irclog2html for #familiar on 20051108

00:38.00*** join/#familiar {-award-} (
01:35.38*** join/#familiar jg (
03:11.34*** join/#familiar orangey (
04:41.16*** join/#familiar PalatisAcerNB (
06:12.42*** join/#familiar rlz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:12.42*** join/#familiar wtbw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:12.42*** join/#familiar bgariod_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:12.42*** join/#familiar noobgoob (n=goob@
06:20.49*** join/#familiar martin_-_ (
06:24.02*** join/#familiar martin_-_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:24.02*** join/#familiar rlz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:24.02*** join/#familiar wtbw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:24.02*** join/#familiar noobgoob (n=goob@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:24.02*** join/#familiar bgariod_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:24.48martin_-_Hi... I have a question. Now that everything is being build with OE... are you all planning on providing the cross compilers that were built by oe for the actual release?
06:24.49martin_-_so that if I wanted to compile something for an ipaq but did not want to build all of OE I could? the cross compilers link to from the wiki are over a year old.
07:35.08*** join/#familiar JW (n=jw@
10:06.54*** join/#familiar Ge0rgy (
10:21.16*** join/#familiar PalatisAcerNB_ (
13:24.36*** join/#familiar rlz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:24.36*** join/#familiar wtbw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:24.36*** join/#familiar bgariod_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:24.39*** join/#familiar noobgoob (n=goob@
13:27.39*** join/#familiar jtheuer (n=jtheuer@VPNPOOL03-0129.UNI-MUENSTER.DE)
13:27.59jtheueri'm looking for the perl-base package in unstable, but can't find it -- any perl user here?
13:34.24jtheuercan I search, which package contains ""? via web or so?
13:34.56*** join/#familiar jg (
13:49.33*** part/#familiar jtheuer (n=jtheuer@VPNPOOL03-0129.UNI-MUENSTER.DE)
14:18.25*** join/#familiar Blue89 (
17:27.55*** join/#familiar incinerator (
18:33.09*** join/#familiar martin__ (n=martin__@Bluejay.lecs.CS.UCLA.EDU)
18:33.51martin__Hi! was the 8.2 release build with the softfp stuff? (does floating point happen in the kernel or in user space?)... what compiler version was used to build the release? 3.4.1?
18:53.15*** join/#familiar BBrox (
20:23.59*** join/#familiar jtheuer (
20:45.30*** join/#familiar ionitro (
20:49.20jtheuerHow can I search, which ipk package contains a given file? I'm looking for
21:13.11jtheueranyone here using perl on familiar 8.2.?
21:29.41*** join/#familiar hubuntu (
21:29.55hubuntuis this the channel for the familiar distro?
21:31.39*** part/#familiar hubuntu (
22:11.17*** join/#familiar mwelchuk (n=martyn@
22:12.04*** join/#familiar mwelchuk (n=martyn@
22:14.16mwelchukHas anyone got USB networking working with Familiar v.0.8.2 on a h5550 with a Linux Host?
22:14.27mwelchukMy iPAQ keeps hanging :-S
22:15.40mwelchukI've followed the guide at to no avail.
22:30.17*** join/#familiar JW (n=jw@
22:59.19*** part/#familiar jtheuer (
23:27.02*** join/#familiar bgariod (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.