IRC log for #flow3 on 20120306

01:37.38*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
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07:51.41*** join/#flow3 fischli (
07:51.57fischligood morning @all
07:53.04fischlijust pushed a new change and referenced a wrong issue :P
07:53.52fischliis it possible to revert it?
07:55.34rensgood morning
07:55.34rensfischli: reference as in forge issue id?
07:55.37*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
07:56.10fischlihi rens, nice to see you again :)
07:56.28rens'git commit —amend' gives you a shot to change your last commit message ;)
07:56.42rensif you push again afterwards it should be fixed
07:57.03fischlipushed to issue 34185 but should be 34547
07:57.06afoedermorning guys
08:01.06fischlirens: thx, now it looks better
08:01.31afoederthe StreamWrapper thing?
08:23.19*** join/#flow3 robertlemke (
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08:29.53afoedermoin moin
08:51.00*** join/#flow3 SpareParts (~ondriq_h@
08:56.15afoederwhat could be the reason that submodule aren't on master anymore when I git submodule update ?
08:56.52*** join/#flow3 aertmann (~aertmann@
08:57.19rensafoeder: the pointer could point to another commit then the current master so git checks out this specific commit...
08:57.33afoedercan I fix that?
08:57.58afoeder(github, btw, also shows me "obsolete" commits when displaying the submodule target)
08:59.05*** join/#flow3 Kirab (
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09:03.32afoederah wait... rens, now I understand: the submodules are also stageable.
09:03.53afoederI assume that's the current HEAD situation of the submodule
09:04.23afoederthat's cool, so when ckecking out my main repo the submodules are fetched at the current state.
09:05.39kdambekalnsafoeder: not the current state as in "latest available in master", but the state (commit hash) recorded in the submodule pointer
09:06.00afoederyep, that's what I mean
09:06.19afoederthat's good to know; I always worried not to mess up the project due to wrong submodule states
09:07.40afoederso, for example there could be a Base distribution 1.03 fetching each submodule in its 1.03 state; and a Base distribution 1.0 behaving appropriate
09:07.49afoeder(just explaining it to me :-) )
09:08.17kdambekalnsyep :)
09:09.06afoederand git submodule update resets the submodule to the state set in that pointer, right?
09:10.06afoeder(and now I even know why some directories are green @ PhpStorm :-p)
09:13.31rensafoeder: true ;)
09:13.38fischlirens: regarding this annoying symlink handling, we should also write a test for broken directory links ... but I got no idea how to test the removal of the broken link ... file_exists() always return FALSE in our case
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09:16.21rensfischli:  that's change 8868 ?
09:18.21rensBastian is working on that one... (adding a test)
09:19.22fischliyes, but I thought he's looking for stream wrapper side effects
09:21.50fischliwill wait for Bastians next patch so far
09:34.58fischliare there any examples for unit tests, considering the OS the test is running?
09:38.10fischlilooking for best practice on how to write those test for FLOW3 considering the OS
09:51.37kdambekalnsDIRECTORY_SEPERATOR === '/' is pretty common
09:51.53kdambekalnsthen $this->markTestSkipped('…') as needed
09:52.53fischlikdambekalns: thx
10:07.15afoederWAT.... isNaN(false) === false :-/
10:08.04afoederseems to equal to equal to zero
10:08.11afoederMath.abs(false) === 0 ... LOL
10:25.40kdambekalnsonly NaN is NaN, i'd think… dyanmic typing FTF
10:27.05Torsten85Hey, I've a big problem with doctrine: It's deleting my entities in the wrong order and causing a "integrity constraint violation"!
10:32.43*** join/#flow3 SpareParts (~ondriq_h@
10:33.34skurfuerstscrum now:
10:34.34*** join/#flow3 Denyerec (
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11:24.00DenyerecGuten Morgen alles! :)
11:28.55afoeder:) Guten Morgen :)
11:42.24afoederis anybody well familiar with suhosin config?
11:47.36fischliafoeder: not really ... don't ask to ask - just ask ;-)
11:48.43afoederyeahyeah :) well, it's the second time I spend time with searching for an error that probably resulted in suhosin silently removing GET vars;
11:49.12afoederI'd like to make that more verbose; either with logging or even an HTTP error would be fine.
11:49.40*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
11:49.42fischlilike the null byte, you got last time
11:49.53afoederah cool, you remember :)
11:49.59afoederyep, exactly like this one
11:50.17afoedernow I think maybe a variable can be too long or whatever
11:50.29afoederagain a complete var is stripped out;
11:50.42afoederwhen manually shortening it, it "works".
11:53.23fischlisuhosin.get.max_name_length is by default 64 byte long
11:54.27afoederyes, where the *name* should not be the problem; but whatever, I really suspect suhosin because of any buried, hidden option
11:58.11afoederok, will see if suhosin.filter.action works
11:59.45*** join/#flow3 boonkerz_ (
12:00.30afoederI'm really thinking about a convenient FLOW3 script that checks the current server config for known issues
12:01.39fischlipuh ... that's a own project ;-)
12:02.03afoederwell, it can mature.
12:02.33afoederat a first step it could provide the checks that are mentioned in that wiki page
12:03.00kdambekalnsafoeder: get in touch with aertmann - that could/should be integrated in the setup wizard he's working on currently!
12:03.13fischli./flow3 flow3:check:capabilities
12:03.30fischliwould be nice
12:04.32aertmannwe need a concept for these check anyway.. because it's currently used in the bootstrap, but would also be used the setup bootstrap and would be nice in a command controller as fischli suggested..
12:04.36afoederif that'd be of interest I'll gladly do
12:04.53aertmannsome of these could be a part of the package meta information..
12:04.57afoederand, meanwhile: that *is* again a suhosin drawback
12:05.14afoeder(what I experienced)
12:05.30afoederI told suhosin to send a 400, and now I get a 400
12:06.18aertmannI've listed all the required extensions needed for the flow3 package in the setup bootstrap, but we need to be able to tell if a package needs additional extensions/functionality
12:07.04afoederwell yes aertmann, that could be done recursively in the foreign package's meta information
12:07.32afoederprobably even with package-local requirement helpers
12:07.55aertmannthat was the idea, and there is already something like that.. but I'm not sure if we should implement it before the new package handling..
12:08.09fischlibut it's something different to check all those different distributions for proper functionality and expected configuration
12:08.39afoederyes; well, for my case I only think about the suhosin config
12:08.39fischlicould be a ongoing life-task :)
12:09.12afoederso you can pretty much say: using suhosin and passing serialized object across GET won't work
12:09.21afoeder(having default suhosin config)
12:10.05aertmannmaybe some sort of requirement class with a simple method and error?
12:10.07fischlithat's a good starting point for the wiki
12:10.24afoederthe (Fluid) Widgets *do* pass serialized objects via GET
12:11.30afoederI'm currently tackling how the suhosin configuration can be set to more verbosity
12:11.47afoederit is even aware to call an own log script; that to be maybe bound with FLOW3
12:12.00afoederbut that's only ideas
12:15.57fischlithe hint for null-bytes should be mentioned with caution ... it's an important security issue and you should know what you are doing, turning it off
12:16.02afoederdear Linuxers, what is the "syslog"?
12:16.25fischliit's like windows events
12:16.39afoederyeah thought that; where can I examine it?
12:17.05fischli/var/log/messages or by dmesg
12:17.58afoederfischli I mainly agree with you regarding the caution note; but that however also generally requires more discussion.
12:18.23afoedera null-byte-injection should be regarded all over the core, then
12:19.29fischlibut if you turn off this check, it may influence other applications
12:19.48afoederand I even don't know if PHP 5.3 is still that open for such issues
12:20.25afoederevery action *may* influence something...
12:21.43afoederbut as you said, a "disclaimer" won't hurt
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12:23.56fischliyep, would be more sensitive
12:27.18fischligreat :)
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12:51.21afoederI encourage everyone reading this section; that meanwhile robbed me couple of hours.
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12:58.36fischli/var/log/syslog could also be messages, localmessages or what ever you configured for your syslogd
12:59.26fischliit's distribution specific
12:59.34afoederhm ok...
13:00.08afoederand one more:
13:18.24*** join/#flow3 tuhlig (
13:18.29tuhligmoring :)
13:20.05*** join/#flow3 sorenmalling (~sorenmall@
13:41.41SparePartsis there a way to forbid usage of some entities in DQL? doesnt matter if through security framework or in any other way...
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14:50.16KirabSpareParts: It’s possible via policy.yaml but it’s not documented and not fully working yet
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15:07.48SparePartsKirab: I am not afraid of undocumented things, the real problem is that in the documentation it is written that "not working for DQL queries currently (only QOM!)"
15:10.50SparePartsI don't need too precise access rights, it should be enough to completely disallow all entities except of given set
15:11.52SparePartsbut now I am stuck somewhere deep in the Doctrine's guts and don't think I will get anywhere... bah
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16:14.12afoederguys, what do you think about moving that powerful JsonView functionality out to a Utility class?
16:39.09afoederdoes the Fluid team have a ViewHelper test page online somewhere?
16:39.14*** join/#flow3 Kirab (
16:39.29afoederor general, are there thoughts about some sandbox or such...
16:39.41afoederwould be great to demonstrate functionality and test stuff
16:41.09*** join/#flow3 guilhermeblanco (
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16:43.38acidspithi all
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16:55.57afoederhi acidspit
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20:26.42acidspithi one question: if I use $this->redirect in a controller is it normal that it disregards the seo friendly urls in the routes.yaml or am I missing something?
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20:54.43SparePartsI am pretty sure it should work as normal
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20:55.03SparePartsit should use normal uriBuilder
20:56.36SparePartsis it plain ActionController? i think that WidgetController uses different settings for uriBuilder
20:59.39Codemonkey1988i have checked it and have the same problem. I have a route defined for an action but if I redirect to that route with $this->redirect, the route is not considered.
21:04.38acidspityes it is normal action controller
21:05.27SparePartshmm, I tried it
21:05.43acidspitand it worked for you?
21:05.59SparePartsand I got normal route with "?%40format=html" appended, which is really strange :D
21:06.17SparePartsi got the correct route
21:06.24SparePartsexcept that strange ?%40format=html
21:07.25acidspitare you passing arguments in your redirect and I did define a format in my rules?
21:07.41acidspit*did not
21:07.59SparePartsno arguments and no format set, it set the format itself
21:08.06SparePartsI will experiment with it a little
21:08.18Codemonkey1988me either, I just pass the actionname
21:11.41acidspitusing no arguments works for me in other controllers
21:11.50SparePartswhat happens when you specify package name?
21:12.09SparePartsI had a few problems when I didnt specify package name
21:12.13acidspitwait I'll give it a try
21:13.12Codemonkey1988ah now it works for me. I just had my dummy route in it with no uri pattern. So none of my routes worked ...
21:13.30fischlithis "?%40format=html" looks like the default route '@format':  'html' inside the FLOW3 route configuration
21:18.25*** part/#flow3 Codemonkey1988 (
21:18.29SparePartsfischli yeah, when I added '@format': 'html' to my route to set the default format, it is working okay
21:19.58SparePartsdoes the '@' in the routes configs have any particular reason?
21:20.30SparePartsor is it just to not get mixed up with generic variables?
21:23.04acidspitdefining a package does not work for me :( ...
21:23.34acidspitI will check my routes again, but it is good to know that it should work
21:26.08fischli"./flow3 configuration:show --type Routes" or "./flow3 routing:list" may be your friend for debugging
21:28.25acidspitthx for the hint
21:29.01acidspitthe funny thing is that if I create the link via fluid it works
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