IRC log for #flow3 on 20110926

04:20.40*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
06:49.35*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
06:56.44*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
10:04.05*** join/#flow3 infobot (
10:04.05*** topic/#flow3 is FLOW3 | | FLOW3 is a PHP framework that makes a difference.
10:07.53skurfuerstivan_77: inside a ViewHelper, you can call $this->controllerContext->getRequest(); and this contains nformation as current controller and action.
10:08.31skurfuerstafoeder: I see the problem, but I don't have a good solution yet. I'd suggest to always use the UTC timezone and 00:00 as time.
10:10.41afoederyep, I did so at the moment... But I am still a bit in fear if there's a gap I cannot see ...
10:22.11*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
10:40.52denjerecMicrosoft can't seem to handle Birthdays afoeder, so you're not alone.
10:41.11denjerecIn their system, people are shown as having their birthday 1 day too early if they're entered during a summertime :/
10:41.21denjerec(For exactly the reason you mention)
10:42.15afoederyes, I read a bit around in the WWW, I can hardly find any information...
10:43.42afoederthe summertime itself is at least not really my problem; but timezones... I tried setting a date with 0.00 and UTC; and when var_dumping it I get 23.00 and one day early.
10:44.22skurfuersthm, what happens if you use $date->format?
10:44.59afoederhm, wait a sec
10:45.27skurfuersthow did you set the date?
10:45.47afoeder*ahem* I hoped you would not ask ;-)
10:46.20skurfuerstwell but that's really important ;)
10:46.49afoederyep; erm.. I would like to paste some code; but it seems my IRC is not multiline capable....
10:46.55afoeder$givenDate = $this->propertyMapper->convert(                     array(                          'date' => $value['y'] . '-' . $value['m'] . '-' . $value['d'],                          'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d',                          'hour' => 0,                          'timezone' => 'UTC',                     ),                     'DateTime'                );
10:47.32afoedermaybe using the property mapper in this scenario is a bit overkill; I don't know
10:47.40afoederI use it inside a validator
10:47.40skurfuersthm why do you use the properrty mapper here, and not directly create the DateTime object using "new \DateTime()"?
10:48.05afoeder...OK, because of the overkill ;-)
10:48.22afoederSo using new \DateTime() would be absolutely OK?
10:48.27skurfuerstsure, why not? :)
10:48.54skurfuerstI'm currently checking "Guide to Date Time programming" for your issue
10:49.10afoedercool, thanks
10:52.00afoeder...this issue is useful in birthday cases as also in "Event"-scenarios
10:59.27skurfuerstOK, got it
10:59.35skurfuerstafoeder: you should use: $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('!Y-m-d', '2011-05-12', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
10:59.49skurfuerstimportant is the ! before Y-m-d; makes sure to reset all other times to zero
11:00.18afoederok; else it assumes "now" I think as h,m,s?
11:11.25afoederhm; i'd love to inform you about the results; but my system is currently hangig up :)
11:27.10*** join/#flow3 afoeder (
11:29.39*** join/#flow3 danielkoch (~danielkoc@
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11:36.16afoederOK, that worked fine: now even when var_dumping my DateTime Object it stays at the correct date, 0.00, and says "UTC".
11:41.25afoederyip :)
12:20.40*** join/#flow3 MatthiasG (
13:44.54afoederhm; isn't it possible to nest Fluid Inline-View-Helpers?
13:46.03afoederI'm trying to do this:    {wb:datePartRange(from: { 'now', format: 'Y')}, to: 1905, prepend: {0: 'Jahr:'})}
13:47.12afoederat least this does work:
13:47.13afoeder< name="birthdate[y]" options="{wb:datePartRange(from: 2012, to: 1905, prepend: {0: 'Jahr:'})}" />
13:48.02afoederthis viewHelper returns an array and this is considered as population for the <select>-box...
14:14.03*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti (
15:07.56*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
15:23.21*** join/#flow3 afoeder ( it OK to check if an object is of the right type by using  '=== get_class(...)'?
15:24.42foertelwhy not check $object instanceof Tx_ ...
15:24.53foertelnot Tx :) but instanceof
15:25.30afoederI actually tried this at first, but obviously "instanceof" does return nothing if the class does not inherit anything.
15:26.27afoederconcrete: I would like to know if my variable is of type \TYPO3\FLOW3\Security\Account...
15:27.10afoederoh sh***... wait a minute
15:27.57afoeder:-/ OK, it *does* work, but I should use the leading namespace-backslash... :-)
15:29.11afoederI thought my IDE marks it red, but it doesn't....
16:09.16*** part/#flow3 afoeder (
16:25.48*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
16:34.21*** join/#flow3 Thasmo (
16:43.33*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
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17:33.40*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
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19:08.29*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
19:21.36*** join/#flow3 amkoroew (
19:28.51*** join/#flow3 skurfuerst (
19:31.24amkoroewHello @all
19:31.24amkoroewI have a problem with the quickstart guide. my hoster is and phpinfo() says version 5.3.6-nmm1
19:31.24amkoroewI downloaded FLOW3-1.0.0-beta2.tar.gz and unpacked it.
19:31.24amkoroewmy problem is now that I get errors using this command ./flow3 core:setfilepermissions MYJOHN www-data www-data
19:31.24amkoroewPHP Warning:  require(__DIR__/Packages/Framework/TYPO3.FLOW3/Scripts/flow3.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /[...]/Quickstart/flow3 on line 28
19:32.35*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
20:35.25*** part/#flow3 amkoroew (
22:28.38*** join/#flow3 soee (

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