IRC log for #elive on 20190918

00:16.22*** join/#elive apt (
00:16.23*** topic/#elive is Web: | BTS: - please report problems so we can solve them | Forum: | Elive 3.0 is on the way and going to be entirely cost-free!
01:22.44*** join/#elive EliveWeb_1258 (4d6ff726@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
01:22.44keyrawelcome EliveWeb_1258! Ask your question! Have you see the new amazing forums too? , the are gorgeous! =)
04:40.02*** join/#elive Elive_user_en_98 (~Elive_use@
04:40.04keyrawelcome to Elive, Elive_user_en_98! =)
06:06.48keyrahi there
06:20.35LupusEhi elmo, did you asked a question? i'm not recognizing your nick and have some time, now :)
06:21.00LupusE(and reckognize is a difficult word. c? ck? k?)
06:43.58Naglfargood morning
06:44.02keyrawanna share a coffe with me? :)
06:46.01LupusEgood morning Naglfar
06:47.07LupusEsoundtrack this morning: iron maiden - fear of the dark.
06:54.06Naglfarit seems like I have hear an electronic music version if this soundtrack somewhere before
06:55.59LupusEi've linked a electronic cover a few weeks ago,yes. but the original is also good.
06:56.49LupusE'DJ Seak ft. Terror Duck' is the remix.
06:57.12LupusEit is funny, because 'dark' sounds like 'duck' in the singing. in both versions.
06:57.16keyrasee! a zoidberg in a single line!  (\/) (°,,,°) (\/)
06:58.13LupusElast nickt i can't sleep. so i heard some music from youtube ... better than working 24h
07:01.36LupusEerr, night.
07:04.31Naglfarcan't sleep inside your wohnwagen ?
07:07.00LupusEit is a 'wohnmobil'. wohnwagen = trailer with 1 room appartment on top. wohnmobil = wohnwagen with own engine.
07:07.39LupusEmy insomnia is caused by too much workload theese days. it isn't linked to any bed.
07:22.32Naglfarif caused by workload is good
07:22.56Naglfarit seems like you have found a work recently
07:29.04LupusEyes, no, not really. i wanted to sign, but my boss had the better argument$ to bind my another year or so.
07:30.30LupusEimmerhin funktioniert es hier im kali 2019.3 gut ... was soll dann unter win10 schief gehen?
07:30.35LupusEwrong window :)
07:34.47Naglfarno problem :)
07:36.01LupusEtoday i'm working in parallel on a Lenovo X200s and a Lenovo T470s ... and what should I say, the 200 is much more comfortable.
07:36.28LupusE(not only because it is the linux one) ;)
07:38.24Naglfarit also depends on hardware specs, like processor and memory bandwidth
07:47.12LupusE  ... Core2Duo, 1440x900, 4GB RAM, 250GB SSD
07:48.42LupusE ... i5, 1920x1080, 4GB RAM, 128GB NVMe SSD
07:49.09LupusEI think the specs are much better at the 470.
07:54.02NaglfarOS: Linux 3.12.74-xhlb2/x86_64 - CPU: Intel Core2 Duo (2 Cores) @ 800.000 MHz - Processes: 73 - Uptime: 97d 11h 59m - Load Average: 1.29 - Memory Usage: 901.80MB/3922.61MB (22.99%) - Disk Usage: 91.00GB/219.00GB (41.55%)
07:54.34NaglfarI have this one:
07:54.38Naglfarmodel name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P9500  @ 2.53GHz
07:54.53Naglfarcache size: 6144 KB
07:57.31Naglfar4GB DDR3 10600
07:57.34NaglfarMemory Bandwidth: 9275.206645 MB/s
07:59.06LupusEnice specs. but does it feel good?
08:00.26Naglfaryes, cpu usually run @ 800 MHz so it feels quiet and cool
08:01.11Naglfarbut fan spin up faster when cpu load increase
08:03.14LupusEthis is the reason why i've got an i5 not i7 :)
13:00.34*** join/#elive Elmo40 (
15:04.58*** join/#elive drumr (~drumr@
18:45.58*** join/#elive Elive_inst_fr_21 (~Elive_use@2a01:cb18:a97:e400:f057:aacb:2aaf:d767)
18:46.00keyrawelcome to the Elive world, Elive_inst_fr_21! =) I hope you are enjoying the system!
18:46.06keyraYou can find the amazing Elive community on this new BETA Forum website! , BTW press control-s to set your nickname here :)
22:00.19*** join/#elive keyra (

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