IRC log for #flow3 on 20120803

00:39.59*** join/#flow3 bharat_ (~bharat@
00:41.24bharat_hello flocks
00:42.04bharat_rawtaz, dude are you the same guy who is also active in YII
00:43.17bharat_Guys, FLOW3 really looks interesting... I have been working on YII MVC framework for the past 1 year...but the introduction to Flow got me stumble upon
00:43.24bharat_what is the difference?
00:46.23*** join/#flow3 ObseLeTe (
01:04.06*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
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03:48.47*** join/#flow3 shoeless_ (~kevin@
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06:24.17*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
06:36.08*** join/#flow3 Denyerec (
06:44.59robertlemkehmm, too bad. I usually see the questions (asked in the middle of the night) only when the people asking them are already gone ;-(
06:45.44DenyerecThey really should watch Fight Club.
06:46.05afoederyeah I also noticed there's a real shift change happening...
06:46.26afoederday, late and night shift :)
06:46.31afoederand the people seldom meet
06:46.37ChristianMseems we need to recruit a night watcher here
06:47.04afoederif I exceptionally step into this channel at 8pm or so, I see totally different people :)
06:47.44afoedersaying this: good morning everyone :)
06:48.15afoederwatched The Rum Diary yesterday: very nice movie, for those who like such stuff.
06:49.05*** join/#flow3 foertel (
07:10.00rosieresgood morning - It´s not really flow but extbase. I´m quite new to extension developent and unsure if I´m right, but shouldn´t I see something with this ext_tables.php  ? ->
07:14.45*** join/#flow3 marcof (~Adium@
07:14.57Denyerecrosieres have you tried lurking in #extbase ?
07:19.25*** join/#flow3 o-presse (
07:19.40rosieresdidn´t know that it exist :-) Thanks !
07:19.46marcofmorning guys… i think it was a little bit to late yesterday evening. so another try
07:19.52marcofi'm currently trying to configure the propertymapping for handling a collection in an actionmethod like this
07:19.52marcofquestion: is it possible at least?
07:19.53marcofi'm getting the exception Exception while property mapping … at property path "0": Creation of objects not allowed.
07:20.13*** join/#flow3 aertmann (~aertmann@
07:20.54afoedermarcof, check if this helps:
07:21.04afoederespecially line 15 for your case
07:21.51rosieresDenyerec: is #extbase on another server ?
07:22.22DenyerecDon't get me wrong, it's not exactly a busy channel :)
07:22.23rosieresnow i got it
07:22.26afoederrosieres, seems you are already there :)
07:23.18marcofafoeder sorry no. because the parameter of the method i used is a collection. so i have to set the configuration for each item in the collection with allowCreationForSubProperty(0), allowCreationForSubProperty(1), and so on
07:23.47*** join/#flow3 sfifbo (
07:23.50afoederah well I think I have a review for you
07:24.05sfifbohow can I inject a repository into a static method?
07:24.28marcofwell i can do this with a loop as you can see here but in my opinion it's more like a workaround
07:24.37afoederyes marcof wait a sec
07:25.10marcofmaybe there are some better methods, but i can't find anything in the source of the pmappings
07:26.02marcofafoeder wait… my solution in the pastebin is gone
07:26.43marcofuse this
07:28.06afoederah finally I found what I was searching for marcof:
07:31.00marcofdamn i tried the star already, but i had no clue how to use it… maybe that's it
07:31.29afoederyou did apply the review first, yes?
07:31.36afoederit's not merged in master already
07:32.20marcofah ok is see it's brand-new
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07:49.16ChristianMstfifbo, inject into a static mehtod?
07:49.22ChristianMwhat do you want to do?
07:52.25marcofthanks afoeder. works like a charme. in my case i just use it like this $config->forProperty('*')->…
07:52.43*** join/#flow3 cubert_ (
07:54.03afoederok... so I don't know how the chances are this gets into the core
07:54.34afoedersince karsten's vote and the authorship maybe not too bad.
07:58.03ChristianMafoeder I am pretty sure this will go in at some point ;)
07:58.55afoedergood. marcof, did you read that? :)
07:59.29marcofyes :) and i liked what i read :)
07:59.29afoederand marcof, if it works for you don't hesitate to give your vote.
08:02.07marcofyou mean at forge? i did
08:02.18afoedernope at the review
08:02.25afoedernope I meant at the review
08:04.33marcofok… i'm totally new at the typo-workflow, so i have to ask some noopy questions from time to time
08:04.48ChristianMsure, sure :)
08:05.04marcofin this case i only checked that it works, so i only vote for "verfified"
08:05.06afoederno problem :)
08:05.14marcofis this right?
08:05.34afoederif you like the code when looking at it, you can also give a "looks good to me" :)
08:06.11ChristianMyep, but you can give one without the other, perfectly fine
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08:12.00afoederso now what can I do with shirataki noodles?
08:15.55ChristianMyou make
08:18.36afoeder+ thx!
08:18.58afoederan extra-thanks for making me wanting this NOW :)
08:21.21ChristianMlol, yeah it's really tasty but getting the soup right is near impossible without japanese upbringing (or so I was told)
08:22.10afoedermy experience with asian food experiments is that I'm mostly absolutely fine with the instant stuff the asia stores provide...
08:23.00afoedermiso soup for example, if extended with real tofu it's sufficient for me.
08:25.47rawtazrobertlemke: yeah, the problem is the people asking them. they should ask and then hang around until they get an answer :P
08:37.38ChristianMrawtaz, yep, unfortunately we are all in the same (european) timezone, so all off at (our) night
08:38.07afoederthis asks for an L.A. office!
08:42.04ChristianMyeah, lets ask the assoc for a budget ;)
09:00.09*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf (
10:03.47sfifboI have installed imagick and flow3 now says that imagick can not be found in the current namespace.
10:05.40afoederwhat do you mean with installed? the binary application?
10:07.32afoederyou'll need a FLOW3 package additionally; "Imagine" for example is available for that
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15:16.56*** topic/#flow3 is FLOW3 | | FLOW3 is a PHP framework that makes a difference.
15:50.11afoederif I checked out source code updates into an production context; what do I have to do to rebuild the caches?
15:50.16afoedera warmup?
15:52.03ChristianMafoeder I would suggest doing a cache:flush —force and then a cache:warmup
15:52.36afoederok; but with switching to Prod context in console before, yes?
15:52.43*** join/#flow3 shoelessone (~kevin@
15:52.48afoeder(rhetorical question...)
15:59.06afoeder*sigh* how do I set that under linux? seems not to work
15:59.19afoederI tried FLOW3_CONTEXT=Production
15:59.25afoederecho $FLOW3_CONTEXT
15:59.30afoeder--> Production
15:59.44afoederbut ./Flow3 help says still Development
16:01.41afoeder...but² it seems to be the right way?
16:03.19afoederah I have to set it in front of each call...
16:03.46afoederpage 8 :)
16:04.14afoederwelly-well folks; have a nice weekend!
16:04.19*** part/#flow3 afoeder (
16:23.11*** join/#flow3 indira (
16:24.05*** join/#flow3 bachi (
16:26.33bachiHi all - first try with flow3, newbie question about file perms:
16:26.44bachiI run /var/www/flow3$ sudo ./flow3 core:setfilepermissions bachi www-data www-data
16:27.12bachinext I run /var/www/flow3$ ./flow3 kickstart:package Some.Demo
16:27.27bachiand get: Uncaught Exception The directory "/var/www/flow3/Web/_Resources/" is not writable.
16:27.36bachiany ideas?
16:50.36ChristianMbachi indeed strange
16:50.47ChristianMbachi is your cli user?
16:51.01ChristianMand that user is in the group www-data?
16:51.20bachiyep, just checked. The perms of that _Resources folder are: drwxrws--- 4 www-data www-data
16:51.35bachiso, rws for the group.. instead of rwx?
16:53.18ChristianMmmm, should be ok like that
16:54.01bachihm, ok - bit strange. Double-checked that I'm in www-data, still can't access the folder
17:05.28*** join/#flow3 bachi (
17:05.56bachinever mind - solved, was some cfg prob, works now.
17:34.45bachinext question: The hello world takes roughly 2 seconds on my (decent) machine. Is this normal? :-) Is a bytecode cacher like eaccelerator required?
17:41.37ChristianMbachi, yes would be good to have
17:41.53ChristianMand you are running development context I assume
17:42.01ChristianMthat means all caches are rebuild on each request
17:42.09ChristianMit will be much faster in production context
17:42.14bachias far as I can tell yes.
17:42.54bachiOk. Just wanted to ensure that 2sec per req. "framework overhead" in dev mode is what I can expect.
17:42.59ChristianMbut anyway a bytecode cache (recommend apc) is a must have for PHP IMHO
17:43.18ChristianMwell, you can probably reduce that somewhat by freezing some packages
17:43.52bachiagreed, it's a must at least in production. Ok, here also for development :-)
17:44.02ChristianMthe idea is that frozen packages won't be scanned for file changes on requests
17:44.13ChristianMso you could freeze all framework packages
17:44.41ChristianM./flow3 package:freeze PACKAGENAME
17:45.18ChristianMif you develop on the framework you don't want that, but if you only work on your own packages then this makes sense, and should improve speed
17:45.36bachigreat advice, trying this..
17:46.37ChristianMit's actually ./flow3 package:freeze --package-key PACKAGEKEY
17:47.09bachijust tried ./flow3 package:freeze Doctrine.Common - has worked - assume there's no wildcard? :)
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17:49.39ChristianMjust give no package name
17:49.42ChristianMthat will freeze all
17:49.54ChristianMthen do package:unfreeze for those you don't want frozen
17:50.06ChristianMto finally confirm status use package:list
17:56.01bachibachi@iwsbachi:/var/www/flow3$ ./flow3 package:freeze
17:56.03bachiNothing to do, all active packages were already frozen.
17:56.37bachibachi@iwsbachi:/var/www/flow3$ ./flow3 package:list
17:56.38bachiACTIVE PACKAGES:
17:56.38bachi.. and here are all packages still listed as active, none as frozen
17:57.42ChristianMno, no, the list is seperated by active and inactive
17:57.54ChristianMfrozen packages have a * in their line
17:58.23bachiah! damn, right :)
17:58.52bachiunfortunately, I still have the 2sec/req :)
17:59.52bachiwell it's ok if this is the expected behavior.
18:01.11ChristianMwell, it is slower than production
18:01.18ChristianMon HOW slow I cannot comment
18:01.26ChristianMdidn't run a hello world for some time now
18:01.34ChristianMbut I am pretty sure it is faster for me
18:02.13ChristianMalso check if dns resolution isn't slowing it down
18:04.12bachinope - using a /etc/host entry.
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18:05.37ChristianMthen no idea, maybe hdd performance
18:06.06bachiYep, it's not an SSD :)
18:06.12bachiaynway - thanks!
18:08.22ChristianMno problem
18:09.01ChristianMany questions -< just ask, but I guess I will call it a day very soon and be off for weekend
18:17.09*** join/#flow3 avalarion (
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18:32.06bachisame here, so thanks for now, and have a nice WE
18:32.58*** part/#flow3 bachi (
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18:51.38*** join/#flow3 ChristianM (
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19:01.46*** join/#flow3 marcof (
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20:01.38tmotylI'm working on proof of concept of a fallback for Fluid templateRootPath. The goal is to be able to copy just a few templates/partials you want to modify instead of copying all templates to new location. Additionaly keeping modified template up to date with new version of packages would be then much easier.
20:03.03tmotylWhat do you think, do you also feel need for this improvement?
20:06.03tmotylIs something like this on FLOW3 roadmap?
20:31.55*** join/#flow3 infobot (
20:31.55*** topic/#flow3 is FLOW3 | | FLOW3 is a PHP framework that makes a difference.
20:55.38*** join/#flow3 boonkerz_ (
20:59.28tomasitodoes any one knows how to install a unit test for netbeans ?
21:00.25*** part/#flow3 tomasito (~tomasito@
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