IRC log for #flow3 on 20111107

00:07.15*** join/#flow3 nd____ (
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01:13.26*** join/#flow3 rosieres_ (
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07:18.56*** join/#flow3 Allisone (
07:29.49*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
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08:33.29*** join/#flow3 jascal (~pascal@pdpc/supporter/student/jascal)
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08:38.37mvtamorning mates
08:40.10skurfuerstgood morning everybody
08:42.22afoederhas everybody had a nice weekend? :)
08:46.15skurfuerstyep :)
08:50.33mvtaI was programming
08:57.04*** join/#flow3 t3rob (
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08:57.29pumatertiongoog morning all
08:59.36*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
09:17.32nd____mvta: You asked (several days ago)?
09:18.06mvtabut maybe in typo3 channel
09:18.18mvtaI need help with some TS
09:18.46nd____ah, and why me? I'm not a TS guru in any way…
09:20.23mvtaI don't know, maybe I saw you and I thought, why not?
09:20.35mvtaIf you can...
09:20.55mvtaI'm talking with other people but I didn't get that I want
09:27.13*** join/#flow3 jordydejong (~Jordy_Zig@
09:31.15nd____mvta: sorry, no adhoc idea and no room to try/test
09:32.20afoedermvta: same to me; I would also say I'm pretty good at TS, but I've also no opportunity to test and try
09:36.16*** join/#flow3 t3andi (
09:42.29mvtasorry mates,
09:59.31*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
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11:59.29*** join/#flow3 joachim_mueller (~mobileoff@
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12:03.44joachim_muellercan anybody help me with a local "compile run failed" within windows 7 environment?
12:06.20jwaif you provide more details about your error
12:07.49joachim_muelleryes thanks. I'm at a point that I started the compilation on the commandline with this command:  SET FLOW3_ROOTPATH="D:/eclipseworkspace/dev.localhost/flow3.test/Base/"&SET FLOW3_CONTEXT="Development"&C:/xampp/php/php.exe -c "C:\xampp\php\php.ini" "D:/eclipseworkspace/dev.localhost/flow3.test/Base/Packages/Framework/TYPO3.FLOW3/Classes/Core/../../Scripts/flow3.php" "typo3.flow3:core:compile"
12:08.19joachim_muellerand it gives me this errormessage...
12:08.30joachim_muellerUncaught Exception
12:08.31joachim_muellerMore Information
12:09.17joachim_muellerBut I can't see any syntax error  in ObjectPathMapping for the $objectType
12:09.18jwaso I guess you have specified a non-existent class as ObjectType in one of your Routes
12:09.49joachim_muellerI'm working with a clean installation without any changements...
12:11.56joachim_muellerIf I start my flow3 website (local) I get the same error. But as it starts the compilation in the background I don't get any further information
12:12.08jwait's just a @var string right?
12:13.43jwajoachim_mueller: can you add $declaredType to the exception message created on that line, to see what it's trying to parse?
12:14.06joachim_muellerI try this
12:16.05afoederjoachim_mueller, where Do you have the source code from?
12:16.24afoederfrom git, propably?
12:16.26joachim_muellervia git client
12:16.38jwachecked out master?
12:17.03afoederjwa, to me it looks like he has the CrLf issue...
12:17.10afoederjoachim_mueller wait a minute
12:17.18joachim_muelleri took the distributions/base.git
12:17.43afoederjoachim_mueller please see this link
12:17.46afoederthe last list item
12:17.58afoeder"if you want to clone FLOW3 on a windows...."
12:18.09jwasilly windows, using crlf
12:18.19afoederwell, typewriters also do! :)
12:18.33jwayeah I know that it comes from that
12:18.38jwastill silly, tho
12:18.54joachim_muellermy installation on my web is running fine - but I want to debug local for my first steps
12:19.31afoederjoachim_mueller you got the link?
12:19.32jwayeah the last point exactly has your point there
12:20.00jwabut then the actual problem is git converting the linebreaks to the target machine?
12:20.18jwasilly git
12:20.51afoederbad setting... educates people to the wrong direction.
12:21.13joachim_muellerdo I have to start with a clean base.git again or is is enough to reconfigure git
12:21.17jwagit configure --FORCE-LINEBREAK-LF-ONLY-DAG-NABBIT works?
12:21.32afoederno, joachim_mueller, please re-downlad
12:21.35jwaprobably have to clone again
12:21.40afoederor rebase or whatever it is called :)
12:21.46afoederor clone.. :-/
12:21.50joachim_muellerokay thanks - I try this
12:21.56jwarm -rf flow3 && git clone ...
12:22.53tmaroschikand listen to chemical brothers - Do It Again during clone ^^
12:24.34afoederjwa, do you have a neat idea how to transform an object tree into a JSON object, without running into "recursivitiy" problems?
12:25.05tmaroschikkeep a object map of already visited objects and skip the encode
12:25.48afoederat least a Doctrine collection is involved
12:25.56jwalol tmaroschik
12:26.15jwaafoeder: I thought there already was a solution for this very problem
12:26.29jwacan't look into it right now, gotta go to a meeting
12:26.29afoederin FLOW3 context or in general?
12:26.46afoederokee dokeey :)
12:26.54afoederhave fun at the meeting LOL
12:34.10joachim_muellerjwa and afoeder - thanks for your help - now it's running. I read so many faq - but I didn't get the wiki entry - great hint - thanks
12:36.11*** join/#flow3 Nurbs (
12:40.44*** part/#flow3 joachim_mueller (~mobileoff@
12:45.59*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
12:48.31afoederoh, ehm... how can I declare that a UTF8-header should be send on each web response?
12:51.14*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
12:51.55afoederand to all, regarding my question to render an object tree to JSON smartly: there's already a very smart way in the Core: '\TYPO3\FLOW3\MVC\View\JsonView
12:56.50*** join/#flow3 daKmoR (~daKmoR@
13:00.37*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
13:27.19ChristianMhi all
13:29.31jwaafoeder: I knew it!
13:30.05jwaafoeder: and to send correct content-type headers I'd suggest you to do that via .htacces or directly in the vhost config
13:31.32*** part/#flow3 ChristianM (
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13:47.28*** join/#flow3 soc42 (
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16:34.45*** topic/#flow3 is FLOW3 | | FLOW3 is a PHP framework that makes a difference.
16:48.20jwahaha, what a pun
16:48.32jwaheading home now and I'll see what I find afoeder_ :)
16:55.14*** join/#flow3 cubert1 (
16:58.17Allisone_I'm trying to execute a query with a subselect … SELECT x, count(x) FROM (SELECT d,x FROM \My\Stats\Domain\Model\Stat WHERE date > 'a' and date <
16:58.59Allisone_'b' GROUP BY d) as d GROUP BY x
16:59.46Allisone_again: SELECT x, count(x) FROM (SELECT d,x FROM \My\Stats\Domain\Model\Stat WHERE date > 'a' and date < 'b' GROUP BY d) as blub GROUP BY x
17:00.00*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
17:00.33Allisone_now I get a QueryException "[Semantical Error] line 0, col 28 near '( SELECT device,': Error: Class '(' is not defined. "
17:01.12Allisone_I understand that he tries to transform the (inner select query) into a class name, how to tell him not to do that ?
17:11.00Allisone_hmm, i found createNativeQuery, but it needs a ResultSetMapping, has someone done this before ?
17:12.39ChristianMAllisone_, that should work according to doctrine2 docs, never tried myself
17:12.46*** join/#flow3 Chacky (
17:13.40Allisone_hmm well running the query via $this->entityManager->createQuery('….') it doesn't work
17:14.28ChristianMno that is different
17:14.35Allisone_but I feel it should work using ->createNativeQuery(query,ResultSetMapping $sth), I just don't know yet how to make that ResultSetMapping thing
17:14.37ChristianMthat is FLOW3s own abstraction of swl
17:15.15ChristianMFLOW3 is supposed to work with other persistence managers
17:15.23ChristianMso $this->entityManager->createQuery
17:15.30ChristianMwill get you FLOW3s query abstraction
17:15.41ChristianMcreateNativeQuery shoudl give you doctrines directly
17:15.56ChristianMI never used the resultsetmapping
17:15.58Allisone_yes, so I'm on the right path you mean
17:16.13Allisone_ok, just have to figure out the resultsetmapping thing
17:16.17ChristianMif you need to do what you are doing this is the way to go
17:16.25ChristianMsorry, never tried that
17:16.37ChristianMbut bastian eberlei from doctrine 2 said it should work
17:17.03ChristianMups sorry, Benjamin Eberlei of course ;)
17:21.13Allisone_hmm the resultsetmapping doesn't seem to be as trivial as I hoped
17:31.20*** join/#flow3 Allisone (
17:37.54*** join/#flow3 Torsten85 (
17:39.00Allisonejwa: maybe you know how to handle the resultsetmapping stuff
17:39.08Torsten85Hey, one short question about persistence: How do I remove an related object which is not an aggregate root and has no repository? Removing it from the arrayCollection of the parent and executing update on that parent doesn't seem to remove it… or am I again missing something?
17:39.37ChristianMdepends on the relation
17:39.55ChristianMTorsten85 what kind of relation did you set
17:40.23Torsten85it's a OneToMany Relation
17:40.48ChristianMin that case you need to unset the relation on the related object
17:41.40ChristianMsomething like that
17:41.59Torsten85will that just remove the relation or will it also remove that object from persistence?
17:42.46ChristianMit should do both if cascading is set
17:42.53ChristianM(should be by default AFAIK)
17:44.23Torsten85ok, thanks. I'll try that. One additional question: Is it possible to limit the number of childs retrieved by such an relation? I want to use something like pagination without fetching all objects…
17:46.11ChristianMit uses lazy loading anyway
17:46.19ChristianMso if you don't access the children it won't matter
17:47.34Torsten85oh ok. Problem solved without doing anything :-)
18:14.25Torsten85Can I somewhere see a working example of cascading with FLOW3 1.0? I can't get it to work… Unfortunately the blog application has a repository for every model without any cascading… or is this the best practice now?
18:14.48*** join/#flow3 soc42__ (
18:34.37ChristianMno,no it isn't
18:35.00ChristianMmmm, maybe take a look at the conference package, can't say for sure
18:37.47Torsten85I can't see what I'm doing wrong. FLOW3 automatically sets the cascading options to "all" because the related model is of source not an aggregate root. Adding a related model to the array collection of its parent and updating works (model is persisted). Updating or deleting the related model has no effect at all… strange.
18:42.43*** join/#flow3 nd___ (
18:47.46*** join/#flow3 Thasmo (
19:01.26ChristianMmmm strange indeed
19:05.57Torsten85well it seems that I really missing something here… could you take a look at this?
19:09.31*** join/#flow3 p1d (
19:12.07jwaI'm back
19:12.27jwaAllisone: what resultsetmapping stuff?
19:12.53Allisonewell, I want to execute this query..
19:13.19Allisone'SELECT iOS, COUNT(iOS) FROM
19:13.19AllisoneSELECT device, iOS FROM wojtowicz_stats_domain_model_stat WHERE date > \'2011-10-01 00:00:00\' and date < \'2011-10-02 00:00:00\' GROUP BY device
19:13.20Allisone) as devices GROUP BY iOS'
19:13.44Allisoneand I would like to have the result mapped to an array or so, so that I can iterate through the results in my template
19:14.51Allisonenow createQuery doesn't work (subselect in braces won't be accepted)
19:15.14Allisonebut there is $this->entityManager->createNativeQuery
19:15.16jwaI think there's a limit on how far one can go with an ORM
19:15.19Allisonewhich should work I guess
19:15.38Allisonebut it wants 2 parameters, first is the query, second is a ResultSetMapping object
19:15.42jwaAllisone: also, you cannot select FROM a subquery
19:16.02jwaexcept maybe if it only returns a single column
19:16.42Allisonewell with createNativeQuery I can, at least it doesn't throw me exceptions, but I don't know how to feed the ResultSetMapping
19:16.54Allisonebut of course, if you know a different way I'd be quite happy to know
19:17.06jwano I'm sorry I don't
19:17.48Allisonehmm, so the only way left, would be to talk to the db directly and use default php methods to parse the mysql results ?
19:18.10AllisoneI also asked k-fish privately, I hope he knows and answers
19:19.15Allisonedo you know who else could help me with that ?
19:37.00*** join/#flow3 Chacky (
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19:56.06*** join/#flow3 farconada (
20:02.21k-fishAllisone: did you read the doctrine docs on using resultsetmapping? they are fairly exhaustive and explain things quite well
20:02.47Allisonewhere ?
20:03.22k-fish maybe?
20:03.27farconadaQuestion/bug about routing
20:03.32Allisoneah I thought at flow3
20:03.54farconadajust class FileRoutePartHandler extends  \TYPO3\FLOW3\MVC\Web\Routing\DynamicRoutePart
20:03.57k-fishno, any doctrine documentation also applies. we only add some things on top, mostly
20:04.04Allisoneok, thx, but is it also the right way that I'm approaching this ?
20:04.19farconadabut it fires an exception: #1: Warning: Parameter 1 to F2\SLists\RoutePartHandlers\FileRoutePartHandler::removeMatchingPortionFromRequestPath() expected to be a reference, value given
20:04.25k-fishwell, i'd try to use no native sql. did you look at using a dql query?
20:04.34farconadabug? Am I doing something wrong?
20:05.30Allisonehmm, I'm all new to this dql stuff
20:05.32k-fishfarconada: hm, bastian would know best. i would need to dig into the code as well...
20:05.47Allisoneyou mean use the normal createQuery
20:06.12farconadak-fish: then I'll try tomorrw, thanks
20:08.08Allisonecould you give me more precise hints, maybe method names I should look into, to figure out how you would do it k-fish ?
20:09.00Allisoneor should I also read this up at ?
20:09.14Allisonewould prefer flow3 examples though...
20:15.06k-fishjust read the dql chapter in the doctrine docs for a start. only thing you need to know about FLOW3 spcifics is that you need to extend …\Doctrine\Repository to have the entity manager available automatically. the  you can use it to retrieve results as described in the doctrine docs.
20:57.13Allisonehmm, I'm still not getting it
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21:12.19Allisonek-fish: could you help me a little bit more ?
21:13.00AllisoneI don't see how the doctrine del docs could help me. There is nothing clear about subselect queries
21:13.11Allisonedel docs -> dql docs
21:47.36k-fishAllisone: try without the subselect, read to get an idea on what is possible. forget about native sql until you are sure there's no other way. if all else fails, ask on #doctrine - good night! :)
21:48.20AllisoneI'm reading this page since an hour
21:48.47k-fishwell, the example you posted used the querybuilder...
21:48.50Allisonethere it is written
21:48.51AllisoneSubselectFromClause ::= "FROM" SubselectIdentificationVariableDeclaration {"," SubselectIdentificationVariableDeclaration}*
21:49.06k-fishquerybuilder != dql
21:49.15Allisonehmm, also tried with createQuery
21:52.38Allisonejust hoped it would be possible to get a fast solution, I'm just trying some possibilities, what's possible, I'm not eager to solve a big problem here, as that is yet to come
21:52.38Allisoneif my wife wouldn't be pregnant with an ETA of 2 days I might even not be that nervous :/
21:53.13k-fishheh, understandable :) good luck to both (well, all) of you then!
21:54.58Allisonebefore I go, tell me one thing, why do you say I shouldn't use subselects ? I don't see how not to use a subselect, even with whatever abstraction dql gives me
21:55.55Allisonewell and also it is written that it understands subselects, but I don't understand how it wants the subselects to be passed to it
21:59.17Allisoneok, can't stay any longer, cya, will try at #doctrine then, cause I just can't see how the page you told me to read could help me with those 2 liner trivial examples
21:59.33Allisonegn8 all
22:16.31Torsten85someone here for a quick question about sub packages and the folder structure?
22:20.27*** join/#flow3 mneuhaus (
22:26.06mneuhausi've got a problem.
22:26.24mneuhausi'm using the propertymapper to convert an array to an entity.
22:26.54mneuhausthe entity has some validations like "@FLOW3\Validate(type="NotEmpty")" and "@FLOW3\Validate(type="EmailAddress")"
22:27.11mneuhausproblem is, that the validations don't seem to be invoked.
22:27.24mneuhausi already cleared the cache a few times but no uck
22:27.32mneuhausanyone an idea?

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