irclog2html for #essy on 20060408

02:10.58*** join/#essy Pimpi (
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02:33.01*** mode/#essy [+v Admirarch] by SportChick
02:34.23*** join/#essy QuickTim (
02:34.30SportChickhi quicktim
02:34.33*** mode/#essy [+v QuickTim] by SportChick
02:34.40QuickTimi get it
02:34.44QuickTimeveryone had voice
02:34.52QuickTimcept for menobot
02:34.57SportChickyes, well
02:35.03SportChickmenobot was being a brat yesterday
02:35.08SportChickso I went +m for a while
02:35.15QuickTimah half new to irc
02:35.24QuickTimwhats +m?
02:35.31SportChickyou have to have a voice to talk
02:35.55SportChickwhen we had the channel spammers issue a while ago, a lot of channels went +m
02:36.23QuickTimcept for where i just came from
02:36.29QuickTimwe encourage talking there
02:36.32QuickTimas nobody ever does
02:36.38SportChickwell it wasn't an issue of talking
02:36.50SportChickit was spamming filth and racial slurs and whatever else they came up with
02:36.58SportChickmost channels don't appreciate/permit that
02:37.00QuickTimoh like that one we just had
02:37.02SportChickI know you guys don't care
02:37.07SportChickoh?  you had one recently?
02:37.19QuickTimyou missed it i believe
02:37.24SportChickgood :p
02:38.28SportChickso how long have you been on irc, qt?
02:38.49QuickTimbout 4 months
02:38.57QuickTimthe length ive been in pm
02:38.59SportChickah nice
02:39.02QuickTimam i allowed to say that here?
02:39.05QuickTimlike the full ting?
02:39.06SportChickpm is good
02:39.10QuickTimokay :)
02:39.14SportChickor planetM
02:39.17QuickTimdelusion found me
02:39.22QuickTimi was trying to get a server up on mac
02:39.25SportChickis this the name you play with?
02:39.27QuickTimand i told him about my web skills
02:39.32SportChickahhh nice
02:39.37QuickTimi was  the last M to join
02:39.50QuickTimyeah i play with this callsign
02:41.03QuickTimhow long have you played bz?
02:41.17SportChicksince about october of 2003, I think
02:41.29QuickTimi found it on a MacAddict disc once
02:41.36SportChickI played before that for a couple of weeks but then my hubby and I left for a year - no computer
02:41.38QuickTimand i came back just recently
02:42.06QuickTimstill working on my skill though...
02:42.09SportChickI just started playing ctf, ducati, gu & pillbox styles last fall
02:42.24QuickTimive always tried different things
02:42.26QuickTimbut i love Viper
02:42.30SportChickstarted ducati & pillbox leagues in November and gu near the end of november or early december
02:42.42SportChickI used to only play the place you guys most dislike
02:42.45QuickTimthat is CTF for me
02:42.58QuickTimwell what would that place be?
02:43.02QuickTimi dont know very much
02:43.02SportChicksecretplace :)
02:43.12SportChickit used to be 10 shot FFA
02:43.18SportChicknow it's 7 shot I think
02:43.22QuickTimi have a server now :)
02:43.26QuickTimafter 4 months of trying
02:43.28QuickTimi finally got one
02:43.35SportChickand despite the reputation you guys have for it, it's actually a vrery nice place to play
02:43.54QuickTimwell DV has us like not be administrators
02:43.57QuickTimdo only what we need
02:44.07QuickTimbut, secretplace has the reputation of abusive admins
02:44.27QuickTimdoing stupid things
02:44.37SportChickwhat many people don't realize
02:44.45SportChickis that many of the admins on secretplace are parents
02:44.46QuickTimits just the difference in our admin beliefs i guess
02:44.49SportChickand their children play there
02:45.05SportChickby children, I mean some that are as young as 7 or 8
02:45.15QuickTimive heard of stupid lagkicks
02:45.16QuickTimfor no reason
02:45.31QuickTimand kicking people for holding the flag and stuff
02:45.37SportChickat secretplace?
02:45.41SportChickI've NEVER seen that happen
02:45.48SportChickI played their daily for 2 years
02:45.49QuickTimi haven't ever been there
02:46.13SportChickI would suggest believing what you see, and not only what you hear. Things sometimes get exaggerated when people are unhappy
02:46.14QuickTimim 14 so i have no kids... i just let you do whatever you want
02:46.35QuickTimi dont like rotating servers
02:46.44QuickTimyou're like mid game
02:46.50QuickTimand you're all kicked
02:46.56QuickTimto rejoin to a new map
02:46.58SportChicksilvercat does that
02:47.04QuickTimi dont see how people like that
02:47.07SportChickalthough they have my fav map up on its own port now
02:47.07QuickTimoh silvercat
02:47.14QuickTimbad memory...
02:47.21QuickTimi thought it was secretplace :-P
02:47.41SportChickso what you were saying about secretplace was really silvercat?
02:47.54QuickTimthe rotating thing was all i messed up
02:48.18SportChickah ok
02:54.28SportChick~lart brad2901
02:55.04brad2901~frag SportChick
02:55.06jbotACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at SportChick
02:55.16SportChick~swordfight brad2901
02:55.18jbotACTION pulls out his sharpest, meanest sword, and fights brad2901 to the death, slicing brad2901 into a million pieces
02:55.27SportChick~rubberbands QuickTim
02:55.28jbotACTION sneaks up behind QuickTim, stealing all the rubberbands from QuickTim's pockets, runs around a corner and shoots rubberbands at anyone who walks by, taking special care to shoot at least 50% of them at QuickTim
02:55.39QuickTimviolent little people
02:55.51brad2901that's a new one... rubberbans
02:55.57brad2901rubberbands even
02:56.24SportChick~rubberband brad2901
02:56.25jbotACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for brad2901 to walk by so he can pelt brad2901 with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
02:57.26QuickTimshould make one
02:57.45SportChick~duel QuickTim brad2901
02:57.47jbotEXTRA EXTRA!!  sportchick challenges QuickTim to a duel for brad2901!!  Everyone gather round to see who wins!
02:57.49QuickTimis action: drives {person} insane by saying nearly the same thing over and over"
02:59.22SportChick~crazy meacan
02:59.54SportChick~crazy QuickTime
02:59.55jbotACTION drives QuickTime insane by saying the exact same thing over and over
03:00.55QuickTimi love how everyone forgets there's no "e"
03:01.10SportChickI remember
03:01.24SportChickmy fingers are just too fast - they remember typing "time" too much
03:03.11gn00bie_workSportChick: the flight tomorrow morning?
03:03.23SportChickgn00bie: what's that?
03:03.38gn00bieyou are out of town starting tomorrow morning, right?
03:03.52SportChickgn00bie: yes, we head for the airport at 3:30AM :-/
03:04.06SportChickof course for YOU, that's night, still :p
03:04.20gn00bieyes :P
03:04.25gn00bieI love early morning flights
03:04.30gn00bieespecially when they happen to others
03:04.55SportChickand we have a brutal layover in Atlanta
03:05.00SportChickmaybe i should make orange come meet us
03:05.02gn00bieaah, how long?
03:05.12gn00bieI love long layovers too :P
03:05.22gn00biethe worst one that has happened to me is 17 hours in Chennai
03:05.24orangeSportChick: I wish I were closer
03:05.26SportChickwell, IF things go well and we can grab a seat on the earlier flight, only 2 hours
03:05.32SportChickbut otherwise, it's more like 4 1/2
03:05.43gn00bie4.5 ain't bad
03:05.49SportChickthe worst layovers for me were the ones in Miami
03:06.03gn00bieok then, I guess my job starts tomorrow
03:06.06SportChickI used to have to fly through Miami everytime I went to BA or Santiago
03:06.46SportChickthe outbound usually wasnt' too bad - leave here at 2pm, arrive there around 9 or so
03:06.50SportChickfly out around midnight
03:06.53SportChickbut the flight home
03:07.03SportChickarrive in miami around 4am
03:07.10SportChickand the outbound wasn't until 7 or so
03:07.18SportChickwhich is still 4am LA time
03:07.34gn00biefrankfurt ->chennai, gn00bie gets into the plane and goes to sleep, wakes up 2 hours later sweating like a pig and monster of a headache
03:08.03gn00bieturns out the plane had a faulty engine, we were on the runway for those two hours, and the AC turned off to conserve fuel
03:08.20gn00biethis was July, and temperatures in Frankfurt were pushing 100, a bright sunny day naturally
03:08.23SportChicksounds like my disastrous flight to the UK that ended up with me in Chile
03:08.45gn00biethe flight was another 11 hours, AFTER take off, and gn00bie was pretty much done at that point
03:08.58gn00bieI had gone Syracuse->Boston->frankfurt
03:09.12gn00biebefore all that happened
03:09.36gn00bieyay for Continental, Newark -> New Delhi in 13 hours, direct, non stop flight
03:10.08gn00bieand SYR-Newark-Delhi and back was only $1095, including taxes
03:11.24SportChickgn00bie: I lived with a packed suitcase in my car for 2 months because we were awaiting a hearing before the Chilean Supreme Court - they give 48 hours notice.  I was in the UK, heading to the Netherlands for meetings when I got word that the court date was set.  We moved the meetings from the Hague to Amsterdam, I flew in for 3 hours and then hopped a BA flight to Santiago via B.A.  In BA, someone got off the plan and didn't get ba
03:11.24SportChickck on when they were supposed to (during the whole Pinochet issue).  They made EVERYONE get off the plane, baggage and all.  We had to recheck everything.  24 hours after leaving the UK, I arrived in Santiago in 100+ degree weather, carrying my suitcase full of wool suits and heavy coats.
03:12.03SportChickafter all that, the hearings were postponed again
03:12.16SportChickQuickTim: we are sharing travel nightmares :p
03:12.32gn00bieI think I want to be a Chilean dictator then
03:12.39SportChickgn00bie: hehe
03:12.40QuickTimi hate flying
03:12.50SportChickI'm claustrophobic on airplanes
03:13.14gn00biethat does it, gn00bie will be the El Presidente of Chile
03:13.18SportChickorange: you don't feel like coming to Atlanta International for a few hours? :)
03:13.56SportChickorange: we'll be there from 1-6 tomorrow (1-3 if we're lucky)
03:14.44orangeSportChick: sorry, there's no way I could come... my wife is in an all-day 'retreat' with her school, and I have the kids with activities
03:14.55orangesoccer practice, specifically
03:15.07SportChickorange: ahh nice
03:15.19orangetoo bad though
03:17.16SportChickorange: no problem
03:17.58orangerent a car and drive over to athens :-)
03:19.01gn00bie~karma menotume
03:19.01jbotmenotume has karma of 195
03:19.04gn00bieooh yeah
03:22.12SportChickorange: if we were there on our own, I might
03:23.50orangeah, big group?
03:23.56SportChickbut with 33 people in tow...
03:25.21SportChickshort version: we are taking 33 people to Jackson to help rebuild homes damaged by Katrina.  See the topic for a link
03:25.34SportChickAribeth: wanna meet us at the airport :)
03:25.35Aribethahh cool
03:26.05Aribethim just getting over a bad cold or i would love to
03:26.27orangeSportChick: wow, cool
03:27.05Aribethi did yeard work last sunday and ended up with a relaps
03:27.09SportChickorange: we've gone there every year to help rebuild houses in the inner city - this year has a whole new meaning
03:27.14SportChickAribeth: ahhh bummer
03:28.56orangewell, have a great trip... I'm off to bed
03:29.01orangegoodnight all
03:29.09Aribethnite orange
03:29.35SportChickorange: nighty night
03:31.08SportChickFIVE channels just lit up with an away message
03:31.29SportChick~lart orange
03:31.58SportChickhe was complaining about other people lighting up multiple channels with away messages :p
03:33.52SportChickbut alas, he's ignoring me :p
03:33.59SportChicksupposedly sleeping :p
03:34.37Aribeththats what i should be doing, but im playing runescape...:P
03:34.59SportChickwell, we are about to take our cars to be stored for the week
03:35.06SportChickthen I'll finish packing and hit the hay
03:35.11SportChick3Am will be HARD to get up at
03:35.28Aribethyes it will...have a good and safe trip
03:47.24gn00biehave a safe trip SC
03:47.30*** part/#essy gn00bie (
04:26.13*** part/#essy QuickTim (
05:02.06*** join/#essy gn00bie (
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05:02.10gn00biebye sportchick
05:02.18gn00biesee you in 10 days, have fun in the bayou
05:02.23SportChickgn00bie: cu :)
05:05.16*** part/#essy gn00bie (
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10:31.54SportChickbye all
10:34.35*** join/#essy Blue_Eyes (
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10:38.23*** join/#essy Birdie (
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13:23.46Upsettergood afternoon
13:23.57CBGhey hey
13:50.25*** join/#essy brad2901 (n=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
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14:48.50Mr_Molezspammer !
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15:53.38*** join/#essy Saturos (
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15:54.10SaturosIs TheRedBaron planning to send in his answer soon?
16:01.15CBGSaturos: hmm?
16:01.30CBGPM on BZBB :)
16:01.41SaturosDo you see any way to contact TheRedBaron?
16:02.16CBGNope :(
16:02.43SaturosHmm... I will give him five more minutes.
16:03.53CBGGot mine..?
16:04.49SaturosDon't you have three points?
16:04.58SaturosI think I added them,
16:05.00CBGyes. :)
16:05.02Saturosk :)
16:05.04CBGonly 3? :P
16:05.11SaturosThaks for making me a cop!
16:05.13CBGah, np
16:05.19SaturosWhere did you get these servers from? O_o
16:05.27CBGI only have 1 server at the moment. I'll do more soon.
16:05.40Mr_MolezCBG: what is ur server btw
16:05.48CBGOne of the MoFo guys has a 100Mbit connection to his server, so he gave out accounts...
16:05.53CBGMr_Molez: location or address?
16:05.56Mr_Molez100 is nuttin :P
16:06.14CBGSomewhere in the USA.
16:06.25CBGI have pointed to it.
16:06.43CBGBut I have some others too, and everyone that has an account there has at least one.
16:06.58CBGSo you could go to any of about 30 addresses with port 4400 to get to my server. :D
16:07.31Mr_Molezwill he give me an account :P
16:07.40CBGyou don't need one
16:07.44Mr_Molezi do
16:07.52CBGand I think he gave out as many as he wanted to already.
16:07.59Mr_Molezaww :P
16:12.10Birdiei'll see what i can do to reach baron
16:12.56Birdiei have only one chance
16:13.40Birdietrb is eating..i'll make him eat fast)
16:14.01SaturosI dont care about a mail... he shall give me the answer.
16:14.12SaturosIn PM or whatever.
16:14.29SaturosI dont have much time left and I wanna upload the new one.
16:14.51Birdiei think he will come as soon as he finished eating
16:14.59CBG5... 4... 3...
16:19.05SaturosWell... I cant wait until everybody sent something in... somewhere must be a deadline. If he can convince me later that he knew it I'll consider giving the points nevertheless. But I'll go on now with day12.
16:19.21Birdiei think he is around now
16:19.24Birdiejust wait a bit more:)
16:19.50Birdieand i'm sure he knew
16:19.53Birdiehe propably just forgot
16:20.01Birdiecause its very easy
16:21.31Mr_Molezmake a deadline ?!!! it will take away a few people from the top :P
16:28.49CBG2... 1...
16:32.39CBG0... ?
17:37.38meacanSo noone can guess the next number in CBGs sequence :)
17:40.30*** join/#essy DTRemenak|RDP (
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18:20.33*** join/#essy SC-phone (
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18:21.04SC-phonehi all
18:21.49SC-phonegn00bie: ping :)
18:22.36Aribethhi there
18:23.43SC-phonearibeth: hi from the atl airport
18:24.00Aribethlast night was bad weather here
18:24.20SC-phoneyes-a lot of flights are delayed
18:24.52SC-phoneso far ours isn't
18:25.05SC-phoneand we made it onto the earlier one...yay!
18:25.27Birdiewhere are you going?
18:26.03SC-phoneto Jackson, Mississippi - check the topic for details, birdie
18:26.32Birdieok ty
18:27.10Birdielong time no see aribeth
18:27.23SC-phoneari: we haven't even lost anyone...yet :)
18:27.52AribethBbirdie, yes its been a long time
18:28.23Birdiearibeth: you aint gonna tell me you discovered something more cool than bzflag:)
18:28.53Aribethwell.....yes i have
18:29.29Aribethits called runescape
18:30.35Birdielol another addicted one
18:30.58Aribethyou know of it?
18:31.32Birdieyes but i only played it once
18:31.35Birdieafraid i would play it to much
18:31.51Aribethahh, i just reached combat level 90
18:31.58Birdiethats lot of playinghours
18:35.36SC-phonewell, I'm back on another plane
18:35.43Birdiedrive safe
18:35.46Birdiewell fly safe
18:35.50SC-phoneI'll need to log off in a few moments
18:36.10SC-phonecbg: I got your message...ty
18:36.18CBGSC-phone: oh, np. :)
18:36.37CBGhave a nice trip.
18:37.07SC-phonety...only 1:15 for this flight, I think
18:37.18Birdiehave fun
18:37.27SC-phone& a MUCH smaller plane - no jetway :)
18:37.27CBGoh, good. :) long haul is the worst with so little leg room
18:37.28Aribethhave a good flight
18:37.45SC-phoneplay some bz for me :)
18:37.57*** join/#essy uso (
18:38.02Birdiethey wont know whats happening
18:38.04Birdieno sc online
18:38.17SC-phone& make menotume get that palm version going :D
18:38.42SC-phoneuso: hiya
18:39.18Birdiehey mana
18:39.34SC-phone~lart orange
18:39.42SC-phone(just for fun)
18:41.23*** mode/#essy [+v uso] by ChanServ
18:41.27Birdienothing actually
18:41.31Birdiebz is boring today
18:41.48SC-phoneoh?!  good!
18:42.01SC-phoneawwww bzi-bar
18:42.46SC-phone~seen tokimi
18:42.49jbottokimi <> was last seen on IRC in channel #essy, 4d 22h 13m 45s ago, saying: 'cu all'.
18:43.50SC-phoneanyone know the shortcuts for the new pillbox servers?
18:43.58SC-phoneI haven't learned them yet
18:44.27BirdieFor a list of pillbox servers, do ~pillmatch or ~pillbox |
18:44.58SC-phoneahhh ty cbg
18:45.03CBGSC-phone: no worries. :)
18:45.11CBGthat last one is brad's.
18:45.18Birdiehey i helped to!
18:46.13SC-phonetrue...though cbg answered the specific question I asked
18:46.55Birdieyou asked about the pillboxserver, i answered with a nice sentence "for a list of the pillboxservers,...":D
18:47.04Birdie(and cause i didnt knew the shortcuts myself:)
18:47.12SC-phoneand I gave u karma :)
18:48.17SC-phonegotta go
18:48.20SC-phonebye all
18:48.26Birdiei think last week my karma raised with 300%
18:48.28Birdiecu sc
18:48.30CBGcya :) have a good time
19:56.59*** part/#essy Upsetter (
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.