IRC log for #flow3 on 20111129

01:28.45*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti_ (
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07:43.25mvtamorning mates
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08:00.05skurfuerstgood morning everybody
08:00.50fischligood morning
08:38.16mneuhausgood morning
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09:38.29afoederheyho and good... morning
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10:14.18afoederconsider this as a survey; what do you think about the idea to enable the configuration of default classes in tagBasedViewHelpers, i.e. that e.g. every form.textfield viewhelper automatically has a class "txtBox" or such...
10:17.27mneuhauswhat do you want to achieve by that? only thing it would make sense to me is to differentiate between different input types in older browsers
10:23.54ChristianMafoeder you can easily define that on a project by project basis
10:24.07ChristianMcreate yourself partials that contain nothing but one specific form viewhelper
10:24.32ChristianMthat way your form fields can have the same classes everywhere without duplicating code
10:28.55afoederChristianM: so if I would like to render one I'd include the partial instead of the VH itself?
10:29.39afoederand how do I pass the varying attributes?
10:29.59ChristianMin some defined format you decide upon
10:30.27ChristianMfor an example look into the conference package
10:30.31ChristianMbastian has done it there
10:30.45afoederah, ok, I'll do, thanks
10:31.08ChristianMI mean, a partial can have arguments that are available as variables inside
10:31.58afoederand mneuhaus: what you said is one reason; one more reason could be if you have "purpose classes", eg. "gray-gradient" or "round-corners4px" or so...
10:32.21mneuhausok, that could be another reason :)
10:32.30afoederbut ChristianM, in my partial I than have to regard every possible attribute, right? And a not-set attribut would then result in an empty attrib
10:34.19afoederI don't know how the internals work, but don't we run into the '' !== NULL problem?
10:35.05afoederi.e. ommitting the attribute at all would be NULL, passing it empty would be '' .
10:35.34afoederand with that partial idea all not-set attributes would become empty-but-set attributes.
10:39.09fischliin general I'd like to have a more flexible class handling, e.g. it's not that easy (to me) in combination with a css framework like bootstrap, to get the pagination widget appearence as expected
10:39.28fischliI'd like to customize the class names for those viewhelpers
10:40.06afoederyeah, this could also be done with a clever configuration syntax :-P
10:41.31fischliwhy not ... customized settings for every viewhelper would be nice
10:43.04mneuhausi tried to use the pagination widget yesterday, but i was kind of bummed by the uri handling :/
10:44.22mneuhausbecause of that i moved the pagination logik ("which i had already anyway") and moved it to a simple viewhelper which i can style and position as i need it with bootstrap :)
10:45.51fischliso I should take a look at your implementation of pagination ;-)
10:46.16mneuhausi haven't pushed it to github yet, but i can put up the things you need if you like
10:46.19afoedermneuhaus, kinda off topic here; but: I assume you have "some" bootstrap experience? :)
10:46.36mneuhausthe admin package is completly based on bootstrap :)
10:46.51afoedershould I consider this a "yes"? :-P
10:46.57mneuhausyea :)
10:47.12mneuhaushere's my pagination with bootstrap:
10:47.50afoederI've just a very basic, single question: am I right that, with bootstrap, it's pretty hard and not intended, to create web pages with a complete, Photo-Shop generated layout?
10:48.59mneuhaushmm, haven't tried it for that purpose yet. But i guess it shouldn't be a problem, you have a grid, fluid containers, and everything else
10:49.05afoederI believe (and only believe) it's more a "take it as it is" solution.
10:49.17mneuhauskind of
10:49.22afoederlike Magento, e.g. (SCNR)
10:49.49fischlimneuhaus: I do not have a skitch account :-(
10:49.51mneuhausthis framework has the best toolkit to build a real web app i've seen so far
10:50.04mneuhausyou don't need to, it is just a screenshot
10:50.22fischliI do not see it
10:50.37afoederbecause for the start of the project I evaluated many "new technology" solutions, because working in a company froze my knowledge about those a bit
10:51.13mneuhausbut i don't think bootstrap will constrain you in any way
10:51.26afoederand I came to the end that nothing really fitted, and started building everything from scratch and using MooTools; like I used to for many years.
10:52.16afoedereven the grid system from Bootstrap: can I implement my own dividers/overall size?
10:52.42mneuhaussince i started the admin package in early 2010 i created a whole lot of css for the complete ui just based on a simple grid. Then i evaluated Bootstrap a few weeks ago and completly replaced my old css with bootstrap in about 2 days :D
10:52.57mneuhausyes, you can easily, because it uses less
10:53.27afoederwe're both talking about that "Bootstrap, from Twitter", right?
10:53.38afoeder(just to avoid basic confusion :)
10:53.48mneuhausno, we're on the same page here :)
10:54.09afoederyou know, I expect running in the following problem:
10:54.59mneuhausfishli: have you got an e-mail for me? i'll send you the code in about 45 min, gotta got to lunch first
10:55.48afoederwith a classical, *technical* GUI it is not much important if the pixel-layout matches the result in the browser; because a grid is a grid, a chart is a chart, and a tab ctrl is a tab ctrl; everything will be fine if it just looks good. You know, "the UI is good as-is, and it's ok to change the color and well."
10:57.38afoederlet's consider a challenge: Imagine I tell you "build (or facebook, ...) with bootstrap, no one should see the difference". Would one be able to do?
10:57.40fischlimneuhaus: I'll send you an e-mail
10:58.09*** part/#flow3 t3rob (
10:58.10mneuhausi'm quite positive you could do it
10:58.20afoederhm. wow...
10:58.26afoederI didn't expect that.
10:58.36mneuhausafoeder: lett us continue later, i've got to go to lunch now, my coworker is getting hungry ;)
10:58.43afoederyes o'course..
10:58.49afoederenjoy your meal!
11:03.55foerteldumm di dumm
11:04.10foertel*cough* ;) skurfürst not around anymore ... too bad
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12:18.37mneuhausafoeder: as i said, i'm quite confident that allthough Bootstrap provides quite a finished styling by default it won't limit you to achieve almost any desired output :)
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12:43.00afoedermneuhaus: ok, hm... will see when I'll be able to spend the time for a deeper insight...
12:43.41afoederunfortunately the "framework decision phase" is over already... :)
12:50.06mneuhaussince i found bootstrap it became my absolute favorite css framework :) good grids, good typography, good table styles, awesome font-styles and quite some more goodies
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12:55.00afoedermay I ask if you have an open-accessible customer project out there running with bs?
12:55.31mneuhauscurrently not, no
12:58.30afoederI'm still feared and doubtful if it allows me freedom in layout..
12:58.55mneuhauswhich framework you use now?
12:59.02mneuhausor do you do it all by yourself?
12:59.58afoederwell, for my CSS I have "normalize.css" at the bottom, and for JS I use MooTools. But that's all "framwork".
13:04.59mneuhausquite minimal :)
13:05.56afoederwell; I really came back to this philosophy... I evaluated boilerplate and many other things; but as said: I saw drawbacks in "layoutability".
13:06.09mneuhausmost of bootstrap's functionality isn't forced onto you. aside from the forms and typography everything else is basically activated through quite sensible classes
13:06.28afoederI was told, "for a site where the exact layout is not that important; it should just look good", those framworks were the way to go.
13:07.31afoederbut not at least an important thing, of course, is the fact that I have massive experience in MooTools
13:10.59afoederbut on the other hand, I have to admit that I'm pretty stucking at the moment because of the GUI of my project...
13:11.11afoederit's very hard to implement.
13:13.24mneuhauswhat is hard about it?
13:13.50mneuhausi'm more a jQuery guy ^^
13:14.28afoederyeah, most people are jquery guys... it became pretty famous.
13:17.27mneuhausdo you have an example what is hard about your gui?
13:18.44afoederah you know, well, mostly AJAX stuff... in-place editing, validation, attaching multiple images inline (that also means upload in background), etc. pp...
13:20.04afoederand as always, the "difference" between page elements that come from the page itself and those that are added dynamically via javascript (i.e. created from scratch)
13:23.37mneuhausi always try to make the html as compatible as possible which is generated, but i know it isn't really easy :)
13:24.56mneuhausi once made all form styles from about 4 different extensions (mailform, comments, ...) in a TYPO3 environment to behave exactly the same. that was quite an undertaking
13:31.51afoederyeah, believe it. I spent a lot of time with TYPO3 :)
13:38.38mneuhausi'm kind of toying with the idea of a different name for the admin package more in line with the FLOW3, Fluid, etc terminology
13:40.17mneuhauslike Werft, Shipyard, harbour or something similar
13:48.37afoederah... cool idea.
13:48.39mneuhausor Pipe (to channel the flowing fluid :D)
13:48.42afoederPort :)
13:49.49mneuhausone thing i want to minimize by that is the use of a to general term "Admin" because bad for google and such
13:50.08mneuhausport sounds good as well :)
13:50.39afoederyeah, was just a reflex response, but I like it too :)
13:51.32mneuhausi kind of like the meaning of werft or shipyard in the sense that it is meant to build something for the "water" :)
13:51.36afoeder"Pilot", but people would think of aviation too much times.
13:52.00afoeder..and I meant Port in the sense of.. ehm.. Hafen, you know :)
13:52.30mneuhausyea, i know :)
13:53.04afoederok :) wasn't sure if you got that relation. Port has many meanings :-P
13:53.52afoederhm as said.. Pilot has the two relations, "controlling something" and the water-thing; but as said: people would think of aviation first
13:54.25afoederyaye... my english is like my three-year-old-daughter's german....
13:54.54mneuhaus^^ i agree, Pilot would be confusing :/
13:55.52mneuhausconduit, canal, pipe (to channel the flow)
13:55.55afoederhm it's a pity; many wordings are "better" in german... e.g. "Watergate"
13:56.29mneuhausich meine man könnte ja auch ein deutsches wort nehmen ;)
13:57.05afoederbut doesn't look pretty, typographically
13:57.33mneuhausyea, not really, and it would make more sense for something todo with security :)
13:58.19mneuhauswhat do you think about Werft? I think it doesn't look to bad in english
13:58.31afoederyeah that's right...
13:59.19mneuhaustrockendock ^^
13:59.51afoeder:-D or...
14:00.31afoeder"often armored": Admin is also, isn't it? :)
14:00.49mneuhaushmm, i kind of like it, but it goes quite deep into nautical terms :)
14:05.10afoederCaptain Iglu...
14:05.18afoeder(haha that'S good-...)
14:09.28mneuhausi'll toy with it a little more :) i've compiled an initial list in the github wiki :)
14:09.44afoederhehe ok :)
14:24.42*** join/#flow3 KaiDer (
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14:37.23afoederyikes mneuhaus you've discovered my twitter account :P
14:38.04ChristianMok, in that case you can post it here anyway :)
14:38.12ChristianMmakes it easier for me
14:39.05mneuhauswas it a secrret?
14:39.34ChristianMno, I don't know, I am just too lazy to search
15:07.23*** part/#flow3 fischli (
15:32.01afoederanybody already having breathtaking tips for PhpStorm 3.0?
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15:44.35afoeder...I also sometimes think about a syntax that makes correlations between css classes and the controller/view
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16:37.22cubert2would it be possible to improve such error messages: #1: Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects  parameter 1 to be string, object given in  .../Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/FLOW3_Object_Classes/TYPO3_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_TagBuilder_Original.php  line 140
16:37.22cubert2to something like this:
16:37.22cubert2#1: Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects  parameter 1 to be string, object[mypackage\myobject] given ......
16:37.38cubert2that would improve the productivity a lot i guess
16:38.19afoederyes, make a feature request at :-P
16:38.30cubert2ok  :-P
16:38.31afoederthat's a plain php error message, it doesn't come from FLOW3
16:38.45cubert2ah ok, i didnt notice
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