IRC log for #elinux on 20190328

06:00.25*** join/#elinux vstehle (
06:34.58*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
07:05.02*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
07:16.29*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
07:50.57*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
07:53.00*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
07:53.21*** join/#elinux tprrt (~tprrt@
09:33.14*** join/#elinux nsaenz (~nico@
09:52.06*** join/#elinux vladzouth (500c5411@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:06.49*** join/#elinux nsaenz (~nico@
10:34.35*** join/#elinux wurstdog (
11:08.47*** join/#elinux shcv (~user@unaffiliated/shader)
12:05.51*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
16:02.23vladzouthHi, i have a question about password security. I have an operator who need to connect in the server but i don't want to give him a password, is there any workarround for him to connect to the server for example, can i give him just a script that permit to connect to the server without knowing the password?
16:02.37vladzouththanks in  advance !
16:06.35shcvvladzouth: you may have wanted the more general "##linux" channel; this is focused on embedded linux I think. However, you can probably set up an account specifically for your operator so they don't need to know the root server password
18:04.11*** join/#elinux rcw (
18:08.35*** join/#elinux Inokinoki (
21:30.05wmatvladzouth: setup passwordless ssh using keys

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