irclog2html for familiar on 2002.07.18

02:48:41r00t|ipaqwhats a good proport
02:49:03r00t|ipaqional font?
14:26:38dnordwallanyone got kismet on their ipaq?
17:47:39lordi have a problem, i installed the ethernetconnection with the usb, now i can` t connect with the ssh
17:48:08lordit doesn't accept my password
17:48:27inominehi, im having problems with usb-eth module, it may be a bug
17:50:28lordinomine: i installed it and it works well
17:50:38inominefor some reason as the device is put into standby mode the usb driver refuses to restart and instead prints 'node CRC 00900090 != calculated CRC 945a0394 for node at 00667248
17:50:39inomineNode CRC 00900090 != calculated CRC 945a0394 for node at 00667248
17:50:39inomineNode CRC 00900090 != calculated CRC 945a0394 for node at 00662af8
17:50:39inomineNode CRC 00900090 != calculated CRC 945a0394 for node at 00667248
17:50:39inomineNode CRC 00900090 != calculated CRC 945a0394 for node' on the output
17:50:59inominebtw this is unstable ver couple of days old
17:51:34lordon the ipaq?
17:52:27inominethe only way to get past it is to do a full reboot
18:05:20lorddo somebody know how i can change settings to a file
18:05:28lordis there an editor
18:06:17lordor something else
18:07:32inomine_lord: you said you already have usb connection working? hows it setup?
18:08:26lordlike it is written in the usb network howto file
18:08:56lordhave you got a linuxcomputer
18:08:58inomine_yeah there are several solutions... you use scripts to bring the net up and down?
18:09:50inomine_yes ive got it running just this stupid problem for some reason this time round....
18:10:18lordbut you want to do a network connection to it
18:10:22lordto the ipaq
18:10:39inomine_nah i can only run usb
18:11:10inomine_just for some reason the usbnet does not work as soon as i put/take the device off standby
18:11:16lorddo you speak german
18:11:55lorddo you want a networkconnection?
18:12:19inomine_right ill explains again....
18:12:50inomine_i currently have an ipaq 3850 connecting to a linux desktop throught usbnet driver
18:13:10inomine_but as soon as i put my device in standby and take it off standby
18:13:19inomine_the usb connection no longer works
18:13:34inomine_so i need to reboot the ipaq to use it again
18:14:43sjohnsoninomine_: You have to unload and reload the usb-eth modules. To make it work again.
18:14:52lordthats normal because the USB port desconnects, when you put off your handheld
18:15:47inomine_i tried 'rmmod usb-eth' and then reload but all i get is errors then printed on the console as soon as i link and ping it again
18:15:49sjohnsoninomine_: If you search on wiki, there is a suspend script that will handle that for you.
18:16:07inomine_ill check it out
18:16:30sjohnsoninomine_: use 'modprobe -r usb-eth', the usb hardware module needs to be reloaded also.
18:16:51sjohnsonOh and you have ifdown the usbf interface before you can unload usb-eth
18:17:32inomine_yeah i tried it all... but ill see again in a minute
18:34:10lordsorry but is there a possibility to chnge the sshd_config file
18:36:02lordI can`t connect to the ipaq via ssh
18:36:46lordlinux:~ # root@'s password:
18:36:46lord> debug1: packet_send2: adding 64 (len 53 padlen 11 extra_pad 64)
18:36:46lord> debug1: authentications that can continue: publickey,password
18:36:46lord> debug1: no more auth methods to try
18:36:46lord> Permission denied (publickey,password).
18:36:46lord> debug1: Calling
18:39:13lordI saw that in the sshd_config file that empty passwords ar not allowed
18:39:35lordso how can i change tis option
19:37:03inomine_i just dl the arm cross compile toolcahin where do i unpack it to, and how do i set it up for compiles?
19:42:53lordI HAVE A QUESTION
19:43:21lordwhich port must be connected with ssh ?
19:43:44lordvia usb-eth
19:45:38inomine_just ssh *ip*
20:44:07spi11SOS, I think I got almost a brick !
20:44:31spi11Any comments badly needed !
20:46:17timppa_Can someone please help with a *small* problem?? :)
20:47:28spi11timppa_: I would need help because a much worse problem, but what is yours... I am familiar with familiar
20:47:50timppa_I've installed familiar 0.5.3 to my 3600 series ipaq, and my orinoco wlan card, or 3c574 doesn't work
20:48:16spi11timppa_: As one would say, helping each other help you to get support
20:48:52spi11timppa_: sorry, I haven't tried... I am running my 36xx without lan, just usb ...
20:49:25spi11timppa_: so , you've to wait.... Want help me ?
20:49:47timppa_spi11: with what?
20:51:29spi11timppa_: with my prob !
20:51:44timppa_yes, but what is your problem?
20:54:17spi11timppa_: I just upgraded, and passed all prompts which where saying if I want to renew a couple setup files. I wasn't aware that the changes to this state of distribution are that ahead, so I lost totally controll, and a reboot with init=/bin/sh won't help either ! I need all configs first, to install them manually and without having data to be lost... sh*t
20:58:54timppa_well, i've use linux on ipaq just 1,5hrs. so I propably can help you with that... Sorry
21:06:43spi11anybody ! what does the first statement of linuxargs look like ?
21:06:58spi11timppa_: don't worry, I did it almost
21:07:10timppa_spi11: Good!
21:07:21spi11timppa_: what is the first statement in linuxargs ?
21:07:55spi11timppa_: could you take a look for me , couldn't you ?

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