irclog2html for #familiar on 20021117

00:47.12*** join/#familiar cmarqu (
00:47.15*** join/#familiar vegai (
00:47.17*** join/#familiar jg__ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.20*** join/#familiar Kero ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.23*** join/#familiar jg (
00:47.26*** join/#familiar lazer ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.28*** join/#familiar jacques_gone (~fontenot@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.31*** join/#familiar mace ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.35*** join/#familiar pattieja ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.37*** join/#familiar selektha|ipaq39x ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.40*** join/#familiar moray (
00:47.43*** join/#familiar hampa (~apa@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.45*** join/#familiar Lambusser2 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.48*** join/#familiar Peksi_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.51*** join/#familiar gdsx (xsdg@xsdg.staff.freenode)
00:47.54*** join/#familiar Disconnect (
00:47.57*** join/#familiar prh_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:48.00*** join/#familiar PolarFox ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:00.35*** join/#familiar Oroz (
02:48.40*** join/#familiar jkc (
03:27.12*** join/#familiar bimble (
03:27.26bimbleI keep seeing Illegal seek messages during ipkg installations, anyone tell me what these mean?
07:19.07*** part/#familiar bimble (
07:51.25*** join/#familiar sigmounte (
07:59.48*** join/#familiar tille (
08:04.00*** join/#familiar Burner23 (
08:09.48*** part/#familiar Burner23 (
09:06.34*** join/#familiar dneuer (~smoothie@
09:42.54*** join/#familiar jkc (
09:48.24jkcHi, i'll try to install a microkbd, but i get after the cat /dev/microkbd -> device or resource busy. Can anybody give me some hints ? (ipaq 3870; fam 0.6.1)
09:49.59dneuerjkc: did you change your console settings (so that the console messages don't go to /dev/ttySA0)?
09:52.27jkcdneuer: yes, i habe tried to mark the getty in inittab and have changed the runlevel. Both the same result
09:58.07dneuerjkc: what about the params file, though? you need to change the linuxargs section to get rid of the 'console=ttySA0' part
09:58.54*** join/#familiar dc__ (
10:26.50*** join/#familiar Burner23 (~burner@
10:26.58*** part/#familiar Burner23 (~burner@
10:38.23*** join/#familiar Guest2165 (
10:38.33Guest2165Has power saving been implemented yet?
10:39.03*** part/#familiar tille (
10:40.55KeroIf I answer with a simple "yes", would that answer your question?
10:45.24Guest2165Well, my main question is whether the on switch works so that I don't need a CF card.
10:46.17KeroThat's the second question I don't understand...
10:47.21Guest2165Ok. Do I have to use the Hard Reset button to turn my iPaq on and off?
10:49.29jkcdneuer: ok, i have created a params file and after switching in runlevel 4 i get some messages on the black screen. After that i can type a few characters on the keyboard and after that nothing happend. can i link the kernel messages into a file ?
10:58.39KeroGuest2165: hard reset is hard reboot, is indeed off-followed-by-on.; most people mean something else with on and off, though.
10:59.22Guest2165Yes. Can Familiar be put into "sleep" like WinCE?
10:59.38dneuerjkc: still there? You can always do cat /proc/kmsg to see the last bunch of kernel messages
11:03.02*** join/#familiar BBrox (
11:05.49*** join/#familiar Peksi (
11:06.30Guest2165I see I'm not going to get anything done today.
11:06.30Guest2165Here, that is.
11:09.59*** join/#familiar jg (
11:10.03*** join/#familiar lazer ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:10.06*** join/#familiar jacques_gone (~fontenot@
11:10.09*** join/#familiar pattieja (
11:10.13*** join/#familiar selektha|ipaq39x (
11:10.16*** join/#familiar moray (
11:10.19*** join/#familiar hampa (~apa@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:13.26*** join/#familiar Lambusser2 (
11:13.46jkcdneuer:  ok, i tried to explain better: after setting linuxargs, i'll get messages on the black screen (like console under normal linux). Even when i hit a key on the keyboard under opie-terminal, the black screnn comes up with some keyboard status hints.
11:13.50jkcdneuer:  than i aktivate the virtual keyboard under opie to go back to the opie-terminal and there i can see the character releated to the key
11:22.24dneuerjkc: so opie isn't capturing keys from the keyboard (they go to the console instead)?
11:32.47*** join/#familiar Kero (
11:35.04*** join/#familiar jkc_ (
11:36.57jkc_jkc is now jkc_
11:38.56dneuerjkc_: so opie isn't capturing keys from the keyboard (they go to the console instead)?
11:42.54jkc_dneuer: No, opie catures the keys
11:47.40jkc_dneuer: but after every hit the kernel message console comes up.  More than half of the screen is full of kernel messages. When i hit the stick at the place of the screen where normaly the virtual console is, the opie screen comes back and i see the charakter
11:48.14jkc_dneuer: in the terminal window
11:51.28jkc_dneuer: i have tried to restart the terminal app. After restart the keyboard not longer work.
11:53.59*** join/#familiar Kero (
11:55.57jkc_dneuer: after resume i'll get many kernel messages and can only see the right numbers of the screensafer (or password window)
11:58.12dneuerjkc_: I don't know if that's a kernel problem (almost seems like debbugging is turned on in the microkbd driver or something) or an opie problem, or both. Did you try asking for help on #opie?
12:00.09*** join/#familiar dctanner_ (
12:01.17jkc_dneuer: ok, i'll try on opie. Thanks for your help
12:02.00dneuerjkc_: one more thing: what are the console messages you get?
12:17.46*** join/#familiar lotuspaq (
12:26.55*** join/#familiar Kero (
12:27.17*** join/#familiar Burner23 (
12:36.24*** join/#familiar NavySeabe (
12:39.37NavySeabeWhat filename does the bootloader look for when booting from CF card or ide?
12:48.30*** part/#familiar jkc_ (
13:26.32*** join/#familiar sigmounte (
13:58.43*** join/#familiar mallum (
15:58.09*** join/#familiar BigBuG (
16:28.37*** join/#familiar Lethorion (
16:34.31*** join/#familiar Lethorion (
16:35.11Lethorionhello... is there any nice eyecandy out there for familiar?
16:38.24*** join/#familiar Tux (
16:40.13Keroibot, scap
16:40.13well, scap is a CGI application to easily make screenshots from ibot's iPaq and have them posted on the Web. Refer to
16:49.52Lethorionibot, eyecandy
16:49.52bugger all, i dunno, Lethorion
16:53.46Kerothere is much more for the eye than just scap. But you'll have to search a bit better for it. gpe or opie may be keywords. or Doom. or gprs or gps.
16:54.40LethorionI just want something nice like matrix or so for opie
16:56.00Keroibot, matrix?
16:56.00Kero: are you smoking crack?
16:56.06Keroguess not :)
17:58.09*** join/#familiar dneuer (~smoothie@
22:08.36*** join/#familiar lammer1 (
23:42.59*** join/#familiar ibot (
23:42.59*** topic/#familiar is Familiar -- Linux on your Handheld --

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.