IRC log for #elinux on 20180705

00:20.27*** join/#elinux infobot (ibot@
00:20.27*** topic/#elinux is || Ask anything; it may take 24+ hours to get a response. Mailing lists -> ; Logs available at
00:20.27*** mode/#elinux [+o infobot] by ChanServ
00:34.35*** join/#elinux vorpalblade77 (~vorpalbla@
00:39.03*** join/#elinux vorpalblade77 (~vorpalbla@
04:27.47*** join/#elinux quarterback (~quarterba@unaffiliated/quarterback)
04:30.25ildar[m]quarterback : surely not the author. Just my suggestions, nothing clever, welcome ))
04:30.52quarterbackildar[m], Thanks
04:31.05quarterbackAre you in russia?
04:31.25ildar[m]close. Kazakhstan.
04:31.42quarterbackPeople in that region use ) instead of :)
04:31.50quarterbackSo I recognized :)
04:32.20ildar[m]oh! 👍
04:32.55quarterbackIt seems preparing a elinux board is daunting. I have worked on it before and putting a board altogether is a daunting task.
04:33.04ildar[m]we have quite a history of using smiles. e.g.
04:34.17quarterbackDo you work on embedded boards?
04:34.27ildar[m]that's why most people just use ready-made and popular SBC as building blocks
04:34.48ildar[m]not. amateur here
04:35.08quarterbackSBC seems pretty easy than custom developed boards.
04:35.12ildar[m]I bought OrangePi
04:35.22ildar[m]extreamly cheap ))
04:35.48ildar[m]but they fit for many applications
04:35.56ildar[m]so why not?
04:37.08quarterbackLooks interesting. I would probably get one myself.
04:37.53quarterbackThere was something similar, raspberry pi zero which had minimal configuration.
04:39.15quarterbackOne thing I've seen is that these boards lack a good power supply pin. The usb power supply is not rugged and not an option if you want to make the board to run for years.
04:39.36quarterbackIt would have been better if the board had a 5v power supply with normal pins.
04:40.11ildar[m]mine has it.
04:40.24ildar[m]Orange Pi One
04:41.03quarterbackThat is perhaps better.
04:41.42quarterbackI was talking about raspberry pi series. The only disadvantage with that was the power supply was usb and not a normal power supply.
04:41.50ildar[m]but I spent a week finding the connector 😞
04:42.02quarterbackLooks like you found a good board.
04:42.18ildar[m]USB is great you just plug it and quickly test
04:42.30ildar[m]10 bucks
04:42.43quarterbackI wouldn't want to power a board with usb for longer periods.
04:43.05ildar[m]sure, that's just two different use-cases
04:44.34quarterbackYes, usb power is for hobbyists and normal power pins are for professionals.
04:45.41ildar[m]then I have got the wrong one
04:47.16quarterbackYou seem to have said your power supply is not usb.
04:48.04ildar[m]exactly. But I'm an amateur, amateurs should take USB option $)
04:53.27quarterbackHave you tried buildroot?
04:54.04ildar[m]not yet.
05:00.30*** join/#elinux vstehle (
05:01.27quarterbackAre you following any book such as "building embedded linux systems"?
05:01.58quarterbackI am wondering what other people are doing. Are they using web based documentation for building embedded linux boards?
05:04.25ildar[m]emm, no. Just exploring freely.
05:04.26ildar[m]I kinda follow Grenning - "Test Driven Development for Embedded C"
05:05.32ildar[m]btw the MOST advanced ppl I've seen in embedded are on #oe channel
05:11.13quarterbackSome of the orange boards have emmc storage. I wonder how long do they last if you load embedded linux in it and write an application too.
05:13.11ildar[m]I doubt you can find MTBF info
05:13.31quarterbackIt doesn'
05:13.43quarterbackIt doesn't say anything about emmc storage used in embedded boards.
05:14.22ildar[m]I mean doubtful someone made such statistics
05:14.23quarterbackMany smart phones have emmc storage too and they seem to work for 4 to 5 years effortlessly.
05:15.41ildar[m]yep... well... try to find the chip name of the eMMC and MTBF info on it
05:16.13ildar[m]but it surely depends on write intensity and such
05:55.58*** join/#elinux quarterback (~quarterba@unaffiliated/quarterback)
06:06.56*** join/#elinux t0mmy (~tprrt@
06:10.36*** join/#elinux lyakh (
07:22.19*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
11:31.20*** join/#elinux vorpalblade77 (~vorpalbla@
13:03.55*** join/#elinux manjo (~manjo@2605:6000:f080:b200:1eba:8cff:fea8:6606)
13:03.56*** join/#elinux manjo (~manjo@ubuntu/member/manjo)
13:30.13*** join/#elinux rcw (~rcw@
13:50.23*** join/#elinux quarterback (~quarterba@unaffiliated/quarterback)
15:12.37*** join/#elinux dc13ff (uid190567@gateway/web/
15:20.37*** join/#elinux AbleBacon (~AbleBacon@unaffiliated/ablebacon)
18:38.25*** join/#elinux rcw (~rcw@
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19:50.33*** join/#elinux vorpalblade77 (~vorpalbla@
20:07.46*** join/#elinux dalmata (
20:07.46*** join/#elinux dalmata (~dalmatHG@unaffiliated/dalmathg)
22:00.21*** join/#elinux t0mmy (

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