IRC log for #elinux on 20200212

04:27.23*** join/#elinux escanor (uid387784@gateway/web/
05:48.39*** join/#elinux vicky (sid270243@gateway/web/
05:56.05vickyI have a raspberry Pi and does not have an ADC. I have an Arduino with an ADC. Is it possible for the ADC on the Arduino to appear under Linux running on the Raspberry Pi as a normal adc dev node in /dev/iio? Thanks
06:00.35*** join/#elinux vstehle (~vstehle@
06:34.13L29Ahyes if you write the driver
07:12.55*** join/#elinux waterscale (~waterscal@
07:22.40vickyL29Ah: Okay thanks
07:22.55vickyDo you have any links/pointers to this?
08:03.58L29Ahno, just look at some other dumb driver and do it
08:05.10L29Ahi expect it to take you ~100 SLOC worth of the driver + AVR firmware
08:19.46*** join/#elinux waterscale (~waterscal@
10:25.03*** join/#elinux waterscale (~waterscal@
18:48.14*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
21:13.59*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
21:13.59*** mode/#elinux [+o ChanServ] by

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