IRC log for #flow3 on 20110708

06:41.58jwaeven without complete understanding of the framework, can I help fixing some trivial bugs? :O
06:59.27*** join/#flow3 DNukem (
07:36.23*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
07:41.28*** join/#flow3 Jippi (~jippignu@
08:00.40jascaljwa: just push them to gerrit and wait what happens :-)
08:02.03*** join/#flow3 denyerec (
08:10.44jwado I have push access with my account?
08:35.28jascalyou have to sign the CLA once, then you can push and others will review your commits
08:35.53jascalit helps to create issues at forge and reference these in the commit message
08:36.32jwaah well
08:38.30jascalit might look a bit complicated, but once you have everything up and running it is so comfortable... :-)
08:39.36jwainteresting, I didn't know git can even handle different fetch and push locations
08:43.01jwagit really is like McGuyver
08:57.17jascalyepp, the swiss army knife of versioning (although hg/others do that, too)
09:00.49jwahg is more james bond :P
10:00.37*** join/#flow3 k3ks (
10:18.07*** join/#flow3 zgaga (
10:35.23*** join/#flow3 soee (
10:41.16zgagaWhat is the role name of default user (when no one is logged in) in Configuration\Policy.yaml ?
10:57.18k3ksi have the value of a form field set to an object
10:57.56k3ksbut i'ts not an object in my controller if the form is send
10:58.46k3ksdo i need an repository for this object type to autoconvert "Tx_ColExtbasenews_Domain_Model_Filter:1" to an object?
11:11.11*** join/#flow3 etobi (
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11:13.38*** part/#flow3 etobi1 (
11:44.02*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
11:49.57*** join/#flow3 soee (
11:52.44*** join/#flow3 etobi (
11:58.19*** join/#flow3 etobi (
12:06.18*** join/#flow3 Jippi (~jippignu@
12:08.47*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
12:09.17*** join/#flow3 foertel (
12:09.34*** part/#flow3 foertel (
12:12.34*** join/#flow3 soee (
12:44.56*** join/#flow3 nd___ (
13:14.22*** join/#flow3 k-fish (
13:23.42*** join/#flow3 soc42 (
13:48.37k3ksall datetime properties of my object which i fetch from the repository are 0
13:48.43k3kshas anybody an idea why?
13:48.57k3ksi use extbase 1.3.0 btw
13:52.34*** join/#flow3 soc42 (
13:53.34jwabut this is flow3 :P
13:59.01k3ksi can't find an extbase channel :(
13:59.22k3ksi can't find much about extbase in general
14:15.28*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
14:30.50*** join/#flow3 foertel (
14:43.18*** join/#flow3 zgaga (
15:03.08*** part/#flow3 foertel (
15:34.09*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
16:13.26*** join/#flow3 zgaga (
16:58.01*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
17:36.03*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
19:00.59*** join/#flow3 foertel (
19:05.03*** join/#flow3 foertel (
19:05.04*** part/#flow3 foertel (
19:34.53*** join/#flow3 beberlei (
20:53.52*** join/#flow3 boonkerz (
21:38.46*** join/#flow3 foertel (
21:39.52*** part/#flow3 foertel (
22:42.43*** join/#flow3 foertel1 (
22:42.56*** part/#flow3 foertel1 (

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