irclog2html for familiar on 2002.01.10

00:24:49szacharihello. Can someone help me run blackdown's java on familiar 0.5 on the ipaq? It used to work just fine on familiar 0.4, but I can't get it to work on a stock familiar 0.5 installation (gets a *** panic: GC: getStickySystemClass failed: java/lang/ref/Reference, even though java/lang/ref/Reference.class exists in the classpath...)
00:26:57AnnirakAnyone know where to find Strong arm processors or the pricing for same?
00:38:26Annirakis away: I'm busy
00:50:17EGg0is away: I'm reading a book. Do you remember books?
02:14:50Annirakis back (gone 01:36:15)
02:46:14thesainthas anyone here loaded the familiar distro on a H3760? I have been thinking about getting one to play around with but I want to make sure I can get something working on it besides WinCE.
02:52:13thesainthummmm intresting.
02:52:23treke|workworks fine
02:55:06thesainttreke|work: thanks.
03:20:05crh[watch me get beheaded] Hi, I've got a Zaurus, and a quick question about Voyager VGA...
03:24:06liquidxhello - anyone awake here?
03:24:43liquidxanyway - i was looking in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/familiar-unstable, and i noticed some weird dependencies (maybe coz i'm just clueless)
03:24:56liquidxwhy does ppp-modules depend on 8390-modules ?
03:25:20crhI'm here to ask questions too.
03:26:32liquidxwhat a coincidence :)
03:26:59crhI need info on the Voyager VGA.
03:27:00bipolar_awayis away: I need sleep very badly...
03:27:41liquidxhmm .. sorry - i have nfi about that :)
03:28:31crhIt's a mystery...  :)
03:28:57crhI have a Zaurus.  New thing from Sharp.  It has a CF slot in the top.  Room for a Voyager VGA CF card.
03:29:07crhI've heard rumors that there was a driver...
03:35:06crhTry again later...
03:35:06sjohnsoncrh: It's in the tiny X server. It should worked on screen :1
03:35:33crhsjohnson:  Sorry, explain.  (Thanks for replying)
03:36:13crhsjohnson:  That is (sloppy typing)... Sorry, I don't understand.  Can you explain?
03:36:31sjohnsoncrh: AFAIK, You insert the card, restart X and it should work. and show up under X as DISPLAY :1
03:36:59crhsjohnson:  ...if I've got the tiny X server installed and running, yes?
03:38:03sjohnsonIt shoud work.
03:38:30crhOkay.  There's just been an X server port to Zaurus.  Probably from Familiar.
03:38:35crhI'll give it a shot.
03:38:50sjohnsonbut I don't know for sure. It's neen away since I followed progress on the Voyaer cards under X
03:39:23crhI was hoping that there was a developer web page or contact info for the Voyager code.
03:43:18crhsjohnson:  Thanks!  G'night...
04:41:34jawsehas anyone used version 0.5.1 yet, is it stable
04:42:41svenin my exp. you're best off..
04:42:49sveninstalling .5 and upgrading
04:43:24jawsethanx ill try that
04:43:38svenyou must be new
04:44:27svenonce you get everything installed and connected, go here:
04:59:49beeblebroxis back (gone 13:06:13)
10:50:10errorhello all
10:50:54_MAX_btw...maybe someone is interrested. At is the wellenreiter project.
10:51:06_MAX_Its a wireless monitor analyzing tool
10:51:48errorI am coming back from a long absense period... I have just ipkg upgraded everything and X broke :)
10:52:14errorany already discussed cause in the last days/weeks/months ? :)
10:52:27errorstarts looking in the mailing list archives
10:54:30errorwtf is /proc/hal? :)
11:09:53alexkssohi :)
11:42:31alexkssogot a question .. what is the latest stable release of familiar what's that 5.1?
11:45:04alexkssoand what's the .6 too ?
12:30:27_MAX_btw...maybe someone is interrested. At is the wellenreiter project. Its a wireless scanner / monitor.
12:30:36_MAX_runs on my ipaq familiar
13:49:59Mornis away: showering (no peeking!)
14:15:25Mornis back (gone 00:25:25)
14:34:42alexkssoi'm happy :))
14:34:50alexksso0.5 is stable indeed :))
14:35:10alexkssonothing to compare to 0.5.1
14:39:32bipolaris back (gone 11:12:29)
15:28:37HaukkaWhats wrong with the modules-packages. They install wrong links in the /lib/modules/<kernel>/pcmcia directory. Also the modules.dep and modules.pcimap links are created wrong. Happens with both 2.4.16 and 2.4.7 kernel packages.
15:32:33alexkssowait :)
15:32:46alexkssoyou tried to install 0.5.1 didn't you ?
15:33:06HaukkaYes. But also tried modules packages from 0.5.
15:33:21alexkssoyep bun therer is a huge symlink bug in 5.1
15:33:31HaukkaOk... :)
15:33:44HaukkaI was wondering whats it all about. :)
15:33:46alexkssoi don't know where the pb is but ALL the links are wrong
15:34:07alexkssowhen i tired to install it I had to relink all the libs by hand
15:36:23HaukkaSo all ipkgs I try to install will have problems with symlinks_
15:36:34HaukkaOr just kernel related ones?
16:30:31HaukkaCan oneone build a kernel module with a small fix for the 3c589 driver for me? Takes ages to setup a dev environment...
16:37:56cobwebBilldoes anyone know about irda on familiar 0.5? i actually wrote the 0.4 wiki howto but that was more a case of compiling stuff i had found out from elsewhere. when i repeat the howto for 0.5 it doesn't work.
17:21:04cobwebBillsorry. got to leave. back monday.
17:30:24ninoin which mode can i fix the linuxargs on my bootldr?
21:05:08kbarrwhat kernel/.config combo was used to produce Familiar 5?  i though devfs-hh12 + h3600-devfs, but that doesn't compile, breaking at "can't open wireless_net.o"
21:19:15kbarranyone know what causes this: arm-linux-ld: cannot open drivers/net/wireless/wireless_net.o: No such file or directory
21:21:25jgoodanyone got a wireless card working in Familiar v0.5?
21:22:04kbarrmy enterasys roamabout worked out of the box.  lucent orinoco silver is flakey, i think.
21:24:56jgoodi've got a xircom card.
21:25:22jgoodhmmm, i thought i'd have to install some additional pckgs over a ppp connection before I could get it working
21:25:58kbarrthinks its more likely you need to muck around with a conf file like wireless.opts or hermes.cong\f
21:26:17kbarrthough I'm hardly an authority!
21:26:38jgoodwell, i'm new to linux in general so anything helps
21:26:52jgoodi'm just blindly following howtos from
21:31:00jgoodwell frigg, i just tried booting it up and it found the card.  step 1 down
21:31:08jgoodnow i need to get it connecting to the network
21:31:17jgoodi hate it when you overlook the obvious!
21:31:39kbarrwe're lucky here in that DHCP feeds the card all necessary routes.
21:31:48HaukkaHow can one make bash to accept longer argument lists_
21:31:52kbarrtrying pinging things.
21:33:01jgoodi can't ping the gateway
21:33:23jgoodwhen i type 'ifconfig' i only get the local loopback
21:41:51bansheeifconfig up the interface
21:46:03HaukkaIs the 2.4 CVS in handhelds still versioned as 2.4.16-rmk1?
21:46:44jgoodi can't see any eth0 or anything in /dev
21:47:48jgoodi'm gonna do some more reading and come back when i have a real problem... thanks for all help
21:52:38smok_Haukka: use xargs
21:53:02bansheethere normally isn't an eth0 eth1 or any interfaces in /dev
21:53:32Haukkasmok_: Well, the problem was in the linux makefile, so I didn't want to change it... but I already made changes to go around it.
21:56:08jgoodbanshee: i saw the xircom wireless card listed in bootup.  is there anyway to see it's "active" in someway?
22:01:09Haukkafrom ifconfig?
22:01:51bansheejgood: ifconfig -a and see if you have any ethX's listed
22:15:36HaukkaI still can't believe that the 3c589 driver is broken...
22:46:12smok_is away: - gone to bed
22:50:49jgoodthere aren't any ethX's listed
22:51:04jgoodi'm guessing that means that there's no ethernet device avtive
22:51:35jgoodif i am correct, then does anyone know how to enable one of these devices
22:53:39a7rwhat card did you plug in?
22:56:03jgooda Xircom wireless card
23:02:08a7rhrm. which chipset?
23:03:41jgoodgimme a sec
23:03:47jgoodi'm looking
23:03:56jgoodit's a Cisco model AIRPCM340
23:04:02jgoodis that what you meant?

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