IRC log for #elinux on 20141106

02:27.38*** join/#elinux Russ_ (
02:27.38*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ_] by ChanServ
03:24.48*** join/#elinux Nilesh_ (~minda@
06:01.26*** join/#elinux Nilesh_ (~minda@
06:30.42*** join/#elinux Russ_ (
06:30.42*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ_] by ChanServ
06:49.28*** join/#elinux lyakh (
10:25.18*** join/#elinux phantoxe (~destroy@2a02:4780:1:1::1:123c)
11:11.32*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
11:48.15*** join/#elinux phantoxe (~destroy@2a02:4780:1:1::1:123c)
13:52.08*** join/#elinux Russ (
13:52.10*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
14:01.55*** join/#elinux diego_r (
14:20.52*** join/#elinux infobot (
14:20.52*** topic/#elinux is || Ask anything; it may take 24+ hours to get a response. Mailing lists -> ; Logs available at
14:20.52*** mode/#elinux [+o infobot] by ChanServ
15:04.46*** join/#elinux rwoolley (~rwoolley@
15:06.49*** join/#elinux adyer1 (~adyer@
15:08.09*** part/#elinux adyer1 (~adyer@
15:26.33*** join/#elinux akp (
16:02.43jkridneruh oh... site just go down?
16:03.03jkridnerping wmat
16:23.05wmatjkridner: it should be ok now
16:23.30wmatjkridner: just upgraded to the latest MediaWiki and had to add a new required repository for a library
16:24.52wmatjkridner: i'll be moving extensions forward as well shortly, so you may see more hiccups
18:20.49*** join/#elinux phantoneD (
18:48.13*** join/#elinux vncm (
19:15.57*** join/#elinux espiral (maze@unaffiliated/espiral)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.