitsnot yet, I only just got out of bed :-P
20:53.27kNIGitsI'm guessing that you committed wiki formatting?
20:53.42floeleand some search features
20:54.02*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:54.07tdakNIGits: what is ~lart?????
20:54.15tda~lart kNIGits
20:54.34floeleLuser Attitude Readjustment Tool
20:54.38floelewie auch immer
20:55.04*** join/#flyspray teranex (
20:55.23floele~wtf lart
20:55.32kNIGitsheh, anders committed a replacement for switchcontent already
20:57.18kNIGitspity it's a bit buggy :-(
20:57.48floelebut I am sure that he'll fix it
20:58.06kNIGitsno cookie to remember state, and the +/- is wrong when you first open the page
21:01.25kNIGitsok, I've caught up on my mail
21:04.09kNIGitssorry for killing the german conversation.  I'll go again
21:06.47floeleno, I think we were done ;)
21:07.03floeleso, any comments on my patches?
21:07.48kNIGitsthe 'search for all words' checkbox
21:08.11kNIGitsif it's not checked, it searches for tasks containing one of the search words?
21:08.50kNIGitsand if it IS checked it searches for tasks containing all the words... together, or any of the words anywhere in the task?
21:09.09floeleall words anywhere in a task
21:09.36kNIGitsso the words don't have to be next to each other
21:10.58kNIGitsok then.  the old way would only search for all words together, right?
21:11.41kNIGitsthought so
21:11.43floeleand this is confusing I think
21:12.45kNIGitsok, without checked it is boolean OR.  with checked it is boolean AND
21:12.51kNIGitsthe old way was a phrase search
21:14.39kNIGitsit's good, but I would still like my phrase search :-)
21:14.39MrBIOS-workmy boss wants to request a feature in Flyspray :)
21:14.40kNIGitsoh?  hit me
21:14.40MrBIOS-workhe wants bugreports to be able to be posted for review/preview by him before actually going live.
21:14.54MrBIOS-workso our employees can submit them, then he can actually make them good reports.
21:15.09floelekNIGits: maybe I should add a feature "my+phrase"?
21:15.15MrBIOS-worksomething like email notification plus a column to mark each bug as "pre-posted" or something
21:15.50*** part/#flyspray odoc (
21:16.15MrBIOS-workI dont know if any other bugtrackers have any sort of thing like that
21:16.33MrBIOS-workits necessary for a couple of reasons. otherwise we have to work around the bugreport system
21:16.52MrBIOS-workby having people mail my boss directly with the info, then he has to enter it into the system and flesh it out again
21:17.13kNIGitsfloele, that could work
21:17.23tdaDoes the state-change not do that for you MrBIOS?
21:17.25floeleok, I'll keep it in mind
21:17.59tdaCurrently we work around this by hiding each new entry manually.
21:18.15kNIGitssounds like he wants unconfirmed tasks to be hidden from everyone except project managers
21:18.32floeleI'll go to bed now, cya
21:18.41kNIGitsoh!  ok, g'nite floele
21:18.50kNIGitsthanks for your work today
21:18.54tdac.u. floele. And thank you again!!!!
21:18.54MrBIOS-workyes essentially...but then also to have notifications of the unconfirmed tasks sent to him so he knows new bugs need review.
21:18.57floelemy pleasure :)
21:20.09tdaIn the commercial world some competitor could otherwise add some misinformation for other customers. (just an example)
21:20.55kNIGitsthe only problem is that if a customer enters a real bug, and it's hidden, he might think that it's not yet added, and try to add it again
21:22.12tdaSo if it would be excluded from the list view until processed and the user gets a "thank you - we will review your report" message?
21:23.22tdaWell, as we still use 0.9.7 I currently do not get email notification at all as there was an issue with the paths. I'm sure that is fixed now.
21:24.43kNIGits0.9.7?  that's way old
21:26.48tdawell - it works :-)
21:27.02kNIGitsit has some nasty bugs tho
21:27.18tdaI know. Should I upgrade *now*??
21:27.27kNIGitsto 0.9.8, yes
21:27.52kNIGitsfixes security bugs...
21:28.31tdaIt has about 160 entries. (2 bugs, the rest is roadmap)
21:29.08kNIGitsif you're worried about the upgrader, backup your database tables
21:29.14tdaIs there a security issue with the login screen itself? Only known people have an account.
21:29.47tda:-) I back up the database every night, even if this is a remote server.
21:30.17tda~larc tda
21:30.24tda~lark tda
21:30.40tda~lart tda
21:30.50tda~lart tda
21:31.04tda~lart tda
21:35.31*** join/#flyspray Le6o (
21:35.56kNIGitswelcome back, Le6o
21:38.17tdakNIGits: can I just copy over existing files? i.e. replace 0.9.7 files by 0.9.8 files?
21:38.56kNIGitsyou can do that.  personally, I remove everything but the attachments/ directory, and then copy in the new files.  that way no legacy files are taking up space
21:39.58kNIGitsback up your flyspray.conf.php so that you can refer to the old settings if you need to.  the 0.9.8 installer is a bit quirky
21:40.44tdayes, I wanted to rename the dir...
21:40.49kNIGitsensure that there is a blank flyspray.conf.php file in flyspray's root, and that the webserver can write to it
21:41.49tdaDid you add something to the conf file?? Otherwise I could just use the current one...
21:42.14kNIGitsthere is new stuff, yes
21:42.33kNIGitsyou need to have a blank one for the installer/upgrader to run
21:42.50kNIGitsit's silly, and I didn't want it that way... but I wasn't the one writing it
21:44.49MrBIOS-workkNIGits: the way our workflow is, that is not a problem, since everyone entering bugs will know they aren't going active.
21:45.04MrBIOS-workyou could even have that stated in the e-mail notification
21:51.07tdaFound a minor error: After installation the URL is .../setup instead of .../setup/index.php. We took some measures that index.php is *not* called automatically.
21:55.31tdakNIGits: oops, cannot call setup/index.php and have no bad entry in error.log
21:56.16kNIGitsyou can probably do the upgrade manually, but you'd need to search old svn revisions for a copy of upgrade_attachments.php
21:58.19MrBIOS-workkNIGits: does that make sense?
22:01.37tdaIf I do an install, what about the current database content? Does it need to be converted?
22:01.53tdaOr must I use upgrade?
22:02.18kNIGitsthe database structure had changed a little, yes
22:02.43kNIGitssome content needs to be shuffled around to suit the new comments+files attachment system
22:02.54tdaSo clean install you meant the files only?
22:03.09kNIGitsI don't understand that question
22:03.20MrBIOS-workthat's because it's nonsensical :)
22:04.26tda:-) OK, I understood.
22:09.28tdaHmm, I can login... using my old account ... but there are no tickets...
22:11.01tdaThere are no operating systems defined (were ... a lot), no versions any more (were a lot too)
22:12.44tdaFatal error: gettaskdetails(): Failed opening required 'lang/de/status.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/var/www/mainskill/extranet/support') in /var/www/mainskill/extranet/support/includes/ on line 192
22:14.58tdaYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! It rocks!
22:16.00tdaInstallation worked.
22:16.13kNIGitswith a bit of trouble, it looks like
22:16.26tdaHow can I select the number of lines to display in the new pager?
22:16.41kNIGitsin your profile
22:16.56tdaThat's better than in 0.9.7
22:17.40tdaThe problems above came from my language setting.
22:18.28tdaThe database contained german but 0.9.8 was engl. So some files in lang/de were missing and some items were just not displayed.
22:23.22MrBIOS-workwhy didn't you guys version 0.9.8 as 0.9.9?
22:23.32tdaseems I need to support floele a bit with german translation. He already told me...
22:24.21kNIGitsMrBIOS-work, I don't understand that question, either
22:24.55MrBIOS-workWhy didn't you make 0.9.8pre1 versioned as 0.9.9?
22:25.26kNIGitsI don't recall making a 0.9.8pre1
22:25.47MrBIOS-worksorry, not pre1
22:25.53MrBIOS-workthe update  to 0.9.8
22:26.03MrBIOS-workwhy didn't you just release it as 0.9.9?
22:26.13kNIGitsbecause all it did was fix a couple of nasty bugs
22:26.29MrBIOS-workso what? that's certainly worthy of a new release.
22:26.49kNIGitsthe plan is to have all the good features in 0.9.9, then 1.0 will be the bugfixed version
22:27.21MrBIOS-workwell, about 20 people would LOVE to ese this feature I requested :)
22:27.36MrBIOS-workand I suspect it would be useful for other groups
22:27.46MrBIOS-workits great for politically charged situations
22:27.57MrBIOS-workbecause then the requests aren't coming directly through from an underling to a programmer.
22:28.18MrBIOS-worka lot of managers don't like the idea of that because it does break the chain of command, so to speak.
22:28.35MrBIOS-workbut they do recognize the value of a bugtracker
22:32.40tdaI support the idea because we have a similar problem. If a customer enteres a trouble ticket we would like to release it before some other customers sees the ticket. Let's call it we want some level of control about customer's trouble tickets.
22:33.20tdaThe commercial world is not really working together like the community.
22:34.33kNIGitswell, the 'community' isn't working well together either
22:34.45tdaSo for our request it would be enough if tickets not accepted yet were only visible to development and above.
22:35.01tdaoh, I thought so...
22:35.41tdaAbout Jabber: Should I create an account just for flyspray??
22:36.25tdaDo you have a jabber account of its own for flyspray??
22:36.37kNIGitsI do
22:36.46kNIGitsit just forwards flyspray notifications, nothing else
22:37.59tdaSo I'll create one in swizerland. They have better laws that we have...
22:44.41*** join/#flyspray chillywilly (
22:44.46chillywillyflyspray rocks
22:44.48chillywillythat is all
22:44.55kNIGitsthank you, and goodnight :-)
22:45.29chillywillyno no no, thank YOU
22:45.51chillywillyI shoudl be beaten for even looking at any other bug/issues/task tracker
22:45.56kNIGitsdon't throw flowers, we prefer the bruises from being hit by money :-D
22:46.01chillywillymy humble apologies
22:46.19kNIGitskidding, of course.  my wife loves flowers
22:49.00kNIGitsI'm glad you like our tool.  anything you think it needs?
22:51.06MrBIOS-workmanager approval system ;-)
22:51.16*** join/#flyspray odoc (
22:51.21tdaIs there any way to test the jabber connection of FS works?
22:51.30kNIGitstrigger a notification?
22:51.31tda~lart MrBIOS-work
22:51.37MrBIOS-workjbot:  :)
22:51.56tdakNIGits: yes
22:54.52tdajbot: hello world
22:54.54jbotfrom memory, hello world is 10 PRINT "Hello World!", or perl -e 'print "Hello World!\n";', or int main() { puts("Hello World!"); }
22:55.22tdasmall things make kids happy :-)
22:57.59chillywillykNIGits: it needs to make a mean cup of java
22:58.13chillywillykNIGits: how about some better reporting ;)?
22:58.27chillywillykNIGits: pretty graphs that make the bosses happy
22:59.31MrBIOS-workjust the most crude of statistics would be a good start
22:59.41MrBIOS-workwow, me speak good engrish
23:00.02chillywillythis is the one weakness in flyspray...if you're going to track tasks then you need to know wtf you're spending the most time on
23:00.09chillywillyand such
23:00.58chillywillyhow frequently the same issues arise
23:01.05chillywillywho is sucking most of your time
23:01.09chillywillycrap like that
23:01.23MrBIOS-workyes, who constantly submits miscategorized bugs :)
23:01.34MrBIOS-workwho submits the most bugs that ultimately get fixed
23:01.40MrBIOS-workwho submits the most bogus bugs
23:01.44chillywillywho fixes the most bugs
23:01.52MrBIOS-workad infinitum
23:02.45MrBIOS-worklies, damn lies, and statistics
23:02.46kNIGitsthe reports page was submitted by someone who hasn't had the time to enhance it, or even keep it up-to-date
23:03.04MrBIOS-workunderstantable, you take what you cna get
23:03.04chillywillyyou guys ever use trac?
23:03.13chillywillythey have a nifty report builder
23:03.14kNIGitsno, but I've seen it.  very nice looking
23:03.48kNIGitsas you requested...
23:04.00kNIGits~lart chillywilly
23:04.09kNIGitswhoa, that was nasty
23:04.22tdaSo we should use floele's roadmap module to collect items like this?
23:04.46kNIGitsok guys, I'm afk for a bit ??
23:10.44chillywillytrac has some really cool stuff in it
23:10.58chillywillyif it did a multi-project type view of things I'd probabyl use it
23:11.14chillywillybut it only works well for 1 project and I am not a 1 project man
23:11.43chillywillyhell I even looked at CollabNet (that thing is scary)
23:11.59chillywillycan't even log in to the thing anymore
23:12.14chillywillyand now they're going to call be 5 days before my free trial is up (bah)
23:15.10chillywillythe web UI is fugly too
23:22.28chillywillywake up ppl
23:22.41kNIGitsFlyspray started out as single project
23:22.43chillywillyweee, almost time to go home
23:22.52kNIGitsmulti-project was one of the first requests
23:23.08MrBIOS-workchillywilly: where are you, CST?
23:23.10chillywillywell the trac 2.0 milestone says they will implement proper muilti-project support
23:23.32chillywillyin the grest white nort ;)
23:23.45chillywillyj/k, WI actually but close enough
23:24.31chillywillygreat too
23:25.08chillywillythere's no way to remove a project eh?
23:25.17chillywillywhat if you fuckup and now have a duplicate?
23:25.18MrBIOS-workI complained about that as well :)
23:25.26chillywillyit just sits there forever
23:25.39macnewboldchillywilly: this channel is rated PG, please watch your language
23:25.47chillywillyI have 2 project with the same name now :-/
23:25.55macnewboldrename one of them?
23:26.14macnewboldthat's the other way
23:26.28kNIGitshahaha, macnewbold
23:26.39macnewboldonce a project has groups, tasks, categories, etc., its just too hard to delete one safely
23:26.47kNIGitsMrBIOS-work is the worst language offender, but I've not bashed him up yet
23:27.06MrBIOS-worksorry, didn't know it was frowned upon
23:27.08macnewboldwell, okay
23:27.16MrBIOS-workmost channels don't give a sh**
23:27.16chillywillyI am a big boy and my mommy says I can watch R ratee movies now
23:27.19macnewboldI may be the only one who frowns on it ;)
23:27.28MrBIOS-workchillywilly: that's my take on it as well
23:27.30macnewboldI'm from utah, what can I say...
23:27.41chillywillyare you mormon?
23:27.44MrBIOS-workmacnewbold: then utah should have its own special IRC servers
23:28.05chillywillyjust let it go...
23:28.19chillywillyis it time to go home yet?
23:28.25macnewboldthe other channels I hang out in are #uphpu and #utah, both of which are also self-regulated
23:28.36macnewboldchillywilly: yes, I am
23:28.56chillywillysorry ;)
23:29.15kNIGitsI prefer not to use profanity where possible, but I don't kick/ban anyone for it
23:29.25macnewboldI just have never seen a need for foul language, so it still is a little hard on the ears/eyes, and most people I talk to (online or otherwise) are polite enough not to use it where it is found offensive
23:29.31macnewboldright, kNIGits, same here
23:29.40MrBIOS-workmost of the mormons I know are "jack mormons"
23:29.41macnewboldunless they're just being offensive for the sake of being offensive
23:30.00macnewboldMrBIOS-work: yeah, unfortunately, about half, give or take, fall into that category
23:30.03kNIGitsI try not to say anything in IRC that I wouldn't say IRL
23:30.05macnewboldit varies in different places
23:30.11macnewboldkNIGits: exactly
23:30.17MrBIOS-workWell, I live in ;-)
23:30.25chillywillyI let the f bomb drop when I shouldn't
23:30.29macnewboldsome people think online is this whole different world where that kind of thing doesn't matter
23:30.49macnewboldyeah, california has a large LDS population in places
23:31.27chillywillywe have cheese, porn, and beer when you cross the WI border
23:32.28chillywillythose are the first things you see
23:33.08chillywillyisn't that special?
23:35.17tdakNIGits: What can I do to test jabber? Did not get it to work yet.
23:36.53*** part/#flyspray odoc (
23:38.00chillywillyalright time to go home
23:41.02kNIGitstda, put your personal jabber id in your profile, and set your notification type to jabber
23:41.15tdaI did :-(
23:41.28kNIGitsadd yourself to the notify list on a task, then have another user add a comment to that task
23:42.00tdaanother?? So it is not enough if I just do it. OK that was it.
23:43.30macnewboldnotifications aren't sent to the person that caused them
23:43.35MrBIOS-workyes that is by design :)
23:44.37tdaquite understandable
23:44.58tdaBut as it seems also not if use another user :-(
23:45.19tdaIs there any kind of log?
23:46.51MrBIOS-worksounds like another feature request :)
23:47.07tdaAdmin toolbox: Jabber notification is set to the sender's jabber address. is that correct?
23:47.55kNIGitsah, I know
23:48.15kNIGitsJabber notifications now require that you activate schedule.php regularly
23:48.35kNIGitssince they're now stored, and periodically sent out by schedule.php.  yes, a cronjob would do it
23:49.21kNIGitscron -> wget -> scripts/schedule.php
23:49.29kNIGits-> /dev/null
23:49.37tdaok, so no cli
23:49.55kNIGitsif you just want to force the notification right now, load scripts/schedule.php in your browser
23:50.06kNIGitsyou'll get some output that tells you if it's working
23:51.19tdatakes long...
23:51.36tda...very long
23:52.21tdaYES! it worked.
23:52.51kNIGitsthat's why we don't send jabber notifications from the modify page, but store them instead.  it would make Flyspray just lock up
23:53.14tdaThats what we do in our own sw.
23:54.11*** part/#flyspray Le6o (
23:54.17tdaPSI is just great :-) Had some problems deleting the server account from my local PSI but now it works.
23:56.06tda"*/15 * * * *   /usr/bin/lynx -noprint -dump > /dev/null" should do it.
23:56.29kNIGitsPsi is quite good.  it doesn't have silly flashy features that 12 year old kids love, but it's a sensible program for adults
23:59.36tdakNIGits: What are the remote scripts usefull for? Aren't they more a security risk than benefit?
23:59.55kNIGitsyeah, delete them :-)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.