IRC log for #elinux on 20160106

00:06.29*** join/#elinux ohama (
05:27.33*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
06:41.54*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
09:17.39*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-favjzbymoxdlexch)
09:18.41*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
09:21.11*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
09:40.30*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-favjzbymoxdlexch)
11:19.54*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
13:37.44*** join/#elinux spm_draget (
13:38.03spm_dragetDoes anyone know how well the upstream kernel support is currently for Conrtex A53 based chips?
13:53.28*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-smpoiuudydwrygbk)
13:54.56spm_dragetMore precisely: Allwinder A64
14:08.36*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-smpoiuudydwrygbk)
14:20.21*** join/#elinux lyakh (
14:30.13spm_dragetOkay, read more stuff about it. Basically there is queite an active community around it, but Allwinner does a lot of crap with not using DT, bootloader tied to Android and violating all sorts of GPL laws. So while there are people working on many different things… allwinner + mainline kernel is still 'horrible'.
15:51.44*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
16:07.21*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~yaaic@unaffiliated/dalmathg)
17:33.46*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (~rkinsell@
17:39.07*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (~rkinsell@
17:39.13*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (~rkinsell@
17:59.54*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
18:08.51wmatspm_draget: yep, you nailed it
18:09.44spm_dragetPity :(
19:25.23*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
21:03.36*** join/#elinux noobkit (~Nerazim@
21:07.10*** join/#elinux SuikodenII (~Nerazim@

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