IRC log for #flow3 on 20111031

01:19.52*** join/#flow3 rosieres_ (
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03:07.27*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
04:33.19*** join/#flow3 nightzpy (~nightzpy@
04:38.57nightzpyWhy this?
06:13.31*** join/#flow3 thomas_hempel (
06:21.14*** join/#flow3 jwa (
06:26.14*** join/#flow3 jwa (
07:14.08*** join/#flow3 pumatertion (
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07:29.34*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
07:29.58afoedergood moarning
07:37.23*** join/#flow3 Denyerec (
07:52.40*** join/#flow3 MatthiasG (
07:59.21*** join/#flow3 pumatertion (
08:01.10pumatertionhi guys. want to make a persisted object only editable for the owner/creator of it. is content security the thing i need? or do i have to implement some extra roles like "Owner" ?
08:08.06*** join/#flow3 Jordy_Zig (~jordydejo@
08:08.35pumatertionoh, think the way is ACLs methods, right? so i need something like this?
08:08.36pumatertionTYPO3_FooPackage_firstResource: TYPO3_FooPackage_firstResource && evaluate( == owner)?
08:09.02ChristianMpumatertion, yep something like that
08:09.50ChristianMI think there is a working example in the conference package
08:10.02pumatertionwhere can i get it?
08:10.31*** join/#flow3 burzum_ (
08:10.37pumatertionconference package is the t3con page dump? i searched for it for 3 days but didnt find it :(
08:18.19*** join/#flow3 karstenk1977_ (
08:18.25karstenk1977_good morning
08:22.19karstenk1977_today first time i loaded 1.0, before i installed the alpha. I tried to use my old settings.yaml but it doesn´t work. The opened php process uses up to 100% of my CPU, so that i only can kill it.  Do I have to change php settings for Release 1.0?
08:23.39ChristianMI would recommend to make a new settings.yaml from the 1.0 example file
08:23.54ChristianMor carefully compare and restructure, there should be differences
08:24.37afoeder...and be aware of the two-spaces-indendation.
08:24.45afoedercannot be said enough times :)
08:26.06ChristianMafoeder +2
08:26.25afoederwow.. since then I just got +1 each ;-)
08:26.58*** join/#flow3 choongii (~choongii@unaffiliated/choongii)
08:28.30afoederDoes anybody have an idea how to implement a manual sorting mechanism?
08:29.15ChristianMexamples are in TYPO3v4 or in the TYPO3CR package
08:30.33afoederTYPO3v4? You mean that 256, 512, 1024.. thing? Or is there something new I've missed?
08:30.50ChristianMTYPO3CR does something very similar
08:31.06afoederI indeed also think that's a good approach :)
08:31.51ChristianMat first in TYPO3CR we reordered everything on move, but that became cumbersome and you have to touch a lot of data eventually
08:32.08afoederI've never looked at the code; so maybe you can say: when does the re-calculation occur? When a recordset is injected anywhere, the stack has to be recalculated in order to create the necessary spaces
08:32.50ChristianMnot sure about that, I know the basic idea in TYPO3CR is to not touch other nodes if possible
08:33.01ChristianMso we space 100
08:33.09ChristianMso node 1 is 100 node 2 200 and so on
08:33.21ChristianMif you move something in between 1 and 2 it will just get 150
08:33.24afoederyes... but in my imagination, at a time there is "no space left" between two nodes
08:33.31ChristianMah ok
08:33.42afoederif you do it just often enough...s
08:34.04afoederthe next will become 125, the next, 112, 106... you know
08:34.18afoederand at a time the whole bunch has to get re-calculated
08:34.48ChristianMdidn't take a look so far, I think it is just spread out again to have the 100(0) of distance
08:35.01afoedernot to mention that different "storage spaces" can be regarded isolated from each other
08:35.46afoederif one user has a shopping list with sorted items, and another user has another; these items can be sorted on their own
08:35.54afoeder(hope you get what I mean=
08:37.31afoederand the remaining question is how to build it in the frontend... where I have a list and I have to "tell" the server what is ordered where
08:42.10karstenk1977_Do i understand right, I may not longer set this (utility:      environment:        temporaryDirectoryBase: d:/apache2x64/tmp    dbal:      sessionInitialization: 'SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci'    core:      phpBinaryPathAndFilename: 'D:/apache2x64/php/php.exe') in my settings.yaml???
08:42.24karstenk1977_only the db settings?
08:42.37ChristianMkarstenk1977_ you still can set it
08:42.52karstenk1977_but then it doesn´t work
08:42.53ChristianMjust the namespacing is different from alpha
08:43.04karstenk1977_my php process hangs up if i set
08:43.20karstenk1977_ah ok, where I find the correct ones?
08:43.23ChristianMhave you tried those settings one by one to see which one causes the trouble
08:43.37ChristianMthe top level starts with
08:43.50ChristianMthat should be the difference to alpha
08:44.01ChristianMso indentation changes of course
08:44.11*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
08:44.38karstenk1977_yes, as soon as i set the php excecution path it hangs up
08:44.52ChristianMphpBinaryPathAndFilename this one?
08:44.57ChristianMeverything else works?
08:45.06*** part/#flow3 MatthiasG (
08:45.14ChristianMhave you tried lower case "d" as drive letter
08:45.22karstenk1977_i will
08:45.23ChristianMI have heard it could make a difference for php
08:47.07karstenk1977_no difference between lower or upper case
08:47.39*** join/#flow3 mneuhaus (
08:48.11afoederI remember there was an issue regarding some kind of recursive, infinitive call... maybe this is the point in karstenk1977_ case?
08:48.38karstenk1977_perhaps i dont know.
08:48.39bwaidelichmoin all. @karstenk1977_ does your php exe path contain spaces?
08:49.26karstenk1977_ah now i have an exception. one step further^^
08:49.38bwaidelichwhat exception?
08:49.48karstenk1977_yes there is 1 space between label and path
08:50.17karstenk1977_May I post here?
08:50.18bwaidelichno i meant a space in the path itself, e.g "C:/Foo Bar/php.exe"
08:50.31karstenk1977_no there is no one
08:50.32bwaidelichpost just the exception code
08:50.36karstenk1977_Uncaught Exception Warning: filesize(): stat failed for d:/apache2x64/tmp/Development/Cache/Code/FLOW3_Object_Classes\TYPO3_FLOW3_Resource_Publishing_ResourcePublisher.php in D:\Websites\flow3\Packages\Framework\TYPO3.FLOW3\Classes\Cache\Backend\FileBackend.php line 180 More Information Exception code #1 File D:\Websites\flow3\Packages\Framework\TYPO3.FLOW3\Classes\Error\ErrorHandler.php Exception reference #20111031094525a59af
08:51.03karstenk1977_Reference code: 2011103109452437915d
08:51.09bwaidelichlooks like a permission problem
08:51.34bwaidelichdid you follow ?
08:52.33karstenk1977_i´m on a windows machine
08:53.45karstenk1977_mod_rewrite on and allow all
08:57.19karstenk1977_and i didn´t change anything since i installed the flo3 alpha which runs
08:58.09bwaidelichdid that instance use the same temp path (d:/apache2x64/tmp) ?
08:58.49avalarionIs there some kind of FE User Package in FLOW3 or do I have to write my own?
08:58.49bwaidelichalso try removing that directory, if you haven't done so yet
08:59.24bwaidelich@avalarion have a look at the TYPO3.Party package
08:59.29karstenk1977_ok i truncated tmp
08:59.54bwaidelich@karstenk1977_ remove tmp itself too, to be sure
09:00.03karstenk1977_yes that was it
09:00.48bwaidelich..probably some file corruption or weird access rights..
09:01.42bwaidelich@avalarion we used the party package for instance in the conference app:;f=Classes/Domain/Model/Account/Participant.php;h=816f35fa174e7c0efae336ed34e725c6db625022;hb=HEAD
09:03.55avalarionLooks pretty easy! I am a bit nervous about my change from php without mysql to flow3 because I am just starting to work with extbase and it's all new... But the coolest things I've ever seen!
09:06.04bwaidelich;) just give it a try and ask here or in the mailing list if you get stuck
09:06.19afoederat least I can say having some Extbase experience makes the unserstanding of FLOW3 a bit easier...
09:06.56afoederthe transition for somebody who worked on TYPO3 for years is much smoother when going via Extbase :)
09:07.27karstenk1977_Would anybody link a good fluid templating tutorial, if he has?
09:08.33afoederkarstenk1977_ check the Cheat Sheets from PAtrick Lobacher in any case... wait a minute, I'll look for the links
09:10.34afoederkarstenk1977_ ...and buy the book :) it's good.
09:10.59karstenk1977_insidious advertising^^
09:11.43afoederkarstenk1977_ you are german, right?
09:12.07karstenk1977_yes, sry about my horrible english^^
09:12.50afoederoh no, I didn't mean that :) At least I didnt' notice :) We both have very compatible englisch ;-)
09:12.56karstenk1977_or why do you know?
09:13.05afoederOK than; after buying the book you would also like to have a look at
09:13.08*** join/#flow3 nightzpy (~nightzpy@
09:13.13afoederif you didn't do already.
09:13.15*** part/#flow3 bwaidelich (
09:13.33afoederNext on your list should be Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans
09:13.58afoederhaving read this makes the understanding of many FLOW3 concepts easier.
09:14.13ChristianMyep, actually that should be very high on the list ;)
09:14.15karstenk1977_ah there is a new documentation from mittwald, this one i haven´t known before
09:15.56karstenk1977_wow 170 pages about fluid and extbase.
09:23.29*** join/#flow3 tribunus (
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09:50.16*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
09:53.40jwaHi guys..
09:53.53jwaI just ran over an interesting problem I haven't thought about yet
09:54.31jwaHow can I implement a password-reset workflow? of course using the proper ways of the Party framework..
10:01.10*** part/#flow3 karstenk1977_ (
10:02.35afoederjwa, what kind of approach would you like to enter; do you consider sending a new password via email?
10:04.30jwaafoeder: hell no, the times we've been sending plain text passwords are over
10:05.08jwauser says he forgot his password => enters email/username => gets mail with confirmation link => gets to unique form to reset pw
10:05.19afoederno, sorry; was thinking only half-way and didn't write till the end...
10:05.24afoederI mean with a confirm email
10:05.30afoederand a unique hash
10:05.37afoederthat allows the user to set a new one
10:05.45afoeder(by, of course, stating also the old one
10:06.19jwasure he says he forgot his password and then has to confirm the change with his old password?
10:07.06nightzpyExcellent: the annotations blocks! Great work!
10:08.43afoederjwa yes, because there is the possibility he has some kind of "auto-login" enabled and one hijacks his Cookie or workstation
10:08.59jwaread again, he doesn't know his password!
10:09.17afoedereh of course...
10:09.19afoederthanks :)
10:09.38afoedermessed it around with the simple "change password" process
10:09.58jwaa simple password change process usually includes stating the old one yes
10:10.24jwafor the other approach, one could also go the facebook way and include 5 different ways of proving that you are yourself
10:10.37jwalike when's your birthday, what's you mother's maiden name etc etc
10:10.46jwaor just some random security question
10:17.24*** join/#flow3 chrisDD (
10:18.19jwabut still no approach on how to do it with TYPO3.Party?
10:19.59afoederwell, by the way I myself doesn't like those security questions... I even find they make the security even worser... because may people could know my pet's favourite food...
10:21.41jwathat's why facebook only gives you 4 questions that almost noone except yourself can answer
10:22.11afoederthe drawback is that this is hardly "abstractable" ( ? )
10:22.31afoederthis appraoch is very tightly coupled to the Facebook profile and what it knows.
10:24.58jwayou still have to supply your own answer, of course
10:25.16jwalike, "What was the last name of your first grade teacher?"
10:25.29afoederKlein. :-P
10:25.50afoeder(shit, have to remove that from my Facebook account now...)
10:26.52jwathat's the problem, the weakest part of even the most heavy-duty security framework is always the user
10:27.14*** join/#flow3 foertel (
10:28.39jwaon the other hand you can use a client to your advantage, e.g. use his phone to send him a verification sms
10:28.47jwabut then again if it gets stolen
10:45.29*** join/#flow3 mgoldbeck (
10:51.02nightzpyHi, i'm following the blog tutorial and get the next error:
10:51.07nightzpy[Semantical Error] The annotation "@ORM\Column" in property
10:51.43nightzpyI don't know what the problem!
10:54.06jwanightzpy: read the Upgrading.txt in the FLOW3 root folder please
10:54.25nightzpyOk, thanks... go to that!
10:54.33jwaand they already know that the use lines should be added to the tutorial
10:54.39jwause Doctrine
10:54.51jwause Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
10:55.00jwathat's the line you need to add
10:56.42nightzpythe migrate-annotations.php script then?
10:56.46nightzpyOk... thanks!
10:58.59nightzpyI have added this line, but still the error!
11:02.21jwanightzpy: be sure to flush the cache if you're not in development context
11:02.42jwaor closely look at the error message, maybe it's in another file or different error
11:03.45nightzpyAm in dev context! Ok, let me see a bit more!
11:05.34nightzpyOk, now this is the fail:
11:05.36nightzpy[Type Error] Attribute "length" of @ORM\Column declared on property
11:06.07nightzpyI don't see the problem, in the tutorial is the same: length
11:08.29afoeder@ Doctrine Pro's, is it possible to also declare scalar types like String as a doctrine collection?
11:10.19nightzpyafoeder: I think if it should!
11:10.42nightzpyyou try?
11:10.51afoederdidnt yet :)
11:14.26*** join/#flow3 chrisDD (
11:14.29afoederwould that be OK then;: * @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection<String>
11:16.18nightzpyShould be! Like as: c++ templates!
11:16.49afoederc++? never heard :-P
11:18.03nightzpyOk, the problem was that column type length should be iqual to an integer: -without quotes!- In the tutorial appear in quotes!
11:18.44afoedernightzpy could you please open an issue in the for that?
11:18.58afoederdocumentation section
11:19.07nightzpytell me more!
11:19.18nightzpylike that fail register?
11:21.19*** join/#flow3 Jordy_Zig (~jordydejo@
11:24.09nightzpyOk, let me see!
11:24.58nightzpyAlready appear:
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11:51.58jwaafoeder: probably works but what about persistence? maybe doctrine will create a helper table for that
11:52.07jwaat least that's what I think would be pretty cool
11:52.25afoederI hoped Doctrine would serialize() it
11:52.34jwaor that yes
11:52.36jwadid it?
11:52.43afoederstill not tested :)
11:52.51jwauh oh, let me test
11:53.03afoederI'm currently implementing an OpenGraph package...
11:53.08afoederwanna contribute? ;-)
11:53.59jwaumm not really :/ but I already have a partly working OAuth package that let's you authenticate with Twitter :)
12:01.56jwahmm, it just creates a VARCHAR(255) column..
12:02.08afoederyou mean a String collection?
12:02.38*** join/#flow3 karstenk1977_ (
12:03.22afoederwow, there is no UrlValidator in the base distribution...
12:09.37*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
12:10.57k-fishnightzpy: feel free to review - thanks
12:11.01jwahaha afoeder this is what you get: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection@0000000065ae6669000000005ae0e54b
12:11.14jwabecause that's the default __toString() method..
12:11.24*** part/#flow3 karstenk1977_ (
12:11.29jwaI bet we can write our own StringCollection class
12:11.30afoederhm ok...
12:12.56afoederbtw, this is my URL validator:
12:13.11afoederif someone needs :)
12:16.04*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (~Adium@
12:16.32nightzpyafoeder, can show in the flow3 doc? ehehhe
12:16.53afoedernightzpy what do you mean?
12:18.38nightzpyafoeder: No way that your contribution appears in the documentation flow3?
12:19.56afoederI don't think it should be put in the documentation; if ever it should be added to the base distribution at all....
12:21.58afoederby the way, I think there's a tiny mistake in the UUID validator...
12:22.30afoedercould someone who is competent confirm this?
12:24.24jwaI think a UrlValidator is a *must have* for the core...
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12:32.54afoederhmmm... "final functions" are evil in FLOW3 due to the proxy class building, right?
12:33.24t3andiyes! that will break the whole thing ;-)
12:33.39afoederok... *deleting*
12:36.48afoederOO guys; when I have Image, Video and Audio; and I would group this into "AbstractMedia", would it be OK to also have "AbstractSizedMedia" which inherity from AbstractMedia; while Audio inherits from AbstractMedia and Video and Image inherits from AbstractSizedMedia? (hope that was understandable :)
12:37.18afoederso AbstractMedia -> AbstractSizedMedia -> [Video,Image]
12:37.29afoederand AbstractMedia -> [Audio]
12:37.47t3andiyep, why not? although I don't get what AbstractSizeMedia, really is...
12:37.53afoederAbstractSizedMedia has the width and height attribs
12:38.19afoeder"Media that has a size" :)
12:38.43t3andiah ok… yes, I think that's just fine
12:39.04afoedercool. I like when what I am thinking is considered "fine" :)
12:39.26afoedert3andi, maybe you can say: I think I found a tiny mistake in the UuidValidator...
12:39.48afoederthe regex there says /([a-f0-9]){8}-([a-f0-9]){4}-([a-f0-9]){4}-([a-f0-9]){4}-([a-f0-9]){12}/
12:39.59afoederbut shouldn't it be wrapped in ^$ ?
12:40.16t3andiyes, that's probably missing, right...
12:40.50t3andiotherwise you could add things before or after the uuid and it would still match, right?
12:41.04afoederI think so...
12:41.11t3andihave you tried? ;-)
12:46.14*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (~Adium@
12:55.28afoederare ENUM annotations supported in any way? :)
12:58.46afoederjwa are you still there
13:00.43*** join/#flow3 thomas_hempel (
13:03.49ChristianMas in enumeration - mysql data type?
13:05.15afoedernot strongly; mainly just for explicit information what to do with an attribute (or if/that only a set of possibilities are allowed)
13:05.57afoedercould at least be done with a generic EnumValidator that gets the allowed options as array :)
13:07.44jwaafoeder: yes
13:07.56jwaafoeder: and no, ENUM is a bad idea
13:07.58afoeder...because of the String Collection
13:08.05jwaI was preparing, now testing
13:08.20afoederis this what Doctrine gave you just the concatenation of "Array" and the object identifier?
13:09.16afoederto be more concrete: the concatenation of the class name "...ArrayCollection", an "@" and the identifier...
13:14.20jwait's the __toString implementation of ArrayCollection.php
13:14.53afoedermaybe it should manually be achieved with __sleep and __wakeup or so
13:15.24jwaalso, I'm now getting this: Found an invalid element type declaration in class Test for property sayings: Type MyScalarCollection must not have an element type hint (string).
13:15.41afoederhm ok...
13:15.42jwahow does it know what types it accepts!?
13:15.53afoederwell, at least no strings :)
13:15.58jwait doesn't say that for the standard ArrayCollection
13:19.22jwaheh, I just changed the annotation back to the interface
13:19.23jwathat works
13:19.38jwaso I now have the serialized array in the field..
13:19.50afoederin the database field?
13:19.58jwanow to get it back
13:32.37*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
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13:38.34jwainteresting.. the constructor of the model is never called...
13:39.02afoederI think it is overridden by the proxy class...?
13:39.12afoederdid you try initialzeObject()?
13:39.45jwaah right
13:42.46jwafancy AOP stuff I wish I knew what's going on there
13:49.16afoedera ValueObject is per se always immutable, right?
13:50.04afoederthis means in the next step that single properties of a value object MUST NOT change, correct?
13:51.01afoederand in the last step this means that is has no setters and EVERY property has to be set ONLY by the constructor?
13:51.11jwaafoeder: that's why FLOW3 will throw an exception if you have a set* method
13:51.32afoederperfect; I just wanted to recall
13:51.56jwathe flow3 identifier is also a hash of the object's values, which is interesting
13:51.57afoederyou know, I'm just thinking about if I should build my "OpenGraph" objects as valueobjects..
13:53.07afoederBut that would indeed not be correct... because an OpenGraph Object is, as far as I understand, regarded "unique"
13:53.30jwaI just realized that the AOP part of the manual has been written, sweet
13:53.39*** join/#flow3 pumatertion (
13:53.40afoederah, good to know.
13:54.02jwayou mean something like "Alex has watched a movie on"
13:54.45afoederhm not exactly; well, the OpenGraph thing is a pretty cool approach
13:55.03afoederit regards objects that a website describe as real-world, existing objects
13:55.14afoederfor example a Movie or a Product
13:55.37afoedersomething like "this website is the definitive derivate of this *product
13:55.38jwaso yeah an open graph object is in fact just an entity
13:56.10jwamakes more sense even though one can have 22 DVDs of the same movie
13:56.13afoederbut there are "child objects" like images and videos; I think I would define them as ValueObjects
13:56.44jwaonly if you'll use the same image for a movie and a product
13:57.01afoederI dont's know, the image is provided by the website provider
13:57.45afoederwhen you paste a URL in facebook, you surely noticed that it is parsed and displayed in a special manner
13:58.43jwaI know what open graph is yes :P
13:59.28afoederI also thought I knew it; till this morning ;-)
14:00.09jwaokay I know OpenGraph 1.0 but hardly see the concept of OG 2.0 as a whole
14:00.17jwacorrect? :D
14:00.46afoederyeahyeah :)
14:03.15*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
14:03.20jwadamn AOP is getting cooler with every line I read
14:17.49afoederjwa did you already write a few lines using the CLI interface?
14:21.26ChristianMafoeder cli is pretty simple if you look at the existing command controllers
14:21.49afoederwhere do I find a simple one? :)
14:22.26ChristianMfor example
14:22.37afoederalright, thank you
14:24.28afoedermaybe one can give me a hint: I am now finished building the Model structure of my Open Graph implementation; I would now like to transform a given web page URI to that model tree. Should I do this using the TypeConverter?
14:31.13jwamanually I guess
14:32.25afoederI mean the usage later on... assuming the package is finished, how does anybody get out of the web page url the complete object tree.
14:33.23jwayou mean you have, for example, an IMDB link (they have OG tags iirc)
14:33.31jwaand want that converted to an OG movie object?
14:33.49afoederI at first thought about a Service
14:33.52jwause XPath or regular expressions to extract the values then
14:34.02afoederyes; of course; but "where"
14:34.11jwafile_get_contents($uri) ?
14:34.42afoeder:) "where do I place the code for that"
14:34.54afoedershould I write a service; or... a type converter :)
14:35.12afoederone that "converts" a webpage to the OG movie object
14:35.21jwaI would've just done it in the action but a custom typeconverter sounds interesting
14:35.22afoederI like this idea, to be honest
14:35.40afoederthere should be no action.
14:36.17afoederI think I'll try the TypeConverter idea.
14:37.38jwahuh? I thought a user would enter a URL which would trigger an action
14:38.10afoederI want to provide an isolated package that serves Open Graph functionality
14:38.27jwayeah that's a typeconverter
14:38.33jwait literally screams for it :P
14:38.35afoedergreat, fine.
14:38.38afoedergood :)
14:38.50jwabtw I think many classes in the core could be flagged as abstract.. like the ActionController
14:43.31afoederwhile building the functionality, would be a "Test" the right approach?
14:43.47jwaUnitTest you mean?
14:43.49afoederto trigger the conversion and look-what-happens
14:44.01jwaor a functional test will do that
14:44.08afoederalmost, I think more of "FunctionalTest"
14:44.12afoederyep :)
14:44.41afoederdo you know a few lines how to start that?
14:44.51afoedera mini-tutorial anywhere...
14:45.27jwalook at the existing functional tests
14:45.40jwaespecially the ones that create or use mock objects
14:45.52afoederhow do I start them?
14:46.00jwais blown away by the complexity of the I18n structure
14:46.19jwawith phpunit ./path/to/functionaltests.xml
14:46.31jwathat file is in the Build/Common/... directory
14:47.21afoederah, I see...
14:48.16afoederisn't there a FLOW3 wrapper method for running phpunit?
14:48.47jwaseriously: "<rbnfrule value="70">[→%spellout-cardinal-masculine→­und­]siebzig;</rbnfrule>"
14:56.15jwaand I thought noone would ever be that insane and create a regex list of valid postcodes
14:56.45afoederjwa seems interesting, where is this line from?
14:59.25Jordy_Zighi, I just commited a fix for issue
14:59.49*** part/#flow3 afoeder (
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15:00.10Jordy_Zigit was my first git commit so I hope everything was commited the way it's supposed to be ;)
15:00.22ChristianMdid you get an url to review?
15:00.57Jordy_ZigI don't think so
15:00.58ChristianMbecause I don't see any new changes in git
15:01.12ChristianMthen something wen't wrong and you should have had some kind of error message ;)
15:01.29Jordy_Zigi configured git by the commands from
15:01.30ChristianMsorry, don't see any new changes in gerrit is what I meant
15:01.37ChristianMthat should be fine
15:01.46ChristianMah wait
15:01.50ChristianMyou did git commit right?
15:02.01ChristianMdid you also do a "git push" after that?
15:02.15ChristianMgit commit will only commit to your local git change index
15:02.23ChristianMthat is different from svn
15:02.27Jordy_Zigdidn't do a git push yet
15:02.29ChristianMyou can commit only locally
15:02.33ChristianMah then please do ;)
15:02.59Jordy_Zig"Individual contributor agreement is still pending review."
15:03.12Jordy_Zigthink I have to wait
15:03.18ChristianMyep looks like
15:03.34Jordy_Zigfriday a "company" licence agreemeent was faxed
15:03.59Jordy_Zignot sure how that is going to be linked to my username since there was no way to specifiy the user name on that form
15:05.03Jordy_Zigis there anybody who I can contact to see if the fax was received?
15:06.00jwawell you could try and call them here in Switzerland ;)
15:06.17jwaafoeder: TYPO3.FLOW3/Resources/Private/CLDR/Sources/....
15:06.35afoederjwa, switzerland is so small, couldn't you just walk there and ask? :-P
15:07.04jwait's not *that* small :(
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15:07.39afoederthat is correct... I realized that when walking from the T3DD location to the local ALDI market :-P
15:07.55afoeder...every time...
15:08.16Jordy_Zigcan't find a phone number to contact them, maybe i can try
15:08.39jwahmm ok it's ~35km from here actually :D
15:09.12jwaJordy_Zig: <rbnfrule value="70">[→%spellout-cardinal-masculine→­und­]siebzig;</rbnfrule>
15:09.16jwaer no sorry
15:09.25jwaClipboard sync doesnt work in my VM :(
15:09.54jwano phone, just fax
15:10.18afoederthen send a fax to ask if your fax was received :-P
15:10.28jwamail will do
15:11.17Jordy_Zigthanks :) I just sent a mail
15:13.59afoederjwa, could you imagine what my PhpStorm means with "Bootstrap file" when I attempt to "Generate PHPUnit Test"?
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15:44.14jwaafoeder: yes, that's the php file referenced in the already made UnitTests.xml and FunctionalTests.xml
15:44.23jwayou don't need to create that
15:44.53afoederisn't that the "run configuration"?
15:45.46jwaI don't think so, because the referenced files (in the same directory) are called UnitTestBootstrap.php and FunctionalTestBootstrap.php :P
15:46.40afoederyou are right.
15:46.58*** join/#flow3 choongii (~choongii@unaffiliated/choongii)
15:47.15afoederbut the "Boostrap file" that phpstorm asks me for should be FunctionalTestBootstrap.php either, right?
15:48.57afoederhm, something's wrong with my installation anyways...
15:50.04afoeder:( now I get a Call to undefined method PHP_CodeCoverage_Filter::getInstance()
15:51.49bwaidelich@afoeder maybe this helps:
15:52.02afoederbwaidelich cool, thanks.
15:52.41afoederby the way, I saw that there were changes made to
15:53.06afoederdid you notice my tiny comment in the middle of the Hudson-Updates? :)
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15:55.37bwaidelich@afoeder yes, looks great
15:56.20afoedercool, maybe you consider to build it in.
15:56.31bwaidelichjust added a comment to,5913 ;)
15:56.37afoederdid you also receive my gist regarding the imageviewhelper?
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15:57.24bwaidelichyes, did you get my response? ;)
15:57.40bwaidelich(fr, 28.10. 17:55h)
15:58.25jwabwaidelich: are you using phpstorm on linux?
15:58.27afoederwhoops :)
15:58.49bwaidelich@jwa on windows *duck*
16:00.10afoederbwaidelich hm... how did you send me that "response"?
16:00.28jwameh, I don't know why but the GUI is pretty fucked up on my machine, e.g. if I focus a line below a "y" it will cut off the drop cap of it.. which is pretty annoying
16:00.46jwaoh and it uses calculated bold fonts that aren't monospaced afterwards
16:01.12bwaidelich@afoeder via mail..
16:01.54bwaidelich@jwa weird.. but i think, christian is using it successfully on linux
16:02.03afoederhm strange... to what address? (don't mind to write it down here :)
16:02.31jwaweird indeed
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16:02.35bwaidelichah nice.. "Adrian Föder <>" ;)
16:02.36ChristianMafoeder, the flashMessage stuff looks good, I will try to create a new change set with your ideas and Bastians change, so we have a fallback with current templates and the possibility to iterate the messages
16:03.19bwaidelich@ChristianM great, thanks!!
16:03.27ChristianMbwaidelich, what am I using successfully on linux?
16:03.29afoedersame from me
16:03.42bwaidelich@ChristianM phpstorm, aren
16:03.47bwaidelich...t you?
16:03.53ChristianMyes, I was before buying the mac
16:04.02ChristianMworked pretty straight forward
16:04.20afoederbwaidelich does that mean you answered via github, right?
16:04.23bwaidelich@afoeder check your github inbox. if it didn't work - where shall i send it to?
16:04.40bwaidelich..i replied to the github notification
16:04.52afoederI didn't get anything...
16:05.22bwaidelichok, now you should have
16:05.32afoederah :)
16:07.06der-markushej there… i use flow3 in a current project where i have to read some informations from a remote content repository (access via database).. it might be a noob question .. is there any possibility to access that data via flow3 object model ?
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16:07.58der-markusfound that in the mailing list… .. pretty much matched what i was looking for.. except a hint how to do, after doctrine is implemented..
16:10.46bwaidelich@der-markus the thread was referring to the previous CR that was replaced by a doctrine backend. now, you can map your objects very flexible.. Just check the extensive doctrine documentation for the exact syntax
16:11.38jwaI wonder... if it would make sense to make a package:rename command
16:12.03der-markusthx.. i'll have a look @bwaidelich
16:12.40bwaidelich@jwa would be nice - but not that easy as you'd have to replace a lot of strings..
16:16.29afoederare there any more resources how to configure Unit Testing with FLOW3?
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16:24.45ChristianMjwa, what distro and desktop environment are you using for phpstorm
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16:27.12afoederChristianM could you drop me a line how to get Unit tests running with php storm?
16:27.19pumatertionerm, just a question. a am on the right way that there are two persistence manager in the f3 package. one generic and one doctrine. wich one is uses by default?
16:28.09pumatertionor am i totaly wrong?
16:29.26ChristianMafoeder, actually I only do that via command line
16:29.32ChristianMwould have to try to setup that myself ;)
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16:29.45ChristianMpumatertion, doctrine is used by default
16:30.15afoederChristianM could you maybe drop me a line how to do even this? (running via cmd line) only a hint... I will byte myself through on my own then :)
16:30.17ChristianMthe generic (or old one) is just there for backwards reference and to build special implementations on top if needed
16:30.36ChristianMafoeder of course :)
16:30.41bwaidelichunittests with PhpStorm is really easy. but why doesn't help you?
16:30.45ChristianMbasically you can use the configuration files
16:30.54ChristianMphpunit -c Build/Common/PhpUnit/UnitTests.xml in the root of your project directory
16:31.03pumatertiont3andi, back to our last chat, so if i want to use content security i have to switch to generic persistence manager because its not implementet yet to doctrine manager?
16:31.16afoederso the .xml controls what phpunit has to check....
16:31.17ChristianMyou can explore those xml files on how to add your packages to your own testing file
16:31.21ChristianMafoeder right
16:31.35afoederbwaidelich I get strange errrors in phpstorm
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16:32.06afoederI tried to "Generate ...Test.php" with phpstorm
16:32.54afoederChristianM this XML is that "Run configuration", right?
16:33.04afoeder(just to understand what PhpStorm expects from me :)
16:33.04bwaidelich@afoeder what about Run > ...Test.php instead ;)
16:33.40afoederbwaidelich I assume this requires me to create that ...Test.php file prior to that, right?
16:34.16t3andi@pumatertion: no, you just have to write your queries with the FLOW3 QOM and not the Doctrine DQL. Using Doctrine as persistence backend is no problem, and I would not recommend to use something else ;-)
16:34.37pumatertionokay sir :)
16:35.48bwaidelich@afoeder add the config as described in karstens posting and then navigate to an existing unit test (e.g. TYPO3.FLOW3/Tests/Unit/Utility/ArraysTest.php), right-click, run..., ArraysTest.php (2nd entry for me)
16:37.06bwaidelichre the config: for single tests it's enough to add the XML configuration path in Defaults/PHPUnit > Configuration
16:37.28afoederI assume you don't have the FLOW3 folders included as External Library, right?
16:38.07k-fishand then press ctrl-shift-r to run a test :)
16:38.49bwaidelich..which opens "replace in path" for me.. hi karsten ;)
16:38.56pumatertioni think i will write my queries in dql. it takes so much time to finish this project ... f3 4.0 will be finished at the same time i think ;) so the content security is implentet then i think and i can do the security things ;)
16:39.18bwaidelichit's shift + f10 for me
16:39.18afoederfor me too, it's Ctrl + R + F10 in Windows case, I think...
16:39.54afoedereh no, of course Ctrl + Shift + F10
16:40.31afoederbut it doesn't work if FLOW3 is "only" included as External library :-(
16:42.49afoedershould I write at least this very-very-basic stuff anywhere down, for other n00bs like me?
16:43.14afoederI really started from Adam and Eve regarding Unit Tests :)
16:43.55bwaidelich$this->assertFalse('apples are good'); ;)
16:49.16afoederhm... "Failed opening required 'PHPUnit/Runner/IncludePathTestCollector.php' " .. and this file is really not there....
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16:53.04ChristianMafoeder maybe that is something PHPUnit provides?
16:53.19ChristianMdo you have phpunit and all pear dependencies?
16:53.23afoedersurely; but I wonder why it lacks...
16:53.31afoederat least I have phpunit...
16:53.39afoederbeing not sure regarding the depend's :)
16:55.35bwaidelich@afoeder make sure that the latest version of PHPUnit and VFS are installed properly. PEAR has issues with upgrading packages - so if you're not sure, remove PHPUnit and re-install it as
16:55.50bwaidelich..described here
16:56.31afoederok, will do, thanks
16:56.52bwaidelich"phpunit --version" might help
16:56.54afoederdo I have to install the "following optional packages"
16:57.29bwaidelich..might help identifying the currently installed version
16:59.09afoederOK; PHPUnit        1.3.2   stable
16:59.37bwaidelich..should be at least 3.5
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17:00.41afoederok, so far: >> uninstall ok: channel:// <<
17:00.52afoederand that's incorrect, as I see...
17:01.07afoederthe channel has to be
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17:06.11afoederhm, when I do >> pear info <<
17:06.15afoederI get 3.6.0
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17:21.24der-markusafter continue reading i stil have no clue… does flow3 support the use of multiple databases ?
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19:51.35jwahmm apparently it depends on the font you use wether PhpStorm displays it all messy or not :(
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20:29.50Allisonehi all
20:31.03Allisonesomeone alive ? I would have 2 questions
20:32.02jwajust ask :)
20:32.13AllisoneI don't understand how you connect a "person" with an account
20:32.48jwaa person is a party, as you can see by looking at the default implementation from the party framework
20:32.49AllisoneI've read the security section today and tried to understand how that works, but I guess it was to much to understand reading just one time
20:33.56Allisonewanted to understand cause it's used in the blog example, can't play around with it though,  because on authentication I always get an error, but I guess the git TYPO3.Blog just don't work with FLOW3 1.0.0
20:34.11AllisoneI know that person is a party
20:34.46AllisoneI'll try to phrase a concrete question
20:34.46jwait does, it has been updated recently
20:34.53Allisonereally ?
20:34.58Allisonegit pull says up to date
20:35.07jwayes, but you're not the only one not getting it to work unfortunately
20:35.28jwaare you on git master for FLOW3 as well?
20:36.00Allisonecan you tell me then how to install the Blog ? maybe I did sth. wrong ? (I had to add @packe TYPO3.Blog to each rule in the routes.yaml of the Blog module f.e )
20:36.40Allisonethere was the git helper once, which I always used to get the master of FLOW3 but now I can't find the git helper anymore
20:37.17Allisonemeant @package by the way
20:40.22jwaok 1) you can add the @package to the main Routes.yaml as well, so you don't have to write it over and over again
20:40.40jwa2) git helper is here:
20:41.02jwa3) you can also just clone in anonymously from git://
20:42.32jwaand I think if you have the git master freshly cloned you can import the blog package via package:import, rest should be clear
20:42.50jwato test it I just used the setup:profilingdata command that generated some posts and comments
20:43.05Allisonesuper cool
20:43.30Allisoneok, I'll make a fresh clone soon
20:43.57AllisoneI'll try to phrase the account<->person question first though
20:45.12jwaa party/person can have multiple accounts, that's the useful thing about it
20:45.29jwathink normal password + ldap + facebook login + twitter login + ...
20:47.31AllisoneIn the app that I plan, I'll have users, they can log in, they can create content (vocabularies) and they should be allowed to share it with others, later maybe even create some kind of groups, maybe sth. like group "class 8a" and share it exactly with class 8a members, but for now I think I would first try to realize the option to share your vocabularies, or not
20:50.34Allisoneyou have raised a question I already got reading the security guide…
20:50.34Allisonethink normal password + ldap + facebook login + twitter login + ...
20:50.34Allisonewhat's not clear (I'm all new to this), do I save credentials to then be able to log in to Facebook, and other credentials to log in to Twitter, or vice versa, use Twitter credentials to log in via the twitter-account to be recognized as user xyz on my flow3-page ?
20:51.19jwawell sort of
20:51.44jwaI tried to create an oauth authentication provider but it turned out to be quite more than just that
20:52.26jwain that case I'd save the oauth_token as credentialssource in the db
20:53.14jwahowever, oauth needs multiple steps that need an extra controller, so it was a bit difficult to just create a package one could readily use for that
20:53.39Allisoneto my original question ( vocabularies, user, share) what to use in terms of FLOW3 and what connects to what… that's what I find hard to figure out right now, so I'm trying to understand the whole security thing
20:55.27jwaer, that just sounds like a model relation question, nothing directly related to security
20:56.04jwae.g. have a ManyToMany relation from vocabularies <-> shared groups
20:57.11Allisonea vocabulary has a created, back in the old days I would say a created ID, revering to some user ID
20:57.14Allisonenow it's what
20:57.23Allisonean account ?
20:57.27Allisoneor a person
20:57.33Allisonedoes a person own the account
20:57.37Allisoneor the account the person
20:57.40Allisonethat confuses me
20:58.09Allisonea vocabulary has a creater
20:58.14jwano no no
20:58.23jwaa vocabulary is just an entity
20:58.32Allisonesure, that's clear
20:58.37jwaof course it has an owner, which is a party in your case
20:58.57jwanothing to do with security/account
21:02.05Allisoneand if I would build groups into the app as well, the vocabulary would have f.e. a manyToMany relationship with SharedGroup
21:04.31Allisoneand should a "class 8a" be realized as a role (ACLs) or some own construct ?
21:06.15k-fisha class would be a party as well, i.e. extend AbstractParty. a role itself doesn't "own" things
21:06.17Allisonenever used ACLs, oauth, and stuff like that in that manner (either just used a framework having some mechanisms built in, ready to click and use, or building sth. without any login/auth mechanisms at all)
21:07.33Allisonehmm, but how to associate a people with a "class"
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21:10.05jwaheh, I think you misunderstood something there :)
21:13.00Allisoneyeah, wouldn't be the first time
21:15.11jwaclass 8a would just be an instance of your class or group model
21:15.49Allisonefor this whole thing to work I need: simple users, they can create cards, thus being owners of some cards. Also users can be in groups (like "class 8a", or "japanese group FU-Berlin", etc.), users creating cards should then be able to share there cards with groups
21:16.22Allisonecards being vocabularies
21:16.53Allisoneso cards have an owner and a shareGroup
21:18.53Allisoneyou said a class would be a party as well, so I ask myself now how to "add a user to a class" how to make the association, resulting in the question how to link a party "user" to a party "class", doesn't it ?
21:19.09jwaoh and btw: <- afoeder k-fish ChristianM :P
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21:19.24jwaAllisone: No, a class is not a party
21:19.44jwaI thought there you were refering to a PHP 'class'
21:20.43Allisonenonono, I meant class like a schulklasse, or a group in the university
21:21.13Allisonedamn, have problems concentrating
21:21.14jwayes, they aren't parties
21:21.34jwamore like an entity containing lots of parties (=students/users)
21:21.44Allisoneok cause k-fish said (thought you first) : a class would be a party as well, i.e. extend AbstractParty. a role itself doesn't "own" things
21:23.29jwaimo that doesn't make much sense in your case
21:23.54Allisonewhat are you referring to ?
21:24.45jwaa group (let's call it group rather than class, less confusing) shouldn't be party because there are no accounts that one can log into associated with one
21:24.56jwabut maybe there's more behind the Parties than just accounts
21:25.18Allisoneok I understand
21:26.10jwaoh and, rather than discussing so much about it why not just try it out and see how it works? ;)
21:26.50AllisoneI'd love to ask you more and to get this all 100 % clear, but my head is just so gone already, I hope I'll see you again next time
21:27.25jwaI'm one of the very few guys that's in here during the whole week :P
21:27.30Allisoneyes yes, wanted to try with the blog, but exactly the login stuff didn't work… but it should be working now (as you said)
21:27.38Allisoneok great
21:27.49Allisonealso my pregnant wife will be happy if I join her in bed
21:27.59AllisoneETA 9 days
21:29.05Allisoneso jwa, thank you very much
21:29.51jwahave a nice evening and good luck with your spawn :)
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