IRC log for #elinux on 20150428

00:48.05*** join/#elinux chris1seto (uid57769@gateway/web/
06:14.30*** join/#elinux GargantuaSauce (
06:17.38*** join/#elinux lyakh (
07:23.51*** join/#elinux diego_r (
07:58.41angelo_tsanyone have some exp with imx6q ?
07:59.37angelo_tsi am measuring a 500msec time from power plug to start u-boot board_init(), while only 72msecs at warm reset (reset button pressed)
08:00.38angelo_tsfreescale says that at cold boot, there are some clock stabilization checks, but 400msecs delta seems too much, olso seeing a perfect clock aftert 10msecs
08:21.06*** join/#elinux phantoneD (
09:37.48*** join/#elinux FiseHara (5edd101d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:38.33FiseHaraHi everyone. Does anyone have some experience with RT priorities and the chrt command provided by busybox?

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