irclog2html for familiar on 2001.09.24

00:04:21Jimmnanyone here? :)
00:20:27nicobrobl^ : I'm sorry, are you still here?
00:25:26robl^I am here
00:26:17nicobrobl^: I've been away for a while, do you have minicom working?
00:26:35robl^nicob: yeah..
00:26:46DragonEagleis away: just away
00:27:20robl^what problem are you having with minicom?
00:28:13nicobrobl^: If I want to do an xmodem transfer I press alt+s (I have alt as command button) - choose the file with space, and press "ok", right?
00:31:13nicobNothing happens when I do that, I read that minicom has a timing problem, it times out, well that's what's happening. Ever happened to you?
00:31:37robl^nicob: do you have lrzsz installed?
00:32:17robl^mincom has a builtin xmodem protocol that doesn't work well.. if you have lrzsz instaled, mincom will use that instead
00:34:59nicobrobl^: Great, I installed lrzsz, and now it works. Thanks!
00:35:50robl^nicob: no problem.  I had that problem before..
01:07:52nicobHas anyone got animations with their bootloader?
01:08:15sgodsellis back (gone 02:35:13)
01:08:45sgodsellHello nicob
01:08:50sgodsellI have
01:09:00sgodsellWhich bootldr version
01:09:52nicobsgodsell: I've just installed 2.14.15 after I thought I'd made my ipaq a paperweight :)
01:10:31nicobsgodsell: I tried to get it working with 2.14.8, but all I got was a blank screen, glad to find out that the bootloader was still working, it was just not displaying anything :)
01:10:52nicobsgodsell: what do you use?
01:11:59sgodsellnicob: Well for the animations I recommend 2.14.14.   The one that came with the bootanim.tar.gz
01:12:22sgodsellI am working on the getting the latest bootldr working with animations
01:13:27nicobsgodsell: I tried it with that one too, but I got an error msg that it couldn't open /dev/mtdblock/1 for writing
01:14:33sgodsellOkay just change the screen play file and change the animationfile to /dev/mtdblock1
01:14:39nicobsgodsell: I had only /dev/mtdblock1 so I made a symlink /dev/mtdblock/1 --> /dev/mtdblock1 assuming that was the device it wanted to write to, and I got a blank screen on boot
01:14:41sgodsellYou must be using 2.4.3
01:15:11nicobsgodsell: that's right. I only got minicom working today. Installed familiar a week ago
01:15:33nicobsgodsell: I haven't had time to fiddle with it before now though
01:15:41sgodsellWell I know it works with 2.4.3 as well
01:16:14nicobbut the symlink trick should work, shouldn't it?
01:16:25sgodsellIt should
01:17:25nicobhmm, I could try a different animation though. But it won't work with bootloader 2.14.15?
01:17:39sgodsellThere is a command as well called showanim, which you can use to display an animation while in linux
01:17:56nicobI tried it, didn't work either
01:18:15sgodsellIs your iPAQ mono?
01:18:49sgodsellHmmm, I have a colour iPAQ myself.  And it works fine.  Hmmm
01:19:01nicobDoes it depend on any packages?
01:19:02sgodsellshowanim I_DO_LINUX.anim
01:19:25sgodsellno packages required at all
01:19:31nicobsgodsell: I haven't tried that, I'll give it another shot
01:20:35sgodsellnicob:  the command genanim will generate an animation using a scrip file (a screen play file).  This will generate an animation file, that showanim or the bootldr can use.
01:21:17sgodsellThere is README files that come with the bootanim.tar.gz file
01:21:21nicobI know, I read the readme :)
01:21:53sgodsellSo how do you like your iPAQ?
01:22:52nicobsgodsell: I've had it for about 6 months, and only after I got familiar installed have I had any fun with it :) CE was such a doze
01:23:21robl^I heard that new microdrives don't work on the ipaq.  is it  winCE only problem or a hardware issue?
01:23:46nicobsgodsell: though I did like the sync features with CE
01:24:19sgodsellWell I had one of the new 1Gig MD, and CE would not work with it.   But linux worked no problem.
01:24:32sgodsellAlthough now it is not an issue
01:24:38sgodsellCE works as well
01:24:58robl^well..  CE is a non-issue anway. :)
01:25:50nicoblinux on the ipaq is so much fun
01:26:42robl^yeah..  but running it solely from flash is limiting..  that's why I am thinking about microdrive and intimate
01:27:47nicobrobl^: the cf jacket and microdrive totally screws up the Ipaq's slim sexy look
01:28:25nicobrobl^: not to mention the pcmcia jackets
01:28:59sgodsellWell you can get an upgrade for the iPAQ.  You can now put 32Mb of flash and upto 128Mb of ram in an iPAQ now.
01:29:11sgodsellThat is internal
01:29:18robl^nicob: true...  but I prefer power to fashion.  :)  when I want to be fashionable..  I just remove the jacked and boot to familiar/QPE :)
01:29:40robl^sgodsell: ohhh??? where can I find out more about that upgrade/
01:29:48nicobsgodsell: hmm, what happens with the stuff I already have installed, do they copy it?
01:30:21sgodsellWell compaq with upgrade or there are some other that will upgrade as well now
01:30:30sgodsellI will try to find the url
01:32:53Disconnectwhich (if any) of the skiffs have the new fam0.5 libs and such?
01:33:14Disconnectnotes that it would be easier to build new ipkgs if there was someplace to build them ;)
01:47:03nicobsgodsell: I still can't get the animation to work. Is /dev/mtdblock1 the same as /dev/mtdblock/1 ?
02:02:47sgodsellDisconnect: found the memory upgrade url for you guys
02:11:11sgodsellHello jdmc2, MalFal
02:14:27DragonEagleis back (gone 01:47:41)
02:14:52sgodsellHello DE
02:15:08DragonEaglehey hey
02:16:57Disconnecthahaha .. from - new 3135 w/ cf sleeve and such, $199 - $50 .. or used for $239.99
02:17:40sgodsellThat makes no sense
02:18:10sgodsellHmm, lets see I will take the used one.  Duh!
02:19:55Disconnectdamn. its out of stock - that could be why the used is so expensive. bet there are places selling the same/similar bundle tho.
02:20:32Disconnectchecks the $50 mail-in -- maybe I can get one elsewhere cheap and use the mailin anyway.
02:24:21Disconnectlooking at page 1 of the rebate, it should be good wherever you buy it. :)
02:27:10Disconnectterms&conditions look ok so far too
02:28:34Disconnectbiggest limit seems to be no refurb/used and only US resident types
02:31:02DisconnectWOW. $165 + $20 fedex and the rebate qualifies :) :)
02:31:11Disconnect(no cf sleeve there tho)
02:31:36sgodsellHmm m
02:31:52sgodsellThe sleeve costs 40 or 45 right
02:33:22Disconnectpricewatch says $50
02:33:34Disconnectso $165 + $50 - $50 = $165
02:34:03Disconnect + (in my case) $55 (cf ethernet) = $220
02:35:10myipaqdonmy nick is supposed to be 'myipaqdontwork'
02:35:32myipaqdoncan anyone help me with getting linux to work on my ipaq
02:36:15Jimmnsure what's wrong?
02:36:48myipaqdoni've set all the bootldr parameters, and i've flashed the kernel
02:37:09myipaqdonbut after flashin the root filesystem i can't boot
02:37:33myipaqdonhyperterminal gives me "VFS: Cannot open root device "" or 00:ff.  retval=-19"
02:37:43myipaqdonand it crashes there..
02:39:04myipaqdoneverything before that seems fine
02:39:18myipaqdonwhat do you think?
02:39:24Jimmnactually, I've been having major problems myself getting PPP running...
02:39:51myipaqdonhow so?
02:40:28JimmnHmmm, not sure, did you follow the directions for the ram size difference and all that stuff?
02:41:23myipaqdoni've set all the boot parameters as given in the installatio guide.
02:41:53myipaqdonthis is what it also spits out before giving a "kernel panic" message:
02:41:56myipaqdonPlease append a correct "root=" boot option
02:42:20myipaqdonwould that mean i haven't set the parameters correctly?
02:43:13Jimmnnot really sure, I just got mine up and running this afternoon...
02:43:43myipaqdonhave you had a chance to play around with it?
02:44:35Jimmnyep, cool stuff.. interesting seeing x on a tiny screen..
02:45:41myipaqdonyeah... how is the audio on it?
02:46:38MalFalsgodsell: Sorry, I wasn't ignoring you.
02:46:45MalFalHello all!!
02:47:46myipaqdonhi malfal
02:48:19MalFalmyipaqdon: How are you tonight?
02:48:35MalFalOK... anyone else here with a mono?
02:48:45myipaqdonits daytime here in sydney... and i'm stressing cause my ipaq don work
02:49:47MalFalcan anyone explain why I don't have backlighting?
02:50:09myipaqdoni can't help you there
02:50:09Jimmnhaven't gotten that workin' yet.  Soon, as soon as I get some storage
02:50:55myipaqdonis everything else working fine, malfal?
02:51:30MalFalmyipaqdon: not really, my window is upside down, I can't get any menus...
02:52:42myipaqdonwoah... sounds wierd man... I'd like to help you but i haven't got a clue how this thing works yet
02:54:41myipaqdonwhich root filesystem are you guys using?
02:54:43Jimmnanyone have any luck getting ppp to work
02:55:10JimmnI used the full 11 meg root image just b/c I didn't want to deal with loading it over the net...
02:56:21myipaqdonmmm... i tried both but both gave me that same error i told you about.
02:56:59myipaqdonnow i've done something silly... i started again from the top and this time i booted in without copying the root filesystem to see what would happen
02:57:24myipaqdonthe kernel works fine and i can login, so there must be something wrong with my root filesystem
02:57:39myipaqdonbut the md5sum check on the root filesystem file is fine... dunno whats wrong
02:59:37myipaqdonnow ican't get back to the boot loader
03:00:28JimmnDo you get the bootldr splash screen when you power up?
03:03:03myipaqdonyup.. only when i reset... but when i connect using hyperterminal, it goes straight into bootin up the kernel
03:04:35myipaqdonphew... cool.. i can get into boot
03:05:22myipaqdonon the splash screen it says press the 'calender' button to get to serial bootldr console
03:07:44myipaqdonthing is is that this isn't my ipaq... its the uni's, and its a load from compaq
03:07:54myipaqdonsorry, loan
03:08:18myipaqdonwe got it for a week to try it out before buying it...
03:09:18JimmnWell, HURRY! :)
03:09:37myipaqdonyeah.. but they sent it with a usb cradle, not a serial one...
03:10:17myipaqdonand u can't use usb with loading linux... then they send us a serial cradle like yesterday.... but we need to get it bak to them by tomororw
03:10:17Jimmnbugger...I just purchased the serial cradle yesterday... glad they had it at CompUSA...:|
03:10:49myipaqdonwhere u from?
03:12:39sgodsellis away: Got to go!
03:12:57myipaqdonthis sux, takes like 20 minutes for the root system to go on
03:13:18myipaqdoni'm going to get lunch! b right back
03:55:12gmkpHi, has anyone compiled the kernel for the mono ipaqs?
04:01:09DragonEagleis away: just away
07:12:54klisI have some problem installing familiar on my IPAQ, can someone help me ?
07:13:58klisI follow all the necessary steps described on the familiar website
07:14:13klisI try familiar v0.5pre-release
07:14:47klisafter installing root, it says that unrecognized kernel image
07:15:04kliswhich test should I run to verify what I'm doing wrong ?
07:15:24beeblebroxyou reading the 0.5 install instructions?
07:15:45beeblebroxwhich instructions? url?
07:17:36beeblebroxthat looks like the correct instructions...
07:18:48klishow can I verify that I flashed the filesystem using a correct filesystem image ?
07:19:14beeblebroxwhat image did you use? did you check the checksum after downloading?
07:20:05klisHum... No...
07:20:11beeblebroxalso, this error comes after you type in boot? did the loader say verifying.. done while installing the root?
07:20:23beeblebroxwhich ipaq?
07:20:42klisyes the loader say all the things that are described on the instructions page
07:21:05klisI don't  know the correct versin of te IPAQ
07:21:12klisit has 64 Mo of RAM
07:21:22beeblebroxhmm... that can be the problem...
07:21:55beeblebroxtry uploading the root image again... also, did you reset after uploading the root img?
07:22:13klisreset ? No...
07:22:21klisok I will try that
07:22:23klissee ya
07:23:48klisoh, just one thing
07:24:08klisIs there a mirror where I can download all the necessary files ?
07:25:38beeblebroxnone that i know of
07:25:47klisok thanks a lot
08:19:07_Axu_hi folks
08:21:55a7r_Axu_: hey..
08:21:58_Axu_i installed the familiar 0.5 release image + the bootloader Rev 2-15-6, afterwards i have the suspend touchscreen want work problem, so i ipkg installŽed the kernelpackage+modules
08:22:19_Axu_hey,: a7r :) had been a long time, great work, i love familiar 0.5 :)
08:22:44a7r_Axu_: Awesome. :)
08:22:58a7rThere're a bunch of changes going in tomorrow.. so stay tuned.
08:23:03_Axu_afterwards my /usr is gone
08:23:26_Axu_a7r: ok, then ill wait till tomorrow :) before reflashing the 3rd time :9
08:24:40a7rTalk to you later.. time to sleep.
08:25:49_Axu_ok, good night :9 here its 11:26 :9
13:11:51nikossjohnson,  mandrake: Morning
13:11:59nikossjohnson: What kernel are you using now?
13:12:08mandrakeI had a bunch of fun stuff for people to play with this morning
13:12:14mandrakebut you can't see any of it, because my laptop is now toast.
13:12:25mandrakethe kitten knocked over a big glass of lemonade onto my laptop
13:12:28sjohnsonHey nikos
13:12:38nikosmandrake: OUCH
13:12:53mandrakeso I ordered a laptop that looks identical to the dead one
13:12:59mandrakeand I'm going to attempt to swap the hard drive on it
13:13:19mandrakethis has cost me about 3k that I didn't want to spend :(
13:13:24nikosmandrake: double ouch
13:13:36mandrakealthough now I have a cd burner on my laptop
13:13:39mandrakeand twice as much ram
13:13:45mandrakeand a slightly faster processor
13:14:14mandrake(I'm not sure between 1 ghz and 1.13 ghz you could tell a difference)
13:14:58mandrakeall my ePAQ stuff was on there, too
13:15:08mandrakeI do have a copy at least of the tarball I sent cworth :)
13:15:23mandrakebut all my mail, etc, was on there, too
13:15:38mandrakeit makes me realize just how much I need to over-redundantify my setup
13:16:28mandrakeso quite a few things will be changing when I get my new laptop.  I'm starting to set up for it now
13:18:43cworthmandrake: oh, do you want this ePAQ tar ball back then? :)
13:18:55mandrakecworth: nah I have it on my site.  I snarfed it from there
13:19:00cworthmandrake: actually, you want to start your WM from scratch anyway, right?
13:19:01mandrakeit just means I lost all my recent work
13:19:06mandrakeit's a good excuse
13:19:21mandrakealthough I'd like to finish up enough of a demo to get people playing with something
13:19:27mandrakeI also lost all my mail, too
13:19:36cworthmandrake: I'll definitely sign up to code a toolkit if you do the widgets for it.
13:19:59cworthmandrake: then ePAQ, xstroke, and friends could use the toolkit.
13:20:12cworthmandrake: losing mail sucks. :(
13:20:34mandrakeI have half a mind to make a gtk+-compat toolkit
13:20:44mandrakejust shrinking out a lot of stuff
13:20:58mandrakebecause it'd be nice to have one whole toolkit onboard
13:21:11mandrakefor app-portability reasons
13:21:54cworthmandrake: maybe...
13:22:28cworthmandrake: but one of the justifications I had for doing a new toolkit was to explore things that GTK never did, (such as migration and replication)...
13:22:29mandrakeyeah, just things I was thinking about
13:22:43cworthmandrake: might not be nice to explore if we're constrained by the wrong API.
13:23:12cworthmandrake: also Render/Xft vs. old bitmapped fonts. etc.
13:23:46mandrakesome of the things I am constantly thinking about are the reasons why the ipaq with linux are great, and trying to balance them with making a system that is usable and friendly
13:23:47cworthmandrake: I think our new one could be small enough that we can still easily afford to have GTK+ on board.
13:25:49mandrakeso the question is: do we kill off gtk+ out of the default distribution then?
13:25:56mandrakebecause if we're not, aren't we just wasting space?
13:26:05mandrakeI know this sounds odd coming from me
13:26:12mandrakewho would kill 4 mb of space to have perl on his ipaq
13:26:18cworthmandrake: no, we're saving space...
13:26:27mandrake(because I'd rather have perl than python by a long shot)
13:27:03cworthmandrake: in the current case we have a tiny toolkit in xstroke and another toolkit in ePAQ. By sharing these, we win. ;)
13:28:18cworthmandrake: seriously though, we can't even think about killing GTK unless we had apps enough to justify that, (which we don't know). Leaving GTK around probably gives us our best chance about having the apps. appear sooner rather than later.
13:28:56mandrakeright.  that leads me back towards the adapting gtk+ thing
13:29:38mandrakeI think because of the small number of things that the ipaq WM would be doing that I could get away possibly writing it all using gtk+
13:29:46mandrake(you can't do that for most WMs)
13:30:03mandrake(gtk+ just doesn't have the bulk of the code - you have to be a hybrid)
13:31:17eff-effeth0: command 0x5800
13:31:17eff-effdid not complete!
13:31:17cworthmandrake: hmmm... that would be another route for getting existing apps to be Xft-aware I guess.
13:32:03cworthmandrake: it's certainly more than I was planning on biting off right away, (I was planning to just build a toolkit as needed and start exploring migration).
13:32:05eff-effsorry, help with familiar-0.5 and 3c574_cs (eth0: command 0x5800 did not comlete))
13:34:46nikoseff-eff: I'm afraid I can't give you  much hope, I have yet to hear a single successful report on any 3Com card.  Someone needs to step up and work on the 3Com modules.
13:35:31eff-effwho had success?
13:35:42nikoseff-eff: Read my comment again.  I have NOT heard of any success.
13:35:47mandrakecworth: see, if we make gtk+ work for everything, I think we potentially win both in the short and long term.
13:35:57mandrakethe more I think about it, the more I like the idea
13:36:12eff-effups. i have to read more carefully!
13:36:47eff-effWhich cards are working (except orinoco)?
13:37:17mandrakecworth: it'd involve changing the menu widgets, removing root window size caching
13:37:49mandrakeadding some convenient wrappers maybe for doing stuff with Xrender?
13:38:07_Axu_ey, goods morning folks :)
13:38:08mandrake(for us)
13:38:13cworthmandrake: it might be right...
13:38:29nikoseff-eff: Any ne2k compatible, also check the wiki page for hardware compatibility.
13:38:57cworthmandrake: we should maybe investigate a bit. I think I heard gtk+ 2.0 was going to do the right thing wrt AA fonts, for example.
13:39:17_Axu_hi nikos :)
13:39:20mandrakecworth: but we can do AA fonts in 1.2, too
13:39:36cworthmandrake: but yes, changing the menus and fixing root resize, must be done in gtk for the iPAQ regardless.
13:40:01_Axu_nikos: as i told a7r a few hours ago, good work, familiar 0.5 looks great :)
13:40:02sjohnsonmandrake: Not without extensive modification of the XftConfig file.
13:40:29mandrakesjohnson: but we've got ourselves a pretty clean slate to begin from
13:40:30nikos_Axu_: Thanks, I didn't do much though I'm afraid. ;)
13:40:35mandrakeso I don't see how this is really a problem
13:41:05_Axu_nikos: hehe, well ;)
13:41:08sjohnsonmandrake: I've tried to get gdkxft working on iPAQ, but only has a slim success after 3 days of hacking.
13:42:26_Axu_btw. can somebody tell me how its possible to loose /usr after installng a new kernelimage ? (tried it 2 times, always the same)
13:42:52Disconnectsighs - PM is still kinda nasty. ipaq didn't survive the weekend in deepsleep :(
13:43:02cworthmandrake: I might be with you. The only thing I lose is a clean slate for experimenting with migration, but that's really an independent effort that I can do anyways.
13:43:03Disconnect_Axu_: sounds like the kernel is bigger than the kernel partition.
13:43:23sjohnsonmandrake: The main difficulty I found was trying to map the XLFD names GTK+ wants to the font-size names that Xft wants.
13:43:26Disconnectanyone know if 0.5 has gtk-squished in it already?
13:43:54_Axu_disconnect: hmmmm, so part of the root partition gets flashed when writing the kernel.... yeah, that sounds possible :)
13:44:12sjohnsonDisconnect: Yes it does.
13:44:13cworthDisconnect: not sure, I know jg played with it and committed it to CVS though.
13:44:47Disconnectsjohnson: excellent.
13:45:12Disconnectcworth: yah jg built it but didn't have time to test it, so I built it and sjohnson and I were testing it (worked great) but that was the last I heard (3-4 weeks ago)
13:45:17mandrakecworth: what exactly do you mean by 'migration' ?
13:45:50cworthmandrake: oh, sorry. I want a toolkit that support migration of clients from one X display to another.
13:46:08mandrakeahh I wrote something for that a while back
13:46:12mandrakeit's actually not too complicated
13:46:21mandrakeyou can do it all with a proxy X server
13:46:45mandrakeas long as all your systems are in the same bitdepth, it's simple
13:46:56cworthmandrake: no, we can do better than that...
13:47:11cworthmandrake: with Render we don't need to rely on matching bitdepth anymore.
13:47:39Disconnectnotes that there is still no simple way to post patches and/or new files into the bugtracker.
13:48:29_Axu_anybody running familiar 0.5 can tell me what boot> partition show prints out ?
13:49:26mandrakecworth: but all of gtk+ isn't rendered through render
13:49:51mandrakecworth: unless we supply a new gtk+ engine that runs through render
13:49:56Disconnectbtw the ipaqstat ipkg from 0.4 works fine in 0.5.. so if someone could move it over (and reference the no-easy-way-for-maintainers-to-do-maintainer-things bug ;) ..)
13:50:13cworthmandrake: ah, but remember I was thinking to start a new toolkit. :)
13:50:24mandrakeI don't even have render on my desktop though :)
13:50:38cworthmandrake: time to upgrade. ;-)
13:51:31Disconnectwonders about a dual-cf sleeve. that would rule. (and AFAIK be about the size of the single-pcmcia sleeve if you do one insert from the top and one from the bottom)
13:52:00Disconnecthave your CF storage AND your 802.11b ;)
13:53:00nikosDisconnect: You forget the space required for batteries.
13:54:51Disconnectnikos: cf sleeve didn't have batteries AFAIK. (which is why it would be smaller/same size as the pcmcia - instead of battery, just 2 "flipped open" slots and the smaller support hw)
13:55:05mandrakeDisconnect: you need a battery.
13:55:15nikosDisconnect: For 802.11b and Microdrive, you would need them.
13:55:17mandrakethe wireless will drain your primary battery like you wouldn't believe
13:55:18nikosjg: Hello
13:55:27mandrakeand so will the microdrive
13:55:37jgnikos: morning...
13:55:54cworthnod. even with the battery in the PC sleeve, 802.11 doesn't last *that* long.
13:56:46Disconnectnikos: depends on how much you use it - 99% of my ipaq time is plugged in (part of that is the interesting pm lifespan, part is just how I use it) but I can (w/o backlight, w/ 802.11b pcmcia) go a couple of hours of web browsing before ipaqstat hits 50% (which is roughly 75% on kernel-apm reading)
13:57:37Disconnectwill try draining pcmcia sleeve one of these days and running 802.11b. Although I'd bet the CF dlink card has a lower power usage - and corresponding lower range/etc - it'll still be an interesting experiment.
13:57:45Disconnectjg: heya
13:57:56jgDisconnect: hi...
13:58:18_Axu_btw. i installed Compaq OHH BootLoader, Rev 2-15-9 [BIG_KERNEL] [MONO] is there any known problem with it ?
13:58:22Disconnectjg: will it do any harm if I pop open the pcmcia sleeve again and unplug the battery for a while? or will it just go "damn no battery, ohwell" and (when plugged back in) go "hey, a battery, cool"
13:58:38Disconnectwould rather not burn out the pcmcia sleeve doing this experiment ;)
13:59:21jgDisconnect: dunno...  I'd not worry much, so long as I didn't forget to plug it back in again (it is not good for the battery to be completely drained).
14:00:26Disconnectmaybe I'll try that tonight then - run the internal batt all the way up, pop off the pcmcia battery, run 802.11b web browsing w/ backlight on, see how long it goes.
14:01:40mandrakeDisconnect: from what I understand, you can't run external pcmcia without having the sleeve battery running
14:02:28_Axu_how is the dualpcmciajacket doinŽ ? anybody experiences ? (im thinking about buing that thing for using ethernet and microdrive at the same time)
14:02:46cworthDisconnect: I agree with mandrake. In my experience the pcmcia card shutsdown when the sleeve battery is dead, (regardless of the state of the main unit battery).
14:03:51nikos_Axu_: The dual sleeve is the only PCMCIA sleeve I own.  Works fine, but then I only own one card. ;)
14:04:05Disconnectah. damn.
14:04:09Disconnectnikos: trade ya for a single sleeve ;)
14:04:17Disconnectnikos: (already modded to fit clik drive even!)
14:04:49_Axu_nikos: hehe, i have a old nokia cardphone 1.0 interested ;)
14:05:09_Axu_nikos: just for filling the empty slot, it unusable with linux :)
14:06:42_Axu_oki, folks, bye
14:39:21nikosMorning edwardam
14:40:24Disconnectnikos: wow. you chased him off.
14:42:19nikosDisconnect: I seem to do that to people sometimes.
14:43:15Disconnectbathing occasionally might help ;)
14:55:30jg was last seen on 55 minutes and 32 seconds ago, saying: bworth: no dialog yet for entering the display? [Mon Sep 24 14:59:58 2001]
14:55:30dneueribot: seen jg?
14:55:57nikos--> jg ( has joined #familiar
14:55:57nikos--> dneuer (smoothie@ has joined #familiar
14:56:13nikosdneuer_AWAY: Missed him by less than 2 minuts.
14:56:27nikosdneuer_AWAY: err, I'm an idiot.
15:11:49MalteseFalconis away: I'm busy
15:13:47nikosis away: Errands
15:15:20beeblebroxis away: Away!
15:22:40sbchhi all - I need your help... Does someone have screenshots of familiar 0.4? and could mail them to me? would be very nice! thank you
15:29:18Disconnectlooks around - still no answer to what a maintainer needs to do to update an ipkg.
15:29:29Disconnectshort of starting their own feed of course, which seems to be the current path a lot of the time.
15:30:43cworthDisconnect: email a7r and volunteer as the maintainer. Send a new ipkg along with the request, (listing yourself as the maintainer).
15:31:05cworthDisconnect: although he won't give up control of core packages.
15:31:07Disconnectcworth: ok will do. about to get a new version kicked out anyway, so I'll wait for that.
15:31:15Disconnectcworth: this is mine from day one ;)
15:31:26Disconnectskiffs down today?
15:31:40Disconnectnm rlogin issues, probably my end
15:32:32Disconnectwell maybe rlogin issues. telnet connects but doesn't issue a banner/login prompt.
15:59:28_Axu_re folks :), finally@ home :)
16:00:40_Axu_anyone familiar ;) with ipkg ? i get some dependency warnings when ipkg upgrade 'ing
16:01:43_Axu_like...: Upgrading task-bootstrap-2.4.7-rmk3-np1-devfs (root) from 0.1 to 0.1, ipkg_depends: Warning: kernel-modules-2.4.3-rmk2-np1 mentioned in dependency but no package found in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists
16:02:04_Axu_ipkg -force-depends upgrade doesnt help either
16:03:41jg was last seen on 37 seconds ago, saying: Disconnect: send mail to Gita... [Mon Sep 24 17:03:04 2001]
16:03:41dneuer_AWAYibot: seen jg?
16:04:16_Axu_i installed the familiar 0.5 image and want to get suspend to work (the ts problem)... when ever i copied thenecessary ipk's via z modem and installed directly my familiar installation got hurt ( parts of the filesystem > /dev/nirvana )
16:05:43_Axu_so i thought, ok, lets wait till im at home to tryvia ppp and ipkg update, upgrade. but that leeds me to a new problem :)
16:06:43_Axu_hmm, damn timezones ;)
16:07:38_Axu_here its 7:00 pm, hmm, talkin to myself
16:08:21_Axu_when is that right time to get some answers on my stupid questions ? (+h?)
16:09:30_Axu_ok, ill be back :)
16:44:23nikosis back
17:03:02nikosjg: Did xev get split out in v0.5 or is it missing entirely?
17:03:16nikosa7r: You around?
17:03:24a7rnikos: yup.
17:03:36nikosa7r: Do we have xev?
17:03:43nikosa7r: Have you tried 2.4.9?
17:04:14a7rnikos: xev, don't think so.. 2.4.9, barely..
17:04:27jgnikos: xaux-clients package.
17:04:40nikosjg: Thanks.
17:04:54nikosI've noticed that the Q and arrow button modifiers don't seem to be working.  But I will check with xev.
17:06:11nikosHello wear2
17:06:15wear2can anybody tell me about dram_size variable of the bootldr?
17:06:42nikoswear2: You might want to ask on
17:07:14wear2thanks nikos
18:00:10nikosjg: Having connection problems today?
18:03:54sjohnsonis away: BRB
18:04:07jgnikos: Yup.
18:11:24sjohnsonis back (gone 00:07:29)
18:13:06I haven't seen 'deneuer', jg
18:13:06jgibot: seen deneuer
18:20:28nikosCool.  Just got my EFF t-shirt and bumper sticker.
18:22:33spectraHello ALL
18:23:01spectra2 questions: What ssh version familiar use? and... what ftp client does it feature?
18:26:02glshello, world. anyone have a minute for a python && glade question ?
18:26:08nikosspectra: OpenSSH_2.2.0p1 and wget
18:26:20spectranikos: thanx
18:58:07dneuer_AWAYhow does one set up a channel and become an op?
18:59:05sjohnsondneuer_AWAY: When you create a new channel your are the op.
18:59:41dneuer_AWAYsjohnson: how do you make it persist; do you have to stay connected?
19:00:22sjohnsondneuer_AWAY: If you want to create a registered channel. You need to register it with ChanServ.
19:00:50dneuer_AWAYsjohnson: what's the help command for ChanServ again?
19:01:06sjohnson /msg ChanServ help
19:39:17mpakulasays good... to all.
19:56:28mpakulasgodsell: did you give me url to this minicom on potato site ?
19:57:19sgodsellHmmm, not that I know of
19:58:07mpakulahmm.. must have somebody else, sorry :o))
19:58:28sgodsellWell what are you trying to do with minicom
19:59:40mpakulaI was thiking to use it as a router,switch etc config tool instead of running with laptop
20:01:13sgodsellHmmm,  I dont see why not.  If the router has a com port.  (Which most do) Sure!
20:02:31mpakulayup got minicom-like from debian compiled to arm but my flash and ram is too full to put anything at the moment like dipkg
21:16:05tcI have had the and qt versions of linux on my ipaq but a switched back to pocketpc as I could not suspend and powerdown the machine. Can anyone tell me if this is possible with any distro's?
21:18:05DragonEagleis away: bbi10
21:18:58sgodsellis away: bbiaw
21:20:13a7rtc: it is possible with Familiar...
21:20:44tcoooh nice, thanks:)
22:08:04dLuxDoes anyone knows where I can find the "atd" in ipkg format?
22:08:56a7rin the unstable feed.
22:10:43dLuxa7r: Thanks!
22:38:40pattiejais away: I'm busy
22:38:58pattiejais back (gone 00:00:03)
22:53:12sgodsellis back (gone 01:34:14)
22:59:39DragonEagleis back (gone 01:41:33)
23:12:40sgodsellis away: Got to go
23:17:56DragonEagleis away: dinner
23:49:58DragonEagleis back (gone 00:32:02)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.