IRC log for #flow3 on 20120326

05:41.50*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
06:09.37*** join/#flow3 SpareParts (~ondriq_h@
06:18.07*** join/#flow3 kdambekalns (
06:30.17*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
06:30.26afoedermorning, morning...
06:35.33*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
06:35.35*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
06:37.25skurfuerstgood morning @all
06:41.42*** join/#flow3 Denyerec (
06:45.35*** join/#flow3 Alban (
06:47.34afoedermoin moin
06:50.11*** join/#flow3 mvta (
06:50.29mvtamorning mates
07:13.28*** join/#flow3 robertlemke (
07:17.26ChristianMgood morning
07:17.38afoedermoorning :)
07:24.19*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti (
07:27.40SpareParts*yawn* morning guys
07:27.42*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
07:27.53afoedermorning SpareParts
07:28.00*** join/#flow3 pgampe (
07:30.57*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
07:31.41*** part/#flow3 pgampe (
07:40.18*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
07:51.58*** join/#flow3 soc42 (
07:57.23*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck1 (
07:58.28*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck2 (
08:00.23*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
08:06.35afoederhm... does anybody have an idea why controller's resolveView() is invoked twice in the same request, with different results?
08:07.10ChristianMsome subrequest
08:07.22skurfuerstsubrequest / widget
08:07.26afoederat least not by intention ;-)
08:08.40afoederone finds correctly the intended JSON view, the next only the NotFoundView; which makes the whole request regarded as NotFound
08:10.36*** join/#flow3 Kirab (
08:12.27ChristianMsome forward maybe?
08:13.15afoedernot that I knew of; it's pretty simple and straightforward. But maybe there's some forward in the background for any reason...
08:13.24afoederbackground --> FLOW3 :)
08:13.49afoederwell btw ChristianM; gotta minute? ;-)
08:14.00ChristianMis in 30 minutes ok?
08:14.51afoederwhoops ^^ "absolutely". :P
08:33.30*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
08:34.36*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
08:43.44ChristianMI am ready btw.
08:49.59*** join/#flow3 fb|michael (
08:52.21ChristianMonline ich bin^^
08:53.06afoederto seek for you I have
08:56.14afoederChristianM, could you add me OR tellme your username?...
09:10.54*** join/#flow3 t3andi (
09:22.43*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck1 (
09:24.40*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
09:32.24*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
09:59.23*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck1 (
10:57.07afoederalright; my double invokation was because I didn't care of the errorAction, but there were errors
10:57.55ChristianMso a forward :D
10:59.19afoedererm; the current enhancements of i18n include better-customizable validator messages, right?
10:59.54ChristianMmmm, the errors for validators got adapted quite some time ago already
11:00.02ChristianMwith i18n you can translate them
11:00.18ChristianMbut you should already be able to get the message, code and arguments
11:00.40afoederyes might be, I didn't care about that for months
11:00.55afoederis there somewhere a nice example?
11:10.54ChristianMgood question
11:11.05ChristianMmaybe in the flashmessage viewhelper
11:11.10ChristianMin the doc comments
11:11.20ChristianMthey all now use the same message objects
11:12.41afoederah ok thanks, will watch out
11:22.06afoederjust read that coincidentally; I think we strongly need such for FLOW3 also...
11:22.31afoeder(could/would be a Doctrine issue, too maybe)
11:41.08*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf (
11:47.07afoederChristianM fyi
11:49.08ChristianMah yes
11:49.35afoederI honestly was hoping there also was some convetional declaration
11:50.24afoederwhere the messages are automatically "transformed" / translated
12:14.09*** join/#flow3 Alban (
12:22.20*** join/#flow3 ahrensde (~ahrensde@
12:43.43*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
12:51.55*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf1 (
12:52.02*** part/#flow3 afoeder (
13:21.05*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf (
13:27.39*** part/#flow3 mvta (
13:57.14*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
13:59.06*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf1 (
14:05.51*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
14:16.05*** join/#flow3 skorpi (
14:30.38afoederhm, is it required to "register" own XLF files anywhere?
14:31.30afoederI think I'm right with guessing they only have to be located in Resources/Private/Translations/{sourceName}.de.xlf ?
14:31.41afoedermaybe do they *must
14:31.58afoeder*must* have an `en` parent?
14:32.26DenyerecWhat on earth is this twig / fluid thing ? I see Soren engaging on twitter about it.
14:32.50DenyerecOh I see.
14:32.55Denyerec*googles first*
14:33.59*** join/#flow3 cubert_ (
14:39.49skurfuerstFYI: the new TypoScript rendering is now ready for review:,n,z
14:41.03afoederwow, good job!
14:41.26kdambekalnsafoeder: i guess you should remove the i18n caches…
14:42.01kdambekalnsa change to monitor i18n files is in the pipeline…
14:42.06afoederI expected something like this; do I have to do more then flow3:cache:flush?
14:42.19afoedermore than...
14:43.45kdambekalnsno, that *should* help. but it flushes "too much" in that case, try to remove …/Cache/Data/FLOW3_I18n_*
14:49.45afoederno, didn't help. I get the original labelId back from translateById(). Is there some pessimistic option in order to get a heavy exception instead of that fallback?
14:53.53kdambekalnscan you show me the xml?
15:02.28afoederah thanks for your offer; solved it by myself. PEBKAC™.
15:02.54afoederI had source-language="en"  but no <source> and <target> at the same time.
15:04.36afoederit's not possible to bind translations specific to a validation occurence, right; i.e. e.g. a model's property specific validator.
15:05.25afoedere.g. \TYPO3\Party's birthDate validation --> "you must be at least 18 years old"
15:22.48kdambekalnsafoeder: no, see
15:24.42afoederah, in this case you pass a custom message and code by *at the annotation* of the validator?
15:26.15afoederwheres this is an explicit approach. Using the property path would be an implicit, per-convention one.
15:33.11*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst1 (
15:42.11*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf (
15:43.14boonkerzanyone works with Vagant and flow3?
15:43.29skurfuerst1worked both with vagrant and with flow3, but not at the same time ;)
15:44.52afoederasked that already, but... is it possible to set entity (property) validators via Configuration?
15:45.10afoederI'd like to set some TYPO3.Party properties to NotEmpty/StringLength
15:53.24*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
16:03.22*** part/#flow3 afoeder (
16:34.33*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
16:41.34*** join/#flow3 soee (
16:47.32*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
17:00.28*** join/#flow3 Chacky (
17:15.10*** join/#flow3 kevin_ (~kevin@
17:15.13*** join/#flow3 nd_____ (
17:27.46*** join/#flow3 Kollode1 (
17:39.55*** part/#flow3 Chacky (
18:23.01*** join/#flow3 andreaswolf (~aw@
19:54.29*** join/#flow3 infobot (
19:54.29*** topic/#flow3 is FLOW3 | | FLOW3 is a PHP framework that makes a difference.
20:09.42*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
20:20.29*** join/#flow3 Wrack (
20:22.36*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
21:38.01*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
22:02.05*** join/#flow3 cognifloyd (
22:26.15*** join/#flow3 kdambekalns (

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