IRC log for #elinux on 20170601

00:20.38*** join/#elinux infobot (
00:20.38*** topic/#elinux is || Ask anything; it may take 24+ hours to get a response. Mailing lists -> ; Logs available at
00:20.38*** mode/#elinux [+o infobot] by ChanServ
01:09.17*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
01:41.28*** join/#elinux ryankarason (
01:46.27*** part/#elinux rk[ghost] (
01:49.24*** join/#elinux ryankarason (
01:50.36*** part/#elinux rk[ghost] (
02:35.01*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
05:00.28*** join/#elinux vstehle (
06:55.10*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
07:20.01*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
07:21.35*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
09:43.11*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
10:12.38*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
11:40.56*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
12:15.23*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@
12:15.23*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
12:24.57*** join/#elinux warthog9 (
12:30.42*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@
12:30.42*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
12:45.40*** join/#elinux warthog9 (
14:22.23*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
14:49.54*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
15:33.21*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
17:06.59*** join/#elinux russ (foobar@
17:06.59*** mode/#elinux [+o russ] by ChanServ
18:44.44*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~dalmatHG@unaffiliated/dalmathg)
20:29.09*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.