irclog2html for #elive on 20070320

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01:13.56DaRtH_VaDeRcan u help me with this
01:14.07DaRtH_VaDeRroot@Death-Star[/usr/src/modules/gspca]# make
01:14.07DaRtH_VaDeRmake -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=/usr/src/modules/gspca CC=cc modules
01:14.07DaRtH_VaDeRmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.18-elive/build: No existe el fichero o el directorio.  Alto.
01:14.07DaRtH_VaDeRmake: *** [default] Error 2
01:14.30DaRtH_VaDeRi cant compile gspca and my cam doesnt work xD
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02:14.25LinuxNIT-IIj #oklinux
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04:00.38elmo40tell me something, boys.
04:01.26elmo40what is the purpous or aMSN if there is no option to popup conversations? It auto 'hides' them in the nonexistant status or toolbar
04:04.37hermit2it has web cam capabilities?
04:04.48elmo40aMSN does, kinda
04:04.53elmo40but that is besides the point
04:05.10hermit2I haven't used it
04:05.14elmo40when i go away, receive messages, i can never see them!
04:05.19elmo40nothing appears
04:05.28elmo40then people tell me later that they sent me messages
04:05.52hermit2hmm.. probablly cause there isn't a system tray to hold it
04:06.42hermit2with gaim I just roll the shade up and leave it on the desk top. then messages pop up in a chat window when I get them
04:07.10elmo40that is what i am trying to point out... what good is this windowmanager for apps like aMSN, Skype, and others that 'require' a system tray, or toolbar?
04:07.28elmo40what is the workaround?
04:07.33elmo40i know the option for Gaim
04:07.36elmo40but other apps
04:07.41elmo40there is no option for Skype
04:07.54hermit2that is a good question and one I do think the enlightenment people are working on but haven't fixed yet
04:08.07elmo40nice :S
04:11.43hermit2I don't know what to tell you. some folks have checked into other systray things like trayer and stalonetray
04:12.30hermit2you can find stalonetray here,
04:15.37elmo40they work? they will keep an icon, and have them change when a message occurs? like a 'regular' status bar icon?
04:18.43elmo40well, trayer looks simple enough
04:18.57elmo40just need to get it running and looking nice ;)
04:20.12Thyboelmo40, try stalonetray
04:20.14Thyboi have it
04:20.17Thyboit works great
04:20.31elmo40you have it load on boot?
04:20.42Thyboonly some bugs sometimes
04:20.54Thybogaim doesn't go in systray
04:21.08Thybobut its ok coz than when u close it it really closes ha
04:22.30elmo40well, aMSN works with trayer
04:22.39elmo40i will try stalonetray
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04:41.30elmo40Thybo: gaim works with stalonetray
04:43.22Thyboelmo40, yes
04:43.27Thybobut sometimes when it bugs
04:43.31Thybowhen u restart it
04:43.35Thyboit doesn't go in the tray ;)
04:54.37Thyboits doin it right now :p
04:56.47troghermit, if you're still here ...kopete can handle webcams & stuff like that
04:59.04hermit2ya, thanks. I don't have a web cam though. I had thought that was what made amsn better than gaim
05:03.16Thybokopete supports webcams
05:03.22Thybobut only from kopete to kopete
05:16.31Thybohermit2, u there?
05:16.47Thyboa couple minutes ago i installa quanta
05:16.54Thybosite making program
05:16.57Thybobut i don't like it
05:16.59Thybobut tha
05:17.09Thyboi wanna uninstall it
05:17.25Thyboit installed like 5 or 6 other things for dependencies causes
05:17.39Thybohow do i uninstall all that got installed and not only the pgm itself?
05:17.57hermit2how did you install it?
05:19.34hermit2apt-get --purge remove quanta
05:19.42hermit2you have to be root to do it
05:19.57hermit2it will ask you if your sure
05:20.28hermit2providing quanta is the name of the package/program
05:20.35Thyboyeah it is
05:20.40Thybobut it only removes quanta
05:20.42Thyboand not
05:20.53Thyboall the other pgms/libs it installed along
05:20.55hermit2the purge should take the dependencies too
05:21.10ThyboThe following packages will be REMOVED:
05:21.10Thybo0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
05:21.32Thybodoesnt seem :s
05:22.03elmo40Thybo: after all is done, install deborphan
05:22.09elmo40then run deborphan
05:22.10hermit2the astrisk means it is taking associated config files too
05:22.35Thybodeborphan what is that?
05:22.53elmo40it will tell you what dpkg dependencies are no longer required
05:23.01hermit2it find orpaned files that aren't used
05:23.04Thybohermit2, did not work
05:23.15Thyboi still have
05:23.17hermit2try what elmo said
05:23.21Thyboquanta data...
05:23.36Thyboits installed
05:24.33elmo40Thybo: you have stalonetray running at boot?
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05:26.27Thybodeborphan seems dangerous
05:26.38Thybosure it presents no danger of use?
05:26.45Thyboi can remove all doesnt matter?
05:26.48elmo40it is good
05:26.52elmo40you run it
05:26.56elmo40it shows you a list
05:26.59elmo40then you apt-get remove
05:27.10hermit2there is another called cruft that deos the samething I think
05:27.14Thyboi have a gui for it
05:27.23Thybohermit2, if i do in the option
05:27.27Thyboshow all orphan packages
05:27.31Thyboit shows me a LOT
05:27.33Thyboof packages
05:27.47elmo40how many is a lot?
05:27.51elmo40i had a list of 30 before
05:28.09hermit2well, have you installed alot and removed stuff?
05:28.39hermit2updateing too will/can leave stuff behind that isn't needed i think
05:28.45Thybou sure about that?
05:29.04hermit2I'm no expert
05:29.21Thybothere are an awwwfule lot of things in there
05:29.25Thyboping LinuxNIT
05:29.33Thyboping Thybo
05:29.38Thybo!ping Thybo
05:29.53Thybodiabetik are you an expert?:d
05:30.18ThyboLinuxNIT, are you there?
05:30.22elmo40Thybo: join #elive-flood
05:30.25elmo40and paste what you have
05:31.23Thybojust see it in the gui
05:31.28Thybodon't have it in command line
05:31.44Thyboi guess i'll live with useless stuff on my comp a couple hour
05:31.45elmo40see what? in what gui?
05:31.52Thyboits time for jack bauer
05:32.01Thybothe gui for deborphan :)
05:32.08elmo40gui people are so sticky...
05:32.16elmo40i never knew there was a gui for that app :P
05:32.16Thyboi like gui
05:32.30Thybogui is like havin leather inside your car lol
05:32.55elmo40ya, adds weight to slow you down.
05:33.28elmo40along with power windows, and auto tranny ;)
05:34.51Thyboi found the way to  uninstall all
05:34.51Thyboin the history
05:34.51Thybothe file are saved
05:34.52elmo40where did you put stalonetray to come up at boot?
05:34.52Thyboits in
05:35.55hermit2g'night guys
05:36.00hermit2good luck
05:36.46elmo40hermit2: night
05:36.57Thyboforgot lol
05:37.06Thybobut waitim gonna findit
05:37.26Thybothere is no search funcion in thunar :'(
05:37.36elmo40what function?
05:37.49elmo40use CONSOLE...
05:37.56elmo40no more gui
05:38.02Thybowhat is command?
05:38.17elmo40first, su, then: updatedb
05:38.29elmo40then: locate name_of_file
05:39.44elmo40you only need to be su to updatedb.
05:39.49elmo40you can be any user for locate
05:44.45Thybohmm don't find it :(
05:47.24elmo40what you looking for?
05:47.36Thyboi thought it began in .x
05:49.53Thybogoing to bed
05:49.55Thybogood night
05:50.03Thybosorry couldnt be of much assistance:)
05:50.12Thyboi did it but don't remmember :(
05:58.58*** join/#elive Begasus (
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09:00.10pwlhi there
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12:29.37Pacmahi poeple
12:29.41Pacmaspeak spanish
12:30.15egrubPacma: yo hablo español
12:30.23Pacmahola egrub
12:30.29Pacmasi me acuerdo de vos
12:30.37egrubEn debian-es
12:30.38Pacmasolo era una pregunta
12:30.42Pacmapeude ser
12:30.48Pacmatengo el amule
12:31.05Pacmapero la versin que usa el elive no me permite la bajada de archivos mas grandes de 4.2 gb
12:31.20Pacmala ultima vez me aucuerdo que recopile un paquete en cvs
12:31.21egrubQue raro
12:31.28Pacmasi es un fallo
12:31.37Pacmaun bug
12:31.43Pacmapero en la version nueva lo arreglaran
12:31.52egrubParece que sí
12:31.55Pacmaporque tenia yo la version developer del amule y estaba solucionadop
12:31.57egrubPor ahora está de vacaciones
12:32.04Pacmaese es el tema
12:32.13Pacmacomo resintale
12:32.17*** join/#elive Elive_user (
12:32.24egrubPacma: apt-get remove amule
12:32.33Pacmaperdi y haber si alguien me decia cuanto se supone que tardar la verion nueva
12:32.39Pacmasi pero asin borro la antigua
12:32.48Pacmaes que la vdeveloper no la encuentro
12:32.54egrubSe puede actualizar
12:33.22Pacmaes que mi memoria me amta lo hice hace un par de meses
12:33.38Pacmalo voy a intentar de nuevo
12:33.39egrubQue memoria tienes?
12:33.45Pacmala de la cabeza
12:34.49Pacmame mire a ver la pagina oficial de amule
12:34.56egrubEstá bien
12:35.04Pacmapero esta  aprados el tema
12:36.54Pacmate aprecera gracioso pero no encuentro el directorio raiz de amule en live
12:37.00Pacmalo veo desperdigado
12:38.26egrubEn repositorio de amule?
12:38.58Pacmaes que en la pagina de amule me dan simplemente los archivos para sobreescribir la carpeta
12:39.11Pacmapero hive el locate
12:39.15Pacmay que desperdigado
12:39.39egrubEstá en .aMule/Incoming
12:40.05Pacmasi pero ahy no esta los archivos de programa
12:43.25egrubEstá en .aMule/
12:43.25egrubAhi todos
12:43.26egrubLos programas está en /usr/local
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13:13.52PrinceAMDback from math classes
13:14.03PrinceAMDhi anyone there
13:18.58PrinceAMDhermit2, maybe?
13:19.07PrinceAMDhermit2, good morning
13:19.19hermit2good morning
13:19.47hermit2and perhaps sporadically would be better than maybe
13:28.33*** join/#elive v_ (
13:28.45v_morning, evening, afternoon, or in between
13:28.58v_in other words, good day
13:29.27v_could anyone give me a hint how transparency is obtained in the terminal window on elive?
13:29.53v_( i really ought to install elive to disk somewhere so i can  just look through it )
13:32.04*** join/#elive Elive_user63 (
13:32.05v_if i recall correctly, when i ran the elive stable cd yesterday and launched a terminal, it was transparent or at least pseudo transparent to the edj behind it... is that right?
13:32.44v_could someone tell me how (not how to, just briefly how) this is done?
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13:35.17v_a lot of those
13:45.36elmo40PrinceAMD: i am here :)
13:45.44elmo40hermit2: mornin
13:46.10hermit2mornin, elmo40
13:46.13PrinceAMDelmo40, cool
13:46.17PrinceAMDelmo40, morning
13:46.36elmo40i could not get 0.6.5 to boot, so i installed 0.6.4 ;)
13:47.32elmo40it said something like-> VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer
13:47.59elmo40BUG: warning at fs/buffer.c.1272 /__brelse()
13:48.43elmo40and the very last few lines were -> loop0: read i/o error, sector 1308792
13:48.51elmo40right up to 1308000
13:48.56elmo40any idea what all that means?
13:49.06elmo40it booted on another machine, so not the image
13:49.38elmo40though i cant get it to boot on ANY HP/Compaq machines. Stupid BIOS they must have.
13:49.51elmo40they are pro windoze anyways
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13:52.49v_i would boot into elive but i left the cd at home, and i really can't afford to donate again ;)
14:01.05Thybomornin all:)
14:07.26Thyboelmo40, doesnt matter .6.4 and .6.5 are the same appart from jfs support and a menu in firefox ;)
14:10.09Thybohello v_ :)
14:10.13v_hi Thybo
14:10.28v_thanks for the acknowledgement
14:10.48Thybov_, .... you're REAL
14:12.31v_is there a version of elive that uses the current e17 cvs?
14:12.42hermit2hey, can somebody recomend me a high demanding graphics game for linux that would be in the repos? I need to test a friends vid card.
14:12.56v_just curious
14:13.47v_i liked the blinking stars background in the elive theme so much that i borrowed it and am using it now :P
14:13.48Thyboenemy territory no is that demanding
14:14.00Thybobut i guess it demands a little graphics
14:14.14Thybotrackmania nations isnt in the repos no?
14:15.04Gwildorwarsow is in the repos
14:15.37Thyboor Nexuiz
14:15.46Thybotry Nexuiz with all res at max
14:16.14v_question for you thybo
14:16.23v_where can i get .6.5
14:16.43v_or whatever
14:17.10v_i clicked on development isos on the site and it takes me to something old
14:17.16Thybowithout payin?
14:17.24v_aw man i paid yesterday
14:17.37v_i guess i'll pay again
14:17.51Thybo.6.5 is .6.4 with only a support of jfs and a menu off in firefox
14:17.56v_ah ok
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14:18.12v_i've got $7 in my paypal account
14:18.28mathmanpv_ : has .6.5 iso
14:18.34v_i'll donate a couple
14:18.43v_oh thanks
14:18.46v_that's nice of you
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14:31.51elmo40hermit2: i dont think it is in the repos, but try
14:32.11elmo40v_: you want stable, or testing?
14:32.27elmo400.6.5 is testing, and there are many high speed mirrors
14:32.47elmo40only stable requires donation for fast mirror
14:34.10elmo40Thybo: what firefox menu? in the bookmarks?
14:34.21Thyboelmo40, yes :)
14:34.22elmo40besides, i really do NOT like this 'iceweasel' crap...
14:34.35elmo40give me ff 1.5.x
14:34.56Thybo2.0 is much better
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14:35.11elmo40i dont like it
14:35.41elmo40the one thing i do like, is forcing sites to open a new tab, instead of a new window
14:36.17*** part/#elive Sup3rkiddo (n=sudharsh@
14:36.26elmo40but, other then that, i find it to be 'engineered' for stupid windoze users. runs better...
14:37.29Gwildorand, its not THAT much different
14:38.23elmo40it is that much different
14:38.29elmo40runs better? how so?
14:38.33elmo40they are both slow :P
14:38.40wizard123links ftw!
14:39.47Gwildorit loads faster, is much more stable, and more responsive.
14:40.02Gwildorand, UI changes were minimal..
14:40.22Gwildorso if 2.0 is " 'engineered' for stupid windoze users."   so is 1.5 said you dont like 'iceweasel'.. iceweasel is debian only.... so it cant be for 'windows users' :P
14:41.54GwildorFF 1.5 takes MINUTES to load on my 8900 mhz box..
14:41.55Gwildorafter upgrade to iceweasel... loads in seconds..
14:41.55Gwildor800mhz *
14:42.07wizard123firefox should be rewritten from scratch
14:42.29Gwildorfirefox, or all of mozilla?
14:42.52Gwildoridk, it seems to me... FFis developed heavily..
14:42.57wizard123and they should pick up one toolkit, not mix gtk, motif and something else
14:42.58Gwildorwhen 'mozilla'...isnt really..
14:43.10Gwildormozilla should be developed heavily..
14:43.16Gwildorand migrate those changesto FF..
14:43.43Gwildori need a smoke...BRB
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14:51.06elmo40what are other options? i like a few things... adblock, mouseguestures, linkification. Those are the three main extensions i want in EVERY browser ;)
14:51.13elmo40what are the other options??
14:51.48Thybodo opera
14:51.57Thyboopera has a commercial bloking system pretty good
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14:55.14Skovanden<% Response.Write "Hello #elive" %>
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15:03.50hermit2opera is great, no if the stupid vid plugins weren;t such a pain it would be awesome
15:06.37Gwildori dont like the way opera tabs work..
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15:08.56elmo40ya, PITA is annoying
15:09.29elmo40they dont like al gore
15:09.36*** join/#elive pukkie (
15:10.24pukkiehello , i have payment sent with paypal and i see no downloadlinks , plz give me a valid download link for the stable version plz
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15:12.27pukkieanyone who can help?
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15:14.47elmo40sorry pukkie
15:14.56elmo40i downloaded it a LONG time ago
15:15.12elmo40installed it fresh, and it erased all my links ;)
15:16.48hermit2did you hit the button that said return to merchant after making your donation?
15:17.00pukkiei see nothing
15:17.25pukkievery strange
15:18.03hermit2that is odd.
15:19.31hermit2you could try the slow server. or the unstable version. I can't get a link to the stable without the donation which have already done this month.
15:21.13elmo40but why stable? grab 0.6.5 :)
15:22.16elmo40stable uses an older kernel anyways, less support for webcams and some other things.
15:25.14hermit2well, this guys vid card is near to being toast. graphical corruption just booting, moving windows. artifcating in supertux and corruption or just plain crashing in nexuis.
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15:30.19pukkieok thx for help
15:30.44pukkiei choose the 0.6.5 version
15:32.55elmo40hermit2: did you look at warsow?
15:33.01elmo40it is similar to UNrealTournament
15:33.35hermit2no I didn't
15:34.14hermit2nexius reminds me of doom... I don't much care for fps type games. hubby liked it :)
15:35.05elmo40*nexuiz ;)
15:36.57elmo40142mb game...
15:43.43hermit2it does look nice. I do wish there were some like it for adventure game types
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16:25.35getflooder ...
16:27.43SkovandenKids now a day
16:28.02hermit2anything for attention
16:29.22GwildorSkovanden, ?
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16:34.43PrinceAMDanyone here have a fast server?
16:34.55PrinceAMDthat can help me host some file 150mb
16:35.09PrinceAMD25kbps downstream or more
16:35.35Gwildorumm....maybe not RIGHT now..
16:35.39Gwildorbut, can prob get it..
16:35.41Gwildorwhats up?
16:36.21PrinceAMDgot a lil site
16:36.46PrinceAMDsharin some music for some friends and tellin them about my up comin metal party
16:37.05PrinceAMDcheck that
16:38.04hermit2welcome to the filth?
16:38.44PrinceAMDas u can see my server is supper slow
16:38.51Gwildorhmm... i can offer....a server for rent..
16:38.57Gwildorw/ nice bandwidth..
16:39.06Gwildorbut, prob too much $ for ya...
16:39.07PrinceAMDyea but how am i going to pay u
16:39.12PrinceAMDthat's another problem
16:39.16Gwildorpaypal or somet
16:39.19PrinceAMDbut how much would it cost
16:39.23Gwildoractually, OWNER is in DK..
16:39.31Gwildorwell, these were prices as of 6 months ago...
16:39.34Gwildorso probably changed...
16:39.36Gwildor1 sec
16:40.05Gwildoragain, prices probably have changed... to cheaper..
16:40.48Gwildorand... 100/100 connection
16:43.01PrinceAMDGwildor, i'll talk to some friends about the paypal stuff and please get back to me on the price changes
16:43.43Gwildoralrighty, ill talk to my mate.....shortly
16:58.08*** join/#elive toothpick (
16:58.25toothpickI'm wondering if I should use elive for hdinstall or ubuntu and then try to get enlightenment on there?
16:58.28toothpickAny recommendations?
16:59.22hermit2I would use elive. :)
16:59.54PrinceAMDme too
17:03.25toothpickok I'm going to do that
17:03.46toothpickJust backing up my home partition to a new partition and will do a fresh install
17:06.02toothpickhopefully I get my wireless back up and running again quickly...ndiswrapper is easy en ough.
17:07.33hermit2you may not need ndiswrapper... but then again you might
17:10.21*** join/#elive Elive_user73 (
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17:30.46*** join/#elive Thonolan (i=d957609a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:32.00Thonolani am testing e16 on my old laptop all works fine but my cdrom isn`t in fstab
17:32.24Thonolanso i cant use the vdrom drive
17:42.25*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Its@
17:44.54*** join/#elive Elive_user (
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17:49.29Thonolannoone an idea how i can use my cdrom ?
17:57.51*** join/#elive Begasus_bbl (
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18:01.27Spaceoneelive 95%!
18:04.10*** join/#elive apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:04.10*** topic/#elive is Welcome to Elive, feel free to ask questions.. || is providing services for Elive Developers (php, sql, ftp, etc... ask gplgeek for more info)... Ask your question and be patient. It may take a little bit but we will do our best to help you. || Translators needed, ask Thanatermesis
18:04.49Spaceghost007elive 96!
18:06.00*** join/#elive Elive_user88 (
18:08.00Spaceghost007elive 96!
18:08.00Spaceghost007dentro de poco lo voy a tener instalado
18:11.21*** join/#elive L1nUx_L33t (n=Elive_us@unaffiliated/willysfueguino/x-00001)
18:12.05L1nUx_L33tthe themes on are for the last e17 that's on the elive tests repos?
18:15.37*** join/#elive GPLGeek (n=GPLGeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
18:15.38*** join/#elive Elive_user10 (n=Elive_us@
18:15.52ToothpickThe install went smooth!
18:15.55GPLGeekToday is the worst day of my life.
18:16.06ToothpickGoogle toolbar took an extra step cause of iceweasel...
18:16.14GPLGeekSince midnight I've been searching for my dogs. They escaped
18:16.25*** join/#elive Thybo (n=Its@
18:16.27GPLGeekcompany left some doors open and I guess they ran off somewhere around 9pm
18:16.30GPLGeekits 11am now
18:16.42GPLGeekI've been driging around trying to find them for 11 hours
18:16.59GPLGeekgetting out and hiking the hills with a bad knee
18:17.04ToothpickI'm sorry, hopefully they will show up.
18:17.16ToothpickDo you live in a crowded area.
18:17.23ToothpickMaybe they just went for a run, put out some food.
18:17.34GPLGeekthey have food out there
18:17.56GPLGeekmy black lab has a shoulder problem so I thought they would not have been able to run far but I was wrong
18:18.40L1nUx_L33thermit2, those themesdoesn't work over here
18:19.04hermit2what version of e17 are you useing?
18:20.32L1nUx_L33tdunno know :-S
18:20.32L1nUx_L33tthe one in the test repos
18:21.35hermit2are you sure? open your menu and click on enlightenment>about. it will show which version you have
18:21.40Toothpickthe mic on my laptop doesn't seem to be workinig
18:21.45Toothpickwith audacity anyway.
18:22.26L1nUx_L33tii  e17                                cvs20070216                     enlightenment 17
18:22.37*** join/#elive TiteFleur (
18:23.57hermit2so you've downloaded the themes from where did you put them?
18:24.18L1nUx_L33tin ~/.e/e/themes
18:24.32L1nUx_L33tI can see them with the theme-selector
18:25.08L1nUx_L33tbut if I try to put one of them the screen goes black and enlightenment restarts but with the same theme
18:25.55L1nUx_L33tany ideas?
18:26.41hermit2hmm, they don't seem to work from there for some reason. if you download them to your home and then go to configure, personal, ... you can add them.
18:27.03L1nUx_L33tgo where?
18:28.08hermit2download a theme to /home/downloads
18:28.58hermit2then open your menu and click configuration
18:29.27GPLGeekfound my dogs.
18:29.29L1nUx_L33tthe themes under "personal" works
18:30.35hermit2choose themes, then find the button that says picture
18:30.35L1nUx_L33tGPLGeek, :-O Cool!  congratz!
18:30.36GPLGeeksome lady put them in her garage about 20 houses up
18:30.38L1nUx_L33tthere's no button called "picture"
18:30.50GPLGeekthen she took them this morning to the humain society
18:30.56L1nUx_L33tthe theme "carbon" works great
18:30.56GPLGeekso i gotta get em there
18:31.03hermit2oh, sorry... import
18:31.13*** join/#elive X3n0n (
18:31.47v_poor dogs :<
18:32.13L1nUx_L33tI think that the problem is when the themes are in the "system" category...
18:32.36v_i don't know what my meaty would do if she got lost/was taken away
18:32.49v_probably bite somebody
18:33.40*** join/#elive L1nUx_L33t (n=Elive_us@unaffiliated/willysfueguino/x-00001)
18:34.10v_my meaty lies over the sofa... my meaty lies under the tree... my meaty lies over the sofa... bring back my meaty to me
18:37.13L1nUx_L33tElive takes too much damn time to see files and directories...
18:40.07*** join/#elive bentejuy (
18:51.45*** join/#elive Elive_user10 (
18:51.55Elive_user10I downloaded a theme and put it in .e/e/themes/
18:52.13Elive_user10but I don't see it when I try to change them, perhaps I need to restart enlightenemnt
18:53.03L1nUx_L33ttry it..
20:32.19*** join/#elive apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:32.19*** topic/#elive is Welcome to Elive, feel free to ask questions.. || is providing services for Elive Developers (php, sql, ftp, etc... ask gplgeek for more info)... Ask your question and be patient. It may take a little bit but we will do our best to help you. || Translators needed, ask Thanatermesis
20:34.03v_do you guys know where to find the elucence module for e17?
20:36.36hermit2lok in synaptic
20:42.30v_n/m i hear bling is better and is in e_modules
20:43.24v_i was wondering where all the modules were!
20:52.27*** join/#elive dats (
21:10.53*** join/#elive apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:10.53*** topic/#elive is Welcome to Elive, feel free to ask questions.. || is providing services for Elive Developers (php, sql, ftp, etc... ask gplgeek for more info)... Ask your question and be patient. It may take a little bit but we will do our best to help you. || Translators needed, ask Thanatermesis
21:15.09Spaceghost007ya termine de descargar el elive
21:15.14Spaceghost007ahora procedo a quemarlo!
21:15.53Spaceghost007vamo a ver
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21:59.15*** join/#elive wizard123 (
22:00.24*** join/#elive rookmoot (
22:08.20*** join/#elive Spaceghost6766 (
22:08.25Spaceghost6766no me booteo el elive
22:08.29Spaceghost6766no pudo
22:08.37Spaceghost6766tiro un tal error 20
22:16.01wizard123hello folks :]
22:16.48mnzt42ydhello :)
22:17.19*** join/#elive Spaceghost (
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22:18.11wizard123i see many new faces :]
22:18.18*** join/#elive Pucho (n=pittalug@
22:18.24*** join/#elive Spaceghost (
22:18.38mnzt42ydnot to much chat though :S
22:19.01Puchoegrub, como andas?
22:19.07Spaceghostyo soy el verdadero spaceghost
22:19.16Spaceghostno me anduvo el elive
22:19.20Spaceghostta pintando un bajon
22:19.26Spaceghostestuve 3 dias para bajarlo
22:19.32Spaceghosty ahora no me bootea
22:19.44wizard123eh.. i don't understand spanish
22:20.17Spaceghostsorry my english is not very good
22:20.25Spaceghostmy elive can't boot
22:20.38wizard123why ?
22:21.14wizard123problems with grub ?
22:21.47wizard123chroot to it from livecd and repair it :]
22:21.53Spaceghosty don't know i am noob
22:22.02Spaceghosti am in windows now
22:22.15Spaceghostthe cd can't boot
22:22.22Spaceghosterror 20 or similar
22:22.30wizard123is it burned properly?
22:22.48wizard123did you check md5sum of iso image ?
22:23.38Spaceghostno :S
22:23.45Spaceghosti need a program
22:23.47Spaceghostfor that
22:23.51Spaceghostin windows
22:23.57caimSpaceghost, propablemente es problema del md5
22:24.09Spaceghosty si es problema del md5
22:24.16Spaceghosttengo que bajarlo de nuevo?
22:24.21Spaceghostme tardo como 3 dias en bajar
22:24.29caimwizard123, is posible to install openbsd without monitor and keyboard?
22:24.35Spaceghostporque tuve que usar la descarga gratuita
22:24.40Spaceghostporque soy menor
22:24.48caimpor que soy menor?
22:24.49Spaceghosty no tengo tarjeta de credito ni paypal
22:24.54Spaceghosty no puedo donar
22:24.56wizard123caim: hmm.. you can take disks and install it on another machine
22:25.02wizard123or attach it to serial console
22:25.47caimwizard123, humm then i will just lend my freebsd machine the keyboard and monitor
22:25.54wizard123will be easier :D
22:25.55caimi dont want to turn off anythiung
22:26.22wizard123you can unplug keyboard and monitor without rebooting
22:26.33wizard123oh shit, windows is impaired
22:26.39caimwizard123, :DDD
22:26.50caimvery nice
22:26.55mathmanpSpaceghost: development version is free with fast download : and it's nearly as stable
22:27.14caimwizard123, i begining to love BSD
22:27.21Spaceghostigual me embola bajar de nuevo
22:27.26Spaceghostsi lo hubiera sabido antes
22:27.30Spaceghostpero el tema es que
22:27.31caimfreebsd is very cool
22:27.36Spaceghosttengo transferencia limitada
22:27.53Spaceghost10 gigas de transferencia
22:28.18wizard123caim: what do you have on it?
22:28.32wizard123webservers, databases? or maybe hardcoredesktop :P ?
22:28.39*** part/#elive mnzt42yd (
22:28.46caimwizard123, hardcoredesktop :D
22:28.58wizard123that's what i like
22:28.58caimwizard123, and firewall
22:29.21*** join/#elive Elive_user13 (
22:29.29caimwizard123, but now i going to pass freebsd to 100% hardcoredesktop and the openbsd as firewall
22:29.31wizard123welcome Elive_user13
22:29.43caimwizard123, its my second week with freebsd
22:29.47*** join/#elive Spaceghost3 (
22:29.48wizard123caim: heh
22:29.57wizard123Spaceghost3: yes
22:29.59Spaceghost3prefiero la stable mejor
22:30.06Spaceghost3i prefer the stable
22:30.07wizard123Spaceghost3: it is stable
22:30.15wizard123unstable is only the name
22:30.28wizard123meaning that it is still under development
22:30.48wizard123caim: today i've set up kde on openbsd :]
22:30.56Spaceghost3stable is more stable than developement
22:31.04Spaceghost3or no?
22:31.06wizard123soon it will work not only as shell server
22:31.10wizard123Spaceghost3: hard to say
22:31.31Spaceghost3hard es dificil no?
22:31.42wizard123you may find some strange behaviur under unstable
22:32.03hermit2developement has newer kernel and some other improvements
22:32.18wizard123which are not well tested
22:32.35wizard123but many people use unstable and they have no problems with it
22:32.40Spaceghost3if i am a noob
22:32.57Spaceghost3you recomend the stable or developement?
22:33.11wizard123both :]
22:33.18caimwizard123, how is ur distro doing?
22:33.23caimor it is a fork?
22:33.39wizard123i've decided to change kernel
22:33.48wizard123i'm not satisfied by linux :]
22:33.58wizard123so.. i'll use OpenBSD
22:34.00hermit2I recommend the development version.
22:34.09caimwizard123, i didnt know it was goingo to be a linux kernel
22:34.29caimwizard123, thats hardcore
22:34.37wizard123why :P ?
22:34.43wizard123GNU/OpenBSD :D
22:34.49hermit2have you looked at haiku, wizard123?
22:35.01wizard123does it mess with beos ?
22:35.14caimwizard123, i heard that obsd have the worse hardware support. is that true?
22:35.21wizard123not really
22:35.25wizard123simmilar to freebsd
22:35.28hermit2hmm... possiblly
22:35.38egrubPucho: bien y vos?
22:36.32wizard123caim: you can check hcl
22:36.47wizard123oh my god, it's allmost midnight
22:37.10wizard123o_O i spent 3 hours on hacking obsd :|
22:39.19wizard123hmm.. is it possible to delete all packages from elive, leaving only world and kernel ?
22:42.04wizard123hello ? anybody here?
22:42.23wizard123allways when i need some help everybody disappears :P
22:42.33hermit2well, I can't answer your question
22:43.08hermit2but wouldn't it be easier to just get the kernel
22:44.07hermit2and if you delete all the packages what world is left?
22:44.29caimwizard123, ask thana for clean kernel
22:44.29Puchoegrub, ya esta nos hablamos en msn je..
22:45.17wizard123hmm.. world.. is a base system
22:45.30wizard123libc, cmdline tools..
22:46.04hermit2ahh, the fine and hidden details under it all
22:46.26wizard123hmm.. not hidden :]
22:46.34wizard123try googling make world xD
22:46.54*** join/#elive TuxMeister (n=mario@
22:46.57hermit2well, only if your looking for them. then they are plain
22:47.03TuxMeisterhey guys!
22:47.50wizard123hi TuxMeister
22:47.58wizard123ok, sorry hermit2 :|
22:48.26TuxMeistersup wizard123
22:48.37TuxMeisterguys, I have a tinsy little problem
22:49.22TuxMeistermy kernel's gcc version y 3.4 and my system's version is 4.someting
22:49.39TuxMeisterhow do I tell the kernel that I wanna build it with the gcc version I whant?
22:49.56wizard123me don't know. you check docs
22:50.42wizard123some make variable, i think, CC=gcc-stupid-debian-version make
22:51.04TuxMeisterI'll ask in debian anyway
22:51.16wizard123better check kernel readme
22:52.55wizard123#debian is full of unmature people sitting there and praising their debian skills
22:53.01wizard123which are ususaly poor
22:57.56TuxMeisterxD I'm in debian-es actually
22:58.10Spaceghost3yo tambien
23:02.46wizard123locuuura ?
23:06.01TuxMeisteryeah, everything is so fucking crazy xD
23:07.11wizard123i've made first drafts of my os
23:07.25TuxMeisterthat's cool... can we see things
23:08.21wizard123no, because i was totally drunk and i've lost notes somewhere
23:10.10wizard123it's not funny!
23:10.23wizard123first i have to test pkgsrc under linux
23:10.25hermit2yes it is :)
23:10.29caimsorry man, but it is
23:11.09wizard123distribution design needs a bit alcohol
23:11.14wizard123and other thing, like grass
23:12.23*** join/#elive Administrador__ (
23:14.17wizard123wlecome, Administrador__ :D:D
23:15.21wizard123eh.. i'm bored.. i'll hack something funny
23:15.25wizard123let's see :D
23:21.26wizard123i'll try to deploy pkgsrc under linux
23:21.30wizard123will be funny :]
23:22.12caimwizard123, do u know where i can get a nice script to create a obsd iso. the one i have always gives me problems, never download the files well
23:22.34caimwhat does deploy mean?
23:22.35wizard123script? i did it manually
23:23.21hermit2deploy = issue, send out
23:23.30wizard123according to deploy - rozmieszczac, przegrupowac
23:23.51caim:S :PP
23:23.58caimthanks hermit2
23:24.13wizard123did i say it correct ?
23:25.03hermit2well, your usage is a bit unique but not wrong I think.
23:25.36wizard123and how to say it 'non-unique' ?
23:25.52hermit2but you may have meant something more allong the lines of build
23:26.21wizard123ok, nvm
23:27.27hermit2you will try to make pkgsrc work under linux.
23:27.34*** join/#elive trog (n=trog@unaffiliated/trog)
23:28.36wizard123it works, hermit, i just need to know how it works and if it is really worth using
23:29.35wizard123hello trog
23:29.55troghello :)
23:33.23*** part/#elive Skovanden (
23:36.50wizard123checking for library containing tgetent... no
23:36.50wizard123configure: error: no relevant library found containing tgetent
23:36.50wizard123===> exited with status 1
23:38.38wizard123any good C developer here ?
23:39.59rookmootbut your problem doesnt look as a C one but more as a autofoo :)
23:40.11wizard123no, it does not use autofoo
23:40.30wizard123it is rather problem with debian stupids '-dev' packages
23:40.46wizard123now.. which library can have that function.. :P ?
23:41.42wizard123according to freebsd manual pages: curses
23:41.57rookmootrookmoot @ 00:41:26 ( ~ ) $ afs  tgetent
23:41.57rookmootlibncurses5-dev: usr/share/man/man3/tgetent.3ncurses.gz
23:42.23wizard123i don't have it installed
23:42.34rookmootso it couldnt find it :)
23:42.43wizard123i guessed that :P
23:42.50wizard123k, again
23:43.21wizard123ok, now it is building
23:43.46rookmootbtw, afs is my alias to apt-file search :)
23:43.56wizard123thanks for help rookmoot :]
23:44.08wizard123i used freebsd online manual pages
23:44.23wizard123it is the best if it comes about manual pages for strange c function
23:44.38rookmooti dont use any manuel to dev in C :)
23:48.56*** join/#elive Supaplex (
23:49.29TuxMeisterwhat the fuck, man, they just fucked up me in #debian
23:49.38TuxMeister"Elive is NOT debian" BULLSHIT! fuck them
23:50.10TuxMeisterI was looking for some help, and when the saw that I'm using a kernel for elive, they threw me out of there
23:50.45hermit2thats not right.
23:51.00TuxMeisterhermit2, oh, it's not?
23:51.18hermit2that they would throw you out
23:51.45Supaplexthey suggested he continue here
23:51.51TuxMeisterthey told me (roughly) that I should ask here, because elive's not debian
23:52.07TuxMeisterdon't know what I even bother asking there
23:52.14hermit2but it is. with enlightenment on top
23:53.14TuxMeisterexactly, the only special thing we have here is that Thanatermesis managed to offer us debian packages of e17 sources, that's all... but just because of that, for the rest of the world, elive's not debian anymore
23:53.39Supaplexan about page on the site would help. :P
23:53.57SupaplexI blame ubuntu burnout
23:53.58hermit2blah... and i suppose they think ubuntu is
23:54.15TuxMeisterthe don't, actually
23:54.25TuxMeisterthis is all I've got from them
23:55.00hermit2wow... we do use the debian repos
23:55.24hermit2and there is an about on the web site that says I believe
23:55.26TuxMeisteryep, that's what I told them and the next answer was: it's still not debian
23:55.54TuxMeisterit says "Elive is a powerful Debian-based live system" or something simillar
23:56.33TuxMeisterthat's what it says: Elive is a complete operating system for your computer. It's the perfect choice for replacing your proprietary, high-cost system. It is built on top of Debian GNU/Linux and customized to meet your needs for a complete operating system while still offering the user eye-candy with minimal hardware requirements.
23:56.42LinuxNITTuxMeister, did they kick you?
23:56.45hermit2doesn't sound like they've done their research. or they are tired of having noobs show up with e17 questions on ubuntu
23:57.14TuxMeisterLinuxNIT, the didn't, I left before that, I gues xD
23:58.10TuxMeisterhermit2, the question I had was related with building Lirc on debian with another gcc version than the default, that was all... I haven't even mentioned e17, or nothing related to that
23:58.19*** join/#elive Elive_user99 (n=Elive_us@
23:58.26TuxMeisterbut when I pasted /proc/version in the channel, they stopped helping me
23:58.48TuxMeisterjust because the --revision name in the make-kpkg is Elive
23:59.12TuxMeisterI'm so tired of this kind of stupidity and ignorance
23:59.34LinuxNIThehe well i always just remove any thing that says "elive" before pasting :D
23:59.40hermit2oh man... that is fairly shameful behavior for that distro. Perhaps the proper people aren't aware of what is happening there.
23:59.56TuxMeisterLinuxNIT, but isn't a bit shitty that you have to do that to get some help?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.