irclog2html for familiar on 2002.07.07

01:01:32dromesjoin #mandrake
02:03:10zeckeanyone a wake?
02:15:20zeckeis ipkg from familiar unstable broken?
02:15:51zeckebut any way nite
03:08:38sendmanhow can i resize my root partition during installation on familiar linux ?
03:09:04sendmani want to make the root bigger than 32mb
03:09:24sendmananybody knows do that?
03:10:01sendmananybody knows do that?
03:21:36sendmanis away: (automatically dead ) [BX-MsgLog Off]
03:21:36sendmanis idle, automatically dead [bX(l/on p/off)]
12:49:25MazoneI think u should be very carful so u dont make alot of dependicies to X for those how whant to use frambuffer instead. Ok its nice when u install familiar that u get a X but maybe you should make note in installation instead that the last thing u should do is install one of the following GUI ...
12:49:38MazoneNow as i see it its only OPIE...
12:50:18MazoneI dont think your main focus shoul dbe the top layer of the dist
12:50:51MazoneAnd i think u got to much of that now in your feed and the base install to
12:51:38MazoneI mean the base feed
12:51:45MazoneThe task-complete
12:52:09MazoneIts really good that there is as much as possibly out there but it need structure
12:53:29MazoneAnd your web sites, included OPIE, r terrible, especially wiki. U get lost there in one sec, and its alot of old inf (srry, wrong place for that)
13:28:48dc_welcome to man
13:29:43Mazoneohh i just could my opie up and running :)
14:43:04MazoneHowto Opie and x at same time?
14:49:28pintsizedCan anyone help me with a strange suspend/resume problem??? The following occurs reliably, no matter what version I seem to try:
14:50:22pintsizedboot familiar; hit power button to suspend; hit power button to resume (everything OK); hit power button to suspend; hit power button to resume - ipaq is dead until I reset.
14:50:36pintsizedKernel is 2.4.18 rmk3
14:50:39pintsizedAny ideas?
14:56:37Kerosearch the mailing lists.
14:58:27pintsizedI did, but couldn't find anything. Maybe I'm just blind.
15:00:00ravihi everyone
15:00:03ravihow are you all ?
15:01:44ravii am trying to set up ppp on my iPAQ. it says that the remote modem could be busy or is not configured properly ... can someone tell me why ???
15:06:02Keroinstall ppp from familiar unstable
15:13:56raviKero: i already have ppp in my iPAQ.. but then i am not able to make it communicate with the winXP machine
15:14:57raviit gives me the above error when i try to make the connection work..
15:17:08Keroupgrade ppp from 0.5.2 to ppp from familiar unstable
15:17:47ravikero: okay, i shall do that that a solution in itself?
15:19:11pintsizedKero: I've looked through the lists, but can't find anyone describing my problem :(
15:19:21Keroafraid not... but it should help...
15:19:26pintsizedKero: Have you heard people talking of the same thing anywhere??
15:19:57KeroLinux usually tells us what it thinks it is, that is not properly configured.
15:20:29KeroWhat am I supposed to make of "Could be busy, but then again, might not be busy", idem on "configured properly"?
15:21:10KeroUpon that, familiar 0.5.2 has a badly installed ppp; if you replace it, like I said, you're on your way.
15:21:27raviokay, thank u :)
15:22:00KeroIn addition, you might want to load the ppp_async module (via hyperterm or whatever) before you attempt to connect ppp (and don;t forget to log out from your iPAQ :)
15:22:32raviwhat is that pleae ?
15:22:58ravii mean.. what is the ppp_asynch used for ?
15:24:03Kerodifference between synchronous and asynchronous use of serial line, I think.
15:24:32Keronot sure
15:24:42ravii see.. and then, how do i decide which version of ppp i should be using ?
15:25:52ravii mean, there are various packages over there in Unstable.... i should pick one of themmm
15:26:00Kerothe newest :)
15:26:43ravi:)... well.
15:26:50raviokay, thanks .
15:47:06MartinGif cardctl ident says "no product info available" does that mean the device will never work, or just that theres no driver? (or something else?)
16:15:19sendmani want to make my root partition more bigger than 32MB
16:15:26sendmanis this possible?
16:15:39reacenddoes anybody have a working doom on his ipaq?
16:16:13sendmani thonk this can be do changing anything in bootldr, ok?
16:21:28sendmani think this can be do changing anything in bootldr, ok?
16:31:35sendmanis away: (automatically dead ) [BX-MsgLog Off]
16:31:35sendmanis idle, automatically dead [bX(l/on p/off)]
17:31:19well, bootldr docs is
17:31:19Keroibot, bootldr docs
17:33:37dromesiwish i could boot familiar on non ipaq ppc 2002 devices
17:41:12sendmanKero do you know what's the asset partition ?
17:44:14Kerosendman: that's a PPC partition at the end of the flash that you want to keep, in case you ever revert back to PPC.
17:44:36dromeswhen will the install support usb
17:44:41dromesno one uses serial anymore
17:44:46dromesit will just be an inconvinience
17:45:08sendmanKero how can i create a root partition with 50MB
17:45:15sendmanthis is possible?
17:45:37sendmani have make with partition set on bootldr
17:45:46sendmanbut when i load root
17:46:01sendmani get 2 partition again!
17:46:06sendmanroot with 32mb
17:46:12sendmanand ramfs with 32mb
17:46:37sendmani want do root with 52 mb and keep ramfs with 10mb
17:47:21sendmanthis is right or i'm making mistakes?
17:49:51KeroRAM != flash
17:50:09KeroIt's impossible to make a partition bigger than the amount of flash
17:50:15Kero(or RAM, for that matter)
17:50:50sendmanso linux is on flash partition ok?
17:51:18Keroramfs sits in RAM, naturally, and consumes RAM as needed (max half your RAM, by default, iirc).
17:51:44KeroIn it, we store volatile stuff: /tmp and /var, we don't care if we loose them on reboot or power-loss.
17:51:45sendmanok, but why de linux show only 32mb
17:51:58KeroWinCE and power loss is bye-bye data, btw.
17:52:01sendmanipaq 3850 has 32 rom e 64 ram
17:52:30Kero'coz if ramfs eats 64, all your apps together have 0, i.e. they die.
17:53:35Keroif ramfs needs 2 MB, your apps have 64-2
17:53:37sendmansorry! but idont undersantd
17:54:08Keroif ramfs needs 34, it won;t get it, since it can only have 32 max (that's what the ramfs-with-size-32 means)
17:54:20sendmanlook i want to but some files on ipaq, and dont lost then after a reboot!
17:54:27sendmanlook i want to put some files on ipaq, and dont lost then after a reboot!
17:54:51Keroso put them in flash, that's what we have jffs2 for.
17:55:14sendmanhow can i put in flash?
17:55:35Kerotype: mount
17:56:16sendmanso can i mount a part from flash in some dir on linux?
17:57:17Keroehm, that has been done. But I suggest you find out how that works with some general linux documentation.
17:58:07sendmani have 32mb of rom (this is flash?)
17:58:47sendmani plus 64mb of ram, ok?
17:59:11sendmanof linux auto-dive in root and ramfs, this is right?
17:59:49sendmanof linux auto-divide in root and ramfs, this is right?
18:01:36sendmanso every thing i but on linux root partition
18:01:57sendmanand when i execute, this file gos to ramfs, ok?
18:02:04sendmanand when i execute, this file goes to ramfs, ok?
18:04:09sendmanso if I expand memory on ipaq (with a card of 32mb) the root will be 16mb bigger and ramfs too!
18:04:15sendmanthats right?
18:07:07Kerowhen you execute, that goes to RAM, managed by the memory-management of the kernel. Not to ramfs, which happens to be in RAM as well.
18:07:58sendmanSending task-bootserial.jffs2, 40960 blocks: Give your local
18:08:02sendmanXMODEM receive command now.
18:08:05sendmanBytes Sent:5242880   BPS:6286
18:08:10sendmanTransfer complete
18:08:27sendmanthis goes to ram or flash?
18:10:25sendman /dev/mtdblock/1          32256      6176     26080  20% / tmpfs                    31500       108     31392   1% /mnt/ramfs              
18:10:45sendman /dev/mtdblock/1 with 32256 <-
18:10:58sendmantmpfs with 31500 <-
18:11:21sendmanthis is the 64mb of ram has on ipaq, ok?
18:12:37Keroflash is dealt with by the kernel with mtdblock interface
18:13:50sendmanso ramfs has 32mb and 32mb more 32mb for running programs!
18:14:06sendmanmy root partition are in the flash?
18:14:08Keronow tmpfs is the egoistic brother of ramfs that simply takes its RAM
18:14:27Keroyour root partition is in flash, indeed!
18:14:59sendmani cant make more 32mb because my ipaq has only 32mb :(
18:15:30sendmani'm trying to put some mp3's and dont loss after a reboot
18:19:43Kerothinks mp3 files are perfect for an extra CF card.
18:19:58Keroflash, removable
18:21:31sendman /dev/mtdblock/1          32256      6176     26080  20% /
18:21:37sendmanafter install
18:21:40sendmantmpfs                    31500       204     31296   1% /mnt/ramfs
18:22:33sendmanipkg update
18:22:39sendmanevery thing again
18:23:02sendmanKero this is my 9th reinstalation
18:23:15sendmanipkg install task-complete
18:24:07sendmannow i make a backup before reinstall
18:24:07Kero9th must be faster than 1st :)
18:24:50sendmani have readed somewhere about
18:25:05sendmanflash has lifetime of 10000 times
18:25:10sendmanthat's right?
18:26:09Kero10 or 100 thousand.
18:26:14KeroSufficient, with jffs2
18:26:44sendmani will learn about jffs2 next
18:27:07sendmankero whats linus distrib do you use?
18:27:10Kerocomputed that 5 complete rewrites a day would give you 60 years or something. Yeah, that's 100,000 :)
18:27:27sendmangod job!
18:27:32sendmangood job!
18:27:43Kerodebian unstable on PC, familiar with some extra stuff on iPAQ.
18:28:01sendmani use redhat 7.3 on pc
18:28:09sendmanfamiliar 0.5.2 on ipaq!
18:30:18sendmanKero i'm still looking for a apps do substitute my palm
18:30:55sendmani will make something with perl+sqlite
18:31:03sendmani will make something with perl+gtk+sqlite
18:35:57Kerothere is storm and pspim
18:36:33sendmani haven't anything about pspim
18:36:40sendmando you have some site?
18:37:35Kerono, it's not mine and seems to work fine with empty database :)
18:38:18sendmani'm waiting kero-cal updates !
18:44:46Keroinstalled irb, a fine command-line ruby tool.
18:44:47sendmanConfiguring task-complete...Done
18:44:56Keroruby is a fine calculator, too.
18:46:11sendman /root/postinst
18:46:36sendmanreboot and the restore a backup :)
18:46:51sendmankero i run icewm is cool on ipaq :)
18:47:41sendmanAll fonts downloaded and installed.  Thank you, Bill.
19:40:15MazoneDoes anyone good at setting up a hotpluging with the usb, sp it get an ip adress and setting the route?
22:47:18ravihi, anyone here ??
22:48:05ravii am trying to setup ppp and have rum into problems.... can someone help me please ??
22:53:43ravican someone help me please ??

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