IRC log for #elinux on 20140907

00:44.43*** join/#elinux akp (
02:09.28*** join/#elinux m4t (matt@2604:180::34ea:9d4b)
03:30.47*** join/#elinux gallth (~tgall@
04:07.49*** join/#elinux m4t (matt@2604:180::34ea:9d4b)
04:48.55*** join/#elinux infobot (
04:48.55*** topic/#elinux is || Ask anything; it may take 24+ hours to get a response. Mailing lists -> ; Logs available at
04:48.55*** mode/#elinux [+o infobot] by ChanServ
05:21.55*** join/#elinux wbx (
05:43.34*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:15.43*** join/#elinux puru (
10:18.23*** part/#elinux ashes (
12:01.58*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
13:49.03*** join/#elinux lyakh_ (
17:54.07*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
21:18.17*** join/#elinux likewhoa (
21:22.29*** join/#elinux mnemoc (
21:30.24*** join/#elinux mnemoc (
21:55.57*** join/#elinux mnemoc (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.