IRC log for #elinux on 20170505

00:19.15*** join/#elinux infobot (
00:19.15*** topic/#elinux is || Ask anything; it may take 24+ hours to get a response. Mailing lists -> ; Logs available at
00:19.17*** mode/#elinux [+o infobot] by ChanServ
02:39.58*** join/#elinux _jim (uid212216@gateway/web/
05:00.30*** join/#elinux vstehle (
06:41.33*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (~bunio@
07:00.13*** join/#elinux t0mmy (~tprrt@
09:09.08*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
09:18.40*** join/#elinux vstehle (
10:09.31*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
10:26.38*** join/#elinux lyakh (
12:45.31*** join/#elinux dave0x6d (uid190567@gateway/web/
13:01.44*** join/#elinux RagBal_ (
13:04.35*** join/#elinux dave0x6d (uid190567@gateway/web/
13:09.59*** join/#elinux vstehle (
13:10.30*** join/#elinux Bunio_FH (
13:33.06*** join/#elinux dfaught (
13:37.20*** join/#elinux t0mmy (~tprrt@
14:48.13*** join/#elinux Marcky (~quassel@
15:14.13*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@
15:14.13*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)
16:37.29*** join/#elinux pwnguin (~jldugger@osuosl/staff/pwnguin)
16:40.17pwnguinhey all, looking to shut down a web server, and one of the remaining vhosts is which has a single blog post, from 2012, by our director of all people. I'm seeking confirmation that the service is not desired, and that we can remove the vhost
17:53.00*** join/#elinux vstehle (
19:07.31*** join/#elinux russ (foobar@
19:07.32*** mode/#elinux [+o russ] by ChanServ
20:49.10*** join/#elinux _jim (uid212216@gateway/web/
21:50.35*** join/#elinux perr (~perr@unaffiliated/perr)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.