IRC log for #flow3 on 20120313

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07:21.21*** join/#flow3 Matze-TD (
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07:37.59Matze-TDi've got a model and it's repository, now i would like to save an object persistent. $repository->add($object) should save it persistent right? but there is nothing in database and there is no error
07:38.19Matze-TDi trigger the controller with a functional Test
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07:46.47afoeder_mooorning :)
07:47.44Matze-TDprobably you can help me :D i've got a persistence problem
07:48.05afoederI'll try; go ahead
07:48.23Matze-TDi've got a model, and it's repository. so with $repository->add($object) i would like to save this object persitent in database
07:48.41Matze-TDbut there is nothing in DB and won't get an error
07:48.55Matze-TDi trigger the controller with a functional test
07:49.05afoedertry an additional $repository->update()
07:49.16Matze-TDafter adding?
07:49.31afoederthat may help; but I still also don't know what the *right* approach is.
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07:55.28Matze-TDafoeder: hmm $repository->update(); does nothing. there is still no object in db
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08:57.55sewoI have a question about flashMessages, or maybe about Sessions…
08:57.56sewoin a index.html I have <f:flashMessages />
08:57.56sewowhen a user authenticates, I call $this->authenticationManager->authenticate(); $this->addFlashMessage('bla'); $this->redirect('index', 'Login'); which renders the index.html stuff with the 'bla' message
08:57.56sewobut when I call $this->authenticationManager->logout(); $this->addFlashMessage('blub'); $this->redirect('index', 'Login'); I don't get the flashMessage 'blub' rendered, is it because the session is destroyed and with it the flashMessage container ?
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10:12.26ChristianMsewo indeed that is the case
10:12.41ChristianMon logout the session is destroyed and the flashmessage container resides in the sesion
10:12.53sewowhat can I do ?
10:13.09sewoto still get some feedback for the user
10:13.43sewoor do I always have to redirect to /render a special logout view
10:13.54afoederI'd even say destroying the session due to ->logout() is a "side effect"
10:14.11ChristianMafoeder, mmm yes at least there should be a solution
10:15.25ChristianMsewo atm you need to do some workaround probably
10:15.58afoederanother thing; I have an object that needs DI; so I can't use __construct, but initializeObject; hence I can't instanciate is with `new`, but with the OM, right?
10:16.51sewook, thank you for the clearing this :D
10:19.12ChristianMafoeder why would DI prevent __construct?
10:19.30ChristianMnormally you don't need the OM, you can just new the object
10:19.42ChristianMproxy class building will take of the rest
10:20.02afoederbecause the injected prop's are not yet present at __construct
10:20.28afoederthis is a) my observation and b) what I remember having heard :-)
10:20.36ChristianMah you need them in __construct?
10:20.41afoederyep :)
10:20.49afoeder(should have said that :)
10:20.57ChristianMnope, right, that won't work
10:21.17afoederit's just a helper object that provides some stuff based on the input of __construct
10:22.40ChristianMI think I would need to see the usecase to decide what is the best way, but yeah, using the injected properties in __construct won't work
10:23.33afoederwell, it's pretty simple; I'd like to create a Rating package
10:23.42afoederthat allows rating stuff (star rating, you know)
10:23.46ChristianMyou could use the OM to grab the dependencies and accept them in __construct
10:24.42afoeder(it's not the most recent build, but you might get the idea
10:25.00ChristianMor create a factory that gets the stuff injected and instanciates the helper with the properties it has
10:25.11afoederan AggregateRating should serve as "helper object" that is aware of the best possible rating, the worst possible, the amount of rating and the value.
10:25.53ChristianMI see
10:26.12afoederand I came up needing the ReflectionService
10:26.36ChristianMI would say make a factory that accepts the collection and generates the helper Aggregate
10:26.36afoederto know what implementation the expected Rating is of
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10:43.59afoederhm, I wonder I can't get the annotated @return value via reflection...
10:44.04afoederisn't that intended?
10:51.23Matze-TDafoeder: you remember my persistence problem this morning? i didn't know that for testing there is an extra settings.yaml for database configuration. so that was the problem
10:52.01afoederwell, the additional settings.yaml isn't taken into account if it's inactive
10:52.18afoederand, by default, it shouldn't be active
10:53.07Matze-TDok i'm not sure about it, perhaps someone in my team activated it
10:53.34afoederwith "activated" I meant ... configured; used; ...
10:53.46Matze-TDbut i got new question. if i add the same database settings for testing like in development, and i run a test, all tables in database will disapper
10:54.15afoederwell, maybe that's the reason for different data ^^
10:54.25afoederdifferent database data
10:55.07afoederprobably the database is tidied up after Testing; that's why you maybe *must* provide other data than in production...
10:55.08Matze-TDok, so for testing persistent models i have to set up a new database
10:55.38afoedersounds making sense (but remember: I don't know surely)
10:56.19Matze-TDok thank you very much, i should tweet something again :D
11:10.33ChristianMMatze-TD that is the caes
11:10.40ChristianMyou need a different database for testing
11:10.54ChristianMit will be put into a defined state and cleared afterwards
11:11.37Matze-TDthank you :)
11:24.44afoederI don
11:24.58afoeder't get it... doesn't the annotation parser parse for @return occurence?
11:26.19afoederI need to check what type a particular method returns.
11:27.31afoeder(more concrete: the method could maybe being annotated with @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection<\Rating\Domain\Model\Rating>
11:28.36afoederand I need to make decisions dependant on what type the collection member is.
11:29.49kdambekalnsah, no. we don't use @return for anything, so it's not even analyzed/cached
11:30.10afoederahaa... ok...
11:30.27kdambekalnsyou could use getMethodTagsValues() from the ReflectionService and see if you can reuse the code that parses "typed collection" strings…
11:30.37afoederyes, well, getDocComment()
11:31.07afoederfrom Reflection works fine; a simple regex for /@return\s... should do the trick
11:31.37afoederI already began to examine this; but couldn't believe the annotation parser doesn't look for it on itself
11:33.17kdambekalnshelpful should be Utility\TypeHandling::parseType() and some more of the methods…
11:33.45afoedernoooooouuuuh.... ->getMethodTagsValues exactly works as you said and I need °_° There they went, the last two hours :)
11:34.05afoederwhy did I overlook that :-/
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12:21.04afoederhm... is it possible to create something like a for-i construct in Fluid?
12:23.11ChristianMwhat should happen then?
12:23.32afoederjust loop for e.g. 5 times
12:23.32ChristianMyou could hardcode an array directly in the template...
12:23.36afoeder(star rating, you know? ;-)
12:24.02ChristianM<for each="{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5}" ...
12:24.15afoederyeah, but "5" comes from out there
12:24.35afoeder(whereas "out there" is a variable) ;-)
12:24.39ChristianMI see
12:25.33ChristianMnope, then you need your own viewhelper
12:25.58ChristianMmaybe a <afoeder:do times="" ...
12:26.28afoederyes, just started... I'll attach it to the rating package and it's not that generic
12:32.38fischliwhat's wrong with  <for each="{myarray}" ...
12:33.23afoederI don't have an array there
12:33.40afoederconsider I have only "1 to 5"
12:33.57fischliwhy don't you build one as a dummy to get your counter
12:34.26afoederyep, "building one" is what I currently do: via a VH
12:36.15fischliwhy not assigning this dummy array to your fluid template instead of doing it by a new VH
12:36.45fischlilots of why's and what's ;-)
12:36.50afoederseparation of concerns ;-) But I agree; I'll attach it to the model
12:37.26afoederthe model tells the boundaries, the model also cann tell the boundarie'd array.
12:37.56afoederin case you missed it: I'd like to build a Rating package (star rating)
12:38.34fischligot it ;-)
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12:52.39afoederhas anybody already had an eye for this one, maybe?
12:52.41rosieresHi, I´m new to flow and planning my first project with it. This project will generate millions of records and billions of relations.  Which Database model would you recommend ? I Think a mysql Database is very quick too slow. Thank for your opinion in advance . . .
12:53.13afoeder(I especially mean the stuff at all)
13:18.16afoederand here we go:
13:28.30Matze-TDI got my own User Model. Now i need a authentification. Whats an easy way to solve it. Creating my own AuthMangager by implementing the AuthentificationManagerInterface?
13:31.40afoederMatze-TD, take the existing UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProvicer
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13:32.10Matze-TDthanks, i'll checkout this
13:33.09afoedercheck the documentation about that; there's a fantastic chapter.
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13:51.49Matze-TDhmm I'm a bit confused about the authentification
13:52.24Matze-TDi got no webforms and i got my own user model
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14:23.02Matze-TDso for a authentication i need an account, but if i have my own user-model the user-model is the account. A simple solution would be to relate my user-model with an account?
14:23.40afoederwell, an account *is bound* to a user model.
14:24.04afoedera FLOW3 account does have a property "party" which relates to a \TYPO3\Party instance
14:24.34afoederyou might inherit your own user model from \TYPO3\Party\Domain\Model\AbstractParty
14:24.37afoeder(that's what I did)
14:24.52Matze-TDah ok
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14:27.47Matze-TDnow my user model extends the AbstractParty Model
14:27.52Matze-TDso it's now an account?
14:28.10afoederno, you have to $account->setParty($this)
14:28.15afoeder(if $this is your user model ;-)
14:29.37Matze-TDso i have to create an account for every user model object?
14:30.16afoederwell, hm; you see, an *account* is what users use to log in.
14:30.55afoederthey log into their *account*, not into their user model or profile or whatever
14:31.18afoederso, every User (model) that needs to log in needs an own Account, that's correct.
14:31.38afoeder(at least iirc)
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14:32.11Matze-TDso the usermodel doesn't need for example a password attribute because the account has it
14:32.32kdambekalnsrosieres: sounds interesting… what are you about to store? only thing i can imagine to generate such massive amounts of data is genome or google :)
14:32.50ChristianMMatze-TD yep, that is all part of the account
14:32.51kdambekalnsMatze-TD: yes, users have no credentials
14:33.37Matze-TDalso the unique identifier, for example the loginname?
14:35.05Matze-TDok so if i implement a user registration where the user object will be created i have to create a new account for this user object?
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14:37.08ChristianMyou can use the AccountFactory
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15:32.14Matze-TDok now every user is party of an account, if i get the login data of the user not by post data i have to implement my own Token which implements the TokenInterface right?
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15:41.02Matze-TDok i have to implement my own Token with implements the TokenInterface, but in my application the logindata of the user will not come with a post request
15:41.23Matze-TDbut the interface defines for the updateCredentials a request
15:52.05ChristianMhow do you plan to authenticate?
15:54.41Matze-TDMy application is a REST webservice and i have no influence about the data i'll get
15:55.11ChristianMok, but then it IS a request you get
15:55.20ChristianM(maybe not post, but that doesn't matter)
15:55.24Matze-TDah ok
15:55.53afoederbut Matze-TD, however; just out of curiosity; how do the users authenticate in your case?
15:56.37Matze-TDi thought the it should be a POST request like in the guide
15:57.15ChristianMthe request includes everything passed in this request
15:58.38ChristianMsee eg.Typo3OrgSsoToken.php
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16:12.08afoederMarketing: :)
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16:37.04rosiereskdambekalns: There´s one more ;-)  but you can guess, i´m not really allowed to talk about the main idea at all.  My problem is that millions of unique records could be generated within a year ( perhaps not in the first, but in the following ). and each record can have ten till up to a thousand unique child records . Therefore I´m thinking of mongoDB... what do you say ? What´s going on with the flow3 mongoDB connector ?-> http://forge.typo3  ... Don´t see if it´s already done or working . . . greets
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16:38.43ChristianMI think the couchDB implementation has more progress, maybe you want to look into that
16:40.00rosieresChristianM: I´ll have a look at it . . .thanks
16:40.26kdambekalnsdon't know anything about the mongodb, but the couchdb thing is in production use for a large data set at "Rossmann"
16:40.53afoedermight become even larger due to Schlecker :-P
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20:18.00Codemonkey1988Hi, is there a way to validate a model, in the controller before adding it to the database?
20:26.14jwaCodemonkey1988: a model is usually validated before it's actually initialized
20:26.27jwaunless you don't have any @Validate annotations on it
20:28.14Codemonkey1988I have, and I'm not shure, if I'm doing it right, but I have some data that should be stored in the database. So I created a new instance of my model and added the data. But now I want to know, if all data, that I have added is valid to the given annotations
20:29.07Codemonkey1988I created the model just with "new ....". Is there any better way to do it?
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20:42.36jwaCodemonkey1988: well that doesn't do any validation
20:44.48Codemonkey1988I know, but is there a way to validate that object by caling some method?
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20:48.17jwaCodemonkey1988: dunno, sorry
20:49.00Codemonkey1988okay, but thanks anyway
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