IRC log for #flow3 on 20110816

02:01.46*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
06:19.09*** join/#flow3 sorenmalling (~sorenmall@
06:24.40*** join/#flow3 LayneObserdia (~LayneObse@
06:31.16*** part/#flow3 burzum (
07:01.22*** join/#flow3 etobi (
07:01.50*** join/#flow3 foertel (
07:10.29*** join/#flow3 DNukem (
07:12.15*** part/#flow3 etobi (
07:40.00*** join/#flow3 etobi1 (
07:41.04*** part/#flow3 etobi1 (
08:10.54*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
08:12.47*** join/#flow3 foertel (
08:35.50*** join/#flow3 ChristianM (
09:22.41*** join/#flow3 etobi (
09:23.12*** part/#flow3 etobi (
09:26.00*** join/#flow3 etobi1 (
09:26.06*** part/#flow3 etobi1 (
09:34.05*** join/#flow3 kitsunet (~kitsunet@
09:51.22*** join/#flow3 LayneObserdia (~LayneObse@
09:52.39*** join/#flow3 kitsunet (
10:29.25*** join/#flow3 LayneObserdia (~Daniel@
10:32.16*** join/#flow3 ger^kallisti (
11:09.39*** join/#flow3 soee (
11:10.00*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
11:11.17*** join/#flow3 boonkerz_ (
12:01.55*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
12:44.53*** join/#flow3 LayneObserdia (
14:22.47*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
14:28.15*** join/#flow3 kitsunet (
15:15.43*** join/#flow3 tribunus (
15:32.32*** join/#flow3 soee (
15:35.41*** join/#flow3 kitsunet (
15:41.41*** join/#flow3 LayneObserdia (
16:18.17*** join/#flow3 nd___ (
16:35.06*** join/#flow3 Thasmo (
17:19.21*** join/#flow3 Ginlock (
17:26.02*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
17:37.08*** join/#flow3 Torsten85 (
17:39.13Torsten85Hi… is there some progress concerning the bug "Exception while property mapping at property path "":Notice: Undefined index: __clone" ?
18:15.38skurfuerstTorsten85: yeah, we have a plan and will solve this for beta1
18:17.08Torsten85great, is the bug viewable in Would like to follow the progress there.
18:17.15skurfuerstyep, just a sec
18:18.14skurfuerstah it's not yet, sorry
18:18.24skurfuerstbut we plan to track it with
18:19.02skurfuerstyou are welcome
18:34.19*** join/#flow3 pumatertion (
18:34.24*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
18:34.28*** join/#flow3 pumatertion (
18:34.31*** part/#flow3 pumatertion (
18:46.30*** join/#flow3 Denyerec (
18:48.06*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
18:56.02*** join/#flow3 foertel1 (~foertel@
19:06.22*** join/#flow3 foertel (~foertel@
20:15.04*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.