IRC log for #flow3 on 20120827

02:02.57*** join/#flow3 boonkerz_ (
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06:39.19afoedergood morning everyone
06:39.26radmiraalgood morning :)
06:40.18afoederradmiraal: what a coincidence ;)
06:40.25radmiraalyou think so?
06:41.43afoederyes I just updated this: ; so, is my assumption right that this is the same problem?
06:42.33radmiraalI think so ;)
06:42.49afoederso both are thinking, fine :)
06:42.55radmiraalit's indeed an area where we have to be really careful
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06:43.02mvtamorning mates
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06:43.30radmiraalwe had a HTML element on the website with a twitter feed
06:43.52radmiraalcaused nice problems ;)
06:43.57radmiraaland morning mvta :)
06:44.08mvtahey, I have a problem with Extbase ( wrong channel I know ) could anybody give me a hand?
06:44.18radmiraalI need my hands today....
06:44.54radmiraalbut I'll keep an eye in this channel a bit :)
06:45.21radmiraalafoeder: "I want to make a content element for a slider, ie a wrapping element with n "slide items"... what would be the correct architecture (Phoenix of course)"
06:45.30radmiraallook at the YouTube / Registration plugin in the demo site
06:45.38afoederthat phraseology seems familiar
06:46.00mvtaI'm extending Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser
06:46.18afoederuh ok radmiraal... what does it do / where is it comparable?
06:46.35afoederare these tabs or so?
06:46.36afoedermoin ChristianM
06:46.39radmiraalyou want to create a new content element right?
06:46.53afoederradmiraal, right
06:47.38ChristianMafoeder we currently don't have a way of contraining elements in sections
06:48.07ChristianMlike the container, element stuff from templavoila
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06:48.09afoederconstraining? or containing? ;)
06:48.19ChristianMups constraining
06:48.46afoederwell it mustn' be constrained (ie forced?) Just working in any way would be good
06:48.51radmiraalmvta: will you still post some more parts of the question? :)
06:49.32radmiraalcreating a slider plugin should be possible, I'm just not sure if we support settings to configure the 'n items' yet... ChristianM?
06:49.35ChristianMafoeder, then create a 1 column "multi-column" element and a slide content elemeent
06:49.56ChristianMradmiraal see below
06:50.05mvtaPHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function attach() on a non-object in /typo3/nucleo/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Domain/Model/FrontendUser.php on line 215,
06:50.16mvtathis is my problem
06:50.33radmiraalaah, do you have a custom constructor?
06:51.01afoedermy first steps were these, as you maybe saw already:
06:51.07mvtaradmiraal: where?
06:51.21afoederI "copied" it together from the Columns CEs and the Image/headline ones
06:51.26radmiraalin the class extending the FrontendUser
06:53.16ChristianMafoeder, looks promising already
06:53.23ChristianMwhat do you get?
06:53.24radmiraalk, the $this-> initStorageObjects() comes from the extension builder templates... in the initStorageObjects() method you now call $parent->usergroup = .... , this should just be $this->usergroup =
06:53.26ChristianMprobably some exception
06:54.08mvtaand if I do $parent->initStorageObjects() ?
06:54.19radmiraal$parent does not exist...
06:54.24afoederChristianM, I basically don't get an opportuninty to add "the first" element inside
06:54.28radmiraalyou can do parent::_construct() in your constructor
06:54.45radmiraalthat would execute the code in FrontendUser::__construct()
06:54.59afoederunlike the multicols, where the column amount is predefined with the "structure" config, I don't have something like that
06:55.46ChristianMyes but you need it ;)
06:55.59ChristianMyou need to define the sections
06:56.29ChristianMI see this screams for a custom solution
06:56.44afoederone section for each slide?
06:56.50ChristianMbut for now I would just define one section and create all slide inside it
06:56.58afoederyes +
06:57.11afoederjust stacking as many slides as one wants
06:57.35afoederso would I need a structure config for the "slides stack"?
06:58.01mvtaradmiraal: thank you mate
06:58.03mvtaIt works
07:00.21radmiraal:) your welcome ;)
07:00.33radmiraal+' and a e :)
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07:19.01ChristianMafoeder yes
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07:20.28mogensfI know its possible to ignore validation for a model.
07:20.45mogensfBut is it also possible just to ignore the validation for a single field?
07:21.58afoederChristianM: line 10-12, would that be correct?
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07:36.01ChristianMlooks good
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07:39.46francois___good morning!
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07:48.03afoedergreat ChristianM, will try this... Maybe it'S even imaginable to create "controllers" in the properties area to control the slides (ie start/stop and select them)
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08:36.12afoederRealize having accidentally used the cellular internet connection all the time: Done.
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09:26.47mvtahey mates
09:27.04mvtacould anybody give me a hand with custom Query in Extbase respository?
09:27.20mvtaI have a relation 1:n
09:28.11mvtaand I woul like to find all objectsA related with objectsB->state=1
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09:51.22afoedersorry seems everyone's outta hands ;)
09:51.50afoederis it ARepository or BRepository?
09:52.28afoederand 1 A has n B?
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12:30.47vacuI have 2 routes for the same action and trying to show one or the other based on the language. Can anyone help?
12:34.51ChristianMvacu I am not sure that will work out this way.
12:35.29vacuhow should i do it then?
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12:39.04vacuI guess one solution is to create a action for each but duplicating that much isn't really a solution
12:40.31ChristianMah sorry, misread the question ;)
12:40.59ChristianMwell I would code the language as a dynamic route part and in your action act accordingly
12:42.11vacuok, so how do i specify which route should be loaded?
12:51.30vacucan i specify the uriPattern in the f:link.action ?
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13:02.06vacuwhat i'm trying to do is get contact when on /english or .com domain or /kontakt when on german or .de domain
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13:04.46ChristianMnow I see what you want to archive. mmm, currently no good idea how to solve that in a beautiful way
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13:36.28francois___i have a problem with the DateTimeValidator
13:36.49francois___i'm trying to get it to accept Y-m-d H:i as an input format
13:37.08francois___but it keeps complaining about the format not being Y-m-d\TH:i:sP
13:37.26francois___neither the docs, nor the source code is particularly helpful in this case
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13:39.33francois___any advice what to write in: @FLOW3\Validate(type="\TYPO3\FLOW3\Validation\Validator\DateTimeValidator", options={ "formatType"="dateTime", "strictMode"=FALSE }) ???
13:39.53francois___that's my latest try, but still no success
13:40.12afoederfrancois___, what is it "complaining" exactly?=
13:40.43francois___well, about a date like "2012-08-27 15:36" not being valid, because it expects Y-m-d\TH:i:sP as a format
13:40.50francois___and i fail to understand where to change that format
13:40.56afoederahh ok
13:41.05afoederbecause I just wanted to say you need to change the format ;)
13:41.24francois___i could, but i don't think my users would be very happy
13:41.40francois___the default format is a bit too exhaustive
13:41.52afoederfrancois___ maybe this is helpful:
13:42.43francois___could be useful ;-)
13:42.52francois___what's the ! in front of the format?
13:44.04afoederusually, values not present in your provided time string are taken from "now"; with that ! you can force that to be unix time
13:44.36afoedermeans, if you only provide "15:00", it takes the date being now;
13:44.50francois___i see. thanks for the explanation.
13:44.57francois___is such magic documented anywhere?
13:45.14afoederthe ! ?
13:45.21afoederyou mean the "!" ?
13:45.26afoederthat's plain PHP:
13:45.53francois___good to know, i never dug into that class
13:46.00afoederand yes, agree, one "has to know that"
13:46.05afoederI also didn't knew that before
13:46.16francois___but the whole thing with the property mapper is still pretty obscure to me
13:49.48francois___well, it works now, thanks for the help.
13:55.50afoedercool, NP!
14:02.39vacuisn't the <f:if> working with strings? o,O
14:06.36philippSchiffmanNo, see;f=Classes/ViewHelpers/IfViewHelper.php;h=77cade81b61c8ff46466d94e809784c15707a6c3;hb=125413ca638696bb4eef9b5c26eceed51acdcf4e#l33
14:09.26vacuthanks philippSchiffman
14:11.30philippSchiffmanvacu: You don't even need to assign the second array to the view, you can use <f:alias> for that
14:12.00afoederphilippSchiffman: what second array?
14:12.51alex|bIn latest master literal strings are supported in f:if
14:13.00afoederah you're pointing to line 33; whereas I point to line 47 ;)
14:13.04afoedervacu, did you read that?
14:13.16afoedercheck line 47:;f=Classes/ViewHelpers/IfViewHelper.php;h=77cade81b61c8ff46466d94e809784c15707a6c3;hb=125413ca638696bb4eef9b5c26eceed51acdcf4e#l47
14:13.34afoederreally alex|b?
14:14.14alex|byes, afoeder, finally it's there :) string constants in fluid!
14:14.15afoedercool alex|b!
14:15.51philippSchiffmanWhat do you guys think about saving configuration settings as yaml parsed string in the database? I have 5 config values saved for each of my entities individually but don't want to make 5 properties out of them...
14:17.39philippSchiffmanCould I tell FLOW3 to use the yaml parser on my configuration property and filling the resulting array into the property instead of the string that is saved in the database?
14:18.12afoederphilippSchiffman, why don't use serialize?
14:20.05philippSchiffmanafoeder: didn't even try yet ... ;) does flow3 handle that correctly?
14:20.23afoederyou could use, afaik, the __sleep method to serialize to an array
14:20.34afoedercheck the TYPO3.Media package, Image and ImageVariantsa
14:20.57afoederan Image has n ImageVariants, but ImageVariants is not persisted, but stored as serialized array to Image
14:22.23philippSchiffmanOh, thanks, I'll take a look then! Thought flow3 would only accept ArrayCollection objects
14:23.30alex|bI guess the IfViewHelper docblock should be updated with the information about literal strings being supported....
14:24.17vacuafoeder: read it now
14:25.10vacuthat's how i did it
14:26.51afoederalex|b, absolutely!
14:27.03afoederline 33 AND 47 need an update :)
14:32.59francois___is there a way to have more details about the security framework denying a given access?
14:33.05francois___in the security log, i have: Access denied (0 denied, 0 granted, 1 abstained) to method Cobweb\Monitoring\Controller\EventController::initializeUpdateAction().
14:33.24francois___i would like to know which "component" abstained...
14:38.50francois___or which one failed to grant
14:42.00ChristianMfrancois___ AFAIK not
14:42.23ChristianMyou would need to look out for resource definitions that fit this initializeUpdateAction() method
14:42.48francois___in the policy file?
14:45.01francois___hmm. i have the following resource: Cobweb_Monitoring_EventManagement: 'method(Cobweb\Monitoring\Controller\EventController->(.*)Action())'
14:45.09francois___and then Cobweb_Monitoring_EventManagement: GRANT
14:46.24francois___and my initializeUpdateAction() is like this:
14:46.24ChristianMand the user you try that with has the role Cobweb_Monitoring_EventManagement
14:46.37francois___yes, my user has the right role
14:46.43francois___i can perform all other actions from the same controller
14:47.04francois___maybe i'm doing something wrong in  initializeUpdateAction()
14:47.17francois___it's code I adapted from a snipper afoeder gave me
14:47.26ChristianMI doubt that is the problem
14:47.29francois___i don't understand entirely what's going on inside it
14:47.50ChristianMyou define the date format for your $event->date property
14:48.02ChristianMso the propertyMapper knows what to expect from the form data
14:48.23francois___i got that. it's how i achieve it that is not entirely clear ;-)
14:48.49ChristianMah ok
14:48.57ChristianMwell anyway, that shouldn't be your problem
14:49.07francois___yes, it's weird that the initializeUpdateAction() should have its access denied
14:49.18ChristianMwell it matches the regular expression
14:49.23ChristianMso that's normal
14:49.32ChristianMI just wonder if there is a bug in this cas
14:49.33francois___sure, but i'm supposed to have the proper rights
14:50.20ChristianMcould you *try* what happens if you define the resource exactly for the updateAction?
14:50.34francois___will try
14:50.35ChristianMobweb_Monitoring_EventManagement: 'method(Cobweb\Monitoring\Controller\EventController->updateAction())'
14:51.48francois___it worked
14:52.23ChristianMthat sounds like a bug
14:52.30francois___pretty much
14:52.58ChristianMwould you be ok sending me the package?
14:53.02ChristianMI would like to debug that
15:02.29francois___ChristianM: sent. btw you'll notice that there's the same code for initializeCreateAction(), which doesn't cause problem.
15:02.54ChristianMyep, I don't really think it has something to do with the code inside the action
15:03.06ChristianMbut something with the evaluation of the policy
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15:50.01RafaelKi'm trying to run flow3 on  nginx, it fails on
15:50.02RafaelKmy NGINx says: error 404, although i request it redirects to
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15:52.12RafaelKhas anyone run on FLOW3 with NGINX?
15:54.23RafaelKit seems that there are missing rewrite rules
15:54.23RafaelKhas anyone working NGINX-Rewrite rules for flow3?
15:55.01afoederI remember the sound of the words "provide nginx configuration" anywhere, maybe in the forge
16:01.58ChristianMgood point
16:02.03ChristianMlet me quickly add something
16:04.23ChristianMRafaelK, just updated the issue with some more example
16:06.58RafaelKhaaaaaaa, it works, thanks @afoeder. I have seen this issue but thought it is not for my problem. I try to remove index.php from URL
16:07.35boonkerzrpc.lockd[9970]: can't contact statd, 100024 RPC: Unable to send
16:07.59boonkerzin mac os :(
16:14.25cognifloydThe conference site uses nginx? cool.
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16:20.56ChristianMcognifloyd yep, t3org all around
16:21.40cognifloydI'll have to look into switching the server I maintain over to nginx. :)
16:25.25afoederso, completely nginx instead of apache?
16:25.31afoederor only as cache or so?
16:25.42ChristianMno just nginx
16:25.53afoedercan you recommend it generally?
16:29.54afoederok have a nice evening and maybe see you later; Phoenix tiiime :)
16:30.05afoederI have a slider to adapt.
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16:31.52cognifloydIs there a dtd or something I can feed to eclipse to get it to stop complaining about fluid?
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16:44.38RafaelKFLOW3 puts index.php to URL, how can i remove this?
16:44.48RafaelKon NGINX
16:45.29afoederon apache, there's      SetEnv FLOW3_REWRITEURLS 1 set
16:45.34afoederwait a sec
16:46.03afoederok, train just arrived ;)
16:46.20afoederI think with this env' variable FLOW3 knows whether to put the index.php or not
16:47.55RafaelK :
16:47.55RafaelKmake fastcgi_param   FLOW3_REWRITEURLS       0;
16:47.55RafaelKfastcgi_param   FLOW3_REWRITEURLS       1;
16:48.43RafaelKit  remove index.php from your url
16:49.27RafaelK^ FLOW3 removes index.php from URL
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16:51.50Ak2iis there no .htaccess in flow3? I'm a bit confused right now >_>
16:52.17Ak2iha found it, was in the web directory
16:52.23Ak2i(which makes sense.. )
16:52.40afoederAk2i there is; right under the Web directory; but ...
16:52.51Ak2iRafaelK: are you using Apache?
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17:01.23RafaelKAk2i, yes each
17:01.49Ak2ithen you have to edit the file web/.htaccess and set SetEnv FLOW3_REWRITEURLS 1
17:02.14Ak2ithe configuration you linked to was for another web server
17:02.23RafaelKI have no Problem with Apache, but thanks.
17:02.44Ak2iok, then I missunderstood smth ^^
17:03.39RafaelKi'm planing an Project, where NGINX plays Front-End-Proxy
17:05.01RafaelKa project
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17:06.29RafaelKand now I'm playing with NGINX and FLOW3
17:24.07alex|bcognyfloid take a look at - you just need to include the xsd from fluid and declare the xml namespace
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18:18.02fabianfabianon are so many things, where can I get some info on what is what? isn't there something like a like most projects on github?
18:23.20fabianfabiannever mind, I guess its where I should start
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18:25.47fabianfabianwhat is TYPO3.Party?
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18:38.30fabianfabianhow can I use the FLOw3-Admin package
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18:46.52fabianfabianhmm I thought I had it working, I logged in, clicked a few items and now it seems like its not loading the stylesheet anymore
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18:58.18afoederI heard in order to change the node names (?), ie that what also is used for the uri slug,  have to export the xml, change the names and re-import, is this correct?
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19:19.26afoederdoes anybody know a good "jquery syntax in 3 minutes" tutorial?
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22:18.41cognifloydalex|b: I just noticed your message... thanks!
22:18.57cognifloydthinks alex|b is already gone...
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