irclog2html for #familiar on 20030315

00:44.16*** join/#familiar jg (
00:48.42*** join/#familiar paul ([
08:23.02*** join/#familiar klimek (
08:50.26*** join/#familiar a7r (~a7r@
10:39.31*** join/#familiar Transputer2001 (
10:58.26*** join/#familiar paul ([
11:31.36*** join/#familiar pb_ (
11:35.27*** join/#familiar a7r_ (~a7r@2001:6f8:201:202:230:65ff:fe11:7268)
12:11.55kerzZzhi hi
12:12.39kerzZzbye bye :)
12:12.40*** part/#familiar kerzZz (
13:24.43*** join/#familiar sonicw (
13:26.01sonicwanyone knows if there is support for access files on a sd-card on a ipaq3800 yet with familiar ?
13:37.48pb_no, only mmc cards are supported.
13:41.03sonicwpb_: ok, thanks
15:41.42*** join/#familiar Kero (
16:45.49*** join/#familiar BBrox (
17:01.42*** join/#familiar minddog (
17:02.14minddogwho can I talk to for getting an ipkg suite in the ipkg feeds
17:18.35pb_What do you mean by an ipkg suite?
17:18.52pb_If you want to be able to upload packages to the feed, you need to send Jamey your gpg key so he can add it to the keyring.
17:20.57minddogokay thanks
17:21.13minddogyeah, i've got an entire platform ported to familiar arm
17:21.56pb_ah right, I see.
17:22.01minddogi'm splitting it up between the packages that will run IL binaries
17:23.19minddogbasically someone could run .net applications on familiar linux
17:27.25minddogokay thanks i'm going to toss a mail to jamey
20:56.41*** join/#familiar eagle2k- (
20:57.20eagle2k-i notices that in the online docs it mentioned that the HP Jornada 56x series will be supported in v0.7
20:57.31eagle2k-does the prerelease have any support for that series?
21:13.04minddogeagle2k-: dunno but i see there is a wiki page about it on
21:53.37*** join/#familiar mallum (
21:57.28a7rmallum: hey
22:00.46mallumhey a7r
22:00.49mallumlong time no see
22:00.53mallumwhats up ?
22:02.17a7rnada, doing some handheld contracting
22:02.22a7rwhat're you up to?
22:04.56mallumjust matchbox hacking really
22:05.33mallumslowly fixing up some new 4.3 X packages
22:52.01*** join/#familiar banshee_ (
23:05.52*** join/#familiar a7r- (~a7r@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.