IRC log for #flow3 on 20111204

00:14.31*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
00:47.12*** join/#flow3 Sbrun (
01:27.32*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti_ (
02:08.51*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
02:18.32*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
02:50.36*** join/#flow3 Number-5 (
03:03.22*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
04:20.12*** join/#flow3 p1d_ (
05:22.43*** join/#flow3 ghost1 (
08:49.02*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
09:17.44*** join/#flow3 burzum (
09:22.11*** join/#flow3 Pary (
09:25.27*** join/#flow3 Chacky (
09:26.11ParyI am new to flow3 and (coding in general) and want to set up a test environment on my computer. Is there a wininstaller package?
09:33.05*** join/#flow3 Denyerec (
11:02.11*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
11:10.29*** join/#flow3 cubert1 (
11:32.35*** join/#flow3 liwo (
11:43.30*** join/#flow3 p1d (
12:02.11*** join/#flow3 uwek (
12:08.03*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
12:26.08*** join/#flow3 uwek (
12:30.07*** join/#flow3 uwek_ (
12:34.54jwaPary: no
12:35.16Paryok thanks
12:37.10*** join/#flow3 fischli (
12:37.25jwaI don't think FLOW3 is the right thing to start with if you're absolutely new to it
12:38.27Paryyeah just been doing some more reasearch. Talk about jumping in at the deep end
12:44.25*** join/#flow3 tfcoding (
12:59.21*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
13:07.20*** join/#flow3 uwek (
13:12.03*** join/#flow3 KaiDer (
13:14.08*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
13:21.09*** join/#flow3 maxxx (5f71df3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:22.52maxxxi have a little problem. my form action urls are only relative and no absolute. so when i submit the form i will redirected to a wrong url. other urls - generated by the are absolute and correct. someony can help me? :-)
13:27.18jwamaxxx: do you have the f:base in your head?
13:31.09maxxxno... thx u very much!!! :-)
13:34.50*** join/#flow3 michel (
13:34.56jwaalways a good idea to include it
13:37.26maxxxyeah. i tested many hours to solve this problem... but why the link urls are absolute (http://dev.local/foo/bar) and the form action urls relative (foo/bar)? is there a reason?
13:38.41michelcan anyone help me solving a little url problem i am having with forms?
13:40.27maxxxi have the same url problem a few minutes ago: <jwa> maxxx: do you have the f:base in your head?
13:41.13michelif i submit a form the url is: myApp/myAction/myController/myApp/myController/myAction instead of myApp/myController/myAction
13:41.52fischlihi maxxx: the url for a link.action is always set as absolute by the UriBuilder inside the viewhelper
13:42.03maxxxyou have to add  "<f:base/>"-tag in the head tag of your template :)
13:42.20micheloh nice ... ill try
13:42.21jwafischli: isn't it a setting in Settings.yaml, too? :)
13:43.30fischliI don't think so, it's hardcoded in the viewhelper ... as far as I see it
13:45.01jwafischli: but there's this line in the UriBuilder: protected $createAbsoluteUri = FALSE;
13:45.47jwaah and yes the viewhelper sets it to true
13:46.29fischliyeah, but it could also be possible to override it inside the UriBuilder ... didn't check it

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