IRC log for #elinux on 20160801

13:59.38*** join/#elinux NoPinky (
14:00.39NoPinkyI've flashed my BeagleBone Black with the latest Jessie image from:
14:02.19NoPinkythe problem I have now is, that whenever I plug an usb wifi dongle in, the system automatically starts a wifi access point with the SSID "BeagleBone-6400" thus preventing me from using the usb dongle to connect to my existing wifi router (for internet access)
14:06.30NoPinkythis happens by default, I haven't configure anything yet. I tried to disable the hostapd with systemctl disable hostapd.service  (I found hostapd.service in the systemctl list) and rebootet, but the access point is beeing created again. So, where can I disable the creation of this AP? Any why is this by default? In my opinion 80% of the people plugin in an usb wifi dongle would want to connect to a wifi router and not c
14:06.45NoPinkythank you in advance for your help :)
14:16.10*** join/#elinux zerotri (sid1985@gateway/web/
15:28.28*** join/#elinux kbingham (
20:16.44*** join/#elinux ThisIsWeird_ (
20:20.32*** join/#elinux NoPinky (
22:08.20*** join/#elinux ThisIsWeird_ (
22:08.38*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
22:45.05*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~dalmatHG@unaffiliated/dalmathg)

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