IRC log for #elinux on 20151211

01:06.26wmatis0-mick: let me check
01:10.50wmatis0-mick: I've emailed Jason Pruitt (the page author) to see if he has the code
01:18.59wmatis0-mick: stick around until Jason gets back to me
01:41.39wmatis0-mick: jason does not have the code :(.  He did suggest asking in the OpenLF community on G+, which I'll do once they approve my membership request.
02:27.18*** join/#elinux GargantuaSauce (
03:37.39*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
04:15.42*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
05:53.42*** join/#elinux dalmatHG2 (~yaaic@
06:15.22*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~yaaic@
07:52.31*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:22.35*** join/#elinux diego_r (
08:41.01*** part/#elinux angelo_ts (~regrax@unaffiliated/angelo-ts/x-4633355)
08:44.47is0-mickHI wmat, i've actually just joined the g+ openLF as, and turns out I know a couple of the guys already. I've actually just approved your membership :D
08:45.46is0-mickSomeone on there has a cd that leapfrog sent them, but I'm unsure if it contains the brio stuff.
09:42.21*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
09:42.30*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-fxjpjirapblzsgbw)
09:42.47*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-fxjpjirapblzsgbw)
13:43.10*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
14:11.43*** join/#elinux Zotan (~quassel@2a00:1098:0:86:1000:20:0:1)
14:20.20wmatis0-mick: did you see the message I posted in OpenLF? It would seem someone there has the missing files. I'm going to get them to fix the elinux page.
14:20.53is0-mickyeah, thank you :)
14:23.10is0-mickI dont suppose you'd know if that file has headers etc for the brio libs?
14:23.32wmati don't know, sorry
14:23.39is0-mickah ok, no worries
14:24.09is0-micki emailed prpplauge.. is he still around?
14:24.21is0-mickbeen a couple year since we spoke
14:24.41wmathe sure is
14:25.40wmathe's never in this channel though
14:26.02is0-mickthink it was didj where we were chatting, dont think that channel exists now tho
14:26.30is0-mickat the time i was messing with the innotab, and he contacted vtech to get some gpl stuff off them
14:27.16is0-mickrecently got my hands on a leapTV, so started having a play with that, but a bit stuck on the controls, as its all bluetooth
14:27.22wmatyeah, prpplague had some fun dealings with various toy vendors
14:27.50is0-mickthey use the brio libs, but we dont have any headers, i did start to try to make some headers from disassemble in IDA
14:28.28is0-mickbut then I came across that file on elinux, and thought hmmm.. i wonder if those are headers (although I know they wont have the stuff in i need for the LFTV)
14:28.52is0-mickbut if they are, maybe we can get an more updated version, or at least it may help my disassembly if not
14:30.22wmatbtw, prpplague has been travelling this week, so if you emailed him his response time may be slow
14:31.07is0-mickyeah i've yet to have a reply, but someone on the g+ community said he had a disk that lf send him in regards to the LFTV
14:31.17is0-mickso hopefully he may have the stuff i require :)
14:44.20*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-ffasdildkmlbikhn)
14:45.50*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-ffasdildkmlbikhn)
15:04.09*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
16:30.56wmatis0-mick: prpplague did not receive a disk regarding LFTV unfortunately
16:31.43is0-mickah ok, i think it was Axle Foley that said he had received a disk
17:45.47*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-wyxntslyjzmesuxl)
18:03.26*** part/#elinux raykinsella78 (rkinsell@nat/intel/x-wyxntslyjzmesuxl)
18:22.02*** join/#elinux sorphin (40f23421@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:22.22*** part/#elinux sorphin (40f23421@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:02.33*** join/#elinux raykinsella78 (~rkinsell@
20:04.12*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~dalmat@
20:40.58*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
21:45.17*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
22:03.02*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~yaaic@
22:16.11*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
22:47.36*** join/#elinux jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
23:06.25*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~yaaic@
23:25.13*** join/#elinux dalmatHG (~yaaic@
23:34.13*** join/#elinux dalmatHG2 (~yaaic@

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