IRC log for #flow3 on 20110930

00:07.05*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti_ (
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04:15.57*** join/#flow3 Number-5 (
05:56.46*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
06:02.04afoedergood mooorning...
06:41.24*** join/#flow3 Kollode (
06:50.59*** join/#flow3 farconada (~fernando@
07:05.24*** join/#flow3 soc42 (
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07:58.12*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti (
08:21.06ChristianMhi all
08:41.04*** join/#flow3 spiZ_ (
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09:49.14*** join/#flow3 soee (
10:14.51afoedershould I use \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection or \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection for my Models?
10:15.01k-fishthe latter
10:15.37afoederOK, then it is not correct in the documentation at some places
10:16.30afoedershall I support fixing it?
10:21.54*** join/#flow3 denjerec (
10:28.03ChristianMyes please
11:29.25*** join/#flow3 soee (
11:42.38afoederChristian: how? is there a documentation project? Due to the fact that I am currently working full time on a hopefully becoming-large FLOW3 project, I am also working intensively with the documentation and could therefore collaborate in improving it.
11:44.21ChristianMyes, indeed there is a documentation project
11:44.25ChristianMjust a second
12:06.07*** join/#flow3 soee (
12:26.47afoeder...what is the better style: 'is_null()' or '=== NULL' ?
12:26.50*** join/#flow3 soee (
12:26.58t3rob=== NULL
12:27.58afoederI remember the PHP documentation, that at least says checking types should be done with e.g. 'is_float" and not via === gettype(); but of course NULL is a special case
12:28.37t3robgettype() is only for printing information, not for comparison, right.
12:29.44afoederregarding visual aspects, === NULL looks a bit more stronger in the source code compared to "is_null"
12:34.56afoederah, OK; is_null seems to be much slower
12:35.21afoederI think that should be a candidate for the CGL
13:02.24afoederone in a million, my coffee really tastes like cigarette ashes.
13:03.30afoeder(that pretty much means approx. every three days ;-)
13:22.11afoederHm, Christian; do you remember my idea regarding the "CreditCardAllowed" interface yesterday?
13:59.55afoeder...I had to realize that there are no member attributes allowed in interfaces...
14:00.37afoederso, to keep the example, I wanted to have "creditCardAccount" (e.g.) as property defined by the interface
14:00.59afoederand also common functionality and not just the function headers
14:01.10ChristianMah no that would be an abstract class then
14:01.24afoederyep, I also think so... :-(
14:01.26ChristianMan interface is to ensure compatible APIs
14:01.40ChristianMI thought that was, what you are aiming at
14:02.02afoederyeah; I myself didn't really know what I was aiming at ;-)
14:02.24afoederso there's an abstract class "CreditCardPayer"
14:02.45afoeder...which extends AbstractParty...
17:04.06*** join/#flow3 infobot (
17:04.06*** topic/#flow3 is FLOW3 | | FLOW3 is a PHP framework that makes a difference.
18:22.44*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti (
18:25.50*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti_ (
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18:55.57*** join/#flow3 Thasmo (
19:51.30*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
20:02.33*** join/#flow3 kj187 (

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