IRC log for #flow3 on 20111207

01:25.00*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti_ (
02:02.16*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
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04:25.56*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (~Adium@
06:41.41*** join/#flow3 fischli (
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07:09.01*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
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07:51.59*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
07:53.05foertelskurfuerst: *ping*
08:03.08*** join/#flow3 mvta (
08:18.36*** join/#flow3 Denyerec (
08:26.05*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
08:28.59fischligood morning
08:50.19*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti (
08:54.58*** join/#flow3 Chacky (
09:00.07*** join/#flow3 foertel1 (
09:11.03*** join/#flow3 k-fish (
09:13.31*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
09:48.46*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
10:03.26*** join/#flow3 farconada (~fernando@
10:16.02*** join/#flow3 KaiDer (
11:02.45*** join/#flow3 soee (
11:39.56*** join/#flow3 benovie (c279ba22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:57.23benoviethe generic PersistenceManager has an inject method to inject a backend
11:57.35benoviethis method has an annotation: @FLOW3\Autowiring(false)
11:58.46benovieis it possible to set the backend via configuration?
11:59.13benoviehow can is set a backend if i use this persistence manager
12:00.16benoviebecause in the Bootstrap the code: $persistenceManager = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\FLOW3\Persistence\PersistenceManagerInterface'); $persistenceManager->initialize(); is executed
12:00.26benovieso i can't set my own backend
12:00.35t3robyes, you can set the backend through an entry in Objects.yaml
12:01.00t3robbut also through a setting – just check the Settings.yaml of the FLOW3 package for more info
12:01.23benovieah, maybe i need the settings.yaml
12:01.29benoviei'm going to try that
12:03.32benoviemaybe another question: why is autowiring false for the backend?
12:06.45foertel1skurfuerst: *ping*
12:07.13skurfuersthi foertel1
12:07.46foertel1hu hu ... do you have time for a short chat in #extbase? propertyMapper is killing me (again) ;)
12:08.29benovieis the function of the annotation: @FLOW3\Autowiring(false), that you can't inject that method via the Objects.yaml?
12:09.24skurfuerstbenovie: no, that inject* stuff is not automatically called
12:12.35benovieso if i configure in my Objects.yaml: properties: backend: {object:MyBackend}, it will be injected
12:13.08benoviei keep on getting: #1215508456: A persistence backend must be set prior to initializing the persistence manage
12:16.41beberleik-fish: when did you last update doctrine2? Do you still apply patches or can users just use the actual master?
12:18.08afoederfolks; sadly, the JsonViewHelper outputs a JSON string of an identity; it would be very useful to have an option where really only the identifier is put out. Is there a workaround?
12:19.16skurfuerstafoeder: write your own right now
12:19.50afoederok :)
12:20.18afoederactually, "now" I'm assigning that output to a JavaScript block and decode it :-P
12:32.52benoviei hope i can describe my problem good:
12:33.14benoviethe PeristenceManager has an injectBackend which has an annotation: @FLOW3\Autowiring(false)
12:33.40benoviemy interpretation is that injection of a backend is disabled this way
12:33.48benovieso I need to call i manually
12:34.07benovielike: $manager->injectBacken($myOwnBackend);
12:34.14benovieis this correct?
12:34.21t3robbenovie: the Autowiring(false) annotation means: don't try to automatically find the dependencies and inject them. But if a dependency is configured explicitly in the Objects.yaml, it _will_ be injected
12:35.18benovieif i look at line 362 of the Object/Configuration/ConfigurationBuilder it tells me something else
12:36.13skurfuerstwell that's exactly what t3rob described :(
12:36.14skurfuerstups :)
12:36.16t3robThis disables _autowiring_ but not _dependency injection_
12:36.16skurfuerstwrong smiley
12:36.47benoviehmm oke
12:37.03benoviei'm going to search a liitle further
12:37.15afoederskurfuerst don't worry; I use to use wrong smileys even in real world :P
12:38.54benoviebelieve it or not, deleted all the cache and now it works
12:39.28skurfuerstthat's sometimes needed when adjusting object config
12:45.37*** join/#flow3 mneuhaus (
12:45.46mneuhaushey there
12:46.38*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
12:50.45fischlijwa: *ping*
12:59.45*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
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13:03.48*** join/#flow3 foertel1 (
14:05.43*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
14:07.40*** join/#flow3 pumatertion (
14:10.30*** join/#flow3 Torsten85 (
14:12.06pumatertionhi folks, i have an object here wich comes out of a soap cliend and its of type stdClass. i want to map this object into my own object. is this done by flow3 ObjectConverter?
14:12.32Torsten85Hey… what's currently the best practice to execute a query like "SELECT, COUNT( FROM stores s" ? Is this possible with TYPO3\FLOW3\Persistence\Doctrine\Query?
14:15.59jwafischli: pong
14:16.54jwawow, 1:25:13 ping heh
14:17.25fischliworked with your LDAP patch a little bit
14:17.52fischlidoesn't fit my needs at all
14:18.36jwabecause of me or your needs?
14:19.08fischli:-D it's because of my use case
14:19.56jwaohh Rens uploaded a new patch set yesterday didn't see that
14:20.03fischliI opened an issue for that, you may take a look at
14:20.17*** join/#flow3 choongii (~choongii@unaffiliated/choongii)
14:22.39fischliI'm not really sure about the password caching ... what is it good for? Isn't it a kind of redundancy?
14:25.23jwait's really only used when the LDAP server is down
14:26.43beberleiTorsten85: i doubt! you have to use dql for that
14:28.52foerteluse of splObjectStorage is deprecated and Doctrine_Collection is supposed to be used, right?
14:31.07fischlijwa: shouldn't the user role also be set on account creation for the first login? otherwise acls wouldn't be very useful :-/
14:35.30*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
14:36.42jwafischli: I do that in the createParty() method
14:37.30jwahmm the way rens implemented the bind doesn't check the password at all for anonymous ldap search - I'm puzzled
14:38.26fischlijwa: it has to be set in the settings i suggest
14:39.21jwadoesn't it make sense in the party creation?
14:40.27fischlijwa: what? password validation or role setting?
14:41.47jwaexcept of course you don't need any parties
14:47.04fischliI thought I could pull the role from ldap (as mentioned in the patch) but afterwards it should be updated in the repository
14:49.31fischlijwa: don't we always have to use parties to be able to use policies?
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15:08.02jwafischli: no, since the roles are associated with accounts
15:11.24jwaPhpStorm's remote editing capabilities make me sad ..
15:11.29fischliok, but where do you get the role info from in your createParty()
15:11.53jwafischli: should be in the second argument
15:12.07afoederjwa: rgd. remote editing: whats up? Maybe I can help?
15:13.55fischlijwa: so you fetch it out of the ldap searchresult?
15:19.34jwaafoeder: I expect my editor to upload changes as soon as I hit Ctrl+S//
15:19.48jwafischli: yes, isn't it in there?
15:20.15jwaalso, am I the only one that gets a table already exists error when running doctrine:migrate? typo3_flow3_security_policy_role
15:21.08jwathe amount of different doctrine commands is confusing anyway - what exactly is the difference between create, update and migrate :/
15:21.53k-fishcreate works on an empty db. update updates to the db should be like in "dumbass mode". migrate does only what the migration files tell it to do.
15:22.12k-fishis the documentation really that thin? what should be added?
15:23.28jwawell it gives me this duplicate table error when migrating after updating
15:23.56jwaand then subsequently generates all tables with the first part of the package name missing
15:30.46*** join/#flow3 mvta (
15:32.49afoederah jwa, I was afk; go to the Settings -> Deployment -> (that item below deployment) and hit the checkbox "upload files automatically" (or so, don't know exactly :-/ )
15:33.49afoederwait, Storm is loading... :)
15:34.30afoederok, Ctrl Alt S, Deployment -> Options -> "Upload changed files automatically to the default server"
15:34.46jwactrl alt s doesn't even work for me, gives me an error popup :O
15:35.07afoederand checking "Upload external changes" would upload files that you e.g. copy using your file browser
15:35.47afoederwhen you select File -> Settings, what shortcut is mentioned htere?
15:36.42afoeder(hilariously you are also able to set the file permissions after upload. That is awesome!)
15:47.54*** part/#flow3 afoeder (
15:52.13*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
16:04.04*** part/#flow3 fischli (
16:16.26*** join/#flow3 pumatertion (
16:50.15jwathere's currently no simple 'event listeners' for models right? like a method to be called everytime an entity gets updated..
17:16.39beberleijwa: if you use doctrine @PreUpdate/@PostUpdate works
17:18.22*** join/#flow3 soee (
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17:44.24jwabeberlei: on a method of the model?
17:51.20*** part/#flow3 mvta (
18:00.43*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
18:20.47*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
18:22.09*** join/#flow3 p1d (
18:57.12*** join/#flow3 fischli (
19:53.47*** join/#flow3 liwo (
21:44.49*** join/#flow3 Thasmo (
21:46.54*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
22:26.10*** part/#flow3 fischli (
22:59.34*** join/#flow3 foertel1 (~foertel@
23:10.55*** join/#flow3 soee (
23:50.32*** join/#flow3 Nurbs (
23:56.01*** join/#flow3 LarsP (~LarsP@

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