IRC log for #elinux on 20200909

00:06.55*** join/#elinux alan_o (~alan@2600:1700:b420:54b8:24ea:b238:b051:b42)
01:18.37*** join/#elinux stacktrust (
01:42.36*** join/#elinux stacktrust (
05:00.33*** join/#elinux vstehle (~vstehle@
05:55.02*** join/#elinux tlwoerner (~Trevor@unaffiliated/tlwoerner)
20:28.55wmatwarthog9: it expires in october
23:20.54*** join/#elinux warthog9 (
23:26.31warthog9yeah, I need to poke them sooner than later
23:26.40warthog9acquiring it after it expires will be obnoxious

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