IRC log for #elinux on 20160306

01:24.38*** join/#elinux GeorgeHahn (
07:14.34*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
07:44.14*** join/#elinux jermar (~jermar@
10:49.21*** join/#elinux BohemianHacks (~boho@unaffiliated/bohemianhacks)
10:50.51BohemianHacksI am trying to set up a TFT screen with an OMAP3 board, I can boot but the screen timings are way off. I pulled the framebuffer info from a working android install but am having trouble fuguring out how to use that in the linux install
10:51.17BohemianHacksHow can i take the output from fbset, and turn it into a working video mode in the kernel?
10:52.36BohemianHackshere is the output from fbset
11:40.40*** join/#elinux jermar (~jermar@
14:11.35wmatBohemianHacks: perhaps try this
14:13.58wmatBohemianHacks: this blog post looks helpful as well
14:59.43*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
17:14.54*** join/#elinux vickycq (~vickycq@unaffiliated/vickycq)
17:46.34*** join/#elinux mayorga (~mayorga@fedora/mayorga)
20:21.33*** join/#elinux jermar (~jermar@
21:37.26*** join/#elinux mayorga (~mayorga@fedora/mayorga)
22:30.50*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
22:53.06*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
23:03.11*** join/#elinux BohemianHacks (~boho@unaffiliated/bohemianhacks)
23:03.44BohemianHackswmat: I have been playing around with various video modes, but I think the problem is that on the stock android setup some magic is happening after the kernel runs
23:38.31*** join/#elinux BohemianHacks (boho@gateway/shell/insomnia247/x-ntzzhcoebfidqfqj)
23:38.54BohemianHackswmat: ok, i think i have the timings sorted, but im having trouble with one value
23:39.26BohemianHacksI pulled all the other info from fbset but im not sure what exactly this datalines value is
23:40.37wmatBohemianHacks: omit it and see what happens
23:42.32wmatBohemianHacks: I have no idea how any of that works though unfortunately
23:54.29BohemianHackswmat: roger that, ill just have to play around because i cant actually find a data shett for these screens
23:54.47BohemianHacksgf is buggin me about "food" so I gtg for a bit
23:54.51BohemianHacksthanks for the help
23:54.54wmatBohemianHacks: good luck!
23:59.25*** join/#elinux mayorga (~mayorga@fedora/mayorga)

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