IRC log for #elinux on 20160122

00:49.00*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
04:02.00*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
04:26.14*** join/#elinux tlab (~tlab@
10:10.44*** join/#elinux infobot (
10:10.44*** topic/#elinux is || Ask anything; it may take 24+ hours to get a response. Mailing lists -> ; Logs available at
10:10.44*** mode/#elinux [+o infobot] by ChanServ
10:29.09*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
10:47.14*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-usaxlzyvicvkkejf)
12:09.01*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-usaxlzyvicvkkejf)
15:06.07*** join/#elinux SuikodenII (~Nerazim@
16:32.22*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-elsrxepynptjxynb)
16:40.21*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-elsrxepynptjxynb)
17:12.02*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-mkjliimxbsjeojep)
17:12.06*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-mkjliimxbsjeojep)
18:29.18*** join/#elinux m4t (matt@2604:180::34ea:9d4b)
20:48.25*** join/#elinux aandrew (
20:48.48aandrewis it possible to use the ftrace framework to debug the low level I2C device driver?
20:49.17aandrewI've got it enabled and get very pretty results but the actual calls to my driver (in i2c-cadence.c) don't show up
20:50.01aandrewe.g. i2cdev_write -> i2c_master_send -> i2c_transfer -> i2c_lock_adapter -> i2c_mux_master_xfer -> i2c_mux_gpio_select -> i2c_mux_gpio_set is shown
20:50.36aandrewbut I never see cdns_i2c_master_xfer show up
20:50.49aandrewit's clearly being called as I'm seeing i2c traffic
20:51.02aandrewand yes *cdns* is enabled in the filter :-)
20:52.30aandrewin fact the cadence drivers for spi and uart and everythign are enabled in the filter since *cdns* pulls in a lot, and yet none of it is showing up in the trace
20:56.05aandrewhm, rebooted and tried again and now it's showing up... nevermind.
22:49.54wmataandrew: heehee

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