IRC log for #flow3 on 20120608

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06:59.52afoederis currently fiddling how PHP 5.4's built in web server could be used for FLOW3's functional tests
07:00.25ChristianMafoeder nice idea!
07:00.52afoederyes I also think that ;-) Good morning everyone
07:01.00ChristianMdid you solve the CURL Post arguments madnes?
07:01.10ChristianMgood morning
07:02.28afoederno, not *solved*... I'm not even really sure where the problem lies, if there is one anyays
07:04.06ChristianMdid you see this btw:
07:04.11afoederI patched the CurlRequestEngine at least with something like POST: $request->getContent() ?: http_build_query($request->getArguments())
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07:05.00afoederso, if the request has content set, this is POSTed, else the arguments are used (like they are ATM)
07:05.13ChristianMsounds resonable
07:05.31afoederbut that means that arguments are dismissed, if content is set
07:05.52ChristianMthis is very old but it tells me PHP will try to interpret a raw POST string as query string if the headers are set
07:06.02afoederah alright...
07:06.12ChristianMotherwise you would need to do something like that to grab the raw input
07:07.30afoederand to get to the source of the problem; what might something like ElasticSearch do in order to find out what "method" to use?
07:07.59afoedersurely same goes for many other engines
07:08.35afoederbasically it's used >> curl -XPOST localhost -d '{"data":"foobar"}
07:09.56ChristianMI think they route the request by method (get, post, put, delete) and then check for certain parameters
07:10.42afoederyes, than at the simplest way the rule might by ("translated" to PHP use): If Method = POST then use raw POST data
07:10.58afoederbecause *they* always only expect JSON stuff
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08:22.28afoederok, admittedly it's like expected:
08:24.19afoederthe (body) data is parsed into the $_POST array if it's a &-separated key-value-collection
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08:48.37sewohello all
08:58.23*** join/#flow3 Sebastiaan (5f615e95@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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09:02.04SebastiaanHey guys, i have a TYPO3.Surf question: Im using the simpleworkflow but my build keeps breaking after this Task: "" it  tries to cd into "cd /var/www/phoenix/releases/20120608105300/Configuration" but can't because it doesn't excist. Does anyone have anyone ideas?
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09:03.16ChristianMthis should be created as a symlink
09:03.24ChristianMmaybe there is some permission problem?
09:03.42ChristianManswer was for Sebastiaan
09:04.09SebastiaanNo, ill show you the response. bash: line 0: cd: /var/www/phoenix/releases/20120608105300/Configuration: No such file or directory INFO          > rmdir: failed to remove `Production': Not a directory
09:05.00SebastiaanAm i missing a configuration step?
09:06.17ChristianMhow does your deployment script look like?
09:07.28ChristianMah now I see
09:08.37SebastiaanIdentical to the one in the example, with the wholes filled in.
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09:08.59ChristianMyes, ok, you are deploying a FLOW3 app?
09:09.33SebastiaanYeah, phoenix base actually.
09:09.41ChristianMthat should be fine
09:09.53ChristianMand did it actually do a checkout from the git repository?
09:09.58ChristianMbecause then the path should exist
09:10.09ChristianMphoenix base has a "Configuration" directory
09:11.50ChristianMtry $workflow->setEnableRollback(FALSE);
09:11.59ChristianMthat way it won't rollback if something goes wrong
09:12.03ChristianMthen try to deploy
09:12.15ChristianMand after check what was created on the server
09:12.47ChristianMthere should be a directory with the current DateTime in releases (as seen in the error message) and in there should be the phoenix base distribution
09:12.55ChristianMif not something with the git checkout went wrong
09:13.26SebastiaanOk ill check it out :)
09:14.53SebastiaanThe *next* release folder is completely empty
09:17.19SebastiaanWell i have full "MyDeployment" directory with my current git revision. Does there need to be a move or cp towards the *next* release directory?
09:20.17ChristianMit is a symlink normally and done by Surf
09:21.04SebastiaanFrom "MyDeployment" towards *next* release?
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09:26.22SebastiaanI'll check out the code more, im using it has rsync features (not using it yet) it might work deferently internally.
09:35.29ChristianMno idea, sorry
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09:38.35SebastiaanI'm returning to the original setup for Surf as the Core team provided it. (Although you guys might want to look into it for collaboration, i talked to Rens about it yesterday).
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09:56.49SebastiaanReturning back to the version provided by the FLOW3 team doesn't fail on that section, it does how ever fail on setting "core file permissions" but i see there's an issue for that already on forge.
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10:49.32SebastiaanHey, thnx for the information ChristianM! I now have a functional build!!
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10:50.51ChristianMSebastiaan, great to hear!
10:50.56ChristianMwhat was wrong?
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10:53.25SebastiaanThe is not ready yet, it has all the features to deploy FLOW3 & TYPO3 v6. So i went back to the original and that worked like a charm.
10:54.02ChristianMah ok
10:54.59SebastiaanSo in detail I haven't figured out what is missing, maybe a step that isn't documented.
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10:56.50sewoIf a user is authenticated (<f:security.ifAuthenticated> => true), can I reach it's associated party ?
10:57.36ChristianMask the securityCotext for the party
10:57.59sewobtw. what is the surf package about ?
10:58.16ChristianMsewo, deploying a project to a server
10:58.59ChristianMbasically you have a FLOW3 application to deploy another application to a server
10:59.17ChristianMit can run tests before putting it live etc.
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11:02.03sewoand deploy means something like push ? some sort of a ftp upload ?
11:02.20ChristianMjust nicer ;)
11:02.32ChristianMit will directly pull from git on your server instead of uploading something
11:02.45ChristianMso you define which state to deploy and it will be checked out from git
11:03.18sewook so it's about removing stupid ftp synching step, and allow remote testing …
11:03.35ChristianMyes, and also a secure way to do it
11:03.46ChristianMit will also clear caches for example
11:03.50ChristianMand run migrates
11:04.10ChristianMand it also provides means to go back to previous states
11:04.35ChristianMit creates symlinks to the deployments, so you can change back to previous deployment if anything goes wrong
11:04.53ChristianMit's really nice
11:05.00ChristianMand you can define your own deployment steps
11:05.11sewoand is the surf package working good already or are there some bugs, pitfalls, etc. ?
11:05.14ChristianMlike running some command to fill the DB or stuff like that
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11:05.31ChristianMsewo, no it is quite stable, it is only limited atm
11:05.39ChristianMso for example it can only work with git
11:05.43ChristianMno svn or something else
11:06.22sewook, but who would start a flow3 project nowadays using svn ? I hope nobody
11:06.32ChristianMwell, you never know
11:06.50ChristianMsometimes companies are shy to change a running system
11:06.57ChristianMand if their developers are used to svn...
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11:12.11sewowell thank you ChristianM :)
11:12.42ChristianMno problem sewo :)
11:14.23SebastiaanQuestion: What do i put in the yourNamespace bit? Is testing something u do with your own package or nameSpace? $workflow->defineTask('yourNamespace:smoketest', '', $smokeTestOptions);
11:14.51aertmannsewo: believe it or not, I have already seen it
11:17.07radmiraalSebastiaan: so the Surf fork has rsync support, but is not done yet?
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11:21.29SebastiaanMy build fails on Task: "". So i eather missed something essential like a definition of what im building or its broken. I looked in the code and it looks pretty similar, you might make a better jugdement as you are a core developer :-)
11:22.15SebastiaanBTW it fails before that, the *next* release directory is empty...
11:22.45radmiraalwell, 'core developer' is just a developer too ;)
11:23.59SebastiaanIts a developer how spends way more hours on stuff, the rest take for granted :P *Group hug*!!
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11:25.21SebastiaanSo how do i smoketest?
11:26.12afoederoh noes, I missed the group hug
11:28.41SebastiaanFlow3 stuff makes me smile the whole freaking day.
11:29.47radmiraalooo, someone is infected ;)
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11:30.15SebastiaanI got it bad...
11:30.32radmiraalI don't know the smoketest thingy btw, planned to work on deployment stuff today but my wife planned something totally different....
11:30.46radmiraalso, back to puzzles, coloring, and so on :)
11:31.05SebastiaanArgh, i know the feeling! Stay strong my brothah!!
11:31.31sewohow can I read an entry from the Settings.yaml ?
11:31.57afoedersewo, introduce a protected array $settings and inject it via an injectSettings method
11:32.18afoederprotected injectSetting(array $settings) { $this->settings = $settings; }... etc
11:32.29afoederinjectSettings of course (plural)
11:32.41afoeder(plural? of courses?)
11:32.59afoederoff courses.
11:33.18afoederhuh need my breathing paper bag
11:34.08afoederok, back to where I was: figuring out where the output in my functional test comes from :-/
11:42.02SebastiaanChristian i hope you can help me with this one: How do i import my site via Surf?
11:43.10ChristianMuse $application = new \TYPO3\Surf\Application\TYPO3();
11:43.19ChristianMthen you do a TYPO3 Phoenix deployment
11:43.30ChristianMwhich has the option:
11:43.31ChristianM$application->setOption('sitePackageKey', 'TYPO3.T3Con12StuttgartTypo3Org');
11:44.13ChristianMit will be imported from the package you give
11:44.54ChristianMwas for Sebastiaan
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11:46.27SebastiaanThnx, almost got my first Surf deploymet / Site up and running ^^
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11:53.04SebastiaanIt doesn't seem to do anything.
11:53.13Sebastiaanfor ChristianM
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11:57.41ChristianMSebastiaan, can you paste your deployment script`
11:58.55Sebastiaan$workflow = new \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\SimpleWorkflow(); $deployment->setWorkflow($workflow);
11:59.23Sebastiaan$node = new \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\Node('location'); $node->setHostname('location'); $node->setOption('username', 'user');
11:59.47Sebastiaan$application = new \TYPO3\Surf\Application\FLOW3(); $application->setDeploymentPath('/var/www/phoenix'); $application->setOption('repositoryUrl', ''); $application->setOption('sitePackageKey', 'SITE.WebsiteNl'); $application->addNode($node);
12:02.43ChristianMk, looks alright to me
12:02.56ChristianMand if you run the deployment? it should show you the commands
12:03.03ChristianMdo you see the site:import somewhere
12:04.27ChristianMok, got to go, I am back later (1-2 hours)
12:05.50SebastiaanHmm no i don't see the import happing
12:06.07SebastiaanOk see you later! thnx for the help ChristianM
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13:37.46sewothx afoeder the settings injection worked, just didn't know that the settings that you get injected are relative to your package scope
13:38.27sewobut that was no problem for me :)
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13:41.33afoederyes, mostly that is wanted.
13:41.44afoederif not, you have to inject the ConfigurationManager "completely"!
13:42.04sewoah good to know
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14:31.07sewohave a nice weekend everybody
14:31.36ChristianMyou too
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14:39.43afoederChristianM, btw, that to-json-typeconverter might also offer great usability to that elasticsearch-package
14:40.09ChristianM(was that a hidden reminder to review?)
14:40.28afoederno no :-) there's nothing to rev ATM
14:40.42afoederbut many stuff done locally ;-)
14:41.09afoederand for the record: I don't remind hidden ;-P
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14:46.09afoederbut ChristianM since you were asking ;-) you please wanna have a look at Set5
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14:56.29farconadaHello, Anyone could give me an example of multiple requestPatterns per security provider? there isnt at doc and as yaml array doesnt work
14:57.43farconadaI think that this could be a bug
14:58.39ChristianMfarconada, I will get myself a coffee and then check if that might not be possible yet
14:59.18farconadaLot of thanks
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15:08.31ChristianMok, lets have  alook at the requestPatterns
15:10.02ChristianMare you on master?
15:10.14farconada1 seg
15:10.22farconadayesterday I was on master
15:10.37ChristianMthat's fine
15:10.46ChristianMjust wanted to be sure what I see is about the same that you have ;)
15:10.51ChristianMone day doesn't matter
15:10.58farconadaready, on master
15:11.28ChristianMand you would want to have multiple controllerObjectName patterns?
15:11.55farconadasure, I want to disable the DefaultProvider just for a pair of Controllers
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15:12.26farconadaI'm developing a generic OAuth2 Provider
15:12.33ChristianMwell, at least I can tell you that you cannot set the same RequestPattern twice atm
15:12.45ChristianMforeach($providerConfiguration['requestPatterns'] as $patternType => $patternConfiguration) {
15:13.07farconadaand the Resource endpoint and Token endpoind need to be authenticated need different providers
15:13.20ChristianM$patternType then is resolved into a RequestPattern class
15:13.25ChristianMyep I see
15:14.03farconadathen, should I create an array of RequestPatters instead of ControllerObjectName ?
15:14.36ChristianMno, it just not possible with the current code
15:15.13ChristianMa provider can have once the key "requestPatterns" and inside can be each type of Pattern once
15:15.36ChristianMso you could combine a ControllerObjectName pattern and a Uri pattern
15:15.44ChristianMbut not two ControllerObjectName patterns
15:15.52ChristianM(could be changed to do that of course
15:16.10ChristianMbut couldn't you solve it with a (complex) pattern that checks for all controllers you need
15:17.01ChristianMmmm, yes as it gets more complex this will be more and more unclean
15:17.08ChristianMwell then a feature request is it
15:18.06afoedereh btw; just thinking of it because I'm implementing that search document; is the FLOW3 persistence identifier being re-set (i.e. changed) when __clone()'ing?
15:18.56afoederok :)
15:18.58farconadathanks for your time, I hope that I could be "fixed" soon cause it's "necesary" for the creating of the OAuth2 provider
15:19.21ChristianMfarconada, I think it should be changed
15:19.31ChristianMonly problem I see, is that this would be a breaking change
15:19.42ChristianMbecause the synrax for the config has to be changed
15:20.14ChristianMshould look more like:
15:22.14ChristianMmmm, but then again you must think about AND / OR relations between the patterns....
15:22.18ChristianMwell, well
15:22.42afoederdo I destroy some proxy mechanism (or does it destroy mine) if I implement __clone()?
15:23.00farconadayou can have 'not' in regexp
15:23.17ChristianMfarconada, sure but what does that help
15:23.35ChristianMthe question is should the patterns that you list be combined by OR or by AND
15:23.45ChristianMsometimes you would like this,and sometimes that
15:24.18ChristianMafoeder, should work out of the box
15:24.31afoederyep ok, we'll see ;-)
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15:25.15farconadain every pattern but tis one:
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15:29.56ChristianMyes, I see
15:30.00ChristianMthat could work out
15:31.30afoederChristianM, I'm thinking about a possibility to at least functional test that CurlRequestEngine... with having in mind, do you have an idea how to implement that?
15:32.19afoederin the simplest state, I'm thinking about a tiny "handler" PHP file that reflects the data being sent by the RequestEngine. A functional Test would than again evaluate this reflected data if it's the expected one.
15:32.43afoederbut that requires a) the web/php server to be started and b) that handler file to be present.
15:32.50ChristianMmmm, not quickly
15:33.12ChristianMbut that would be about the way to go
15:33.37afoederbecause now I really get to the point where I have to set POST data with URI-arguments, and that very likely gets messed up
15:34.42afoederI think that handler file could easily just echo a JSON representing $_GET, $_POST and php://input
15:35.19afoederwith having this, many stuff of the request engine could be tested
15:38.45ChristianMyep, I just don't know how to integrate that with phpunit
15:38.48ChristianMbut could work
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15:41.36afoederwell in my imagination it mustn's have much to do with phpunit
15:42.11afoederthe Tests make the CurlRequjest just fire agains localhost:8000 (e.g.) where the (PHP 5.4 or others) Testing web server listens
15:47.27ChristianMsure, and how do you get the information to your test if the resulting data was good?
15:48.36afoederthe RequestEngine does intrinsically
15:49.18afoederand the Test checks whether that data is the expected one or differs
15:49.19ChristianMsure, the receiver scripit can just give back different status codes ;)
15:50.18afoederwell these status code are also on a expected base... if they aren't the expected ones, something's wrong anways...
15:50.48ChristianMyes, yes, that sounds fine
15:51.01afoederI admit that's a bit loose altogether; but if everything works, everything will work  ;-)
15:51.15ChristianMsure, better than nothing
15:52.05afoederdo you know some free phpunit config option besides what's given via -c ?
15:52.58afoedersomething like phpunit -c Build/common.... --includeTestServerTests or so...
15:53.13afoederI want to avoid to let that server start via PHP...
15:53.33afoederwe (FLOW3) don't have the environment for that yet
15:54.01ChristianMno idea
15:54.24afoederwe have to proc_open it, and with this comes a whole stuff which Symfony offers a whole package :p
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16:25.11afoederjust to get the idea
16:25.16afoederworks fine btw :)
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16:28.41afoederokeydokey, than finally have a nice weekend everyone :)
16:31.16ChristianMyou too
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18:55.55SebastiaanHey ChristianM, do you have time to look into the $application->setOption('sitePackageKey', 'SITE.SiteCom');?
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20:06.41SebastiaanDoes the insertion of a plugin on a page work in Phoenix base?
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22:29.30*** join/#flow3 petbe (~Peter@
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