IRC log for #elinux on 20140714

00:13.04*** join/#elinux gustavoz (~gustavoz@
06:17.41*** join/#elinux warthog9 (~warthog9@
08:12.00*** join/#elinux lyakh (
09:21.10*** join/#elinux diego_r (
09:31.39*** join/#elinux diego__ (
09:32.06*** join/#elinux debris` (
09:33.27*** join/#elinux ohama (
09:34.58*** join/#elinux RagBal (
10:10.32*** join/#elinux RagBal (
12:42.00*** join/#elinux vadmeste (~vadmeste@
12:44.21vadmesteHello everybody. Does someone know a good linux embedded board which has a good storage capacity ?
12:49.58robtaylo1vadmeste: you mean with a lot of eMMC, or a lot of NAND, or with a SATA connector?
12:55.40vadmesterobtaylo1: I think with a SATA connector because I hope I could have more than 100 Gb of storage space
13:00.55robtaylo1vadmeste: i'd go for the nvidia jetson TK1, lots of oopmh, sata and $192
13:01.37robtaylo1vadmeste: or any number of imx6 bards (like wandboard), less oomph, a little cheaper
14:25.45vadmesterobtaylo1: thanks
14:27.06robtaylorvadmeste: no worries
14:31.54*** join/#elinux ericst (
15:01.49wmatrobtaylor: the cubieboard also has sata
15:04.31robtaylorwmat: oh good call
15:04.45robtaylorcubie's cute too
16:46.25*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
19:12.52blunaxelavadmeste: I have the Jetson TK1 and it's quite the board. It has a miniPCIe as well so you could expand it to other standards.
21:26.08*** join/#elinux phantom (
22:08.31*** join/#elinux ericst (~ericst@2001:4b98:dc2:41:216:3eff:fe17:d3d0)

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