IRC log for #flow3 on 20120329

00:33.04*** join/#flow3 boonkerz_ (
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06:29.28sewogood morning
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07:43.17ChristianMyeah good morning to you too ;)
07:47.46afoederjwa, was it really *that* bad, that school class? :)
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07:49.22jwaafoeder: ha. no I had my headphones and turned up the volume :P
07:53.00afoederyep, but that doesn't help when school bags bump against your backside again and again...^^
07:53.53jwaI prominently placed my bag on the seat next to me, that usually helps, too
07:54.17jwaalso, if you mind having a look at the logs from yesterday evening, I had a question (again) that noone could answer :(
07:57.15afoeder>>circular relationships?<<?
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08:28.48jwaafoeder: ?
08:29.16afoederyes? I was hoping to silently steal myself away from my responsibility...
08:29.32jwak, nevermind then
08:30.05bwaidelichhi all
08:30.08afoederyeah, have indeed no idea so far.
08:30.11bwaidelichjwa: what was your question?
08:30.14afoederhey bwaidelich!
08:31.37jwabwaidelich: hi, the last few lines from me here:
08:32.52bwaidelichcounterquestion: why don't you use the form api? ;)
08:34.41jwaer, don't mind the example, I actually have different stuff there
08:35.04bwaidelichok, but a concrete example would help
08:35.16bwaidelichso, in that case you had right?
08:36.13jwaexactly, only that Form isn't an aggregation of FilledForm(s)
08:36.29jwaand FormOptionValue has a reference back to FormOption, of course
08:36.43bwaidelichit's not an agregate, but a 1:1 relation
08:37.19jwathe empty square thingies say otherwise?
08:37.39jwayeah, so it's not UML :P
08:38.08jwathe reason I have it like this is because Forms do not stand in a direct relation to FilledForms, because many users can fill out a single form right?
08:38.21jwaalso, what tool is that?
08:38.25bwaidelichyou're right ->
08:39.16bwaidelichi think, this model could be improved
08:40.15bwaidelichbut to clearify: FormOption is an element in the form, right? (textbox, select field, ...)
08:41.35afoederI'd also have a question again and again; is it possible to set Validators to "foreign" packages via Configuration?
08:41.48jwacan have many options, but not all have to be filled in, so a FilledForm doesn't have the same number of FormOptionValues as its Form has FormOptions
08:42.01afoederI'd like, for example, to set Validator options to FLOW3.Party's Party
08:42.15jwaafoeder: AOP?
08:42.45bwaidelichif you look at that's the simplified UML of the Form API
08:42.49afoederhm would be an idea; but I think setting it via configuration would be useful in general
08:43.24bwaidelichwe use FormDefinition (for Form),  FormRuntime (for FilledForm) and FormElement (for FormOption)
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08:45.07chrisDDHi, is there an initialize function that is only called when an object is really new and not loaded through persistence? i would suspect _construct and initializeObject to be called in both cases.
08:45.29bwaidelichchrisDD the constructor is not called when reconstituted
08:45.56bwaidelichinitializeObject() is always called, after all inject* methods have been called
08:46.36bwaidelichjwa: so basically the only difference is, that you can always ask the FormRuntime for all it's elements
08:46.49bwaidelichthey might be optional, but the Runtime knows about them
08:46.58chrisDDbwaidelich: thx. thats interesting.
08:46.58ChristianMjwa about circular references in general, it shouldn't be a problem, I would just for the sake of speed annotate some relation(s) lazy so they are really only loaded if needed
08:48.03ChristianMbut doctrine checks that, so there shouldn't be an endless loop triggered
08:48.53bwaidelichi think, in this example the circular reference is not the problem
08:49.03bwaidelichbut it seems overcomplicated to get to the values
08:49.06bwaidelichforeach ($form->getFormOptions() as $option) {
08:49.51jwaexactly, and I'd annotate the Form property of FormOptionValue as lazy I think
08:50.15bwaidelichthe optionValue has a reference to Form ?
08:50.19jwaI also have specified default values in the FormOption
08:50.59jwabwaidelich: uh oh, no, I meant the FilledForm
08:51.20jwabut yeah since that's a ManyToOne relationship already I doubt it's a problem for doctrine, right?
08:51.53bwaidelichno, shouldn't be
08:51.53jwafunny thing is that I don't need ManyToMany relations as I first thought..
08:51.59jwacool :)
08:52.08bwaidelichin the form api we use unique identifiers for each form element
08:52.27jwalike ValueObjects?
08:52.28bwaidelichthat makes it really easy to retrieve a specific form value
08:52.39jwaah, of course
08:53.10bwaidelichand we can even use the dot-syntax to combine values to a composite
08:53.29bwaideliche.g. "" & "start.time"
08:53.39bwaidelichgetValue('start') would return an array with both values
08:56.03jwaimplementing something like that in my case would be pretty overkill though
08:57.22bwaidelichjwa i think the main difference is, that we don't map the form values to objects immediately but keep them as multi-dimensional array until the end
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09:04.27afoederokey dokey; what do you think:
09:07.39bwaidelichafoeder nice idea! but the base validators of a model should IMO only validate the absolutely necessary rules anyways and everything additional you can achieve with custom validators, no?
09:08.28afoederwell, then I didn't get something; what is the difference between "base" and "custom" validators?
09:09.25bwaidelichso, if you have special rules for your "person" model, you could either subclass the Party person or create a custom validator that validates the person object as a whole
09:10.02bwaidelich"base validator" was ambiguous
09:10.12bwaidelichi meant "base properties"
09:10.33afoederah now I got you; well, honestly I want to avoid additional files/classes only for that purpose...
09:11.07ChristianMbut it's the way to go
09:11.16afoeder(you'd mean somethin like a PersonValidator?)
09:11.17ChristianMthe third code example could be covered by that
09:11.26ChristianMcustom NameValidator
09:11.33ChristianMand annotate that to your name property
09:11.35afoedereh right
09:11.36bwaidelichyes, because it's part of your domain logic.
09:11.48bwaidelichbut i dont't think your idea does not make sense
09:11.49afoedertrue, too
09:11.53bwaidelichin general
09:12.04ChristianMyep, the configuration of validators could make sense I think
09:12.17bwaidelichbut I'm not sure if it would make it even more complex if you have several ways to specify validation rules
09:12.26afoederthat's absolutely right!
09:12.37afoederwe'd need a console command to find out active validators then
09:12.54afoederbecause searching for why a validation fails could drive you mad.
09:15.20afoeder(if the Yaml approach has a chance, I'd vote for an additional Validation.yaml)
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09:17.54afoederadditionally, I hazy remember somebody mentioned additional validation options; I think it was Sebastian
09:18.18afoederbut I really don't remember the concrete ideas
09:19.57bwaidelichyes I think it will be similar to the PropertyMappingConfiguration
09:21.14bwaidelichcurrently you can use this to allow mapping of nested properties in your initialize*Action() method. I could imagine a similar mechanism to override validation rules.
09:21.32bwaidelichand we planned to make that settable via annotations, sometime
09:22.08afoederah yes; also a nice idea; but (in my case) it's not clued to (my) domain model "enough"
09:22.50bwaidelichbecause you're not using *your* domain model ;)
09:23.35bwaidelichbtw: maybe the mixin mechanism will also allow us to "inject" validation rules to other models. But that will be global then
09:24.54ChristianMah bwaidelich as you are here atm. just stumbled upon something and was not sure… can I get an uriBuilder in a command controller? I know there was some discussion about that quite a while ago...
09:25.12afoederok: after all I think the PersonNameValidator would be most straightforward
09:25.26afoederat least in my currenct case :)
09:26.11bwaidelichchristianm yes, why not?
09:26.30bwaidelichbut you have to bind it to some WebRequest
09:26.41bwaidelich...which you probably have to create first
09:26.51ChristianMah I see, so a dummy request
09:27.15bwaidelichyes, that should work. as we don't have Backend & Frontend in FLOW3 ;)
09:27.28bwaidelichthat makes things so much easier
09:27.51afoederalthough, for example that deep property validating has the charm that you can have different requirements for different contexts
09:29.14afoederan employee which uses PersonName must satisfy other properties than a customer, e.g.
09:29.48bwaidelichafoeder that's true
09:36.28farconadabwaidelich: have you take a look at this?
09:37.39bwaidelichfarconada didn't see it yet. yes, that should work in general
09:37.44bwaidelichdid you try it?
09:38.09farconadaI dont know how to get the formruntime inside the factory
09:38.21bwaidelichwhy do you need it?
09:38.50farconadaI write an examplet at this gist
09:39.06bwaidelichi know, but why do you need the runtime?
09:39.27farconadafrom your example
09:40.22bwaidelichlets start from the beginning: what are you trying to achieve? to redirect to a custom action after the form has been submitted?
09:41.01farconadaI just playing with TYPO3.Form to learn about its possiblities.
09:41.22farconadafirst I want to redirect to an action with an argument passed in a form element
09:41.30afoederChristianM: good chances I got a ticket for T3DD. Have to confirm this, though ;-)
09:41.55bwaidelichafoeder great
09:42.40farconadanext I want to write the same Form and redirect to different actions (depending of an argument in the template) with the same argument
09:44.06farconadamy idea: a Form is something with input fields that i could use in a template to buld an object and I could send that object to different pages, the form is responsible of validation and should have hooks
09:44.08farconadais it ok?
09:47.09bwaidelichthis would redirect to an action the user can chose via dropdown (untested)
09:48.22farconadais not exactly my idea
09:48.47bwaidelich"first I want to redirect to an action with an argument passed in a form element" isn't that what this example does?
09:48.51farconadacause the target action should be defined in the template
09:49.11bwaidelichjust take it from "$factorySpecificConfiguration"
09:49.48farconada'argments' => array('fieldName' =>{fieldName}')
09:50.12farconadacould I use "$factorySpecificConfiguration" for what I want ?
09:50.42bwaidelich$factorySpecificConfiguration will contain the complete preset configuration plus the values you specify in the template via the overrideConfiguration argument
09:51.09bwaidelichso you have to be careful not to override exisitng data. just var_dump the variable and you'll see
09:51.39farconadathe "$factorySpecificConfiguration" ok
09:51.41bwaidelichit will also contain the default options for the finishers, so you can simply override them
09:52.03farconadanow the form parametes
09:53.18farconadainside the factory
09:53.35farconadahow to recover the form submitted values?
09:53.42farconadafor example
09:54.16bwaidelichyou can add multiple finishers to a form, what about the closure finisher?
09:55.00bwaidelichah i see - you want to be redirected to some action with all form values as argument?
09:55.09farconada$Person = personBuilder($filedName, $fieldAge); $myFinisher->setoptions('person' => $Person)
09:56.36farconadain your example at you wrote $formRuntime->getFormState()->getFormValues(); so lets back to my first question, where could I get the formruntime() ?
09:57.03bwaidelichit will be passed to the closure
09:57.35farconaday3es but $closureFinisher->setOption('closure', function($formRuntime) {}
09:57.43farconadain the factory?
09:58.52bwaidelichjust use it like this and you'll be able to get the form values inside the closure as described
09:59.30aertmannfarconada: is this what you're looking for?
10:00.38bwaidelichfarconada if you look inside the closure finisher you can see that the first parameter passed to the closure is the form runtime (;f=Classes/Finishers/ClosureFinisher.php;h=b090eec12a828f4f582d7d1da32a753ad3756fce;hb=HEAD)
10:01.03bwaidelich(btw: this will be changed to be the finisherContext soon, but you can get the runtime from that as well)
10:03.54farconadasorry, not really satisfied
10:04.00farconadawriting an example...
10:10.24farconadais it possible?
10:12.56farconadaI'll be here in after a fast coffe
10:33.49afoederinteresting... would anybody be so kind an test/reproduce this on your machine?
10:35.37bwaidelichafoeder what's the result on your machine?
10:36.00bwaidelichand you're surprised?
10:36.12afoederwell, the one @ codepad is what I was hoping to get...
10:36.25afoederwhy should I not be surprised? :)
10:36.33bwaidelichwhat about the trailing pipe in the dateformat?
10:37.57afoedermy intention was to set hmi to 0 and the timezone, too
10:37.58bwaidelichah, didn't know that
10:38.25bwaidelichi get false too
10:38.54afoederwhat php ver?
10:39.05afoederand; Windows?
10:39.09ChristianMI get the expected result
10:39.14ChristianMthe DateTime object
10:39.26afoederwith UTC?
10:39.31afoeder(most important for me)
10:39.51ChristianMah nope, with local timezone
10:40.03ChristianMbut that depends on your php.ini
10:40.37afoederChristianM, could you throw away the | and add an ! in front of the format?
10:40.44afoeder--> !Y-m-d
10:41.20afoeder(I ideally don't want something that depends on my php.ini ;-)
10:41.41bwaidelich works for me but not on codepad
10:42.45afoederI assume that very depends on the php version... because that whole thing is a bit fiddly however...
10:43.14bwaidelichprobably it's safer to (re)set time & timezone on the DateTime object
10:44.05afoederyes... true....
10:44.37afoederI hoped I can achieve it with setTypeConverterOption(                   'TYPO3\FLOW3\Property\TypeConverter\DateTimeConverter',                   \TYPO3\FLOW3\Property\TypeConverter\DateTimeConverter::CONFIGURATION_DATE_FORMAT,                   'Y-m-d|'
10:46.14ChristianM!Y-m-d gives Europe/Berlin too
10:46.47afoederyep  for me, too
10:49.53ChristianMeither you set the timezone with date_default_timezone_set() in bootstrap or you rely on php.ini
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10:51.32afoederwell, regarding this, I'm still searching for a reliable, holistic solution
10:52.04afoedera few days ago I mentioned "Django" which per-default normalizes DateTimes to UTC prior/after persisting
10:52.30afoederI think FLOW3 *must* provide a similar mechanism / at least this has really to be discussed.
10:53.13afoederbecause the way it's currently handled may quickly result in a mess...
10:53.54farconadaideas about ?
10:55.48ChristianMyeah, timezone handling in php is/was a mess
10:55.50afoeder(for that reason I started a bit ago)
10:56.07afoederFLOW3 really should provide a guideline for that.
10:57.11afoederthis UTC-normalization might even be a Doctrine thing.
11:03.41afoederand, as expected: setting the timezone afterwards changes the actual date
11:03.59afoedertimezone must only be *set* @ constructor
11:10.14afoederChristianM, the DateTimeConverter behavior for this reason might even be considered buggy
11:11.03ChristianMat least I would say this whole timezone stuff needs to be thought about
11:11.34afoederabsolutely; unfortunately I did not find anybody who would like to participate :-P
11:12.43afoedercheck that line 39, please:;f=Classes/Property/TypeConverter/DateTimeConverter.php;h=5aad65f3b6cf4db2f5b8a4e101ba6acb34a05124;hb=master#l39
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11:14.11bwaidelichfarconada still there?
11:15.08afoederthis conveys the impression that you might adjust the given date/time bound to the timezone; but actually the resulting date/time is changed
11:15.17bwaidelichyour example won't work. the factory just creates a form definition. the runtime is only available at.. runtime ;)
11:15.19afoeder("becomes changed")
11:15.36bwaidelichbut you can use the "setDataType()" setter to automatically map form values to objects
11:15.52bwaidelichand if that's not enough, create a simple finisher
11:16.16bwaidelicha finisher retrieves a context that contains the runtime ($finisherContext->getFormRuntime())
11:16.38ChristianMafoeder, yep I think I see what you mean
11:16.44ChristianMthat is not that great
11:17.29afoederTZ should be set in line 117
11:17.33afoederas 3rd param
11:18.57farconadasetDataType is undocumented, isnt it?
11:20.33bwaidelichit is documented under custom form elements, but you can also set it in the factory
11:20.51bwaidelichbut this is rather advanced
11:20.58bwaidelichwill you be at the developer days in 2 weeks?
11:21.13bwaidelichi'll be doing a form workshop there
11:23.05farconadabwaidelich with setDataType and a custom finishers, how could I reutilize the converted object? setDataType expect an string, isnt it?  how could i convert a form to a model object?
11:24.35farconadasorry, I couldn't be a Developers days I cant affors it, but I'll take a look at slides
11:25.41farconadaI think the most important thing here is the concept, tell me if I'm wrong
11:25.42farconadamy idea: a Form is something with input fields that i could use in a template to buld an object and I could send that object to different pages, the form is responsible of validation and should have hooks
11:27.04bwaidelichfarconada thats a pitty. i have to leave now, but I would ignore the dataType for now - it is flexible as it allows you to map pages, sections or single elements to an object, but this is not trivial
11:27.26bwaidelichhave a look at the existing finishers and start with your custom one - they're really easy
11:27.37farconadai did it
11:28.23bwaidelichbtw: editing existing object is not yet (easily) possible - we'll discuss that at the dev days
11:28.31farconadaI'm considereing TYPO3.Form for complex forms not for the simplest ones, I used to manage master/detail forms that need to be converted via custom property mappers
11:29.17farconadathen converted objects are passed to differents actions and fire signals
11:30.18farconadaI think that TYPO3.Forms could manage it to reutilize the code and encapsuletes the logic of the forms (finishers instead of signals and so on)
11:30.43bwaidelichyes that should work
11:31.05farconadaI you agree I could develop a bit more my idea and we could talk in another moment
11:31.49bwaidelichabsolutely! just look through the code examples of the FormExample package for some simpler use cases and check the API. it's a bit hard to get your head around it at first, but it's quite flexible
11:35.14farconadabwaidelich thanks, I'll take a look at this and I'll develop my ideas a bit more
11:35.23bwaidelichgood luck!
11:47.07afoederwhaarghh... does anybody know "Brottrunk"?
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11:50.20wittemhey there, at the Documentation on the flow3 website is a guide about "Forms". Where are the sources for this?
11:55.52KirabThe HttpsInterceptor is not usable, or is it?
11:56.13KirabSeems like it’s unfinished work
11:56.45KirabOr I just can’t find documentation or use-cases
12:15.44ChristianMwittem, I guess you talk about the Form API
12:15.59ChristianMand maybe also interesting:
12:16.31wittemThank you ChristianM
12:16.35ChristianMKirab HttpsInterceptor, nope, I think its the same as the IP address range stuff
12:16.45ChristianMit's not finished yet
12:16.49ChristianMafoeder, well I know it
12:19.29afoederjust tasted a bit of it *_~
12:24.57ChristianMyeah its not really nice
12:25.24ChristianMKirab, I think we would all be happy to have those interceptors fully implemented so if you need it, would be great if you can offer code
12:25.37ChristianMbtw. did you see our effort to tackle the bugtracker?
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12:27.37KirabChristianM: Yes, I did, it’s moving forward now :)
12:32.18chrisDDis there a documented call tree for the object instantiation? i know you guys know which magic function is called when, but i don't want to ask every single time. and testing myself takes time. e.g. is the result of injectsettings available in __construct?
12:33.09ChristianMchrisDD nope its not
12:33.22ChristianMand I am not aware of a documentation about that
12:33.33ChristianMjust because it is pretty dynamic as soon as AOP comes in
12:33.48ChristianMinitializeObject is called after __construct with all injections done
12:34.19ChristianM(but for persisted objects this is called only ONCE when the object is really new)
12:34.51ChristianMchrisDD but sure, I think it would be nice to have some cheat-sheet with the basic magic methods
12:35.11chrisDDthats what i am looking for. want to initialize the object only when still not persisted with settings from a config file.
12:35.27ChristianMyep then initializeObject is what you need
12:36.19chrisDDbut isn't it call when accessing again through the persistence?
12:36.49chrisDDdon't want to initialize with each access to the oibject
12:37.24ChristianMnope this should really only be called after __construc
12:38.56chrisDDdamn, misunderstood that one. makes things a lot easier :-)
12:41.48ChristianMum wait, it is in fact called in both ways, but you get an argument that you can check against
12:43.39ChristianMyou can expect one argument to this method
12:43.42ChristianMan integer
12:43.48ChristianMand you can check against this constants:
12:44.38ChristianMchrisDD that was for you, just so your client notifies you ;)
12:50.25chrisDDoh ok, so i have to take care of that. thats alright.
12:54.07chrisDDwill you all come to f3x12 this weekend?
12:54.47ChristianMI am there
12:56.02chrisDDgreat. me too.
13:01.25ChristianMnice, so we will meet there
13:09.38chrisDDoh injectSettings isnÄt working in a model class?
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13:31.32afoederChristianM what do you think, is the ->setTimezone issue worth a patch?
13:32.03afoederI don't know if this is intended behavior or if the author wasn't (really) aware of that fact
13:33.28afoederah, bwaidelich seems to be the author
13:35.09farconadaafoerder what about the assetic package?
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14:07.05jwadid someone already setup a CI with flow3?
14:08.10farconadatime ago i did something
14:08.22farconadathe big problem is coverture
14:12.09farconadasorry coverage
14:12.29jwahaha might have been your wife interfering with it :D
14:13.29jwaI mean, it's always possible ;)
14:17.47jwaand I have an excuse for not writing unit tests :3
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14:55.53jwaI have a suggestion for i18n formatters... I don't think it's a good idea to need the TYPO3\FLOW3 namespace and you should be able to use your own namespace for (say, very custom) own formatters
14:56.25jwamaybe use a list of namespaces for formatters in Settings.yaml or Objects.yaml or use annotations to collect all available formatters
14:56.31jwajust looking for input :)
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15:06.15ChristianMjwa, didn't look into those yet, but if it is the case that they NEED to be in TYPO3\FLOW3 namespace, yes we should change that
15:06.24ChristianMto some annotation / interface based approach
15:06.58ChristianMmmm there is  \TYPO3\FLOW3\I18n\Formatter\FormatterInterface
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15:56.22kkopeckyDid any one know a good projectmanagement softwarte for realizing a bigger projekt in flow3 ?
15:57.15ChristianMkkopecky, mmm very much depends on your needs
15:57.34ChristianMwe currently try JIRA for our development effort
15:57.35kkopeckyi want that the projekt will be successful :D
15:57.44ChristianM:D who doesn't
15:58.04ChristianMJIRA looks very promising but it is not for free (at least for non open source projects)
15:58.18ChristianMit has tons of integration tools for IDEs and browsers
15:58.34kkopeckyi will look at it :)
15:58.52ChristianMapart from that, well good old redmine...
16:02.04*** join/#flow3 shoelessone (~kevin@
16:02.07kkopeckynow its just a projekt for my study
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16:06.30kkopeckybut with the goal to do a startup out of it ;)
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16:08.37ChristianMbesides I like Wunderkit a lot
16:09.02ChristianMso far I use it mainly for self organisation but it offers team collaboration too
16:10.32kkopeckyokay , i will also take a look
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21:59.36jwaChristianM: yes, there's an interface, but you can't have {0,\Acme\I18n\Formatter\MyCustomFormatter} in your translation files, can you? :)
22:03.06*** join/#flow3 Akii (

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