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05:04.35Mr_Molezgn00bie: :P
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14:25.07SportChickgood morning/afternoon all
14:25.46[suave]goood morning SC :)
14:25.55SportChick[suave]: hiya!
14:26.49SportChick[suave]: how are you?
14:27.19[suave]fine, just going to prepare dinner :)
14:27.21[suave]and you?
14:27.28SportChickjust making breakfast :)
14:27.48[suave]heh, okay
14:28.10SportChicknot more beer and peanuts for dinner, I hope :)
14:28.32[suave]nope, meatloaf :P
14:28.36SportChickah, nice
14:28.42[suave]yeah :)
14:28.58[suave]i think so
14:29.48[suave]i use chopped porkmeat, hmm, small potato-pieces, lots of sauce on top. together with bacon :)
14:30.17SportChickooo that sounds interesting
14:30.19[suave]and serve boiled potatoes to it...Dennis lurves it ;)
14:30.22SportChickyou should send me the recipe :)
14:30.28*** join/#essy longhair (
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14:30.36[suave]its yummi :)
14:30.58SportChickit SOUNDS yummmy
14:31.01SportChicklonghair: welcome :)
14:31.03longhairthx for the invite
14:31.15SportChickthanks for coming :)
14:31.20longhairanytime :)
14:31.35SportChick[suave]: have you met longy?
14:31.41[suave]nope :)
14:31.49[suave]hi longhair :)
14:31.50longhairwell hello then
14:31.58SportChicklongy, [suave], [suave], longy
14:32.06[suave]im [dmp]'s g/f :)
14:32.27longhairgot that part
14:32.32SportChickyes, we are trying to get her addicted to bz :)
14:32.45[suave]yeah i am *stars in tha eyes*
14:32.55AdmirarchSportChick: You really are getting quite a crowd together
14:32.56longhairwell, let me put in my recommendation
14:33.06SportChickAdmirarch: :)
14:33.14longhairheya ad
14:33.17[suave]but its hard, but aren't al beginnings :)
14:33.32longhairanything worth doing is usually difficult :)
14:33.33SportChickAdmirarch: I have aobut 90n minutes for a match if you can find us one :)
14:33.38[suave]longhair: yup :)
14:33.56[suave]well, im off to make dinner..
14:34.00[suave]talk to you later :
14:34.05SportChick[suave]: cu
14:34.13[suave]see you SC :)
14:34.22SportChick[suave]: send me that recipe :)
14:34.29Nidhoggrmy car is in the shop. I have to go get a loaner today.
14:34.46SportChickNidhoggr: awww
14:34.47[suave]SC: i will :)
14:35.10AdmirarchSportChick: I'm busy for an as yet unknown period of time
14:35.18SportChicklonghair: say hi to Nid, they guy that got me addicted to bz :)
14:35.26Nidhoggrhi longhair
14:35.27longhairhello Nidhoggr
14:35.27SportChickAdmirarch: awww
14:35.42longhairdon't know that we've met
14:35.55SportChicklonghair: nid's been mostly afk for the last year :po
14:36.02Nidhoggrprobably not. I'm not online much anymore.
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14:36.10longhairwhich is about how long I've been playing
14:36.56SportChicknidhoggr is the owner of secretplace
14:37.55longhairah, ok. Cool
14:37.56SportChickNidhoggr: what kind of loaner are you going to get?  I'd insist on something fun
14:38.08NidhoggrI'm hoping for another beetle.
14:38.21Nidhoggra convertible would be cool :)
14:38.30SportChicknice :)  that qualifies as "fun" :)
14:39.04NidhoggrI love my car... the 7 year warranty is up in september, though. :(
14:39.23Nidhoggrso I'm going to take it in just before that and have them really give it a good going-over.
14:39.39SportChickI don't think you guys drove that to lunch the day we all got together did you
14:39.47Nidhoggrdon't think so.
14:39.52Nidhoggrit's a yellow 99 beetle.
14:40.05SportChickI think you were in a truck
14:40.11Nidhoggrwith spoiler and momo wheels... full carbon fibered interior.
14:40.32Nidhoggryeah, chris' silverado
14:41.57SportChickah, ok :)
14:42.21SportChickNidhoggr: does chris even remember what bz IS? :p
14:43.24Nidhoggruntil this last 3 weeks he has been on a schedule that has made it impossible to do any sort of consistent games.
14:43.39Nidhoggrthen his computer has been broken until this last sunday.
14:44.04*** join/#essy AlexandrTheGreat (
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14:44.06Nidhoggrso hopefully we can do some bz soonish.
14:44.46SportChickAlexandrTheGreat: hiya!
14:44.51SportChickNidhoggr: if you do, ping me
14:44.55AlexandrTheGreatg/morning :)
14:44.57Nidhoggrwill do. :)
14:45.18NidhoggrI was upset about the car because I have to go buy some lapis beads today.
14:45.23SportChickNidhoggr: meet alex
14:45.32Nidhoggrand it's 24 mile drive round-trip
14:45.35SportChickNidhoggr: oh..well, at least they give you a loner
14:45.35Nidhoggrhi alex
14:45.38AlexandrTheGreatvery nice to meet you :)
14:45.51Nidhoggrnice to meet you, too.  :)
14:45.58SportChickAlexandrTheGreat: pm
14:46.32SportChickNidhoggr: alex is one of my buddies from the GU league
14:46.38longhairhello alex
14:50.51AlexandrTheGreati know Nid from SP, yes?
14:50.59SportChickAlexandrTheGreat: yes, probably
14:51.02AlexandrTheGreater...know of him
14:51.32AlexandrTheGreatoh, i heard really nice things
14:52.08AlexandrTheGreatfrom SC and LdyK
14:52.10Nidhoggrthat's always good
14:52.10SportChickAlexandrTheGreat: shhh you don't want to give him an ego :)  he's perfect the way he is
14:52.53Nidhoggrmy garlic is coming up in the garden.  about 22 plants.
14:53.03SportChicknice :)
14:53.11NidhoggrI just am waiting for the basil to start growing faster.
14:53.38Nidhoggrthe lemon balm is growing like a weed.  I've already trimmed it way back last week, and now it's almost where it was.
14:53.52Nidhoggrwhich is okay, because all my herbalist friends want it for a fresh tincture.
14:54.35Nidhoggrchris planted rosemary in the front lawn for a small hedge.  it's doing really well.
14:55.20SportChickI wish we had a YARD to put in a garden - even if it would probably die on me
14:55.32Nidhoggrsome stuff does really well here.
14:55.42Nidhoggrour lavender grows very quickly
14:55.51Nidhoggrand I love the smell of lavender
14:56.49Nidhoggronce I get my car back, I am going to take my friend, who is a buddhist lama living in Phoenix, to see the Desert Botanical Garden.
14:57.02Nidhoggrhe has 2 other visiting lamas here, and we are all hoping on going to the garden.
14:57.22*** join/#essy brad2901 (n=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
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14:57.31SportChickcool, where is that?
14:57.33SportChickbrlcad: hiya :)
14:57.40SportChickbrad2901: hiya
14:57.50AlexandrTheGreatbrad...did u get modem back?
14:58.05Nidhoggrthe garden is in phoenix... on the border of scottsdale and phoenix.
14:58.16SportChickNidhoggr: nice
14:58.45Nidhoggrone of the lamas had just had major heart surgery, so he is recovering, and the walking would do him good.
14:59.17brad2901hey SportChick
14:59.19brad2901AlexandrTheGreat: yep
14:59.30Nidhoggrhi brad2901
14:59.37AlexandrTheGreatare lamas vegans?
14:59.39brad2901hi there Nidhoggr
14:59.40SportChickbrlcad: do you know "leon"?
14:59.50SportChickgah, stupid autocomplete
14:59.54Nidhoggrtibetan monks don't normally take vegetarian vows.
14:59.56SportChickbrad2901: do you know "leon"
15:00.08Nidhoggrsince it is so hard to eat vegetarian in tibet.
15:00.16Nidhoggrnot a lot of vegetation
15:00.29brad2901SportChick: seen him/her on the GU server, haven't spoken to him/her
15:00.32AlexandrTheGreatso was his surgery related to clogged arteries?
15:00.35Nidhoggrother buddhist monks often are vegetarian
15:00.43Nidhoggrno.. I think it was congenital
15:00.49AlexandrTheGreatah, a valve
15:00.51Nidhoggrhe is really thin
15:01.19AlexandrTheGreatnow they implant bovine valves instead of plastic
15:01.41AlexandrTheGreata friend of mine had that last week
15:01.47AlexandrTheGreata cow valve
15:01.56Nidhoggrfunny story... one of the lamas, Gyatso Palden, just finished a 15 day hunger strike in Italy to protest china getting the olympics...
15:02.24Nidhoggrso he is coming to phoenix because the buddhist center here has a great cook, and he intends on her getting him fattened up again. :)
15:03.36Nidhoggrwill probably be his last trip to the US. his health is not well.
15:04.07Nidhoggrhe holds the unfortunate record of being in chinese prisons longer than any other monk.  he is an amazingly compassionate man.
15:04.19Nidhoggrspent 33 years in chinese prisons.
15:05.29Nidhoggrthat is a page about him.
15:05.50Nidhoggror at least part of a page.
15:06.00AlexandrTheGreat33 years!
15:06.43Nidhoggrthey tortured him very badly.
15:06.58Nidhoggrwhen I met him, he was blessing a friend's store.
15:08.02AlexandrTheGreatoh man....what a story
15:08.13Nidhoggrhe has a book as well.
15:08.18Nidhoggrabout his experiences
15:08.30Nidhoggrthe Dalai Lama mentions him in his book on happiness.
15:08.52AlexandrTheGreathe is the first one on the web page?
15:09.01Nidhoggrwhen I met him, I didn't know he was the lama in the book.  When i found out, I felt very honored to meet him.
15:09.39AlexandrTheGreatnow that is bravery to the Nth degree
15:09.43*** join/#essy Gilly (
15:10.10GillyHi all :)
15:11.46SportChickGilly: hiya!!
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15:49.41CBGwelcome back, SportChick
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15:49.55RoMyhey SC
15:50.14SportChickRoMy: hiya :)
15:50.55RoMyoh you have nice and comfy room here :)
15:51.10SportChickRoMy: yay
15:51.13SportChick~serve Romy
15:51.15jbotACTION cooks up a 6 course meal, made from the very best ingredients and containing all the favorite foods of Romy, and then serves it to Romy on the best china & using the best crystal and silver
15:51.33RoMyim just cooking here:)
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15:57.53SportChicktokimi: hiya
15:58.51tokimiSportChick: hello sc
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16:02.53SportChickCBG: hehe - every channel
16:04.15orangeSportChick: you could just change your nick and become like 'sc_matching' 'sc_driving' etc.
16:04.30SportChickAdmirarch: pfft
16:04.43SportChickorange, yes, but it's more fun to annoy you :)
16:08.31RoMyit depends how many bzfriends SC will have;-)
16:08.49tokimisc knows every one... or it seems like
16:08.53SportChickis this roast SC day and no one told me?
16:09.08tokimiwe're all jealous silly girl
16:09.44tokimigah!  and i can barely remember my own!
16:10.09brad2901SportChick: janis' ?
16:10.15SportChickhehe, today's word of the day is "bull's eye"
16:10.23SportChickbrlcad: that's one- and he made sure we all knew it
16:11.03SportChickbrad2901: I mean
16:11.16SportChicki'm gonna have to kick one of you - too many mis-autocompletes :p
16:12.09SportChickbrad2901: hehe
16:12.34tokimiSportChick: hehe, never gonna get to work are you:p
16:12.45SportChicktokimi: I'm trying :p
16:12.53SportChicktokimi: packing up my stuff as we speak
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16:13.52SportChickwow, do I spot brains?!
16:14.04SportChickwickund: brains?
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16:19.16SportChickwickund: hiya :)
16:19.29SportChickwow! Nidhoggr & wickund in one day
16:20.13wickundaka brains
16:20.22SportChickbrains, say hi to all :)
16:20.32SportChick~cookies wickund
16:20.34jbotACTION hands wickund a nice, steaming chocolate chip cookie, hot from the oven
16:23.01SportChickwickund: I'm heading off to work now, but I'll bbs as SportyGal
16:23.09tokimicu SportChick
16:23.17AlexandrTheGreatjust leave the keys
16:23.45SportChickkeep an eye on AlexandrtheGreat - i'm not so sure he should be minding the shop alone :p
16:24.02tokimican do
16:32.13*** part/#essy RoMy (
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16:38.13tokimiorange: ping
16:40.17*** part/#essy tokimi (
17:09.08*** join/#essy SportyGal (
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17:24.41*** topic/#essy by SportyGal -> Welcome to the home of SportChick's friends & family || "True friendship is a plant of slow growth, & must undergo & withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation." - George Washington || This is the Nice Channel - please don't be invidious ||
17:32.28SportyGalgn00bie: are you registered for the bzcontest?
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17:33.14SportyGaleek, it's trb!
17:33.21SportyGalMr_Molez: do you know a player named "leon"?
17:33.30Mr_Molezno :-S
17:36.31SportyGallonghair: how's the website coming?
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18:22.09SportyGalTheRedBaron: did you participate in the first bzcontest?
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18:56.35Mr_MolezSportyGal: were you ?
18:56.44SportyGalMr_Molez: were I what?
18:56.55Mr_Molezin the last bzcontest
18:57.05SportyGaloh, no...didn't know anything about it
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19:05.42SportyGalLayDeeKilla: hiya!!
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19:12.03SportyGalBlue_Eyes: wb
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19:12.50Blue_Eyesciao and thx ;)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.