IRC log for #flow3 on 20120522

00:40.54*** join/#flow3 boonkerz_ (
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02:48.39*** join/#flow3 Robbo_ (
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06:08.15*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
06:09.45pumatertiongood morning folks
06:10.18pumatertionshouldnt @FLOW3\IgnoreValidation(argumentName="myargument") match?
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06:56.31*** join/#flow3 mneuhaus (
06:56.45mneuhausgood morning
06:57.16mneuhausexactly the person i wanted to talk to ^^
06:57.31afoederlet me guess... Assetic? ;-)
06:57.34mneuhausbastian said you started some work on an assetic based package/integration ^^
06:57.55afoeder"started" is unfortunately a bit much said, but...
06:58.12afoederno, not but; you already saw the issue related to this, right?
06:58.24mneuhausi think yes, let me recheck
06:59.08afoederwhat I actually started is two package scaffolds
06:59.36afoederwe came to the decision that one Package will be some kind of "TYPO3.Asset", the second package will just wrap the Assetic itself
06:59.54afoederthe "wrapping" package is here:
07:00.12afoederand the TYPO3.Asset package... ahem... "will be" ;-) here:
07:01.05mneuhausokay, the ideas in the wiki seems to be going in the same direction i planned a while ago for admin :)
07:01.16afoederunfortunately, again, I myself don't have assetic experience; and I built a JavaScript packager on my own; so I wasn't forced to continue on Assetic
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07:01.53afoederbut I would still be glad to be involved in some thinkings and idea crunching
07:02.13mneuhaussince i need, or lets say, want a good way to integrate sytles and js, i'll probably give it a shot
07:02.47mneuhausone key thing i'm quite interested in is having a good way to integrate Bootstrap for exampe
07:03.00afoeder"from twitter"?
07:04.31mneuhausi created an LessViewHelper and used it with a modified bootstrap.less to pull the bootstrap less files in and place some of my own files after the original ones
07:04.58mneuhausthat's something i would love to outsource to AssetManagement
07:07.05mneuhausfor that it would be cool to be able to specify files to be appended or prepended to existing bundles
07:07.31afoederyes, similar to me: I adopted a MooTools packager and the yuicompressor and built an own ViewHelper out of it; I'd also love to see this done with assetic
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07:10.29mneuhausi'd love something like this:
07:11.01afoederyeah looks nice
07:11.48mneuhausthat way one could easily extend and modify styles of a contributed package from your own
07:12.17mneuhausbecause i would just put out <css:bundle name="Bootstrap" />
07:12.57mneuhausi guess i'll fork you on github and give it a shot tonight :)
07:13.11afoederI could also add you as contributor, if you like
07:13.33mneuhausmneuhaus :)
07:14.07*** join/#flow3 teddai (~teddai@
07:14.39afoederwith you should be able to pull the current origin of Assetic
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07:15.12robertlemkemneuhaus: would be pretty cool if you could come up with some rough concept which we could tackle for FLOW3 1.2. Obviously we (or you) need to experiment and try some quick shots. And that should be followed by some proper integration or implementation with the "FLOW3 style" in mind. Assetic is quite cool, but "just integrating" it blindly, might not be the right way in the long term.
07:15.24robertlemkeand afoeder of course ;-)
07:15.36mneuhausyeah sure
07:16.10mneuhausfor now i would orientate myself along the wiki and forge ticket
07:16.21afoedermneuhaus, just to mention it, if you come up to need it:
07:16.32robertlemkeThat being said, I'm pretty excited about the ideas you guys come up with. I'm just the boring clean up guy who tries to channel ideas into releases ;-)
07:16.52afoederAssetic AFAIK and my packager for yuicompressor uses it to run the .JAR
07:17.35afoederand, mneuhaus, i've just added you as collab for TYPO3.Asset and Assetic
07:17.46robertlemkeAh and speaking of Symfony: remember that we can't just pick any symfony part and integrate it into FLOW3. There may be, among other things, license aspects which prevent us to do that.
07:18.13pumatertiongood morning
07:18.17afoederthat's a good point robertlemke, good you say that
07:18.31afoederI thought it wasn't a problem due to GPL etc...
07:18.45afoederbut probably GPL <> LGPL?
07:19.12mneuhausi used Symfony's Toolbar icons for my toolbar, but i asked fabpot for permission and he just responded with a link to the icons license, which i included in that package
07:19.38robertlemkeUsing Symfony (MIT) in Phoenix (GPL) is not a problem, but if we want to contribute something from Phoenix or TYPO3, it is an issue. That's what the Drupal devs just realized ...
07:20.01afoederyou mean "contribute back"?
07:20.11afoeder...back TO Symfony?
07:20.15mneuhausyea, there's a huge ticket about language improvements
07:20.29robertlemkemneuhaus: yes, the icons have a Creative Commons license, but the code is MIT. But even if there's no license issue, it still wouldn't be the nice way to just pick cherries.
07:20.31robertlemkeafoeder: yes
07:21.17mneuhausrobertlemke: i've just chosen to use the icons for now to save time, the style should definetivly be molded more into the FLOW3 style
07:21.20robertlemkeI think that if we use other Open Source code, we need to contribute back, if we find issues or parts to improve. Just what we'd expect from others using our code.
07:21.24afoederyeah I agree with that Cherry-picking part...
07:21.34robertlemkemneuhaus: yes, all understood, good and pragmatic ;-)
07:22.19*** join/#flow3 visay (~visay@
07:22.27robertlemkeokay, off for some coding now ...
07:22.35mneuhaushave fun :)
07:22.47mneuhausis working again
07:23.08afoedernot with IE ;-)
07:23.51mneuhaus^^ might be, there are a hell lot of tickets with higher prio than that whiny browser :D
07:24.37afoederah, that's still a Core issue: there's a comment prior to the Doctype which makes IE fall in to Quirks mode
07:25.18mneuhausoh, ok i thought you meant the Management package or Toolbar
07:25.36mneuhausthat's my Demo Environment for that
07:25.45afoederno, the whole page is broken ;-)
07:26.05*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
07:26.06ChristianMyes, that are the Typoscript comments
07:26.12ChristianMbut they can be easily removed
07:26.22afoedermoin ChristianM
07:26.52afoederremoved: should urgently be done @ :)
07:27.52mneuhausTYPO3.Asset is completly empty right know ?
07:28.05mneuhausnot event a kicktstart?
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07:28.16afoederyep, it never went beyond the "concept" at Forge
07:28.23mneuhausah, ok
07:32.29mneuhausok, i'm off coding for now as well
07:32.48afoederhave fun, too ;)
07:33.00mneuhausprobably won't be fun
07:33.00*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
07:38.15afoederI never had the pleasure...
07:38.32mneuhausthan consider yourself lucky
07:39.12ChristianMyes, very lucky indeed
07:39.18mneuhausthe Code is a nightmare
07:39.39mneuhausworking on FLOW3 a bit each day is the only way to keep my sanity
07:41.51*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf (
07:42.29afoederyaye that must really be horrible ;-) I just had a colleague who loved Drupal over TYPO3...
07:42.54*** join/#flow3 thomas_hempel (
07:43.00mneuhausYou should send him to a mental clinic
07:43.19thomas_hempelHi there
07:43.49thomas_hempelAnybody here who could help me with routing configuration?
07:48.06*** join/#flow3 bwaidelich (
07:49.59ChristianMthomas_hempel go ahead ;)
07:50.21thomas_hempelOkay, I try to understand the routing in FLOW3 but I can't rap my head around it.
07:50.47thomas_hempelI'm building a REST service
07:51.17thomas_hempelSo I want an URI like
07:51.36thomas_hempelAnd etc.
07:52.12*** join/#flow3 aertmann (~aertmann@
07:52.17thomas_hempelThe documentation on routing in the "definitive guide" is not really helpful tbh
07:53.12bwaidelichthomas_hempel: we know, but what's missing to you?
07:53.26thomas_hempelHow do I have to set it up? ;-)
07:53.47ChristianMdid you take a look at some of the custom routes that already exist?
07:54.26thomas_hempelI already configured "something" in my Routes.yaml and that get's diaplayed when I use ./flow3 routing:list
07:55.06bwaidelichisn't your example exactly covered by ?
07:55.17thomas_hempelSo I assume it's set up correctly... But how should the configuration look like to achive somethingl ike the above mentioned URL. All examples link directly to a certain action
07:56.32bwaidelichuriPattern: 'user/{@action}/{user}.{@format}'
07:56.35bwaidelichto be exact
07:56.43thomas_hempelNo, because I don't map any objects... In the background I query an LDAP server, so all I need is the raw GET value from the URI
07:57.00bwaidelichthen leave out the routeParts part
07:57.19ChristianMbut then it is appended as query string
07:57.21thomas_hempelThere are no objects involved whatsoever... All I have is the controller...
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07:57.56bwaidelichpublic function detailsAction($userid) { }
07:58.20bwaidelich@param string $userid
07:58.45thomas_hempelI'll try
07:59.42bwaidelichbtw (and i don't want to sound smart-aleck): strickly speaking your example is not REST really
08:00.30bwaidelichfor that your URIs would look like "users/<userId>" and the action (show, delete, ...) are determined by the HTTP method
08:00.49bwaidelichjust sayin ;)
08:01.38thomas_hempelI know but first I need to get the userId into the controller... But I get 404 all the time.
08:01.58bwaidelichas i said, i didn't want to correct you. only if you need a "real" REST service, you could check out
08:02.18bwaidelich..which i need to update to FLOW3 1.1 i just realized. I'll do that now, anyways
08:03.11thomas_hempelNo offense taken :-)
08:03.40bwaidelichwhat is the message in the 404 error?
08:05.11thomas_hempelHe still uses the FLOW3 routes... So he assumes the last parameter is the action... I've disabled the default routes now and it at least get's me some exception now ;-)
08:05.43bwaidelichwhere do you configure the routes?
08:06.12bwaidelichin your packages Routes.yaml? do you include it as sub routes?
08:08.55bwaidelichlooks good
08:08.58thomas_hempelWhen I now call user/show/fooBar.xml I get "Required argument "userId" is not set"
08:09.07bwaidelichcould you gist your routes.yaml, too?
08:09.24bwaidelichin the log you can see which route matched the URI
08:09.36thomas_hempelThey are both in the gist above
08:09.49bwaidelichah right, sorry
08:09.52thomas_hempelFirst is the system and the second one os the Routes.yaml from my package
08:10.02bwaidelich{@userId} -> {userId}
08:10.58thomas_hempelThis works! AWESOME!
08:11.01thomas_hempelThank you
08:12.49bwaidelichyou're welcome. the @ should illustrate, that the argument is used by the framework
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08:13.00bwaidelich"The @-prefix should reveal that action has a special meaning here. Other predefined keys are @package, @subpackage, @controller and @format. But you can use dynamic route parts to set any kind of arguments"
08:13.21bwaidelichbut i admit, it's all quite confusing at first
08:15.31*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
08:20.42thomas_hempelA little bit ;-)
08:21.12thomas_hempelBut it's working now which is great... Now I can make it a little more RESTful ;-)
08:21.24bwaidelichif you have suggestions for improving the documentation, let us know
08:21.37bwaidelichin the meantime i'll try to update the RestTest package ;)
08:29.41thomas_hempelIs the resolveActionMethodName() called automatically when I inherit my Controller fom the RestController or do I have to do this manually in an indexAction ?
08:30.50bwaidelichit's called automatically, but note that REST support in FLOW3 is in a *really* early state yet - i'm not sure how mature the RestController is, currently
08:31.00*** join/#flow3 jochen (
08:37.41thomas_hempelAny idea what could be wrong if a "./flow3 routing:routepath user" Gives me the correct information while calling the URI in a browser returns an exception that says "Could not resolve a route and its corresponding URI for the given parameters. This may be due to referring to a not existing package / controller / action while building a link or URI." ^^
08:38.18thomas_hempelIt's "hard linked" to an action in the Routes.yaml
08:38.36bwaidelichthomas_hempel: "resolve" means building the URI. so it's probably a link you create in some Fluid template
08:39.35bwaidelichactually.. if you used the default link/uri viewHelpers this exception should be caught - so maybe you call $uriBuilder->xyz() yourself?
08:39.38thomas_hempeloh... Now that you say it
08:40.23thomas_hempelI guess I owe you one or two beers at the next event ;-)
08:41.36bwaidelichno way, i'm glad to get some feedback. this reminds us of the most important issues out there (for example: better error handling)
08:41.37afoederit's not possible to set an ExpectedException in a DataProvider in Func' Tests, right?
08:41.57bwaidelichafoeder yes: $this->expectedException()
08:42.32bwaidelichno, but like that
08:42.36bwaidelichhang on
08:42.36afoederwheee of course.... and the value of that method is supplied @ the data provider?
08:42.44thomas_hempelProblem was uriBuilder->uriFor('',...  should be NULL
08:42.46bwaidelichright, that's how i did it at least
08:43.00bwaidelichthomas_hempel: ah, i see
08:44.09bwaidelichsetExpectedException() it is
08:44.48bwaidelich(of course you can set the exception class name too)
08:44.51afoederyeah just saw it the same moment you named it:
08:51.27thomas_hempelDoes everybody agree that a dot (.) is absolutely ok in an URI?
08:52.56thomas_hempelBecause if you do I either found a nasty bug in the routing or I just have misconfigured something. ;-)
08:53.28thomas_hempelThis is my uriPattern: 'user/{userId}(.{@format})'
08:54.02thomas_hempelNow, the userId could be an email address... This gives us URIs like
08:54.19thomas_hempeluser/ (for example)
08:54.30thomas_hempelWhat I get in my controller though is
08:54.38thomas_hempeluserId => thomas
08:54.56thomas_hempelformat =>
08:55.07bwaidelichthomas_hempel: that's not really a bug but rather a logical problem
08:55.26thomas_hempelI can imagine that
08:55.37bwaidelichyou make ".<format>" optional, so the routing takes anything before the "." for the userId
08:56.04thomas_hempelYeah but steps through the URI from left to right while it should do from right to left
08:56.05bwaidelichthe easiest solution in this case is to add two routes
08:56.38thomas_hempelBut I see that this is not correct in every case
08:56.46bwaidelichno, there is no technical solution. users/thomas.some.format -> users/thomas.hempel.format
08:56.52bwaidelichhow should the routing determine the difference
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08:57.46thomas_hempelYeah, I see the technical diffculty... Nevertheless it's wrong in this case because the last path segment (which is segmented by a .) is supposed the format not everything after the first fot it finds
08:58.15bwaidelichthe format could contain a dot too, in theory
08:58.20thomas_hempelI don't see any easy solution to this
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08:59.13thomas_hempelOn the other hand.. I just leave it out... I support only XML anyways ;-)
08:59.42bwaidelichor specify the format via "Content-Type" header - that's RESTfuller anyways ;)
09:00.36bwaidelichthe solution would be a custom RoutePartHandler in this case
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09:29.01afoederok pumatertion, now with Test:
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09:30.27pumatertionthanks :)
09:30.57pumatertioni will take a look and try to figure out how it works
09:31.46*** join/#flow3 elos (
09:32.37*** join/#flow3 humnus ( it possible to avoid that database cleanup after func' testing?
09:43.00afoederI'd like to see if my entity stuff is *really* there as expected :)
09:45.18jochendoes anyone know a good extensions to stop all sessions on chrome fast?
09:49.48*** join/#flow3 chrisDD (
10:13.37bwaidelichhi chrisDD, did you find the issue with your custom authentication provider already?
10:23.14chrisDDhi, bwaidelich. yes. it boild down to my own security context which resulte in an empty request property. With this the manager killed all tokens. why it did this i don't know. but pumateration provided my with an idea where this context isn't needed anymore and i can use the original flow3 context. with this everything is working fine.
10:24.57chrisDDsometimes looking at what i am writing i feel like a retard. sorry for all the typos...
10:28.42pumatertioni helped i helped yeees striiiiiiiike ;) i am so thankfull for your problem ;)
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11:03.54pumatertionanyone can tell me the osx shorcut for infinitive sign? :P
11:05.30pumatertiongot it, thanks
11:05.59afoederfor ($i=0; $i<=∞; $i++)
11:08.02aertmanndoes not compute
11:08.18afoederreally? must be a bug in there...
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11:13.20pumatertionyes, <=∞ is impossible … must should work < ∞ :)
11:15.03afoederwell than I'll try $i/0 <= ∞ ... wait a minite, I'll buy some cloud computing space at amazon
11:15.08Robbo_Does flow3 has it's own template stuff? Would adding moustache to it be easy?
11:16.05aertmannRobbo_: not sure about easy, but yes FLOW3 has tempting with Fluid.. but you should be able to use whatever you want if you port it
11:17.24Robbo_Have you got a link to its syntax?
11:20.04afoederare there frontend "tests" for ViewHelpers available anywhere?
11:29.53Robbo_fluid looks good
11:30.54afoederis the @api annotation still used btw?
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11:36.21pumatertionmhh, someone using the media package? there is a model for image wich contains an initialize() wich uses getimagesize for construction. this one fails if a user uploads a txt file for example. the mapping is done befor the validator for filetypes matches
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11:43.11afoederpumatertion, right.
11:43.29afoeder"there's an app eh review for that"
11:44.07afoederread the corresponding issue, too, please. Interesting IMO ;-)
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11:51.08pumatertioni still dont understand why the converters returning validationErrors instead returning incoming source untouched
11:51.50afoederbecause they won't be converters if they left the incoming value untouched
11:52.13afoederif this should be intended, however, that's what the canConvertFrom() method is for
11:52.32afoederthat's a "last" opportunity for the validator to abstain himself from the conversion chain
11:53.21afoederoh poor Gerrit
11:57.58pumatertioni allready send an issue in forge for this. so if it returns errors and the NotEmpty validators in Models are obsolete. And how should i be able to allow NULL for nullable floats, f.e.?
11:58.25pumatertioni cant figure out how i could be able to NULL a field with this converter behaviour
12:01.41pumatertionso maybe not an untouched return but a null return if converting fails
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12:15.39afoederkdambekalns, what does it mean when you give a review a "no score"? :)
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12:28.31kdambekalnsafoeder: i just removed my −2 in that case
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12:29.25afoederah ok :)
12:42.25kdambekalnsreviews highly appreciated:,n,z
12:44.01afoederkdambekalns, aren't some Validators singleton?
12:44.37afoederand, if so, is that case covered with that isValidatedAlready()
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12:51.24afoederand, kdambekalns, what's the [!!!] in this case?
12:55.15kdambekalnsit's a breaking change
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12:55.36afoederyes I know; but what exactly is expected to break here?
12:55.51afoederusually that's named in the commit msg, but I cant's find anything...
12:58.34kdambekalnsi guess i did that because of the new interface. feel free to leave a comment, i have to leave now, sorry…
12:59.26afoedernp, cu!
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13:41.13cubert__Hi how do I get the BaseUri within my Controller in 1.1, before it was $this->request->getBaseUri()
13:42.05cubert__I tryed to inject \TYPO3\FLOW3\Http\HttpRequestHandlerInterface but this does not work as it expects Bootstrap as constructor argument
13:42.13ghost1when working with the the flow3 cli, specifically with the doctrine functions, what is the difference between doctrine:migrate and doctrine:update ?
13:42.19robertlemkecubert__: don't even think about doing that ;-)
13:42.30cubert__ok :-D
13:43.56ghost1robertlemke: Can you help me with my question?
13:45.08cubert__ghost1: migrate is executing your migration scripts and nothing else
13:45.26cubert__ghost1: migration scripts become generated with doctrine:migrationgenerate
13:45.43cubert__ghost1: update does the update on DB directly without migraiton scripts
13:45.53robertlemkeghost1: sure!
13:46.19ghost1Oh, so its recommended to use migration scripts that can be used to migrate a production system?
13:46.35robertlemkeyes, absolutely
13:46.46ghost1Perfect, that makes a lot of sense
13:52.12ghost1OK guys now I am having another issue. When I execute doctrine:migrationgenrate it generates the migration scripts as you had mentioned. But when I execute doctrine:migrate it throws and exception #42P07 "typo3_flow3_resource_resourcepointer" already exists. I have not created any tables I just created the empty database before executing the previously mentioned commands.
13:54.20cubert__hmm not sure, maybe you can check whats in the migration script and if this makes sense
13:55.03ghost1It seems like it is actually executing the migration scripts during the generation phase , is that correct behavior?
13:55.47cubert__dont think so but maybe its a new feature in 1.1
13:57.25ghost1Hmm, seems odd
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14:00.37robertlemkeghost1: the migration scripts are not run automatically. If you start with a completely empty database with a fresh FLOW3, a ./flow3 doctrine:migrate should work in any case - if not, it's a bug
14:00.47*** part/#flow3 pgampe (
14:01.23ghost1Ok,  well I have a bug here, how can I go about submitting it to you guys?
14:05.53robertlemkeghost1: you need some very thorough steps to reproduce this - I just cloned a fresh copy of FLOW3, created a new database and hit ./flow3 doctrine:migrate:
14:05.54robertlemke++ finished in 5.09
14:06.04robertlemkeso, it works for me.
14:06.27robertlemkeBut still, if you file a bug report with PHP version, MySQL version and the exact steps you've taken, we can try to reproduce it
14:07.32ghost1Maybe its a bug with Postgresql, I am using PGSQL instead
14:07.53robertlemkeokay, that's an important bit of information ;-)
14:08.04ghost1OK will submit the bug with detailed steps and versions of everything I am using, where is the bug tracker?
14:08.38robertlemkeIt's here:
14:08.55robertlemkeyou'll need to create an account at, if you haven't done that already. And thanks for your help!
14:11.19ghost1ok . no prob
14:24.52humnushello guys, i have a site implemented with security tokens. if the cookie has gone old, i get a nasty exception page "#1258721059: The security context contained no tokens which could be authenticated." is there any possibility to send the user to the startpage instead?
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14:29.46cubert__you defined already an entry point?
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14:45.44jochen_Is there a inline-syntax that belongs to the ForViewHelper?
14:48.12jochen_{f:for(each:'{meta.keywords}', as:'keyword')}  - but how do i declare the output?
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14:57.45jochen_Or is there a better way to display an array with strings in an <f:form.textfield ?
14:57.48afoederjochen_ I think there is no inline alternative for this VH
14:58.10jochen_afoeder: how can i display an array in an input-box?
15:04.06afoederjochen_, how should that look?
15:05.18jochen_i got an property on my model as arrayCollection. I'd like to have something like <f:form.textfield property="meta.keywords" value="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3" ..>
15:06.07jochen_so i tried to use an inline notation for the For-VH but i couldn't figure out how to display the value
15:07.26jochen_Is that possible with fluid or do i have to make a string in the newAction and assign it to the template separately?
15:08.24jochen_I am converting the input-value back to an array in the initializeUpdateAction
15:08.27humnusthanks cubert__, i had no entry point in my config
15:09.24afoederjochen_ as far as I see this you either have to create an own ViewHelper (like an "ImplodeViewHelper") or you prepare that in your controller or even getter, if that makes sense
15:10.06jochen_Alright, thanks!
15:10.56afoederjochen_, another alternative would be using the selectViewHelper
15:12.25jochen_I think that won't help me. I'd like the user to be able to edit alle keywords in an input-box not in an select-option-thing
15:38.30tomasitohow I create a user in the system in flow version 1.1?????
15:38.52tomasito this is my code but is not working
15:46.10tomasitoCan anyone help me with this, and tell me where my error is ????
15:46.48aertmanntomasito: maybe have a look at;f=Classes/Command/SetupCommandController.php;h=29511a560541e1dafc74abe574b5bd19c2791ee3;hb=HEAD
15:47.13aertmannbut ignore the Typo3BackendProvider stuff
15:48.22aertmannalthough your code looks fine to me
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15:51.35pumatertiontomasito, do you check the db? is the account not written or does the login fails?
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15:52.50tomasitopumatertion: just that the db is empty
15:53.17tomasitoit doesn't give any error just doesn't do it
15:53.37aertmanndid you try persistAll?
15:53.55pumatertioni had the problem of not persiting sometimes too
15:54.19pumatertionjust try give this a try: ./flow3 flow3:cache:flush --force
15:55.10aertmannand if that doesn't work try adding $this->persistenceManager->persistAll(); after the ->add($account);
15:57.43pumatertionmhh, you didnt set a party? mhh, shouldnt this throw an exception because fields are generaly not nullable?
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16:20.18tomasitono I didn't try the persistence but I will now
16:20.44tomasitono the party is required in the db
16:20.48tomasitocan be null
16:21.17tomasitosorry, the party is not required in the db
16:21.24tomasitoyou can leave it null
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16:29.07tomasitopumatertion1: it work with the $this->persistenceManager->persistAll();
16:29.49tomasitoand now the one million dollars question, why I have to do that, i doesn't suppose to do it automatically ??
16:31.28aertmanntomasito: could be that something breaks before the __destruct is called
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16:33.05afoederok guys, CU all, have a nice evening
16:33.20aertmannu2 ;)
16:33.44afoederbwaidelich: and ;-)
16:33.54bwaidelichafoeder: wohoo, thx!
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16:35.07aertmannbtw. bwaidelich:
16:35.36bwaidelichaertmann: nice one, i keep forgetting. thx
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18:05.40tomasitoI change from version 1.0.4 to 1.1 beta, and now when I  do the persistence, it doesn't do it, I have to use $this->persistenceManager->persistAll(); all the time, or there is another way ???
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18:08.22bwaidelichtomasito can you post some sample code (at ?
18:09.28bwaidelichif you change an agregate root (an entity that has a corresponding repository) you need to update/add the object to the repository as before
18:10.10bwaidelichif you create/update an entity that only belongs to an agregate root, but does not have a repository itself, you need to update the root object
18:12.20bwaidelichno, that shouldn't be required..
18:12.25tomasitothe objects I'm using have repository
18:12.49tomasitobut if don't do it i won't saved to the database
18:13.02tomasitothen where is the error
18:14.23bwaidelichthis hasn't changed - only the *time* when automatic persistence happens has changed with
18:14.45bwaidelichno, hang on
18:16.01bwaidelichdo you have the latest version? cause might be related!?
18:16.43bwaidelichi assume you flushed the cache!?
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18:19.03robertlemketomasito: just one idea: are you extending the ActionController or some other controller?
18:19.27tomasitofrom ActionController
18:19.57bwaidelichweird, and nothing in the logs?
18:21.55robertlemkeAllright. A developer I know had the same problem. In his case the reason was that, because of the new frozen package feature, the new signal slot rule was not active. You can either unfreeze all packages (./flow3 package:unfreeze all) or refreeze them (./flow3 package:refreeze all). Did you try that or some cache:flush —force ?
18:22.20pumatertion1i know this. my solution was to clear the cache with force. also delete package states file because of froce
18:22.32tomasito this is my log
18:23.04tomasitono with force
18:23.05bwaidelich--force is the new "clear all caches button" ;)
18:24.16tomasitonow is workingg
18:24.31tomasitoIt seem with the force it work
18:24.57bwaidelichdoesn't "./flow3 core:migrate" flush the caches?
18:25.04pumatertion1so whats the latency time for gettings answers in forge? :P
18:25.06bwaidelichit should IMO
18:25.45tomasitothank's guys
18:27.18pumatertion1seems to be the same as in the mailing list ;)
18:27.21bwaidelichyou're welcome
18:27.37bwaidelichpumatertion1 which one?
18:27.53robertlemketomasito: then it's certainly due to the frozen packages
18:27.59robertlemkebwaidelich: no, it doesn't flush the caches
18:28.20bwaidelichrobertlemke: but it should,shouldn't it? should i create an issue or shouldnt i
18:28.25tomasitowell I made and flow3:cache:flush --force and that work for me
18:28.38robertlemkeby the way: one way to debug tomasito's issue would have been to add this to the FLOW3 Package.php file:
18:28.38robertlemke$dispatcher->connect('TYPO3\FLOW3\Mvc\Dispatcher', 'afterControllerInvocation', function() { echo 'persistAll called.'; });
18:29.32robertlemkebwaidelich: no, I think it doesn't necessarily have to flush caches. In fact I could imagine some scenario where you'd just want to create the db structure (in production context) and not flush caches all the time
18:29.43pumatertion1as of 1.1 the session get also cleare without forcing. whats the reason?
18:30.50robertlemkepumatertion1: the reason is that if you change the code, it can easily happen that your session becomes corrupt (because some entities changed etc.). Previously there was no easy way to remove a session and therefore we added it to the flush:cache command
18:31.11pumatertion1okay, thanks
18:32.18pumatertion1i still have the need to get some answers about the behaviour of converters
18:35.09pumatertion1i expect a converter in the following behaviour. f.e. lets take an integer converter and we have a form wich updates a model with an integer property wich is set to be nullable in the db. at this point the converter returns a 0 also if an empty string is given. i would expect a null. and after this the validators should match.
18:36.15pumatertion1i never would except validation erros in a converter. i nearly understand a converter as a "TryToConvert"
18:39.11pumatertion1so maybe i can write my own converter wich checks by canConvert and setting a higher priority to the new one. but now i will get erros of other thirdparty packages wich does not allow null on integer properties.
18:40.46pumatertion1how do you handle this? manipulating the request arguments in initialize and set the argument to something the converter does not match? maybe there to null if ''?
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18:45.38pumatertion1robertlemke: can you give me a comment to this?
18:56.51tomasitorobertlemke: can you help me with this problem
18:57.16tomasitothis is something that I have had for a long time
18:57.43tomasitoI want to create an image from the instructor controller
18:58.29tomasitobut it always give the error #1297759968: Exception while property mapping for target type "MAS\Pro\Domain\Model\Instructor", at property path "image.originalResource": Object with identity "picture.jpg"
19:02.03bwaidelichtomasito: is that the complete exception message?
19:02.21bwaidelichObject with identity "picture.jpg"... nothing more?
19:03.04bwaidelichpumatertion1: sounds reasonable, but type conversion and validation can't be separated completely..
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19:05.23pumatertion1why not? isnts validation just only a part of @FLOW3\Validate(type="NotEmpty")?
19:05.27pumatertion1hi mneuhaus
19:05.37mneuhaushi :)
19:05.40pumatertion1at the property itself
19:06.08tomasitothe picture.jpg is the name of the picture that I upload
19:06.17mneuhausi'm trying to attach a function to the DebugExceptionHandler, but the Pointcut doesn't seem to work
19:06.53pumatertion1if the result of the converter is null and property is notated with NotNull this should be work as expected i think
19:07.00tomasitobwaidelich: sorry at the end it say not found
19:08.32pumatertion1tomasito: whats the name of your upload field? just image or image[resource]?
19:09.10tomasitopumatertion1:  <f:form.upload property="image.originalResource" />
19:09.55pumatertion1and this is the property of type …\Resource?
19:10.26tomasitothe type is * @var \TYPO3\FLOW3\Resource\Resource
19:10.46pumatertion1give resource a try instead of imageResource
19:11.32pumatertion1erm, resource instead of originalResource
19:12.23pumatertion1oh sorry, own image model. thought its the media package image
19:12.26bwaidelichpumeatertion1: you're right, this seems to be buggy. sebastian would know more about this and i'll point him to your questions when he's back
19:12.26pumatertion1my fault
19:12.31tomasitopumatertion1: you say change the name of the variable from originalresource to resource ?
19:15.26pumatertion1bwaidelich: aaaah, this is enough answer after 3 days of spaming forge, mailing list and this chat ;)
19:15.34pumatertion1thanks a lot for listening :)
19:18.22pumatertion1so at last i can say in less words: a converter tries to convert, a validation validates the converted. an i hope there will be a solution to seperate them.
19:18.41pumatertion1i wish a fantastic night to everybody :)
19:19.47bwaidelichpumatertion1: i only slightly remember that i posed a similar question once and sebastian convinced me that it can't be separated completely
19:19.49bwaidelichwe'll see
19:19.53bwaidelichhave a nice evening too
19:20.07tomasitohave a good night
19:21.06pumatertion1@tomasito: did you take a look at the media package? there is an image model and also its converter
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19:21.47tomasitoI can create and image if I use the controller of the image, the problem
19:22.02tomasitois when I try to create the image from the instructor controller
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21:27.10jochen_Is it possible to make something in a route parts uriPattern optional?
21:31.05aertmannwrap it in ()
21:31.20aertmannsorry {}
21:31.32aertmannlike required/{optional}
21:33.23jochen_When doing this in routeParts i get the () in the url >.>
21:34.03jochen_it's working in uriPattern but not routeParts -> part name ->uriPattern
21:37.25aertmannah yeah sorry, it goes in the uriPattern
21:38.44aertmannbut the route part is optional if make like optional in the uripattern..
21:38.49jochen_And another question that belongs to routing: I'm using model-propertys for routing
21:39.11jochen_Documentation says "Mappings from an object to it’s URI representation are stored in the ObjectPathMappingRepository in order to make sure, that existing links work even after a property has changed."
21:39.37jochen_Is ist possible to refresh it or something? I'd like to have the new property in the url when updating the property
21:39.38aertmannthat made absolutely no sense.. the route part is optional if the part is optional in the uri pattern *
21:41.30jochen_and what about updating the propertys?
21:42.29aertmannnot sure about the properties, but as I read it, it sounds like if matches the updated property and the old one, since the old one is stored in the repository
21:42.44aertmannbut can't say if that's the case though :S
21:43.51jochen_it looks like the new is working, but the view helper directs to the old one >.>
21:47.32aertmannyeah seems like it doesn't check if the value actually is the same when converting to the url
21:48.03aertmannIdentityRoutePart->resolveValue (164)
21:49.13aertmannit would be possible to delete the entry in the ObjectPathMappingRepository, when you change the property
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21:49.49aertmanndid you miss something?
21:50.04aertmannwrote 3 lines since you last typed something..
21:50.05jochenLast was "it would be possible to delete the entr..."
21:50.18aertmannthen you didn't :)
21:50.49jochenOk, so i could inject the OBjectPahtMappingRepository for updateAction?
21:51.39aertmanneither inject it, or just use the object manger to fetch it
21:52.00aertmannmanager *
21:53.51aertmannand remember to persist the change if you're generating the link before the process ends
21:54.44jochenBut is this the way to go? Shouldn't be the new and the old route there automatically?
21:55.06jochenwell at least show the up-to-date route when using the link-ViewHelper
21:55.28aertmannsure you could argue for that, but atm. it's not implemented like that.. looking at the code it seems for performance reasons
21:55.52aertmannit would be good to open an issue on forge for it
21:56.08aertmannthere might even be one already
21:56.11jochenSry i'm no familiar with this stuff
21:56.49aertmannif you sign in (using an account on you can create a new issue
21:56.51jochenI think the easiest for me would be to build the url manually
21:59.31jochenbefore i report an issue, do you have the same problems?
21:59.44jochenor is it maybe a miss configuration
22:01.24aertmannhaven't used it myself so can't say.. but looking at the code seems it's a missing feature
22:02.39jochenOk, is this more a bug or a feature when reporting an issue?
22:03.44aertmanndepends on how you look on it.. it's a bug if you expect it do to it automatically, and it's a feature if you like to have it done automatically instead having to do it manually
22:04.32jochenI'll just use feature and see what will happen :)
22:05.19aertmannBastian might be into working on it, since it seems he's using it himself..
22:05.39aertmannalso you could ask him what he does
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22:13.35jochenWohoo, my first entry on that bug-tracker with crappy english ;)
22:14.18jocheni'm excited about feedback
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