IRC log for #elinux on 20160715

00:10.31*** join/#elinux debris` (
02:19.43*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
06:55.27*** join/#elinux Vibin (ca004dc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:56.22VibinHi I was trying to build docker feugo image.
06:56.56VibinWhat I am seeing is there is no activity happening after this
06:56.58Vibinosboxes@osboxes:~/Downloads/fuego/fuego$ sudo ./  Sending build context to Docker daemon 105.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon  Step 0 : FROM debian:jessie  ---> 736e5442e772 Step 1 : MAINTAINER
06:57.23Vibinrequest any help to trace whats going on...
07:50.12*** join/#elinux Marcky (~quassel@
08:02.21*** join/#elinux t0mmy (~tprrt@
13:10.05wmatand....they left
13:10.13wmatnot that I even know what fuego is

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