IRC log for #elinux on 20160120

00:53.04ashes-mobilei just remembered. openbsd, and i think netbsd and freebsd too, don't distribute binary updates on releases... we're expected to patch the source, build, and install security fixes
06:42.46*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
06:53.29*** join/#elinux vickycq (~vickycq@unaffiliated/vickycq)
08:35.02*** join/#elinux lyakh (
09:19.51*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-aldncgzdqqpigajh)
09:58.21*** join/#elinux pale3 (
10:27.49*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-aldncgzdqqpigajh)
11:08.23*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
11:34.55*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
13:51.13*** join/#elinux menomc (
13:51.49*** join/#elinux wbx_ (~wbx@
13:52.06*** join/#elinux likewhoa- (
14:02.55*** join/#elinux darkschneider (~gab@
14:32.59*** join/#elinux debris` (
15:05.17*** join/#elinux _4urele_ (
15:06.55*** join/#elinux likewhoa (
15:42.03*** join/#elinux rsv (6a33e396@gateway/web/freenode/session)
16:13.51*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/session)
17:03.16*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/session)
17:31.03*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
18:09.17*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/session)
18:15.33*** join/#elinux wbx (
18:15.34*** join/#elinux raykinsella781 (rkinsell@nat/intel/session)
18:20.28*** join/#elinux mal``` (~mal``@2607:5300:100:200::160d)
18:30.15*** join/#elinux x56 (0x56@unaffiliated/x56)
18:50.21*** part/#elinux raykinsella781 (rkinsell@nat/intel/session)
19:34.06*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
20:52.50ashes-mobilegcc-5.3.0 armv5te musl, native, installed
20:53.26ashes-mobilekept having issues getting it to build
21:14.32wmatashes-mobile: posted problems to the gcc lists?
21:14.50wmatashes-mobile: they're pretty helpful and there's lots of ARM people on it
22:21.49*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
22:59.18*** join/#elinux stylesuxx (
23:08.04stylesuxxHey guys, I thought about merging our findings regarding AP for USB WiFi on the RPi here => with the list here => I already registered an account and wanted to ask if there is anyone feeling responsible for this section and wants to tell me something before I start editing?
23:12.16wmatstylesuxx: edit away
23:12.16wmatstylesuxx: if anyone has issues, they'll speak up then
23:14.35stylesuxxAlright - that's what I wanted to hear :-)

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