irclog2html for familiar on 2001.09.21

01:07:09DragonEagleis back (gone 02:21:55)
01:14:18Gusanyone know where to find atd for the ipaq?
01:14:42Drrakndebian ARM packages work
01:15:06Drrakni forget the URL, but they are available for's ftp
01:15:40Gusthanks, all look about there
01:17:22Drrakni snagged telnetd from there, and it worked great - i think has a mirror as well
01:28:33derrellhi.  anyone here?
01:29:37Drraknnope :)
01:30:11derrell:-)  looking for a bit of help with packages for networking.  do you know much about it?
01:30:25Drrakna little bit
01:30:30Drrakni might be able to help
01:30:33Drraknwhat are you trying to do?
01:30:57derrellok.  let's try. thanks.  i just got ppp working.  (this is 0.5).  i have three pcmcia lan cards:
01:31:09derrellxircom credigcard ethernet adapter IIps,
01:31:18derrellibm ethernet II,
01:31:46derrellibm 10/100 etherjet cardbus adapter.  the only one that is detected
01:31:57derrellis the second one (ibm ethernet II).
01:32:08derrellbut it gives streams of "too many interrupt" errors.
01:32:30derrellcan i (a) get one of the other two cards to work, or (b) fix this one
01:32:36derrellso it doesn't give me all the interrupt errors?
01:32:39Drraknhmmmm - if it's specific hardware related, that's out of my league, i'm afraid :/
01:32:50Drrakndid you post it to the list? or the forums?
01:33:31derrellbummer.  i posted about the xircom card a few days ago but no one replied.  i just tried the other two cards today.  do you happen to know what packages i should install to get my wlan card working?  (us robotics in this case)
01:40:41derrell"aironet-modules" sounds promising...???
01:41:14Drrakni really don't know - i've gotten usb networking working, and managed to run a few daemons, and i've done tons on my workstation
01:41:20Drraknand that's the sum of my experience
01:41:47derrellok.  thanks.  i guess it's now time to post to the list again with my wlan question.
01:42:02derrellmaybe someone knows about the interrupt error messages, too.
01:42:18Drrakncould be, that sounds strange, maybe range conflicts?
01:42:31a7rthe interrupt problems are a known issue..
01:42:34Drrakni've been looking around all day for alternate ways to flash my device :)
01:42:39a7rwe're investegating ways to fix them..
01:42:55Drrakni think reflash will do it, because it has "update" facilities
01:43:16Drrakncan anyone verifiy that? (i've already gotten a "no", but it didn't make much sense...)
01:43:51derrella7r: thanks!  it was unusable with all those errors; has anyone come across a way to use it anyway?  (interrupt error messages were an infinite loop)
01:44:20a7rderrell: use different cards.. I don't get them often with my 802.11b gear.
01:45:05derrellgreat!  then you may know the answer to my other question.  what packages do i need to install to get my 802.11b card working?  (mine is a US Robotics which is hopefully supported)
01:48:36derrella7r: or, if you don't know what packages to install for a US Robotics 802.11b card, what type of card do *you* use, and what packages need to be installed to use it?
01:49:05a7rderrell: I use a Lucent Orinico.
01:49:25derrella7r: great.  and what packages need to be installed to use it?
01:49:37a7rit works using the default kernel modules in bootstrap.
01:50:14derrellreally!?  ok. then maybe i ought to try my us robotics to see if i get lucky.  otherwise, i'll get myself an orinico card for this.  thanks!!!
01:53:44derrella7r: nope.  "unsupported card in socket 0".  it knows the product info, but i guess not what to do with it.
01:54:14sgodsellis back (gone 04:38:06)
01:54:27Drraknheya sgodsell
01:54:39sgodsellhello Drrakn
01:54:41derrellthanks all!  cya.
01:54:43Drraknthanks for the help the other day, it almost works :)
01:55:05Drrakngot telnetd and usb networking running with some creativity in inet.d
01:55:51sgodsellso how is your iPAQ running now?
01:56:26Drraknwell, i shut it down after spending most of the day looking for a way to flash from within linux. i *think* i figured it out :)
01:56:30Drrakni can either:
01:56:42Drrakninstall redboot and a CF eth card and flash that way
01:56:55Drraknor try reflash, which has an update feature
01:56:56sgodsellor dd
01:56:58Drraknaccording to the README
01:57:02Drrakndoes dd work?
01:57:08Drrakni wasn't sure, i assumed so
01:57:18Drraknbut i couldn't get a straight answer out of anyone ;)
01:57:24Drraknand i didn't want to dd myself to death
01:57:44sgodsellNever be afraid of the brick  ;)
01:57:55sgodsellI saw that in a movie once
01:57:58Drrakni think the reflash is safer - it "knows" the offsets already, and makes a single kernel mode call
01:58:05Drraknso less risk of bad paging issues
01:58:18Drrakn(according to them, and it sounds reasonable)
01:58:45sgodsellIf you use the /dev/mtdblock/x, then all the offsets are already in place
01:59:13Drraknso i can:
01:59:27Drraknget all the images (kernel, bootldr, jffs, ?)
01:59:38sgodsellRemember when the kernel boots it sets up the devices acording to the partitions
01:59:39Drrakncopy them to my MD
01:59:49sgodsellThat is what I do
01:59:51Drraknhow do i create the partitions?
01:59:57sgodsellTo and from
02:00:17sgodsellThe bootldr did that for you already
02:00:18Drraknwill that work if i've never modified the flash before?
02:00:27Drrakni never used bootldr....
02:00:29Drraknthat's the trouble
02:00:34Drrakni'm running totally in RAM
02:00:41Drraknmounted off my microdrive
02:01:05sgodsellWell you must be.  How did you boot your iPAQ?
02:01:21Drraknthink: loadlin, in dos
02:01:24Drraknbut for CE
02:03:48sgodsell: i'm not following you...
02:03:48sgodsellibot serial
02:03:58sgodsell: what?
02:03:58sgodsellibot cradle
02:07:14Drraknhow do the partitions work exactly? are they really partitions, or are the just "well known offsets (my guess)"?
02:07:37a7rDrrakn: what is a partion, other than a well known offset?
02:08:48Drraknthat's what i'm asking, does it matter that they don't "exist" on my ipaq's flash yet?
02:08:52Drrakncan i just write to it?
02:09:07a7ryou can shoot yourself in the foot, if you want.
02:09:15a7ranything is possible from the bootloader.
02:09:28sgodsellHey a7r do you know what the url is to convert the usb cradle to serial
02:09:32Drraknahhh, that doesn't sound promising :)
02:09:40Drrakni'll just get a serial cable. heh.
02:09:43a7rsgodsell: not off the top of my head, but I know it's on the Wiki someplace.
02:15:27Drraknwell, thanks for the assistance everyone, i'll let you know if i brick the thing doing something stupid, or manage to get it working ;)
02:29:30MalteseFalconsgodsell, the serial cradle works perfectly for me, and I think I saw them for 30 bucks at amazon.
02:30:13sgodsellMalteseFalcon: I have both cradles
02:30:26MalteseFalconAhhh.... sorry, just trying to be helpfil.
02:30:27sgodsellI was just looking it up for Drrakn
02:30:38sgodsellHey no problem
02:39:39sgodsellis away: I have to beat up this cold
03:39:53DragonEagleis away: just away
06:35:25SleepingDragonis away: night
12:27:47sgodsellis back (gone 09:48:07)
12:57:12pattiejais back (gone 15:19:08)
13:23:58nikosMorning edwardam
13:26:58nikosHi BBrox
13:27:15edwardamnikos: morning
13:28:06BBrox'lo all
13:28:52nikosWell, I setup a LaBrea server yesterday, but it appears to have freaked out our underpowered temporary gateway router, so I've had to turn it off.
13:44:47Disconnectmorning all.
13:45:02Disconnectis the buglist in here still mostly accurate?
13:45:22Disconnect(suspend/resume problems, specifically. package dependencies I can argue with as needed ;) ..)
13:46:12Disconnectthat looked like it stung a bit.
13:46:45SleepingDragon ahhhhhh help me my servers being split
13:47:17nikosaha, so that wasn't just me.
13:50:16Disconnectanyway. lemme ask again (and if the network explodes again, I'll assume its a buggy question ;) ..)
13:50:19Disconnectis the buglist in here still mostly accurate?
13:50:20Disconnect(suspend/resume problems, specifically. package dependencies I can argue with as needed ;) ..)
13:52:24nikosDisconnect: To my knowledge, if you are asking about the default v0.5-pre images, they have not changed since that was written.
13:52:44nikosDisconnect: However, if you upgrade a package or kernel, then all bets are off.  Those notes are simply for the images as they stand.
13:53:38nikossjohnson: Would you are to look at the [Known Issues] list and comment on what is fixed if you have upgraded to 2.4.9, etc?
13:55:25sjohnsonnikos: on IRC or on Wiki?
13:56:52nikossjohnson: Oh, your comments?  I mostly meant for Disconnect's benefit.
13:57:25Disconnecthrm. so do an install, don't suspend, ipkg update?
13:58:00sjohnsonDisconnect: For suspend, you need to update the the 2.4.7 to the -hh5 in the lorien feed.
13:58:39sjohnsonPackage depencies are minor annoyances. I haven't found any fatal gotchas.
13:59:53sjohnson2.4.7 has a problem with the sound dirvers not working after a suspend.
14:00:29sjohnsonI've been testing 2.4.9. The sound dirver problem is fixed and I haven't hit any other problems. But Jamey has reported some problems.
14:00:57Disconnectsjohnson: yah, that problem I've dealt with already on the 0.4 image (menu option and bash alias for killall mixer etcetc; rmmod etc; modprobe etc -- not the best, but it works)
14:02:14sjohnsonAnd you may want to try the an even newer bootldr 2.15.13. It retains tine on the RTC after a reset. Not totally accurate but it's the time is still in the ball park.
14:03:02nikossjohnson: Huh?  Are we talking reset via the button in contrast to reboot at the console?
14:03:35sjohnsonnikos: Yep.
14:03:43nikossjohnson: Ah, I see.
14:04:27sjohnsonMy RTC gains several hours after a reset, but Jamey, et all are making progress.
14:05:40nikossjohnson: Why do you have to use the reset button?
14:06:36sjohnsonnikos: You don't HAVE to. It just when you have to, the system dat deoesn't jump back to Stone Age. :)
14:07:02nikossjohnson: Ah, K. ;)
14:12:39Disconnectrsyncs a quick backup first.
14:14:27Disconnectbtw alternate fix for timezone - edit /etc/init.d/x (and whatever else needs it) to include "export TZ=EST5EDT" (or as appropriate)
14:17:42Disconnectalso, ipaq+dillo makes a great ebook reader. break a book into 2 meg or so chunks, copy to ramdisk (or just load from external media - dillo was pretty good about not refreshing from disk/etc) and pop off all the sleeves, was great at hte beach.
14:21:43jamey was last seen on 33 minutes and 40 seconds ago, saying: dwmw2: I'll take a look at the VPPEN spec [Fri Sep 21 14:48:03 2001]
14:21:43nikosibot: seen jamey
14:23:51nikosWhen do Kernel drivers lose their (NEW) status?  Seems like never, nearly every line says (NEW) now. ;)
14:38:50Disconnectwvlan_cs: MAC address on eth0 is 00 00 00 00 00 00
14:38:58Disconnectand if I suspend/resume I lose touchscreen, right?
14:40:15sgodsellDisconnect: if you update 2.4.7 to -hh5.  Then no
14:40:38sgodsellThe base v0.5 yes the touchscreen dies
14:41:00sgodsellI believe the kernel in v0.5 is -hh2
14:41:06Disconnectlooks like I have to upgrade then. was hoping to wait a day or 2 ;)
14:41:08sgodsellthe stock kernel
14:41:30sgodsellThere is ipkgs out there
14:41:36sgodsellfor the new -hh5
14:46:06Disconnecthowles. the fscking dev guys unlocked their network so the wvlan card is ending up over there instead of on the lan (where you can actually get to the outside world)
15:31:44Disconnectwow. /etc/init.d/x stop hardlocked my ipaq :(
15:37:38sjohnsonnikos: Bad news. The 0.1.9 wlan-ng drivers don't seem to work on my SMC card.
15:38:04nikossjohnson: Crap.
15:50:32SleepingDragonis back (gone 12:10:37)
16:03:48Disconnectsgodsell: which ipkg is -hh5? I'm on fam-unstable and lorien, seeing only kernel-2.4.7-rmk3-np1-devfs
16:03:53Disconnect(which is whats already installed)
16:22:52DisconnectCannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
16:23:23nikosDisconnect: Try ln -s /dev/misc/rtc /dev/rtc
16:34:20sjohnsonnikos: The 0.1.9 may not be totally nonfunctional with SMC card. The only error I'm gettingis MAC initialiation
16:34:51Disconnectanyone know why ion won't delete frames anymore (or for that matter, create them, except the one random one it made)
16:36:27KeroDisconnect: you just gave me a reason not to run ipkg update/upgrade.
16:36:46sjohnsonDisconnect: ion is working fine for me.
16:36:53cworthDisconnect: I haven't seen that problem
16:37:33Disconnectgoes "utilities->terminal->5.5" xstroke-on ls and on s it splits horizontally (landscape mode, now top and bottom panels)
16:38:00Disconnect(note I can't get it to do an s to save my life)
16:38:07Disconnection: Cannot resize: minimum size reached
16:38:24Disconnectevery time I do s. wonder if keybindings aren't gone weird somewhere.
16:39:15Disconnectmod3+S = split_vert...
16:39:43Disconnectand submap k any/no modifier s = split_horiz ... (wtf is a submap?)
16:40:24Disconnectk kills the window. yep, keybindings are fsckered. lemme reinst and see what happens.
16:40:38cworthDisconnect: that means the "mod3-k, s" will split.
16:40:49cworthDisconnect: holdup. Maybe a modifier is stuck.
16:41:01nikosThat's what it sounds like to me as well.
16:41:23Disconnectcertainly looks that way. reinstalled ion, same thing. restarting xstroke next
16:41:47Disconnectrestarting xstroke != help :(
16:42:19cworthDisconnect: no, if a modifier is stuck it likely requires a restart of X.
16:42:27Disconnectyep. restarting x worked.
16:42:39cworthDisconnect: but this would be new. We've only ever seen control get stuck before.
16:42:47Disconnectpushes once again for a utilities->window system->restart x option..)
16:44:24Nexs<> * cworth encourages Disconnect to code it and submit a /usr/lib/menu file.
16:44:41cworthah thanks. ;-)
16:44:42Disconnectcworth: did that in pre-04.. can do it again.
16:45:08cworthDisconnect: ah... but that wasn't a nice little menu file back then. ;-)
16:45:34Nexshmm i can't wait till oct 4
16:45:38Nexsgets all giddy
16:46:01Nexsuh oh.. caffiene iv is running low.. time to feel up wth more battery
16:47:38Disconnectcworth: cworth at handhelds?
16:47:55Nexsstupid body
16:47:59Nexswhy must it require sleep
16:48:03Nexskicks himself
16:48:07cworthDisconnect: no, Familiar bug-tracking system.
16:50:19Disconnectsees no easy way to put 2 new files in there. but whatever, I'll figure something out.
16:51:22cworthDisconnect: Well, menu files are typically one-liners. or, you can mail familiar@. Take your pick, (but the bug tracker has a better memory).
16:52:16nikoscworth: Indeed, I implement exactly that in a one line /usr/lib/menu file previously (lost it in upgrade to v0.5 though).
16:52:57DragonEagleis away: bbl
16:53:00Nexsi wonder what shutdown -h now would do on an iPAQ
16:53:13DisconnectNexs: halt. same as -r but w/o going to bootldr.
16:53:40Nexswould it kill the power or just the halt message?
16:53:44Disconnectjust halt.
16:53:52Disconnectpower is killed via switch underneith
16:53:53Nexsso no real apm stuff in there?
16:54:39mpakulasays hi on this truely good evening
16:55:33DisconnectNexs: define 'real apm stuff'... IIRC there is no way from software to turn off power. its a palmtop. it can sleep, it can run, it can 'powersave' (eg turn off backlight, lcd, serial, etc) but ti doesn't turn off.
16:56:07Nexswell by asking that question i was kinda hoping to find out if it could
16:56:12Nexswhich I guess I did
16:56:59Nexsyou know like how most modern computers do when you shutdown -h  when you have apm setup
16:57:26Disconnectok whats the cheat code for "k"..??
16:58:13cworthDisconnect: in xstroke?
16:58:20Disconnectyah. getting a whole lot of 'c' goin on.
16:58:54Disconnectpokes around.. grr. wtf happened to my cheat sheet? used to live in the ipaq case. :(
16:59:07cworthDisconnect: if you're using the latest, it changed to a Grafitti-style stroke, (with a loop in it like a Greek alpha).
16:59:31cworthDiscconect: new postscript cheat sheet at:
16:59:37Disconnectahhhhhhhhh. that'd do it. :)
16:59:45Disconnectcool tnx
16:59:54cworthDisconnect: xstroke-help package to appear shortly, (triggered by a stroke).
17:00:20cworthDisconnect: you can even launch arbitrary programs with strokes these days. quite fun!
17:00:31Disconnect(and hte recognition/etc seems much faster/smoother with the new version. way cool. :) ..)
17:01:22cworthhmm... didn't think it was any faster. But it is more accurate in general, uses less memory, and is certainly more visually appealing.
17:01:59bworthdisconnect: hey, long time no see - where've you been?
17:17:12Disconnectok I give up. the cheat sheet says | is <straight up line> but all that gets me is "shift"
17:18:37cworthDisconnect: subtlety in the cheat sheet: | is actually up-down-up, (see also strokes for _ and !)
17:19:44Disconnectcworth: ahh. got it. (I swear, at least on this printout there is an arrow @ the top! prolly artefact of curvy-180-turn-thing :( ..)
17:19:50cworthDisconnect: the problem being that the initial dot overlaps with the arrowhead, (and the turn-around loops look like an initial dot)
17:20:05Disconnectmaybe untwist them a bit ala ; ..?
17:20:23cworthDisconnect: yes, the arrow is supposed to be at the top. :)
17:21:01cworthDisconnect: they're untwisted the same amount, but the initial dot fills it in. I'll untwist some more...
17:22:19Disconnectprolly won't have any mroe trouble w/ it but who knows. can always shove it sideways 1 pixel or 2, esp if you draw in the (faint) locator grid so its clear that its all in one box
17:22:31Disconnectala the laminated graffiti cheat sheets that used to come with palmpilots.
17:27:36sjohnsonThis is interesting. The latest orinco drivers seeem to support prism2 cards.
17:30:33pattiejais away: clients
17:35:08nikosHi dneuer.  Can you help MalteseFalcon find the latest/greatest for 3100s?
17:35:58MalteseFalconnikos: thanks, I just hit him up for the same on a different channel.  :)
17:36:04dneuernikos: I;m on it
17:36:12nikosMalteseFalcon, dneuer: Oops! ;)  Thanks.
17:38:50mpakulaanybody: when I instal gtk and menu tiny I have two menus on blackbox: original one and gtk how to get rid of one of them ?
17:39:22cworthmpakula: "ipkg remove gtk-menu"
17:40:57mpakulacworth: Isn't it useful for some other applications( or required for some apps)  ?
17:42:09mpakulacworth: I thought that it is a common menu for vast number of apps
17:42:49cworthmpakula: no. menu-tiny is familiar's menu system. blackbox supports it, (as does gtk-menu). You don't need both.
17:45:51mpakulacworth: so what you mean ( I'm slowely thinking after whole day lab work) is that gtk is not used strictly in apps ? blackbox has nice menu with styles and I prefere that :o)
17:46:40DragonEagleis back (gone 00:53:42)
17:46:42Disconnecthrms. time to see wtf all is installed. just rebuilt a couple hours ago, already up to 86% full :(
17:47:01Disconnectmpakula: gtk-menu is a menu app written in gtk.
17:47:02cworthmpakula: well, *many* packages use gtk, (ie. libgtk). But gtk-menu is just the "Menu" program running there, and if you don't like it, then remove it.
17:47:48mpakulacworth: understood Tnx
17:54:25mpakulacworth: sice more and more ppl are getting microdrive wouldn't it to be a good idea to set a parameter to 'ipkg install' to allow users to instal .ipk to some other destination than default
17:54:50mpakulaI do understand that it is related to whole ipk-build procedure but..
17:55:03cworthmpakula: uhm... this is there "ipkg -d ext foo" for example. See /etc/ipkg.conf
17:56:15Disconnectthinks (if it isn't already) it'd be good in pikpak. but its there in ipkg.
17:56:23Disconnectbtw which (if any) skiffs have the 0.5 libs?
17:58:15Disconnectponders filing a 'here is the new dillo drop-in binary' bug but cutting & pasting a bin into the bugtracker would be rude at best ;)
17:59:18cworthDisconnect: please file a bug against the non-existance of a good way for developers to submit packages.
17:59:31mpakulaurgently has to leave bb in 20 min
17:59:48cworthDisconnect: yes, pikpak needs to support the multiple-destination stuff, (if it doesn't already --- I haven't tried pikpak in quite some time)
18:03:00Disconnectwhat about bug filing via email? thats a bigger issue (at least for me)
18:08:26dneuer_AWAYis away: bbl
18:14:27edwardamis away: Gotta Go, gotta go....
18:15:57nikosDisconnect: GNATS can do that, see the instructions.
18:16:25nikosDisconnect: The only problem is you have to set the form up yourself that way.
18:20:19beeblebroxis away: Away!
18:27:40DragonEagleis away: brb
18:38:38mpakulaterrys: are you hacking rat-media or rat-ui too?
18:38:53terrysmpakula: rat-ui
18:39:37terrysmpakula: at this point I don't see rat-media needs modification
18:40:05mpakulaterrys: how about media ? that i assume  was causing this core dump messages on my 2.4.7
18:40:52terrysmpakula: jamey has new audio modules for 2.4.7
18:41:15mpakulaterrys:already in the feed ?
18:42:30terrysmpakula: 247g.tgz in
18:43:37mpakulaterrys: are they going to be packaged for ipkg install sound-...
18:44:19terrysmpakula: I don't know, ask jamey
18:47:21mpakulaterrys: so I guess I'm ready for 0.5
18:47:46Disconnectnikos: according to TFM if you send via email it takes subject, sender and body and defaults the rest (which is fine). but the lack of addy to send to makes that sorta moot anyway. ;)
18:48:04sjohnsonGrrrrr!! Of all the stupid...
18:48:47nikossjohnson: ?
18:50:02sjohnsonnikos: SMC- Linux users need to upgrade firmware to use ad_hoc mode using this utilWinUpdate_OEM_1.1.zipity -
18:50:24sjohnsonnikos: SMC- Linux users need to upgrade firmware to use ad_hoc mode using this utility  -
18:50:28nikossjohnson: Sigh, not an option for me.
18:50:58nikossjohnson: I assume there is a DOS or Win exec in there?
18:51:16nikossjohnson: I guess I could find someone with a Win laptop.
18:51:51sjohnsonhas a bell go off in his head...
18:55:03edwardamis back (gone 00:40:36)
18:55:58nikossjohnson: Nevertheless, it clearly sucks.
18:57:17sjohnsonnikos: I think I remember seeing a linux based util to flash the prims2 cards.
18:57:33sjohnsonI can' remember where I saw it. :-(
18:57:47nikossjohnson: Hmmmmm
18:59:53terryssjohnson: are you thinking of prism2dl,c in wlan-ng
19:00:07sjohnsonterrys: Yes. That's it!
19:00:14nikossjohnson: Hmm, I found source direct from intersil.
19:00:58nikossjohnson: Erm, maybe not.
19:01:25terrysnikos: I thought intersil was linux-agnostic
19:02:09nikosterrys: Turns out you can't get the source unless you purchase a reference design.
19:02:21terrysnikos: hah...
19:02:33sjohnsonprism2dl.c doens't seem to be in 0.1.8-pre*
19:02:35nikosterrys: Although pulling the right strings might get around that.
19:03:57terrysnikos: woo you have links into intersil - know anything about what they're doing with the ARM core in Prism3 ?
19:04:56Disconnectponders a wearable arm cluster of ipaqs, dual sleeves and prism3 cards ;)
19:05:16nicobHow do I get my Ipaq online? I have it attached to the serial cradle
19:06:35terrysponders a generic MAC layer that supports QoS
19:08:18i think ppp is
19:08:18nikosibot: ppp
19:08:22usbnet is probably at
19:08:22nikosibot: usbnet
19:08:45nikosterrys: No, I don't have any such links. ;) I'm just reading from a webpage.
19:08:56nikosterrys: I don't mean to claim that I could pull any such strings.
19:10:25terrysnikos: ahhh - no problem - I guess I'll keep trying Intersil's front door...
19:16:24terryssjohnson: I found it in my HH CVS image
19:35:06DragonEagleis away: just away
19:42:56sjohnsonterrys: It won't compile
19:43:42terryssjohnson: I didn't write, I just found it :)
19:43:56sjohnsonI know.
19:44:39terryssjohnson: what's bothering it ?
19:45:08sjohnsonDon't know. Just too much syntax and parse errors.
19:46:02terryssjohnson: let me try giving it a wack here...
19:46:32terryssjohnson: what are you using for a toolchain ?
19:47:28sjohnsonI've tried the beta tool chain and also native on the skiffcluster.
19:47:55terryssjohnson: nod
19:55:34mpakulaterrys: did you use .13 bootldr ? any problems i should be prepared for ?
19:56:12terrysmpakula: I'm still back at .6 haven't upgraded yet
19:58:11mpakula am I looking at the right place ?
19:58:22a7rif you want v0.5, yup.
19:58:56mpakulaa7r: who doesn't :o)
19:59:22a7rhah, then that's what you want
19:59:31MotseI am trying to make a ppp connection to my iPAQ via IrDA but I can't find irtty module (2.4.7 and 2.4.9 mit irda-modules installed (0.5))
20:00:31mattzzMotse: i filed that in GNATS already
20:01:10Motsesolution - wait for another kernel - right ?
20:01:38mattzzMotse: maybe just for a new irda-ipkg
20:01:58mpakulagone for 10 min huge pizza and mega cola arrived
20:06:23DragonEagleis back (gone 00:31:17)
20:28:26nikoswb ibot
20:28:28It's great to be back. I missed this place!
20:28:28nikosibot: wb
20:28:31i guess sshkeys is ssh-keygen -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ''; ssh-keygen -d -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ''
20:28:31nikosibot: sshkeys
20:31:30nicobgeez, how long does it take to generate those dsa keys?
20:31:38nicobforever it seems
20:33:44nikosnicob: Without -b 512, it would be a long time.
21:11:02derrellhelp say
21:11:11sgodsellis away: Got to go!
21:12:26DragonEagleis away: just away
21:18:55mpakulais going off-line , but will be back in tthe next episode of "Familiar gets better every day"
21:20:24sjohnsonWell, slap me with a mackrel...
21:20:39derrellhello.  i'm looking for recommendations on cdpd pcmcia cards that work with familiar.  any known working cards?
21:21:18sjohnsonderrell: As far as I know, any should work. I believe that look like regular modules to the OS.
21:21:19nikosderrell: I can't name cards, but most should just appear as a serial device with a standard AT interface.
21:22:12derrellok.  i'm hoping to find someone who's actually used one, to ensure it's going to work before spending the $150 or so...
21:22:25nikosderrell: Search the mailing lists on
21:22:50derrellok.  i think i searched the wiki, but i'll check mailing lists as well.  thanks.
21:22:55Nexsactually anyone pick up one of those 5 gb drives from toshiba yet?
21:58:14KeroNexs: a colleague has one.
22:02:34Nexswhat is he using it in/ does he like it?
22:11:07KeroSays it's a bit slower than a uDrive, but not much.
22:11:16KeroHe tried it in some laptop, not yet in an iPAQ.
22:11:55Kerouses ide-cs, so it should work out of the box for iPAQ
22:12:24Nexsthat what i was interested in mainly for a portable movie/mp3 player
22:12:37Nexsand they are only like 300+ bucks
22:12:47Nexscheaper then the ibm 1 gb drives
22:23:10pattiejais away: I'm busy
22:23:28pattiejais back (gone 00:00:04)
22:35:17pattiejais away: home
22:49:01EGg0is away: I'm reading a book. Do you remember books?
23:28:00edwardamWatchingTVis away: Gotta Go, gotta go....

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