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01:47.39*** join/#elive apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:47.39*** topic/#elive is Welcome to Elive, feel free to ask questions.. || is providing services for Elive Developers (php, sql, ftp, etc... ask gplgeek for more info)... Ask your question and be patient. It may take a little bit but we will do our best to help you. || Translators needed, ask Thanatermesis
02:13.56*** join/#elive TuxMeister (n=mario@
02:18.44*** join/#elive Throdne (
02:19.22ThrodneDetox_at_Home, hey whats up?
02:19.31Throdneyou to LinuxNIT
02:19.45LinuxNIThowdy Throdne
02:20.32Throdnetime for some halo 2 on XBox live
02:20.55LinuxNIThowdy Gwildor_
02:21.07*** join/#elive egrub (
02:21.18Throdnehello egrub
02:21.29keyraThrodne: hi
02:22.44Throdnehi keyra
02:22.52keyraThrodne: hi :)
02:23.28Throdneyo Detox_at_Home i have a question on lamp
02:24.05Throdneor LinuxNIT
02:24.28ThrodneLinuxNIT, i think you might beable to help me.
02:24.45LinuxNITask the question anyway... someone might know
02:25.13Throdnewhen trying to config the http.conf in apache i try to say it but i can't
02:26.13Throdneman not say, save*
02:26.30Throdnei open it in SCITE
02:26.38LinuxNITdo you open it as user?
02:26.43LinuxNITis it owned by root?
02:27.04Throdne(noob here)
02:27.20*** join/#elive Elive_user96 (
02:27.21Throdnei see what you are saying but idk
02:27.37LinuxNITok well look at the file permissions
02:27.49Throdne/usr/local/apache2/conf/ is were the file is
02:27.59LinuxNITfrom the command line ls -l will give the permissions
02:28.05LinuxNITin thunar right click on the file
02:28.05Throdneyeah it is
02:28.11LinuxNITit is owned by root?
02:28.25LinuxNITthen you have to be root to edit it
02:28.43Throdnedo i have to log out then log as root
02:28.55Throdneor can i termial it
02:28.59LinuxNITcan can become root in the terminal
02:29.02LinuxNITthen enter your pw
02:29.14LinuxNITthen run:   scite /path/to/file
02:29.23Gwildor_you can open thunar as root from the menu
02:29.43Throdnerun: scite /usr/local/. . .
02:29.56Throdneor just scite / . . .
02:30.05LinuxNITwell leave off the "run:" part
02:30.52LinuxNITscite /usr/local/apache2/conf/
02:30.59LinuxNITexactly that
02:31.19LinuxNIT+filename :D
02:33.24Throdneone more + the other 498 question i said i would have today
02:34.01Throdnehow would i restart apache because i haveto restart after changing it
02:34.30Gwildor_apache restart?
02:34.38Throdnein the termial
02:34.40Gwildor_im...not sure, hold on
02:34.42Gwildor_1 sec
02:34.57Throdnethanks Gwildor from helping
02:35.42Gwildor_/etc/rc.d/init.d/apachectl restart
02:35.45Gwildor_try that
02:36.35Throdneits like rc(then a #).d
02:36.51LinuxNITtry /etc/init.d/...
02:37.11Gwildor_that was a copy and paste.
02:37.15Gwildor_i dotn either
02:37.41LinuxNITdeb normally keeps those daemon start/restarters in /etc/init.d/
02:38.02Throdnethere is a apache2
02:38.09Throdneand that is it
02:38.19LinuxNITin /etc/init.d/?
02:38.30Throdnei install apache user | /usr/local/apache2/
02:38.37LinuxNITuse that
02:39.54Throdneok it look like the man poped up
02:40.06Throdnei see a -k restart
02:40.31*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (n=PrinceAM@
02:40.40Throdnelooks like it work no errors just new line
02:41.41Throdneno i'm still going to the same apache default page
02:42.25LinuxNITwhat file are you editing to change the page?
02:42.59Throdnehere is what i'm editing in the httpd.conf
02:43.25LinuxNITpath to file?
02:43.30Throdne# DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
02:43.32Throdne# documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
02:43.32Throdne# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
02:43.32ThrodneDocumentRoot "/home/Throdne/www"
02:44.02LinuxNITi dunno
02:45.30Throdnei think i might have fixed it
02:45.37Throdnethe www is not www it is WWW
02:46.07LinuxNITcase matters
02:47.16Throdnei fixed it and i still get the same thing
02:47.39Throdnethat is my web site
02:48.34LinuxNITtrying to load....
02:49.05LinuxNITi think its gonna time out.... do you have port forwarding set up?(assuming you have a router)
02:49.09Throdnei tshould load it works!
02:49.21Throdnea black and white page
02:50.02Throdneyeah i do have a rouder and it showed at work my it works! page
02:52.52Throdneok can you ifconfig restart or reload
02:52.57Throdneor something like that
02:53.35LinuxNITifconfig <interface name> down
02:53.56LinuxNITdhclient <interface name>
02:54.01LinuxNITassuming you use dhcp
02:55.03LinuxNITbut youre connected so you shouldnt have to
02:55.08LinuxNIT.... i thinkhes gone already
03:05.27*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (n=PrinceAM@
03:21.53*** join/#elive Throdne (
03:22.23ThrodneLinuxNIT, try now
03:22.41LinuxNITIt works!
03:22.52Gwildor_dead here
03:23.07LinuxNITIt works!
03:23.12Throdnebut my change did not
03:23.12LinuxNITGwildor_, is wrong ;)
03:23.17Gwildor_i am..
03:23.24Gwildor_i tried to stream it in xmms
03:23.39Gwildor_cuz someone in my other chan is pasting stream links.. i though i was there
03:23.42Gwildor_sorry :P
03:25.03Throdnewhen i down it
03:25.15Throdneis it ifconfig etho up
03:25.39*** join/#elive Begasus (
03:26.27LinuxNITare you on dhcp?
03:30.05Throdnelinksys rouder
03:35.29ThrodneLinuxNIT, like in root | ifconfig eth0 down | how do i get it back up
03:35.46LinuxNITdhclient eth0
03:36.45LinuxNITif you use the network setup app in elpanel you should be able to just click "deactivate" and "activate"
03:53.22elmo40damn, e17 just 'segfaulted' on me..
03:53.47elmo40i can not apt-get upgrade e17, right? I have to dl the latest, and compile it?
03:55.50*** join/#elive MetaPhaze (
03:55.53LinuxNITwhat version of e17 do you have?
03:57.14elmo40.26 or something
03:57.36*** join/#elive Throdne (
03:57.40elmo40LinuxNIT: evening :)
03:57.59LinuxNITthere is version 37 in the tests repo
03:58.03elmo40so, what can i do?
03:58.06LinuxNITim not sure if its the latest though
03:58.19elmo40and what do i do to upgrade, even just past .26 ;)
04:00.01LinuxNIT1) change entrance theme to e17-default 2) add " tests" to the end of the elive repo line 3) apt-get update 4)apt-get install e17
04:00.04LinuxNITshould do it
04:00.09keyraLinuxNIT: don't worry, this is planned for the next iso ;)
04:00.26Gwildor_keyra is getting smart
04:00.29Gwildor_i still hate her
04:00.34keyraGwildor_: :* :)
04:00.44LinuxNITshe likes you Gwildor_
04:00.51elmo40change entrance? through elpanel?
04:01.01LinuxNITthe entrance theme... yes in elpanel
04:01.22Gwildor_LinuxNIT, elmo40 ,i just did the upgrade yesterday...worked fine...
04:01.28Gwildor_you jsut have to change the entrance theme, or your stuck in e16
04:01.38Gwildor_also note..
04:01.44Gwildor_you lose....everything..
04:01.51Gwildor_your back to a default e install
04:01.59Gwildor_but you were going t ocompile anyways..
04:02.03Gwildor_so... default there too
04:02.08LinuxNITwhich isnt bad with version 37
04:02.13LinuxNITmenus are managed better etc
04:03.03Gwildor_right, only problem i see, is im missing some games from the menu..
04:03.10Gwildor_and.. terminal isnt in menu..
04:03.14Gwildor_thats it..
04:03.18LinuxNITwell they are easir to add than in .26
04:03.21Gwildor_neither are difficult to resolve
04:03.25Gwildor_yes, they are
04:03.34Gwildor_LinuxNIT, you have transparent urxvt?
04:03.51Gwildor_what you use?
04:03.51LinuxNITbut i dont like the transparent stuf anyway
04:03.56Gwildor_ahh, ok
04:04.01LinuxNITi use the xfce terminal
04:04.04LinuxNITit has tabs
04:04.25Gwildor_i jsut want 1 tranpsarent terminal, right below my xchat window..
04:04.31Gwildor_both borderless..
04:04.38elmo40this line i add 'tests' ?     deb elive main efl elive
04:04.41Gwildor_though, i need the transparent command
04:04.50Gwildor_add tests right after elive
04:05.05LinuxNITlike so
04:05.36Gwildor_the tests version run so much better than the CD default version
04:05.44LinuxNITi agree
04:05.53Gwildor_really noticable on this 800mhz box
04:06.40Gwildor_even w/ this crappy video card...desktop transitions are smooth..
04:06.47Gwildor_(well, unless its FF....)
04:06.48keyraGwildor_: bee ]:)
04:07.05keyraGwildor_: :* :)
04:07.27elmo40it said they have been kept back... that cuz it will bork everything if i try? :/
04:07.27Gwildor_well... you are left at a default e.
04:07.32elmo40apt-get upgrade
04:07.32elmo40Reading package lists... Done
04:07.32elmo40Building dependency tree... Done
04:07.33elmo40The following packages have been kept back: e-utils e17 eem efl-all elapse elicit elpanel engage enity entice entrance etk evidence examine exhibit network-admin-tutorial
04:07.35elmo400 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 16 not upgraded.
04:07.39elmo40... sorry...
04:07.47Gwildor_idk, i apt-get dist-upgrade
04:08.07elmo40ya, that makes everything update ;)
04:08.36Gwildor_alright, ive gotta go..laters
04:08.37elmo40will everything deault? or are there any .conf files that stay the same?
04:08.43elmo40Gwildor_: night
04:09.48elmo40well, here goes.
04:09.54LinuxNITeverything goes to default
04:10.02elmo40grabbing 25mb
04:10.09LinuxNITconfig files from .26 are outdated
04:10.29elmo40ok, and do you get the 'toolbar' thing at the bottom? or do i have to edit that somewhere?
04:10.41elmo40it has been a while, dont remember :/
04:11.09elmo40getting OLD has its issues... i think i need to speak with someone, try and get this aging process to slow down
04:11.19LinuxNITyou get a shelf at the bottom that has  ibox ibar and a couple other modules in it
04:12.12elmo40and i have to add what i want? urxvt, thunar, xmms...
04:12.20elmo40do i also have to upgrade my modules?
04:13.08LinuxNITyou instal the modules you want
04:13.24LinuxNITthere are a couple apps on ibar... you have to ad the others... but its simple
04:13.51elmo40i remember how to add now, i right clicked ;)
04:14.14elmo40it didnt upgrade evidence. i wonder why
04:14.48elmo40anyways, gonna restart X
04:14.57elmo40see ya later LinuxNIT
04:17.30ThrodneLinuxNIT, are you always on
04:17.58LinuxNITwell im almost always logged in... just not always at the computer
04:18.34Throdnecan you be my linux mentor? always answering my questions?
04:19.04LinuxNITi answer what i can
04:19.31LinuxNITothers know more than i do.. but ill help where i can
04:19.49Throdnei still can't seem to get the page to you to /home/Throdne/WWW/
04:20.00Throdnedo you know what i can do
04:20.13Throdnei tryed restart my comp
04:20.57LinuxNITlike i said... im not a webserver guy... at least not yet
04:21.01LinuxNITsorry :-/
04:22.43Throdnewell should it be
04:23.07Throdne/home/Throdne/WWW/ or /home/Throdne/WWW
04:24.16LinuxNITi would think either would work...
04:24.23Throdneyeah me too
04:24.27LinuxNITbut if there is any question the first should be better
04:26.06Throdneok this is a network question
04:26.17Throdnei have verizon DSL
04:26.58Throdnewhat i pay for is 1.5MB and 128KB upload
04:27.31Throdnebut when i'm downloading im caped at 177KBs and upload i think about 13KBs
04:27.44Throdneis there something i can do to fix this
04:31.13Throdnewhat is it | tar -zxvf or something else?
04:31.52LinuxNITid talk to your isp
04:32.23Throdnei have
04:33.04Throdneonce sense i installed elive i goten 260kbs download
04:33.11Throdnebut that was once
04:34.14Throdnewould it be something in my router
04:34.15LinuxNITpartly it has to do with the servers capability that you are downloading form
04:34.37Throdnei'm trying to ./configture a program for installation
04:34.40Throdnebut i get
04:35.07ThrodneNo suck file directory
04:35.24Throdneno such file or directory
04:35.46Throdnedo i just skip it and go to make
04:35.51Throdnethe make install
04:36.09LinuxNITis there a file named "configure" in the dir?
04:36.48Throdnei ls and no
04:37.02Throdnethe file is lampp
04:37.19Throdneor also know as xampp
04:39.39LinuxNITis there an INSTALL file or a README
04:40.42Throdneummm. i donot see any
04:46.01Throdneok i see i don't have to install it
04:46.20Throdnebut when i try to tar it in /opt it will not let me
04:47.01Throdnetar -zxvf <filename.tar.gz> -c /opt
04:47.11LinuxNITas user or root?
04:47.51LinuxNITwait your trying to make a .tar file?
04:48.00Throdnebut what i did is cd to /home/Throdne/ and the .gz is in there and i just type tar -zxvf file
04:48.14Throdneno unzip
04:49.01Throdneon line to the site i gave you is said to use -c
04:50.38LinuxNITno it uses -C
04:50.43LinuxNIT-C not -c
04:50.47LinuxNITcase matters
04:51.01LinuxNITthose are from the man page
04:52.27Throdneman i hate the K sen.
04:52.52LinuxNITyoull get used to it
04:52.54*** join/#elive Elive_user (n=Elive_us@
04:53.16Throdnethere it goes
04:53.30LinuxNITyou know about man pages?
04:53.54Throdneman tar
04:54.05Throdneor man apt-get
04:55.12LinuxNITand you know about tab completion?
04:55.43Throdneyeah like /ho <tab> = /home/
04:55.59LinuxNITit helps with the case sensitive thing :)
04:56.06Throdneso so so much easyer that way
04:56.33Throdnego to step 3
04:56.51Throdnesee the /opt/lampp/lampp start
04:57.07Throdnei cd to /opt/lampp/
04:57.12Throdnenow i ls
04:57.22Throdneto see if lampp is in there and it is
04:57.30Throdneand then i typed
04:57.35Throdnelampp start
04:57.44Throdnecommand not found
04:57.59LinuxNITthats cause you didnt follow the directions
04:58.20Throdneso i can't cd to there
04:58.54Throdneok i try it there way and it worked
04:58.54LinuxNITyou can... but then you have to change how you execute the app
04:59.07LinuxNITif you are in the dir then you do   ./lammp start
04:59.34Throdnesee i lrean stuff all the time when it comes to linux
04:59.44*** join/#elive boo (n=a@
04:59.50booanyone home?
04:59.54boobig issue
05:00.02Thyboits me :)
05:00.07Throdnehi boo
05:00.07Thybobut big issue :(
05:00.19Thybohell Throdne :)
05:00.21Thybohow are you
05:00.33ThyboGPLGeek, are you here?
05:00.43ThyboThrodne, you are very familiar with elive?
05:00.54Throdnestill trying to lrean linux for the frist time and LinuxNIT it helping me out a lot
05:01.00Throdnehell no
05:01.07Thybois LinuxNIT here?
05:01.21ThyboLinuxNIT odd problem
05:01.26Thyboit's gonna be long
05:01.37Throdnethis i the longest time i have ever had linux installed on my HD (3 days)
05:02.04Thyboi'm a 24hours/jack bauer freak... i downloaded all of the 5th serie at a friends house... earlier today i go
05:02.10Thyboi was low in battery
05:02.12Thyboso i copy all i can
05:02.13Thyboand than
05:02.16Thyboput it off
05:02.32Throdnei love 24
05:02.38Thybothan gettin home, i put it on.. loads... but refuses loogin/password
05:02.55Throdnei have 1 2 3 4 5 season on dvd box set
05:03.15Thyboi than remember i had problems my hd was full full so boot of cd erase one chapter and boot back  on... but still won't take my password
05:03.19LinuxNITwhat is refuseing the login?
05:03.22Thybonore the root
05:03.41LinuxNITboot the livecd chroot the hd install and chagne the pws
05:03.46Thyboi had to boot it from 2nd like recuperation mode
05:03.56Thyboin english hehe :p
05:04.30LinuxNITcan reboot into the livecd then come here?
05:04.39Thybobe there in a sec :)
05:08.04Throdneis thybo fairly good at linux
05:08.22LinuxNITi dunno...
05:08.27LinuxNIT"good" is realtive
05:09.32*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Elive_us@
05:09.36LinuxNITi look really good sometimes and other times/places i look noob
05:09.44LinuxNITok Thybo open aterminal
05:09.47Thybohere ze qrrre
05:09.57Thybodon4t ze qll
05:10.01Thyboits open
05:10.03Thyboroot and all
05:10.08Thyboknew ud ask for it :p
05:10.16LinuxNITwhat partition is elive installed on?
05:10.27Thyboi guess that would be
05:10.30LinuxNITand mounted on /mnt/hda3?
05:10.44Thybojust checked to see the free space
05:10.44LinuxNITchroot /mnt/hda3
05:11.22Thybodid nothing
05:11.30Thyboonly went to line
05:11.36LinuxNITyou are now incontrol of the installed elive system
05:11.41LinuxNITrun passwd
05:11.45LinuxNITfor the root pw
05:11.50Thyboand took of /home/eliveuser
05:11.59LinuxNITand passwd username
05:12.01LinuxNITfor the user pw
05:12.18Thybothe root password works to some extent
05:12.28Thybocoz in the recovery mode it worked
05:12.33Thybobut not in normal mode
05:12.54LinuxNITwhat is it doing exactly?
05:13.13Thyboi did whot u said :)
05:13.28LinuxNITwhen you try and log in?
05:13.33LinuxNITwhen you try and log in
05:13.49Thybolike if i had a wrong passwd
05:13.53Thybothe red egg and all
05:14.09LinuxNITentrance just says wrong username or pw?
05:14.11Thyboill try and reboot and keep uptodaaate
05:14.35Thyboeven when i logged in as root
05:14.42Thybowell maybe got the keys wrong
05:14.55Thyboanyways ill reboot and keep u up to speed :)
05:20.38ThrodneWOOt LinuxNIT it works!!!!
05:20.58LinuxNITthat it does
05:21.08Throdnedid you get php info page
05:21.32LinuxNITi did
05:21.37ThrodneYEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!
05:24.36Throdneok now that i got my web site started do you know about wine hq i think it is
05:24.48*** join/#elive Elive_user19 (n=Elive_us@
05:24.58Throdneim typing to install dreamwaever
05:25.32LinuxNITsometimes wine works sometimes it dosent....
05:25.44LinuxNITthe has tips for getting some apps to work
05:25.52Throdneok thanks
05:26.05LinuxNITand there is a #winehq channel that is also a good source of help
05:29.19*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Elive_us@
05:31.53*** join/#elive Elive_user23 (
05:37.37Throdneok LinuxNIT
05:37.55Throdneis there a shortcut in termial
05:38.17Throdnewhere i just typed something and now i want to repeat it
05:38.32LinuxNITup arrow
05:38.46Throdneso like tar -zxvf < file > and i want to unzip it again is there
05:39.26LinuxNITbtw you can hit it multiple times
05:39.32LinuxNITits a pretty long history
05:39.36Throdneman that make is so much easier
05:39.55Throdneman i lreaning so much from you
05:40.04Throdnethanks again
05:40.13Thyboeverybody loves LinuxNIT >D
05:40.22*** join/#elive Elive_user70 (
05:44.32Throdnewho doesn't love LinuxNIT
05:45.14Thybostill doesnt work linux
05:45.23Thyboi can do a apt get update fine in the live cd
05:45.27Thybobut as soon as i chroot
05:45.33Thybono more
05:45.35Thybothe error
05:45.46Thybomaybe i should edit the repos list_
05:45.53Thybodunno what to do
05:45.55Thybokinda lost
05:46.32Thybosure is
05:46.40LinuxNITwell you can login as root from ctnl+alt+f1 terminal right?
05:47.05Thybowhen i boot from hd?
05:47.13Thyboi can even login as me
05:47.15Thyboand su
05:47.20LinuxNITand you have internet access?
05:47.25Thyboand whatever u want
05:47.30Thybohehe seems like it
05:47.43Thyboi have had this error for days
05:47.53Thyboso i dont think itll go away like that
05:47.55LinuxNITpaste the error?
05:48.05ThyboW: Couldn't stat source package list testing/Elive Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ - stat (2 No such file or directory)
05:48.05ThyboW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
05:48.05ThyboE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
05:48.23LinuxNITwhat version of elive?
05:48.36Thyboi do dist upgrade every day
05:48.45Thyboone day
05:48.52Thybomessed up with repos list
05:49.03Thyboso had to take them from someone
05:49.34Thybomaybe i should change the repos list
05:50.07Thybowhere is it again?
05:51.05Thybo# deb testing main contrib non-fr Elive
05:51.05Thybo# deb unstable main contrib non-free Elive  
05:51.05Thybodeb testing main contrib non-free Elive
05:51.08Thyboi have this
05:51.17LinuxNITthats it?
05:51.22LinuxNITwait what
05:51.24GPLGeekThybo, pong
05:51.30LinuxNITwtf is that
05:51.34Thybohaha GPLGeek how are u
05:51.42GPLGeekmy foot is broken , im fine
05:51.43ThyboLinuxNIT, told u i had messed up with it
05:51.57Thyboouch :s
05:52.02LinuxNITone sec ill get you the sources.list
05:52.13Thybosend it to me plse :p
05:52.16Thybovia xchat
05:52.21LinuxNITkeyra, sources.list
05:52.24GPLGeekI'm not sure if the bone is broke or not, its bruised and swolen
05:52.25Thyboso i can do a cool file cut and paste
05:52.29keyraLinuxNIT: :* :)
05:52.33LinuxNITdamn bot
05:52.56ThyboLinuxNIT, maybe i can copy the one from live cd?
05:53.03Thybohow did it happen+
05:53.19LinuxNIThow did what happen?
05:53.49ThyboGPLGeeks, foot
05:54.55Throdneok with having linux install on my computer for 4 day and that is all the exp i have using linux. i'm never going back to windows or OS X
05:55.03keyraThrodne: Elive don't like windows, don't use it, is compatible with all, and only give problems
05:56.08ThyboLinuxNIT, should i take the apt repos from the cd?
05:56.08Thybothat should be the same its the cd i installed from
05:56.08Throdneis keyra the bot your toing about
05:56.09keyraThrodne: me ?
05:56.09GPLGeekMy foot
05:56.09GPLGeeknon-interesting story
05:56.09Throdnei thoguth you where a bot
05:56.19ThyboThrodne, it is a bot
05:56.30ThyboLinuxNIT ? :)
05:56.42Thybois keyra
05:56.51Throdnea really good convertaion-ist
05:57.11GPLGeekI was walking my dogs and a German Shepherd came running at me. I told my dogs to get behind me and they did but they pulled me off the curb a bit and my foot slipped. Rolled my foot under itself.
05:57.32LinuxNITi pmed it to you... pastebin isnt working
05:57.34GPLGeekI yelled Plotz and the dog that wanted to attack me layed down confused
05:57.40ThrodneGPLGeek, OUCH!!!!!!11
05:58.07GPLGeekit was a ex-police dog... retired. about half a street up. I had to walk home, down hill, with 2 dogs.
05:58.53Throdnemani'm glad i have not broken any of my bones before
05:58.58Thyboany reason i cant save it to hd?
05:59.18Thybotryin as root
05:59.38GPLGeekI've had a bench fall on and shatter my little toe
05:59.50GPLGeekits still messed up today
05:59.55GPLGeekit happened years ago
06:00.12GPLGeekI've also broken a finger in a fight, and dislocated my knee
06:00.45Thyboin a fight_
06:00.49Thybogood lord!!!
06:01.11Thybowhy did u fight?
06:01.20Thyboi almost never fought in my life
06:01.21GPLGeekI was not going to give him my stuff willingly
06:01.30Thyboah guess so
06:01.53ThyboLinuxNIT, they are going to remove entrance
06:01.57GPLGeekevery time somone tried to rob me they went away by than hands of uniforms and flashing lights.
06:02.13GPLGeeker the not than
06:02.15LinuxNITon wait
06:02.17GPLGeekI can't type today
06:02.20LinuxNIToops Thybo
06:02.37LinuxNITmy sourcesl.list is set to the elive tests repo
06:02.56Thyboi pmed u
06:02.56GPLGeekLinuxNIT, you are stricken by the same typing flaw as me.
06:02.59Thybowhat it told me
06:03.00GPLGeekmaybe you need caffine
06:03.11ThyboLinuxNIT, i dont mind that much
06:03.14LinuxNITyou need to remove word "tests" from the elive line
06:03.18Thyboi was on unstable
06:03.24Thybotest and unstable is dif?
06:03.31LinuxNITThybo, it will update e17
06:03.36LinuxNITall settings will be gone
06:03.47LinuxNITentrance only works on the e17-default theme
06:03.55keyraLinuxNIT: don't worry, this is planned for the next iso ;)
06:03.56LinuxNITso you have to change that or entrance wont work
06:04.01LinuxNITkeyra, shut up
06:04.09keyraLinuxNIT: :* :)
06:05.07Thybodeb elive main efl elive
06:05.12Thybolike this?
06:06.28Thybosounds more like it
06:06.33Thyboone package
06:06.40Thybo20 not upgraded
06:06.57Thybothis is happening
06:07.00Thybohope it works
06:07.04LinuxNITbe too
06:07.09Thyboany line command xchat?
06:07.18Thybou sick LinuxNIT ?:p
06:07.22LinuxNITiirc i think
06:07.35Thyboso if i get that i can talk to u without x?
06:07.54LinuxNITyou can startx without entrance
06:08.01Thyboi can
06:08.09Thyboentrance locks it up
06:08.33Thybowhen u try to startx
06:08.33Thyboit tells u
06:08.33Thyboits already runnin
06:08.33Thyboso i kill entrnace, but it autorestarts
06:08.33LinuxNITuse a different xserver
06:08.35LinuxNITlike this
06:08.42LinuxNITstartx /usr/bin/enlightenment_start -- :1
06:08.54Thyboill note that dowwn
06:08.58Thybojust to get in
06:09.12Thybodont have a pen
06:09.15LinuxNITyou can do /etc/init.d/entrance stop
06:09.22LinuxNITthen kill it
06:09.26LinuxNITand it wont return
06:10.08Thyboenlightement did u write it right?
06:10.24LinuxNITi dunoo
06:10.33LinuxNIThowever its spelled
06:10.36Thybois there an n
06:10.38LinuxNITuse tab completion
06:10.42Thybolol ok
06:10.45LinuxNITthen you dont have to spell it
06:10.45Thyboil reboot now
06:10.52LinuxNITdid you reinstall entrance?
06:10.55Thyboentrance reinstall completed
06:10.59Thybowish me luck
06:11.01GPLGeekI would not reccomend people buy toshiba laptops
06:11.05LinuxNITgl hf
06:11.07LinuxNITGPLGeek, why?
06:11.10Thyboneither do i
06:11.13Thybomy sis bought one
06:11.17GPLGeekSome of the cards they have in them, some of the GO series require a windows only driver
06:11.26GPLGeekand its not even updateable in windows
06:11.27Thybobroke 1 year and 1 day after
06:11.27Thybo1 year warranty lol
06:11.34GPLGeekvery specific
06:13.36LinuxNITi see
06:14.51*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Its@
06:15.12Thybogood news is
06:15.20Thyboim in my systeù
06:15.24Thybonad news
06:15.31Thyboi had to use the secondary x server
06:15.38Thyboentrance still wont let me in
06:16.17LinuxNITkill it... beat it with a hammer
06:16.31LinuxNITi dunno
06:16.52Thyboand my xchat window open really weird
06:16.56Thyboletters reaaalys small
06:17.39Thybochanged it to bigger
06:17.51ThrodneLinuxNIT, can i do apt-get upgrade firefox to only upgrade firefox?
06:18.03LinuxNITapt-get install firefox
06:18.52Throdnebut it is install already. it would still update it?
06:19.06LinuxNITif its upgradeable
06:19.08ThyboGPLGeek, do you know what is happening to me :'( ?
06:19.16Thybobut to update firefox
06:19.22Thybouse the tools update
06:19.45Thybothere is an automatic updater for firefox
06:20.01LinuxNITthat runs when you start firefox
06:20.14Throdneis there firefox 2.0.0 for linux
06:20.27Throdnebecause the spell checker is not working
06:20.33LinuxNITits in the dev version of elive
06:20.34ThyboThrodne, what version u on?
06:20.41LinuxNITits just called iceweasel
06:20.43GPLGeekum... no Thybo i dont exactly know whats happening to you
06:20.53GPLGeekbut we don't use firefox we use icewaesel in etch
06:21.11GPLGeekour upstream branch of firefox without any proprietary code
06:21.14LinuxNITbasicaly the same just not quite
06:21.25GPLGeekFirefox is soon to change to all open-source so we might go back to firefox soon
06:21.41GPLGeekbut for now we have our own firefox-fork
06:21.42Throdnefirefox is open i think
06:22.28ThyboGPLGeek, i have a big problem
06:22.32Throdneno way
06:22.46ThyboLinuxNIT, couldn't help mee... its with entrance
06:22.52Thyboit doesnt accept my password
06:22.58GPLGeekdid you use "tests" repo and break stuff/
06:22.58Throdnei just apt-get install firefox and now i don't have a start bar
06:23.09Throdnemenu bar not start bar
06:23.29ThyboGPLGeek, u talkin to me.?
06:23.32Thyboi use unstable
06:23.38Thybobut didnt break anything
06:23.47Thybojust booted with no free space on hd
06:23.50Thybothat causes problems
06:24.04Thyboso booted of live disc to erase file
06:24.15Thyboand now i have to launch other X from command line
06:24.15GPLGeekwhat type of file
06:24.28ThrodneLinuxNIT, whould you know how to fix that
06:24.28Thybochapter of 24 hours
06:24.47ThyboThrodne, its in the firfox options
06:24.57GPLGeekso now you have free spacce, but your x is broken
06:25.13Thyboduno if X is broken
06:25.13Throdnei can go to option there is no menu bar
06:25.17GPLGeekdid you do any upgrade before this point?
06:25.24Thybonow i am in my system
06:25.26GPLGeeknvidia or ati?
06:25.34Throdnei did spt-get upgrade
06:25.39Thybonot gettin in through entrance
06:25.39LinuxNITGPLGeek, his x is working jsut not entrnace
06:25.50LinuxNITentrance refuses to let him in
06:26.11Thybojust like that weird black guy in front of one of the night clubs :p
06:26.46GPLGeekso let me get this stright Thybo , you are on SID?
06:26.57Thybosid is unstable?
06:27.59GPLGeekThybo, or did you mean that as your on .6.5
06:28.21Thyboi think im on .6.5
06:28.27Thyboi installed .6.4
06:28.32Thybobut do dist upgrades every day
06:28.35GPLGeekI'm just confused because up there you were asking for a sources.list
06:28.51GPLGeekso we dont know what you dist-upgraded to
06:28.57Thyboto reinstall entrance
06:29.07GPLGeekIt gets very hard at this point to figure out WHERE the problem is.
06:29.16GPLGeekSo entrance will run but you cant log in?
06:29.18Thyboits **** entraannnnce
06:29.26Thyboaccepts login
06:29.28Thybobut not pass
06:29.31GPLGeekok I know the problem
06:29.36Throdnehow do you take a screen shot so i can show about my firefox
06:29.44Thybowith gimp
06:29.53Thyboaquire image: screenshot
06:29.59GPLGeekUnicode problems plus upgrading with unclean sources.list
06:30.25Thyboi think sources were clean
06:30.33Thyboi got them from someone who had elive :(
06:30.49LinuxNITwell what you showed me earlier was NOT elive repos
06:30.54LinuxNITit wasnt even repos
06:31.12Thybosomeone from elive diid give it to me
06:31.24GPLGeekI reccomend backing up your files and installing clean. Stable version would probably be best for you. You could also try .6.5....
06:31.29GPLGeekWho was it
06:31.30LinuxNITwell they had Elive tags on the debian repo
06:31.39GPLGeekThybo, show me what you had earlier, and also tell me where it came from.
06:31.44Thybodon't remember
06:31.51Thybodon't have it
06:32.03Thybobut should be in LinuxNIT archive of conversations
06:32.32Thyboi had like one source
06:32.37LinuxNIT<Thybo> # deb testing main contrib non-fr Elive
06:32.37LinuxNIT<Thybo> # deb unstable main contrib non-free Elive  
06:32.37LinuxNIT<Thybo> deb testing main contrib non-free Elive
06:32.37LinuxNIT<Thybo> i have this
06:32.54Thybohehe thats me
06:33.27Throdnehow do i fix that
06:33.27ThyboThrodne, what do u want there?
06:33.31GPLGeekThybo, I'm sorry you killed your system. You might be able to fix your system though. I'd highly reccomend you re-install
06:33.33Thybothe back and foreword button?
06:33.43LinuxNITThybo, look at your browser
06:33.48LinuxNIThes missing the menu bar
06:33.49GPLGeekyou would have to boot off the livecd, open a terminal, chroot into your elive system
06:34.04Thybothats what i did earlier
06:34.11GPLGeekand then use apt-get with real sources and type apt-get update && apt-get install -f
06:34.27Thyboi got sources from LinuxNIT
06:34.32GPLGeekthen the tricky part
06:34.39GPLGeeksome of your packages might need reconfiguring
06:34.42Thybobut i have to boot from live cd?
06:34.46Thybocant do it from here?
06:34.49LinuxNITeveryhting else seems to be working... just use gdm
06:34.51GPLGeekyou might have to apt-get update, and maybe even dist-upgrade
06:35.09LinuxNITThrodne, you can restor firefox to its default setting in elpanel
06:35.12ThrodneLinuxNIT, are you talking to me?
06:35.30LinuxNITbut youll loose any settings you have
06:35.56Throdnehow whould i reset it
06:36.04LinuxNITopen elpanel
06:36.14Throdnelike for firefox only or the whole elive
06:36.44LinuxNITpersonal configurator
06:37.05LinuxNIT<Throdne> like for firefox only or the whole elive<<what do you mean?
06:37.27ThrodneLinuxNIT> but youll loose any settings you have
06:37.39Throdne<Throdne> like for firefox only or the whole elive installation
06:38.25LinuxNITyou want to red all of elive settings?
06:38.32LinuxNITyou want to redo all of elive settings?
06:38.32Throdneis it .foxrc?
06:38.48LinuxNITlooks like it
06:39.05Throdneno will it reset all my elive setting or just forerox-es?
06:39.15LinuxNITjust fox
06:40.01Throdnei did not loose any thing but it is still there
06:41.23Throdneyeah it is back
06:41.34LinuxNITis it working or not?
06:41.46Throdneyeah is it
06:42.04Throdnebut y do i not have spell checker in firefox
06:42.12LinuxNITi dont know
06:42.28Throdnethere is for the windows version
06:42.30LinuxNITbut i gtg to bed... have fun everyone
06:42.36Throdneyeah same
06:42.43LinuxNITmaybe you need an extension or change a setting
06:42.45Throdneit is 12 here
06:42.48LinuxNITlater folks
06:42.58Throdnemaybe ill try tomorrow
06:43.05Throdnethanks for every thing
06:44.13Throdnegood night all
06:44.30Thybogn :)
06:44.40Throdnesee you tomorrow
07:21.44*** join/#elive LinuxNIT (
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07:27.19GPLGeekGood night everyone. Buonas noches. Доброй ночи. Boa noite. Gute Nacht. Buona notte. おやすみなさい。
07:45.18*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Its@
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08:50.06v_man i can't believe i built all my own debs of e17 when there's an ubuntu repository
08:50.14keyrav_: Ubuntu is OFF topic
08:50.21v_keyra: chill out
08:50.29keyrav_: hi :)
08:50.29v_is that an autoresponse?
08:50.38v_hey keyra
08:50.47keyrav_: :* :)
08:50.54v_i actually don't use elive
08:51.03v_guess not
08:51.27v_i downloaded elive several days ago to to see if e17 was worth trying out
08:51.51*** join/#elive yawlright (
08:51.51v_and i liked it pretty well, so i went to installing it on the distro i already use
08:53.10v_i borrowed the wallpaper from the default elive theme i liked it so much ;)
08:53.20v_it looks really good w/ the rain module
08:54.10*** join/#elive Thanatermesis_ (
08:57.27v_i've met some nice ppl in here too
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11:44.08wizard123hello all :]
11:44.16keyrawizard123: hi
11:44.37wizard123keyra: will you marry me ?
11:44.45keyrawizard123: :* :)
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13:05.18elmo40well, that went weird...
13:05.29elmo40LinuxNIT: you awake?
13:16.00PrinceAMDWARNING:Wireless lazer mouse batter is DEAD
13:25.48elmo40still working well? ;)
13:25.56elmo40i want a wireless system... kb and mouse
13:26.15*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=Enlighte@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
13:26.26elmo40and headphones!
13:26.36elmo40while i am at it, wireless webcam ;)
13:27.02elmo40ok, testing out .036 now... some things i like, others weird.
13:30.51elmo40apt moo
13:31.01aptmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
13:31.01keyraelmo40: bee ]:)
13:32.44PrinceAMDapt elmo40
13:32.46aptelmo40 is, like, a canuck of estonian descent, and the master of nick completion
13:34.02*** join/#elive Elive_user90 (
13:38.39elmo40that is SOOOO true!
13:38.52elmo40PrinceAMD: you have the latest e17?
13:38.59elmo40or at least, latest in the repo?
13:38.59PrinceAMDyea n i love it
13:39.03PrinceAMDit's REALLY COOL
13:39.16elmo40i am still trying to get it to 'feel' just right ;)
13:39.17PrinceAMDit's in elive tests respo
13:39.26elmo40yes, i have that one
13:39.34elmo40have you used eclair? the media player?
13:39.36PrinceAMDhehe it eill take some time to get
13:40.02PrinceAMDi use xmms n rhythmbox n amarok[kde sucks it crashes]
13:40.19elmo40i hear ya
13:40.38elmo40play with the entrance themes?
13:43.38PrinceAMDi made one
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14:20.22elmo40PrinceAMD: and, where is your theme?
14:20.30elmo40how do i get the EAP Editor?
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14:22.21elmo40another thing... i went to this page:  do you get the same request for a plugin download?
14:23.29PrinceAMDelmo40, let me get a link
14:23.35PrinceAMDlet me get the link
14:24.19elmo40... holding...
14:24.28PrinceAMDelmo40, try that
14:25.03*** join/#elive Elive_user (
14:25.21Elive_userhello allo
14:25.29keyraElive_user: hi
14:26.35Elive_userhello keyra
14:26.41elmo40PrinceAMD: what is this e17-transparency.deb?
14:26.43keyraElive_user: hi
14:28.19*** join/#elive Skovanden (
14:30.58elmo40PrinceAMD: ? you there?
14:31.09ThyboPrinceAMD, is not there hahahah
14:31.12Thybohes gone
14:31.14Thyboi arrived
14:31.18Thybohe got scared:
14:31.23Thybohello elmo40 :)
14:31.26elmo40ya, probably Thybo
14:31.31keyraThybo: hi
14:35.14elmo40on the website, there is a EAP Editor, and it said it is in the e-utils.deb, it is already installed, but where do i find eapeditor?
14:35.43Thyboleft click configuration
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14:52.18caimhi wizard123
14:54.10wizard123hello caim
14:54.19keyrawizard123: hi
14:54.50caimwizard123, man can u help me with an openbsd problem.. i cant compile anything since i installed it
14:55.01caimive tried everything
14:55.12wizard123wait 10 minutes, ok ?
14:55.20caimwizard123, ok ;)
14:57.10elmo40Thybo: there is no eap editor there
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15:32.38Thanatermesiswho has a multimedia keyboard here ?
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15:53.12albert_Thanatermesis, hola
15:53.20keyraalbert_: que tal ?
15:53.40albert_keyra, hola, bien y tu?
15:53.49keyraalbert_: hola
15:54.19albert_el lunes tengo que presentar un trabajo en powerpoint (aunke yo lo haga en OO presentation) sobre Elive
15:54.32albert_y he decidido, entre otras cosas, contar que es ElPanel
15:54.35albert_tu lo conoces bien keyra ?
15:54.44keyraalbert_: :* :)
15:56.47*** join/#elive trog (n=trog@unaffiliated/trog)
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15:58.12Thanatermesishola albert_
15:58.20albert_hola Thanatermesis
15:58.31Thanatermesisrecibiste el email ?
15:58.46albert_si, gracias Thanatermesis
15:58.59albert_pero aun tengo que hacer la historia sobre lo que me enviaste
15:59.06albert_al final nos han dado tiempo hasta el lunes
15:59.43albert_tengo que entregar el trabajo de documento de texto el lunes y presentar elive en powerpoint tb el lunes
16:02.20albert_de momento en powerpoint contare las caracteristicas de este SO, rekisitos para poder tenerlo, dire que es el E16, E17 (night/light), también he puesto una imagen de ELPanel pero no  se mucho que contar..
16:02.48Thanatermesissimplemente cuenta que es el centro de control de todo el sistema ;) el panel de configuracion
16:02.59Thanatermesisbtw, tengo que salir un momento a por pilas para el mouse que se a quedado sin
16:03.01Thanatermesisvuelvo al rato
16:03.08albert_oks hasta luego
16:09.12albert_pues no se que mas puedo contar en la presentacion
16:09.23albert_también contaré sobre el synaptic
16:11.22albert_alguna sugerencia? U_U
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16:44.50albert_toothpick, ?
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18:16.51illwolf"how do I add a cli program to my enlightenment menu"
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19:22.13GPLGeekLOL department of homeland security terror level is currently 404 : Page can not be found
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19:22.35L1nUx_L33tThanatermesis, ping?
19:23.12GPLGeekhow will I know weather or not to be scares shitless
19:24.24hermit2when you hear the planes
19:25.04L1nUx_L33tGuys, do yo know where the "remember" file are?
19:25.25L1nUx_L33tI think e is remeembering to start in login some apps
19:25.46L1nUx_L33tBut I don't wan't to autostart those apps again
19:26.14Thanatermesisright click on the APP, remember option, disable it
19:26.31L1nUx_L33tThanatermesis, Hello :-D I need an svn account
19:26.44Thanatermesisyou have it
19:26.46L1nUx_L33tThanatermesis, already did it, but I think e still remembers that
19:27.02Thanatermesislook at .elxstrt file
19:27.38GPLGeekThanatermesis, did we ever get auto-login entrance
19:27.43Thanatermesisask GPLGeek about the SVN account
19:27.48GPLGeekor was it having pre-compile problems still
19:27.55ThanatermesisGPLGeek, entrance supports it aparently, but i don't have tested it
19:28.13GPLGeekaparently you gotta do something BEFORE compiling
19:28.17GPLGeekI hear
19:29.04GPLGeekL1nUx_L33t, a svn account for what?
19:29.18L1nUx_L33tGPLGeek, translations, Don't you remember?
19:30.06L1nUx_L33tThanatermesis, nothing wrong on .elxstrt
19:30.41GPLGeekoh did you change your /nick
19:31.11L1nUx_L33tRuidoso_Silencio = L1nUx_L33t
19:32.43L1nUx_L33tThis is the thing; I put "remember>start on login" to an Eterm, then I disabled it but keeps starting on login...
19:32.55L1nUx_L33tI did it again and now 2 Eterms starts at login
19:33.12GPLGeekum I had sent you the information via memoserv
19:33.16GPLGeekare your accounts linked?
19:33.23Thanatermesise16 or e17 ?
19:33.37L1nUx_L33tGPLGeek, yeah, their are linked....
19:33.42L1nUx_L33tThanatermesis, e17
19:33.47GPLGeekyou should be able to check your memoserv then
19:33.50GPLGeekfor all of the information
19:33.53L1nUx_L33tThe one from the testings repo...
19:33.57Thanatermesisapt,  e17
19:34.08apte17 is, like, IN DEVELOPEMENT, and this is the same to NOT FINISHED, some parts works, and some parts not works, e17 not is prepaired for the end-user, if you continue like to use it is your problem, if you search a stable thing, use e16
19:34.17keyraapt: e17 is in development, remember it, use e16 if you want a complete, stable, and finished WM
19:34.19apt...but e17 is already something else...
19:34.29keyraapt: do it!
19:34.30aptACTION does it!.
19:34.38GPLGeeklol bot war
19:35.07GPLGeekkeyra, e17
19:35.16keyraGPLGeek: :* :)
19:36.01L1nUx_L33tapt and keyra are both bots?
19:36.03aptL1nUx_L33t: okay
19:36.04GPLGeekso anyways, L1nUx_L33t , the usernames and passwords are caps sensative.
19:36.10keyraL1nUx_L33t: bot
19:36.28GPLGeekapt, keyra
19:36.37GPLGeekkeyra, apt
19:37.01GPLGeekgood think the names dont conflict eachother
19:37.02L1nUx_L33tI'm reading the memos...
19:37.49L1nUx_L33twell... where are the login and pass data?
19:43.21*** join/#elive TuxMeister (n=mario@
19:53.17ThrodneLinuxNIT, you there
19:53.56ThrodneGPLGeek, i have a question about VNC do you know anything abou them
19:54.09Throdneor anyone?
19:54.09GPLGeekWhat's vnc =p
19:54.24GPLGeekWhats your question
19:55.40Throdnethe remote desktop build into elive it only work once and then after that it quits how do i always keep it on
19:56.04Throdneor is there a better one out there like tightvnc but i can't seem to get it to work
19:56.39GPLGeekwell you can install vnc as a service
19:56.51Throdneyou ost me there
19:58.13GPLGeekhmm... just a minute
19:58.23GPLGeekI dont use VNC so I need to gather info on it
19:59.09GPLGeekthere we go
20:02.01*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Its@
20:02.29Throdnehi Thybo
20:02.32Throdnehow are you
20:08.26ThrodneDetox_at_Work, Detox_at_Home you there
20:17.48*** join/#elive root (
20:18.05rootGPLGeek, you there is it me Throdne
20:18.27GPLGeekI will never talk to anyone on irc who is ROOT
20:18.29rooti restarted my computer and i was trying to log back in as Throdne and i can't
20:18.54rooti'm in the root user
20:19.06GPLGeekwhy cant you log in
20:19.10GPLGeekforgot password?
20:19.17GPLGeekwas caps lock on
20:19.58rootlike i type my password and user all right and it looks like it is going to log in the screen black like it is reloading the desktop and the back to the user
20:20.11rootand my password and user is right
20:20.21rooti can't log back onto user
20:20.37*** join/#elive Elive_user31 (
20:20.42rootdid you now have this troble ysterday
20:21.09rootor was that Thybo
20:22.01rootand then black to user login *
20:22.46rootGPLGeek, you there?
20:23.28GPLGeekim dealing with like 9 people at the moment im here but it is going to take sec
20:23.55GPLGeekroot thybo intentionally installed bad packaged to his system to the point that it was not elive anymore
20:24.01GPLGeeker packages
20:24.07GPLGeekhe totally ripped his system a new one
20:24.34GPLGeekok so if you hit ctrl alt and then a F# can you go to a terminal and login as a user
20:24.38rootok i guess ill have to do the same
20:25.24rootok loged in
20:25.43*** join/#elive Pucho (n=a@
20:25.50Puchoegrub, si estas??
20:26.09Puchoegrub, te aviso VANESA esta esperando en MSN.
20:27.27Puchoegrub, ping ping!!
20:28.25Thyboanyone home?
20:28.34Thybohow is the command to check file with md5 sums?
20:28.42keyraThybo: simple, md5sum yourfile.iso :P you can check also the signature of the iso with the .sig file, for are sure of this authenticity, if you like
20:28.55Thyboi love this bot
20:30.12keyraThybo: :* :)
20:31.29Thyboif i get an md5 totaly different?:s
20:33.11GPLGeekIf you guys have pets this is important. Check your petfood for recalls.
20:33.28Thybook ill think about my brothers food
20:33.39ThyboGPLGeek, if a md5 sums doesn't check up is it real bad?
20:33.56GPLGeekAminopterin, Ethylene glycol, and a few other chemacles were put into can/bag wet dog/cat food
20:34.12GPLGeekIn such content it must have been intentional
20:34.25Thybodog killers
20:34.28Thybomaybe the malaysians
20:34.37GPLGeekover 14 pets have been killed so far, but experts actually see a spike in pet deaths and say its probably closer to 1500 deaths
20:34.51Thybosome malaysan hackers have offered money for the ones that would kill the police dogs
20:35.07Thybothat found a hiding with 2, 14 million euros of value of cd's and dvd's
20:35.17GPLGeekThybo, if your cd does not check out, or if your iso does not md5, your system is corrupt to the max
20:35.32Thyboi mean
20:35.38Thybojust downloaded the elive .6.5
20:35.39GPLGeekThybo, also south americans have a hit out on police dogs
20:35.45Thyboi do md5 sum
20:35.59Thyboisnt the same as the md5 of the ftp
20:36.04Thyboand i do it 2 times
20:36.06GPLGeekthere is a cartel that goes throughout almost everywhere but brazil in south/central America that are trying to poison food supplies
20:36.09Thybodoesnt give the same
20:36.32GPLGeekif it does not md5 your connection is having problems I bet
20:36.37GPLGeekwhat server were you using?
20:36.54GPLGeekmaybe you should try , its been known to md5 correctly
20:37.02Thybothis one
20:37.14Thybowow what?
20:37.20GPLGeekits your side
20:37.25GPLGeekthat server would not have any problems
20:37.27ThyboGhost@Ibm[~]$ md5sum /home/Ghost/elive_0.6.5_unstable.iso
20:37.27Thybo5dad25bddb95a83727aa230fb88ed28a  /home/Ghost/elive_0.6.5_unstable.iso
20:37.27ThyboGhost@Ibm[~]$ md5sum /home/Ghost/elive_0.6.5_unstable.iso
20:37.27Thybo601547f9a99fa291f305b74734bc3d1f  /home/Ghost/elive_0.6.5_unstable.iso
20:37.27ThyboGhost@Ibm[~]$ md5sum /home/Ghost/elive_0.6.5_unstable.iso
20:37.28Thybo5b54b4b33aa2ac434199f2a6204fc6dc  /home/Ghost/elive_0.6.5_unstable.iso
20:37.34Thybogives three different awnser
20:38.22Thyboim launching elive in qemu to see if it boots
20:38.23Thyboif not
20:38.28Thyboim gonna download it again
20:38.31Thybobut not with wget
20:38.34Thybofrom windows
20:38.37Thybowith download manager
20:38.55Thybowhat do u think is the problem?
20:38.57Thybosystem rotten?
20:40.48GPLGeekit could be a number of things
20:40.53GPLGeekif I were you I'd use bit torrent
20:40.59GPLGeekit hashes and checks
20:41.02GPLGeekevery bit
20:41.10GPLGeekit is your side though
20:42.55*** join/#elive TiteFleur (
20:43.19Thybobut bittorent is slow?
20:44.47*** part/#elive jeekl (
20:46.19Puchoegrub me voy
21:17.03GPLGeekThybo, i was getting like 340KB/s download on the torrent
21:17.25GPLGeeksorry about delayed response, I'm dealing with like 10 people right now
21:23.19*** join/#elive wizard123 (n=mati@
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21:47.16*** join/#elive albert (
21:53.53*** join/#elive elmo40 (
21:54.44*** join/#elive Elive_user (
21:58.47elmo40ok, entrance borked on me...
21:58.56elmo40booted to cli
21:59.32elmo40i type startx, and the system crashes
21:59.56elmo40i looked for a config file for entrance, but cant seem to locate it
22:00.54elmo40did entrance_edit --theme <path-to-theme>, tried restarting at default.edj, still nothing
22:01.00elmo40what more can i do?
22:01.16elmo40Thanatermesis: you there? GPLGeek ? LinuxNIT ? anyone?
22:01.16Thyboelmo40, u have problems with entrance?
22:01.19Thyborefuses password?
22:01.29elmo40it doesnt load, period
22:01.45GPLGeekelmo40, ok now we have a problem.
22:01.54ThyboGPLGeek, doesn't matter that your late you're already to nice to help me hehe :)
22:02.00GPLGeekdid you apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
22:02.05GPLGeekor did you dist-upgrade
22:02.13GPLGeekmany people who dist-upgrade to the new rc2 etch have that issue
22:02.55GPLGeekthere are 5 components to the problem
22:03.00elmo40i did, rebooted, was fine
22:03.09GPLGeek1) new kernel, need to reinstall/compile new video/wifi drivers
22:03.38GPLGeek2) to get you running change to nv or radeon depending on if you have a nvidia or ati card
22:03.51elmo40in the repo, it is .037, but in the CVS, is it .038? maybe that is the problem. I went to, grabbed a nice looking .edj setup, and tried to install it. Now, nothing.
22:03.56GPLGeek3) if that does not work there is the UTF8 problems still and may give you password problems
22:04.01elmo40same kernel
22:04.34GPLGeekim not sure if a .edj could blow entrance up too
22:05.06elmo40on their site, it stated they work with the LATEST e17... the repo is not the latest?
22:05.11elmo40i will try default.edj
22:05.16elmo40wish me luck! ;)
22:05.29elmo40btw, i still cant find the EAP Editor...
22:06.11elmo40is it in the config menu, where all the Apps are? It looks kinda familiar.
22:06.21elmo40ok, brb. At least I still have cli ;)
22:14.23*** join/#elive elmo40 (
22:16.11elmo40still borked
22:16.24elmo40when i tried starting the deamon, entranced, it froze
22:17.16elmo40i dont know waht the hell happened...
22:17.43elmo40was fine, until i used the entrance_edit command...
22:19.27*** join/#elive albert (
22:19.42Thybobut why did u?
22:21.13elmo40i wanted to use a different theme. That is what told me to do!
22:21.29Thybovery last e version?
22:21.37Thybonot the default one on .6.5?
22:22.39elmo40i have .037
22:23.10elmo40you see the page?
22:23.13elmo40that is what i did
22:24.10elmo40does entrance Start e17? Even from cli, when I type startx, it tries to load, and then freezes.
22:26.47elmo40everyone leave already? :(
22:27.07wizard123no, i'm here :]
22:27.08Thybonope :p
22:27.14wizard123hello elmo40
22:27.17wizard123hello Thybo
22:27.23keyrawizard123: hi
22:27.44wizard123caim: sorry, i've got disconnected because of my isp :|
22:27.46elmo40well, i borked this stupid machine.
22:27.54elmo40entrance is broken
22:28.04elmo40maybe i should --purge it, and reinstall it.
22:28.07wizard123disable it and try to login from console
22:28.12elmo40brb (hopefully)
22:28.16elmo40i am in console, right now
22:28.20wizard123ah, k
22:28.24elmo40entrance wont start
22:28.27wizard123does anything start ?
22:28.35wizard123twm? fluxbox? e16?
22:28.39elmo40and when i try to manually start it, it goes blank, and freezes
22:28.58elmo40i cant start flux until X starts... when i type startx, it still freezes
22:30.34elmo40wizard123: all i did was try to load a different entrance theme: entrance_edit --theme=new-theme.edj
22:30.41elmo40then reboot, and it borked :/
22:31.04wizard123give X
22:31.06wizard123under cli
22:38.40elmo40when i do, all this will dissappear, right?
22:39.37elmo40ok, X works, i see my little x as the crosshair
22:39.39elmo40mouse moved it
22:39.41elmo40now what?
22:40.50elmo40ok, i will try 'entrance' again, since startfluxbox 'doesnt connect to XServer'...
22:42.59elmo40wizard123: ?
22:43.01elmo40wizard123: ping
22:45.00wizard123i'm here
22:45.08wizard123sorry, i took my guitar :|
22:45.34wizard123elmo40: edit ~/.xinitrc and place some wm there
22:45.44wizard123for example fluxbox (if you have it)
22:45.57wizard123startfluxbox is the command as i see in my config
22:47.12elmo40will try
22:48.37elmo40there is no .xinitrc file anywhere in my system
22:51.54*** join/#elive elmo40 (
22:52.25elmo40ok, that was 'fun' O_o
22:52.29wizard123elmo40: try .xsession
22:52.30elmo40apt: O_o
22:52.41aptrumour has it, o_o is some fucking creepy-arse eyes. o_O O_o
22:52.43elmo40i am in now
22:52.44elmo40it was not a problem of X, it was a problem of entrance
22:53.19elmo40so, i apt-get --purge remove entrance, did a deborphan, cleaned up some more, then apt-get install entrance.
22:53.25elmo40and voila, i am back :)
22:53.51elmo40oh, and i went back to the default.edj theme
22:54.03elmo40it is nice!
22:55.09elmo40nice, e17 even kept all its configurations ;) borderless, 2 virtual screens, my 'fav' app list (right-click)
22:55.30elmo40when something else borked last time, e17 hung, so i did a _bad_ hard reboot
22:55.47elmo40this time around, it was fine :) I am beginning to Really like e17!!
22:56.01elmo40i just cant find the weather module anywhere :(
22:56.15wizard123maybe it's taime to get back to e17 ?
22:56.24wizard123fluxbox is boring :]
22:57.10elmo40i installed it as a backup ;)
22:57.18elmo40it used to be my MAIN wm!
22:57.34elmo40although, i prefer it over e16!
22:59.45*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Its@
22:59.56wizard123i don't have any favourite wm
23:00.20wizard123i use many, when i'm bored with one, i switch to another
23:01.14elmo40i am too busy to be bored with one :P
23:01.38wizard123i use my computer only to ssh to other machines :D
23:02.00wizard123read mail, hack, learn..
23:02.09wizard123browse userfriendly ;)
23:07.38elmo40PrinceAMD: you have a Weather module in your e17.037?
23:07.46elmo40i cant seem to find any online
23:08.57wizard123midnight, i'm coming out :]
23:09.01wizard123see you :P
23:10.48elmo40wizard123: lata
23:11.24elmo40funny thing, the pager shows all my opened apps with a default borders, even though i am borderless :-P
23:14.51*** join/#elive Elive_user33 (
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23:51.47GPLGeekheh i keep getting interrupted
23:52.02GPLGeekim so damn busy today
23:52.35GPLGeekelmo40, i have not forgotten about you, im just stumped
23:53.27GPLGeekI asked for help from other people and um... some of the e people didnt know either.
23:53.31elmo40stumped on what?
23:53.31elmo40GPLGeek: you cant be!!
23:53.31GPLGeekyour boot problem
23:53.32GPLGeeki need more info
23:53.32elmo40it boots fine now ;)
23:53.32elmo40it was an Entrance problem
23:53.32GPLGeekoh how did you fix it
23:53.33GPLGeekjust install gdm?
23:53.55GPLGeekor rebuild entrance from new cvs
23:54.04elmo40i apt-get --purge remove entrance, did a deborphan, cleaned up some more, then apt-get install entrance.
23:54.20GPLGeekdamn... smart move
23:54.32GPLGeekTried that with another guy that had the problem and it didnt work though
23:54.39elmo40checked the default settings, and altered some things (put focus on my login name) and voila, boots up just fine :)
23:54.47elmo40you have a Weather module?
23:55.08GPLGeekweather module is broken last I heard or at least bloated
23:55.16elmo40that sucks
23:55.19elmo40i liked it!
23:55.30elmo40moved from .026 to .037, and lost a few nice modules
23:55.37GPLGeekyes but...
23:55.40elmo40now the CPUFreq doesnt work either :(
23:55.41GPLGeekit's still progress
23:55.51GPLGeekcpufreq never worked for me
23:55.56Gwildor_me neither..
23:55.57GPLGeekhi gwildor
23:56.07Gwildor_i DO mis CPU-useage module..
23:56.08GPLGeekusually only work on dell laptops
23:56.14Gwildor_might just use gkrellm, though
23:56.28GPLGeekya gkrellm , and lmsensors
23:56.33elmo40i want to stay away from gkrellm... that is all on my fluxbox end ;)
23:56.46Gwildor_GPLGeek, btw, im nearly back to my transparent terminal, w/ 'tests' e17
23:56.59Gwildor_elmo40, i know , but its light.. and this is 800mhz
23:57.08elmo40how you get trans? i am using Eterm, and nothing is working for me
23:57.27Gwildor_GPLGeek, and after i finish that, im gonna work on getting transparancy working , even after reboot.
23:57.32GPLGeekelmo40, Gwildor_ is the highlander
23:57.34Gwildor_elmo40, urxvt..
23:57.56Gwildor_THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
23:58.18*** join/#elive Elive_user16 (n=Elive_us@
23:58.20GPLGeekgwildor_ what did you gain from that, all he had was problems =0
23:58.33GPLGeekhis soul made you weaker!
23:58.38GPLGeekIm kidding of course
23:59.01*** join/#elive Elive_user78 (n=Elive_us@
23:59.05Gwildor_2 in one day... that has to hurt
23:59.49GPLGeeksomone came to my door a while back it was funny
23:59.55GPLGeekhe wanted to sell me something

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.