IRC log for #elinux on 20201213

00:01.00m4tgrkelk4: if you suspect a particular program misbehaving, you could edit its config to be more verbose
00:02.28m4tgrkelk4: maybe journalctl -f -p 0-7 would show more
00:02.35m4thonestly i don't know how it's filtered
00:02.52m4tactually -p 7 sshould be sufficient
02:15.13grkelk4well thank you guys for help, you did pointed me in the right direction
06:00.34*** join/#elinux vstehle (~vstehle@
11:07.02*** join/#elinux escanor (uid387784@gateway/web/
13:20.31*** join/#elinux m4t (
15:13.22*** join/#elinux escanor (uid387784@gateway/web/
16:03.02*** join/#elinux ptesarik (~tesarik@2a00:1028:83b8:1e7a:5a6e:d5af:320a:e57)
16:21.27*** part/#elinux grkelk4 (
22:36.03*** join/#elinux ohama (

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