IRC log for #elive on 20071106

00:03.47*** join/#elive Elive_user59 (
00:05.09*** join/#elive Elive_user53 (
00:10.08*** join/#elive keyra (
00:11.43elmo40Ogrosticlops: what is transmission 0.9x?
00:12.10*** join/#elive LinuxNIT (n=LinuxNIT@
00:13.16roxville_elmo40, transmission is elive's torrent client
00:13.31keyraroxville_: do not use torrents, somebody make fake torrents of Elive with porn, ad-ons, and maybe dangerous commands too, you can only know the authenticity of the ISO if you download it from the Elive website
00:13.42roxville_ok keyra  thank you...
00:38.54*** join/#elive pr0t0cod8 (
00:40.48*** join/#elive pr0t0cod7 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:46.23elmo40roxville_: nice, i did not know about that app!
00:46.42elmo40i almost apt-get removed it !
00:46.53roxville_pr0t0cod7,  can you sit still please?
00:47.04elmo40coming and going?
00:47.08roxville_you're making me nervous...
00:47.26roxville_yeah... french... totally unpredictable...
00:47.35elmo40i iggied all that nonsense
00:47.40TheodenHi roxville_
00:47.48roxville_hi Theoden
00:48.19elmo40good ol' irssi
00:48.25roxville_elmo40,  pr0t0cod7  knows i'm just kidding... he's been around here longer than... wow than i have
00:48.30roxville_well, niot lately...
00:48.50elmo40so, MUCH longer then me! :/
00:51.00*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (
00:51.14Theodenroxville_:  Tried the new gimp yet?
00:51.24roxville_Theoden,  yes i tried it yesterday when i tried gOS
00:51.34roxville_the new gimp is NICE
00:51.42TheodenYes - I thought so too.
00:52.18roxville_i did NOT like the test builds... but it all came together now
00:52.37elmo40what does it look like now?
00:53.06roxville_elmo40, come closer and i'll whisper it in your ear
00:53.38roxville_like a...
00:54.03Theodenroxville_:  I did some work here with the new 'Paste Into Pattern' option -
00:54.11roxville_elmo40,  it's the same gimp... some new and redesigned fx/filters and stuff
00:54.20roxville_it is growing up...
00:54.47roxville_and... it has a remove red eye tool elmo40 :)
00:54.57roxville_very good for pics on sunday mornings
00:55.39roxville_wow, that's sweet!
00:55.46roxville_hardly any tits, though
00:56.15roxville_wow Theoden that's a cool effect
00:56.19Theodenthx - I put her behind the 3D stuff - and worked the lettering.  It was fun.
01:06.13roxville_i gotta go to the store, bbiab
01:15.30*** join/#elive Elive_user54 (
01:21.00*** join/#elive Elive_user35 (
01:21.43*** join/#elive Elive_user81 (
01:22.32*** join/#elive Shinsten (
01:22.46Shinstenhello hello
01:40.59*** join/#elive Elive_user53 (
01:42.54roxville_Shinsten,  hi!
01:43.00roxville_wow, ltns!
01:49.01ShinstenYeah whats going on
01:59.59*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (
02:16.20*** join/#elive PrinceAMD_ (
02:34.45*** join/#elive Elive_user72 (
02:42.36*** join/#elive scotta3234 (
03:15.08*** join/#elive Elive_user51 (
03:18.45*** join/#elive Elive_user51 (
03:22.55*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (
03:29.50*** join/#elive Antmanx2 (
03:30.55Antmanx2how is everyone
03:31.35OgrosticlopsDoing my best to stay awake
03:31.44Antmanx2go to bed
03:32.15OgrosticlopsI just woke up from a nap.
03:32.30Ogrosticlopsand I have all night to get everything installed/teaked to my liking
03:32.43Ogrosticlopson this linux box i found at a wal-mart
03:36.27*** join/#elive Detox_at_Home (
03:40.29OgrosticlopsEnergy Drink will do
03:40.46OgrosticlopsThis pc has to be the best $200 i've blown on a cheap underpowered toy
03:41.00Ogrosticlopsand it weighs like 15 lbs
03:41.39Antmanx2wish i had 200 bucks to blow
03:41.48Antmanx2time for me to head to bed
03:41.50Antmanx2night bud
03:45.49Detox_at_Homeok dumb question ,,,, accidentally deleted some files ,,, can I gfet them back?
03:47.56*** join/#elive Elive_user98 (
04:17.46*** join/#elive UberMan (n=Alan@
04:22.36*** join/#elive MetaPhaze (
04:24.42*** join/#elive MetaPhaze (
05:10.22*** join/#elive revdjenk (
05:11.50revdjenkroxville ping
05:15.31*** join/#elive MetaPhaze (
05:17.31*** join/#elive MetaPhaze (
05:28.06revdjenkroxville, try  pclinuxos with e17  hee hee
05:36.43*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (
05:57.09*** join/#elive Elive_user51 (
05:57.13*** join/#elive Elive_user30 (
06:00.07*** join/#elive Elive_user51 (
06:11.40*** join/#elive Elive_user94 (
06:47.31*** join/#elive FossZombie (n=GPLGeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
07:25.13*** join/#elive Elive_user42 (
07:26.12Ogrosticlopsshouldn't it be odd that most people registered the elive_user**** registered the nicks?
07:26.52Ogrosticlopsmost people registered nicks with default elive user random nicks
07:28.06Ogrosticlopsseriously, people are registering the default random number?
07:28.36Ogrosticlopstalk about database pollution
07:28.47*** join/#elive Begasus (
07:39.39*** part/#elive Ogrosticlops (
07:45.48*** join/#elive ogrosticlops (
07:45.55*** part/#elive ogrosticlops (
07:56.21*** join/#elive Jeger (i=xcsxko@gateway/tor/x-9c216cb9be1e60c7)
08:02.07assasukassemorning all
08:05.59*** join/#elive wasynyt_mac (n=wasynyt_@
08:08.59Begasusmorning assasukasse
08:09.44assasukassehi Begasus
08:10.57Begasushow's it going?
08:14.11wasynyt_macgood morning people
08:16.07Begasusmorning wasynyt
08:24.43*** join/#elive Jeger (i=xcsxko@gateway/tor/x-a81d5b3adf372dd4)
08:35.02*** join/#elive wasynyt_mac (n=wasynyt_@
08:37.36FossZombiedamn i have like no free time
08:37.42FossZombieI want time to program
08:38.28FossZombieI'm making a virtual machine and build environment tool. it lets you build code and put it into a iso, then moves the iso to the qemu http control panel launch list
08:39.09*** join/#elive Elive_user54 (
08:39.17FossZombieso you can literally have nightly builds, or revision builds, of reactos or your favorite linux, or whatever, and run them right from that server. Have multiple people be able to login using vnc or webvnc
08:39.20wasynyt_machmm sounds interesting
08:39.42FossZombieand mix that up with gobby or GNUCoDev
08:39.45FossZombieor something
08:40.10FossZombiemaybe make a ajax gobby-like manager that knows how to svn/cvs
08:41.07FossZombieliterally have everyone working on the same machine together, everyone can see the output, and everyone can see whats going in, that doesn't stop them from checking out their own code and submitting their own patches if they want to work that way but is better for collaboration and demos and more open and stable development.
08:42.25FossZombieThe system I'm going to use for this is going to be a dual quad core with 16gb memory and 4tb raid, eventually, whenever I win the lotto =p Until then testing versions on my home pc
08:43.28wasynyt_macsounds nice
08:43.32wasynyt_maclot of power
08:45.46FossZombieya whenever I'm a millionaire ill do that
08:45.56wasynyt_machave you thought of webos type service..
08:45.58FossZombiemy idea though was for groups that could afford next generation computers
08:46.10FossZombiethat's kinda what it is
08:46.11wasynyt_macwhere it could be browser based
08:46.22wasynyt_macbecauuse setting vnc can be a hassle
08:46.25FossZombiesomewhat like eyeos did for home to office content managment
08:46.33FossZombienot vnc java
08:46.48FossZombieits a java applet that knows the right settings already
08:47.06FossZombiemaybe a port blocking issue at some point but people can figure that out.
08:47.25FossZombiethere's always
08:47.35FossZombieI want it to be a ajax workstation mobile.
08:48.06FossZombiemoviable windows, with build options, patch uploading/application, java vnc window, shared files, documents, etc
08:48.25FossZombieeventually a web ide, but I'm not good enough for that yet
08:49.00FossZombieI plan to develop all this in python, and perl, upstream compatible. It's not hard to do that it's just syntax.
08:49.14FossZombiePrimary python, then a contributor can rewrite each function in perl.
08:53.37*** join/#elive Elive_user76 (
08:55.09FossZombiedamn i gotta go to bed
08:55.11FossZombiegood night
08:55.20wasynyt_macgood night
08:56.00FossZombieI think thats the main problem with elive, no auto-build avaliable.... no specific method. Maybe its a strong point too... who knows.
09:06.17*** join/#elive PetoKraus (n=Peter@
09:11.24*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (
09:21.22*** join/#elive Elive_user7 (
10:33.49*** join/#elive Elive_user74 (
10:37.11*** join/#elive Elive_user57 (
10:37.19*** part/#elive Elive_user57 (
11:05.50*** join/#elive bentejuy (n=Bentejuy@pdpc/supporter/base/bentejuy)
11:06.14bentejuygood morning!
11:38.44*** join/#elive Elive_user28 (n=Elive_us@
11:45.31*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (
11:51.00*** join/#elive Begasus (
11:58.01*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=Enlighte@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
12:23.41*** join/#elive Mtraker (
12:24.04bentejuyhi Mtraker!
12:28.49Mtrakerelive it's stable, but i think is it better sid version?
12:29.14*** join/#elive Elive_user63 (
12:37.12*** join/#elive Cybermarcel (n=Elive_us@
12:47.26*** join/#elive Spiffy (
13:09.10ThanatermesisMtraker, hi :)
13:09.18ThanatermesisMtraker, what you want ? apps like gimp updated ?
13:12.13*** join/#elive kennyjb402 (
13:25.48Begasushi Thanatermesis ! ;)
13:26.09Begasussomeone here used dgen-sdl once?
13:27.06*** part/#elive mefu (
13:27.12*** join/#elive mefu (
13:28.25*** join/#elive rabe (
13:30.39rabemy engage taskbar is death  :( can anyone help?
13:42.02*** join/#elive roxville (
13:42.44Mtrakker<Thanatermesis> Mtraker, what you want ? apps like gimp updated ?
13:42.56Mtrakkerthat would be WONDERFUL!
13:43.51rabedo you use the engage bar?
13:44.55roxville_rabe,  i don't... it's code is getting a bit old, and has not had many updates lately
13:45.24roxville_but rabe  are you using it in e17...or e16?
13:45.52rabei use the engage-module
13:46.06roxville_so... disabling and re-enabling the engage module does... nothing?
13:46.19rabeit disappear and appear
13:46.36rabebut the zooming ability is gone
13:46.58rabei tried to uninstall an install still is the same
13:47.06Thanatermesishi Begasus_bbl :)
13:47.07roxville_you should be able to set the zooming if you right-click in engage
13:47.41rabeyes there is the option but it doesent affect
13:48.08rabei thought maybe some module has crashed and i can restart it anywhere
13:48.23ThanatermesisMtraker, well, that's planned a bonus disk for "design", with the most used design applications in the LAST version, like gimp, inskcape, blender... can you send me a email with a list of all those applications that you know and good ?
13:48.32rabebut engage still starts applicatition
13:51.18*** join/#elive Elive_user19 (
13:51.21rabebtw is there an easy way to save the current configuration of elive
13:51.43rabetake a snapshoot or something to come back to that point later?
13:52.01roxville_you mean if you reinstall/upgrade?
13:52.23roxville_the e17 configuration is the tough part to save
13:53.05roxville_but i usually save all the hidden files in my /home dir and replace them after reinstalling
13:53.27roxville_for xchat, iceasel/firefox and all those apps
13:54.01rabethank you
13:55.20roxville_i'm sorry i couldn't help you more :/
13:57.35*** join/#elive raven (
14:16.03*** join/#elive Elive_user91 (
14:26.32*** join/#elive Elive_user54 (
14:29.09roxville_gotta reboot, brb
14:35.51*** join/#elive roxville (
14:38.49rabehow can i enable deathkeys
14:39.00rabefor us keyboard layout
14:40.27PetoKrausguys, how to use ssh -L ?
14:40.42PetoKrausie. what is Bind Address?
14:41.29rabesry never heard about
14:53.03Mtrakerdo u have a intel x3100?
15:15.14MtrakerA question...
15:16.11Mtrakerwhy elive is now stable, and before was "etch"? (whwn etch was testing branche)
15:16.50Mtrakerisn't better testinn to stable for work with the lasts programs?
15:17.01Mtraker(I think so)
15:18.03rabeis there somethink similar like Orage you would recomended for elive
15:18.30rabeim looking for a easy calendar application
15:21.19Mtrakerit's to kde but i like it : basket
15:22.07rabei think kde has to many dependencys which i have not installed on elive
15:22.21rabebut i will check
15:22.30rabethank you
15:28.22*** join/#elive Elive_user16 (
15:44.11*** join/#elive egrub (
15:45.26*** join/#elive Cybermarcel (n=Elive_us@
15:47.32*** join/#elive Theoden (
15:48.08*** join/#elive Elive_user22 (
15:50.31Elive_user22good afternoon who's can tell me how to create a slidshow (not whith impress) please
15:52.39*** join/#elive Elive_user22 (
15:53.02*** join/#elive Cybermarcel (n=Elive_us@
15:53.45Elive_user22hello can you tell me how to create a slideshow please
15:54.07roxvillea slideshow...where?
15:54.15roxvillehow do you want to show it?
15:54.55Elive_user22i want to burn it on cd  
15:56.02*** join/#elive Jeger (i=xcsxko@gateway/tor/x-910c817d086ad70c)
15:57.22roxvillewell i don't create slideshows for a living...
15:57.39roxvillebut what i would do, is google linux slideshow
15:57.56roxvilleand see what i could dig up
16:01.23Thanatermesisrabe, try "dates"
16:03.03Mtrakeri'll write email after work  Thana. (for a design cd)
16:04.23Mtrakertoday it's a third day whid laptop.  Now i've a Vaio (and i have a lto of problems)
16:12.29MtrakerThanatermesis, porque seguis con etch y no lo pasais a la rama testing?
16:15.10rabeThanatermesis, thank you
16:17.15*** join/#elive ggordon (
16:17.17ThanatermesisMtraker, estabilidad, facilidad de trabajo (no tener que vigilar los updates a cada minuto) etc
16:18.45Mtrakerno sabras como activar las teclas de funcion del brillo y contraste de un vaio?
16:21.26*** join/#elive MF-Warburg (n=kimberle@Wikimedia/MF-Warburg)
16:44.35*** join/#elive rabe (
16:45.16rabehow is the name of the packet of torus trouper
16:45.28rabei want to remove it but i dont know the name
16:47.18Mtrakeri think its ttroper
16:53.00*** join/#elive Begasus (
16:59.27*** join/#elive Elive_user38 (
17:28.54*** join/#elive FossZombie (n=GPLGeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
17:35.14*** join/#elive LinuxNIT (
17:52.22*** join/#elive unduality (
17:52.22*** join/#elive Shinsten ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:52.22*** join/#elive PetoKraus (n=Peter@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:52.22*** join/#elive roxville ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:52.22*** join/#elive Cybermarcel (n=Elive_us@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:52.22*** join/#elive bouba_ (
17:52.22*** join/#elive mefu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:59.31*** join/#elive Theoden (
18:05.04*** join/#elive Elive_user95 (n=Elive_us@
18:09.13*** join/#elive Spami (
18:10.52FossZombiehow's everyone doing today
18:17.39*** join/#elive bonz_[R] (n=bonz_[R]
18:28.54*** join/#elive Jeger (i=xcsxko@gateway/tor/x-39a9cd5a9602018b)
18:43.49*** join/#elive Elive_user (
18:47.03*** join/#elive Elive_user16 (
18:49.47*** join/#elive kennyjb402 (
18:53.22*** join/#elive Pucho (
18:55.15Puchoegrub: hola como andas?
18:55.29keyraPucho: que tal ?
19:14.13*** join/#elive kennyjb402 (
19:14.28*** join/#elive chi11y (
19:15.14*** join/#elive egrub (
19:25.48elmo40is there a video recording app in Elive? or do i have to apt-get install it? (plus, what is it called, LOL )
19:26.44*** join/#elive LinuxNIT (
19:27.08*** join/#elive Elive_user47 (
19:34.15*** join/#elive peyj_ (
19:43.11*** join/#elive Elive_user44 (n=Elive_us@
19:47.50*** join/#elive Elive_user76 (
19:55.43*** part/#elive ggordon (
20:09.52*** join/#elive edistar (
20:10.03edistarmaybe I'm blind, but where do I change the volume?
20:13.21edistarnoone there?
20:13.39LinuxNITslow day... there is a sound mixer in elpanel
20:14.03edistarhm... elpanel? I have only just installed elive..
20:14.15LinuxNITits the control panel on the launch bar
20:14.23LinuxNITtoolbox folder at the bottom
20:14.48edistarokey, but its not there per default?
20:16.04elmo40i think he means the audio volume
20:16.12edistaryes... sry
20:16.44LinuxNITyeah i know thats what the sound mixer is for.. it is in elpanel when you install... as well as on the livecd
20:17.07edistarmaybe I am blind, but I can't see it
20:17.26elmo40open Elpanel
20:18.21elmo40there is an icopn in the lower Right
20:18.24elmo40click on it
20:18.32elmo40it looks like a hammer and screwdriver
20:18.56edistargot that
20:19.42elmo40click on the person
20:19.46elmo40then click on the speakers
20:20.13elmo40press alt+esc, then gnome-alsamixer
20:21.05edistarokey.. but there is no desktop icon or so?
20:21.27edistarjust a slider? would be easiest:P
20:21.33edistarbut I must say, e17 is really cool
20:21.48elmo40desktop? there is NO desktop...
20:22.35edistarelmo40: well... come on, I mean like the virtual desktop switcher at the top right
20:28.04assasukassehi everyone
20:28.54elmo40assasukasse: how is .041 ?
20:31.01*** join/#elive Jeger (i=xcsxko@gateway/tor/x-db016dd96899b3b3)
20:31.51assasukasseelmo40: working fine
20:31.55assasukasseno problems
20:31.57assasukasseno segfaults
20:32.11assasukassecrap menues, but is not e17 fault..
20:32.53elmo40then edit your menus!
20:32.57assasukassebtw, i find "shameful" that they didn't release yet a menu manager, or that they didn't make the menu possible to edit with alacarte. shameful really :D
20:33.48assasukasseelmo40: is not only that, doesnt add new apps in the menu always, example, wine, cxoffice, windows program a bit primitive still
20:34.27assasukassei love it, is fast and snappy, looks great, but is for geeks..not for everyone, i don't think many ppl are able to edit menu with vim :D
20:35.20assasukasseanother thing is the trayarea, ok i fixed with trayer, but how many ppl are able to add trayer to it?
20:35.50*** join/#elive Elive_user97 (
20:37.40assasukasseand there are a few stuffs that i don't agree with mr rasterman and his for all is having let enlightenment "survive" like that for so many years, instead of taking advantage of the moment, when it was the TOP desktop..and they DID have years to take the step..
20:38.36assasukasseso why do i use e17, because looks great and is the fucking fastest thing i've ever seen
20:40.31elmo40faster then fluxbox? i dont know... but looks great? HELL YES! ;)
20:41.35elmo40flux took me a while to make it 'feel' the way i wanted it.
20:41.42elmo40E17 was almost already there!
20:41.46assasukasseelmo40: u know that fluxbox has never appealed to me? looks like a sad windows 3.1 :D i would prefer JWM or IceWm instead
20:42.23elmo40ice is nice
20:42.38elmo40after step two is also nice
20:42.48assasukasseelmo40: just what i don't like is this, why they have to do things "in their way" i mean, gnome menu isn't good i know, but damn it, make e17 something with menu that can be edited by "common" tools..
20:42.56assasukasseelmo40: true after step is nice too!
20:43.01assasukasseeven openbox
20:44.14assasukassesometime when i go in #e channel, they make me feel like i am in debian one...where they say something is not debian even if is debian but with a slightly different setting..
20:45.28assasukassee17 is a wonderful idea, is modular, very nice swift, stable core..i can't say anything better really..they love modularity, but still don't want to use tools that don't come from e team..why not, we all work in packages world no? :9
20:45.44assasukasseok /mode rant off :D
20:45.53*** join/#elive Elive_user62 (n=Elive_us@
20:47.51assasukasseelmo40: how is going there?
20:48.42elmo40going fine... cold rain, though
20:49.09assasukasseelmo40: today here was a bright sunny day
20:49.12assasukassecold but nice
20:49.20assasukassehas been raining a week...
20:51.33assasukassemmh raspberry cookies
20:52.17assasukasseapt seen Thanatermesis
20:52.21aptthanatermesis <n=Enlighte@unaffiliated/thanatermesis> was last seen on IRC in channel #elive, 4h 35m 4s ago, saying: 'Mtraker, estabilidad, facilidad de trabajo (no tener que vigilar los updates a cada minuto) etc'.
20:54.04assasukassedid anyone see they made e17 run on the openmoko phone
20:54.23elmo40did not see
20:55.29assasukassereally nice, i didn't think e17 could run on an ARM
20:55.54elmo40is E cpu dependent?
20:55.57assasukassee17 can run on everything really, even on my electric toothbrush :D the code is damn good :D
20:56.05assasukassee17 no for what i know
20:56.13assasukassebut an arm is really "slowww" :D
20:59.31elmo40not really
20:59.38elmo40just 'different'
20:59.49assasukasseelmo40: what is your system
21:00.07elmo40nothing specia;l
21:00.09elmo40Sysinfo: NixBox | OS: Linux 2.6.18-elive/i686 | CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1300MHz (1296.103 MHz) | Procs: 83 | Uptime: 3d 8h 46m | Load: 1.46 | Mem Usage: 270.27MB/377.61MB (71.58%) [||||||||||] | Disk Usage: 3.84GB/7.86GB (48.85%) | Vpenis: 24.8cm | Screen: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] @ 1440x900 (24 bpp)  | Traffic:
21:00.31*** join/#elive Detox_at_Work (
21:00.47Detox_at_Workhello alll
21:01.08assasukasseelmo40: cool
21:01.10assasukasseSysInfo: Linux 2.6.22-14-generic | AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2200+ 1800.231 MHz | Mem: 353/1295M [||||||||||] | Diskspace: 192G Free: 74G | Bogomips: 3603.6 | Screen Res: 1280x1024 | Procs: 159 |   | Up:  | eth0: In: 1.56G Out: 2.24G
21:01.13assasukassehi Detox_at_Work
21:01.24assasukasseelmo where did u get your script
21:01.29assasukassemine seems limited, very limited
21:03.24*** join/#elive Elive_user56 (
21:06.49assasukasseoki found :D
21:06.58*** join/#elive Elive_user95 (
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21:07.00assasukasseSysInfo: Linux 2.6.22-14-generic |  AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2200+ 1800.231 MHz | Bogomips: 3603.6 | Mem: 906/1265M [3|||||||4|||] | Diskspace: 189.36G Free: 71.94G | Procs: 159 | Uptime: 2 wks 4 days 7 mins 56 secs  | Load: 0.71 0.98 0.76  | Vpenis: 81 cm | Screen: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev a1) @ 1280x1024 (32 bpp) | eth0: In: 1.58G Out: 2.24G
21:07.00assasukasseSensors: HDD:
21:08.17assasukasseelmo40: this is my system
21:10.21*** join/#elive Elive_user43 (
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21:40.39TheodenHey kennyjb402
21:40.42TheodenYou there?
21:41.37kennyjb402hi Theoden
21:41.53kennyjb402whats up?
21:43.07TheodenNot much - just at work.
21:43.12TheodenHow are you?
21:43.27kennyjb402ok, took the day off
21:43.36kennyjb402just relaxing
21:43.40Theodennice - I'm jealous
21:44.09kennyjb402what kind of work do you do?
21:44.30TheodenCUstomer care and internet for Ford Motors.
21:44.38kennyjb402cool :-)
21:44.51TheodenNot lately - business has been horrible.
21:45.17*** join/#elive Elive_user47 (n=Elive_us@
21:49.28Theodenkennyjb402:  Yeah - the economy sux for the real families in the country.
21:49.44kennyjb402I know
21:50.20kennyjb402brb pizza's here
22:16.09*** join/#elive Aicart (
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22:46.27*** join/#elive RudiKuin (
22:47.11RudiKuinHey guys what would be the command for upgrading Inkscape from 0.4.4 to 0.4.5?
22:47.26RudiKuinfrom terminal please...
22:47.56caimRudiKuin: man apt
22:48.36RudiKuincaim, thx, I'll check the manual...
22:49.58*** join/#elive Botiquin (n=chatzill@
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22:54.20assasukasseelmo40: i got something similar :D
22:54.23assasukassethanks anyway!
22:54.35RudiKuincaim, well that wasn't there... nothing in man apt
22:54.35assasukasseRudiKuin: aptitude update
22:54.40assasukasseaptitude upgrade
22:55.11RudiKuinassasukasse, Idid a apt-get upgrade already...
22:55.31assasukasseRudiKuin: then inkscape 0.4.5 isn't in etch repo
22:55.59RudiKuinbummer, I's just that bit better
22:56.18RudiKuinI need a perspective and skew function... :(
22:56.21assasukasseRudiKuin: did u check if they have on etch-backports?
22:56.37RudiKuinwhere would I have to look?
22:57.33caimif its not there build it from source and create a binary with checkinstall -D
22:57.45*** join/#elive Jeger (i=xcsxko@gateway/tor/x-b07d52cbd348605a)
22:57.57assasukassecaim: whyyyy checkinstall
22:58.13assasukassedpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
22:58.23RudiKuinassasukasse, nope no backports too...
22:58.28assasukassecheckinstall will kill ur system
22:58.31caimsorry slacker mind
22:58.34assasukasseslowly poison it :D
22:58.48caimis perfect on slackware
23:00.07assasukassecaim agree
23:00.17RudiKuindpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot is that the command when I have a tar.gz file?
23:00.19*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (
23:00.32assasukasseRudiKuin: not so easy
23:00.53assasukassei usually build debian packages, so i go to debian unstable and get the .orig file and the patch
23:00.55assasukassepatch it
23:01.01assasukassethen install dependancies and build it
23:01.11assasukassei get a package that is perfectly elive compatible this way
23:01.55RudiKuinI'm a hacking NONO, so I'd rather wait then Patching and Building is not my thing... I'm a designer no coderboy
23:02.17caimRudiKuin: what does hacking have to do with installing the thing you need?
23:02.23assasukasseRudiKuin: i am a nuclear engineer..those tasks are as simple as solving a differential equation
23:02.53*** join/#elive bentejuy (n=Bentejuy@pdpc/supporter/base/bentejuy)
23:03.05RudiKuinto you it might be, I'm happy when I even find the bootbutton on my laptop LOL
23:04.06RudiKuinHey guys, it past midnight in Holland I'm off... G'Night! Be back on this Inkscape item tomorrow! Bye...
23:04.17assasukasseRudiKuin: how is going there?
23:04.26assasukassei heard there are big troubles with the pot stuff
23:04.52RudiKuinno just with the paddo's (mushrooms)
23:05.06elmo40ok... sorta Bash question here ;)
23:05.30assasukasseRudiKuin: lol :D dunno what are those, the only mushrooms i eat are the one i pick in the forrest and i FRY them :D
23:05.33RudiKuinthey're about to be banned, a lat of tourist tried to fly after eating them
23:05.39*** join/#elive bentejuy (n=Bentejuy@pdpc/supporter/base/bentejuy)
23:05.57assasukasseelmo40: :DDDD
23:06.17assasukasse:~$ bash question? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
23:06.20elmo40i have a theme for Eterm that i like, but it is only 'useful' for one app... how can i make it executable with a simple command? ex: the theme is vim, so i want to "Alt+Esc Vim" to make it open Eterm and load the vim theme, what is the command for that?
23:08.05assasukasseelmo40: dunno, eterm doesn't work much over here..
23:09.08assasukasseelmo40: last time i tried, well ehm, it didn't show at all
23:10.00elmo40ok, made a simple bash script...
23:10.02elmo40silly me
23:13.34*** join/#elive LinuxNIT (n=LinuxNIT@
23:15.45assasukassei got an email from infomail
23:15.51assasukassethat thana is working on the new dev of elive
23:21.01elmo40due x-mas? :)
23:22.36assasukassesays 3 to 5 weeks
23:26.31*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=Enlighte@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
23:40.24assasukasseHi Thanatermesis :D new dev release for or b4 xmas? :D
23:54.37*** join/#elive PrinceAMD_ (
23:56.36assasukassegoodnite all
23:59.03*** join/#elive egrub_ (
23:59.27*** join/#elive Kalvin (n=Elive_us@
23:59.41KalvinMansonhola keyra
23:59.55keyraKalvinManson: hola

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